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Continued from page A-4
Vote for
Editor, the Journal
I have known Denny
Hamilton for five years. In
that time, I have come to
admire and respect him as a
man of wisdom, knowledge
and spirit of service to his
community. Denny Ham-
ilton is honest, and follows
the rules carefully. Denny
Hamilton loves Mason
County and has a vision to
move the county forward in
areas such as housing, infra-
structure, jobs and educa-
tion. He has the experience
of years of working in villag-
es in other countries, lead-
ing them in their endeavors
to become self-sufficient. If
you have not already voted,
I encourage you to vote for
Denny Hamilton. He has a
"world of experience" that
he is willing to bring to
Mason County. He has the
integrity, honesty, capabil-
ity, vision, and willingness
to work together with other
county offices to make Ma-
son County a vital, thriving,
forward moving place to
live, work and play. Denny
Hamilton is the only choice
for commissioner.
Andrea Abruzzo
Editor, the Journal
I listened to the debate
between the candidates run-.
ning in the 35th Legislative
District. It was the usual
stuff with the Democrats
supporting increased taxes
and increases in state spend-
ing in opposition to the Re-
publicans' positions. Nothing
much new here, but I did
find it enlightening when
Kathy Haigh revealed that
she supported the Growth
M~magetrlent Act,~in part, to
prevent her neighbor from
cutting down the trees on
his property. In other words
she has no problem using
her elected position to plun-
der her neighbor's property
rights for her own benefit.
I think that all incumbents
that would misuse their posi-
tions in government to harm
their neighbors, should not
be returned to office.
Thank you for allowing me
to express my frustration.
Duane Kinney Sr.
Reed have
what it
Editor, the Journal
Recently, I was honored
to sit at a table at the first
annual banquet of the Wash-
ington ReEntry Club at the
Washington Corrections Cen-
ter in Shelton with Denny
and Marcia Hamilton, Doug
and Marilyn Sayan, retired
judge James Sawyer, Joyce
Lingle and a number of other
citizens dedicated to easing
the transition of men being
released from incarceratien
into our community and
thereby relieving our com-
munity of some of the costs
and risks associated with
having men with little or no
support returning to their
home town. WRC works to
provide the mentoring and
support needed to help those
reentries be successful.
Denny Hamilton has
missed only one meeting of
that group since its founding
over a year ago long before
he was running for office.
Denny hasn't just talked
about the needs of homeless
veterans in Mason County,
but has gone out into the
woods to find and talk to
them. He hasn't just talked
to the sheriff about the needs
of law enforcement in our
county but ridden along with
officers as they work in our
neighborhoods. He's started
his own small craft business
and spent time with other
vendors and members of
the chamber talking about
and observing firsthand the
issues and needs around
employment in our county.
He and Marcia have been
vital participants in many
of the organizations and
community service groups
in Mason County since
they moved here 15 years
ago. They count numerous
educators among their close
friends here, including me.
Much has been written al-
ready about Denny's vast
experience as a community
problem solver and skills at
bringing disparate groups to
the negotiating table to find
commonality of direction. He
outshines every other candi-
date running on those issues.
Denny's concerns for our
health and well-being extend
far beyond the needs and
concerns of real estate devel-
opment and he is involved.
Several months ago I
erected candidate signs in
my yard supporting, among
others, Denny Hamilton and
Roslyrme Reed. One morn-
ing I got up to find them
all either trashed or miss-
ing. That same day I drove
the length of State Route
106 to Belfair and counted
the signs that remained. It
doesn't seem too much of a
stretch to identify the van-
dals as 85 percent of those
remaining signs supported
the Independent candidate
and Republicans. Are the
perpetrators or those who
condone vandalism the kind
of people we want to serve
in important public office in
Mason County? Denny and
Roz have integrity and the
records to prove it.
Andrea Love
Vote for
Editor, the Journal
Shelton politics is always
interesting, but this year it is
more interesting than usual!
I really have enjoyed
watching the former mem-
bers of the Republican Party
run away from their tainted
brand while trying to make
themselves over as Inde-
pendent candidates. Randy
Neatherlin and Terri Jeffreys
immediately come to mind as
two such candidates.
On Oct. 17, while waving
signs for Democratic candi-
dates near the Log Cabin, we
were sharing the intersection
with a number of Republi-
can political activists. They
were waving signs only for
the federal and state elec-
tions because there are no
Republican candidates run-
nlng in the three commission
races in Mason County. So
imagine my surprise when
candidate Ross Gallagher
arrived to wave signs with
us, and the Republican sign
wavers went to their car and
came back with two signs for
("Prefers Independent Par-
ty") candidate Terri Jeffreys.
You can take the Republi-
can out of the candidate, but
not out of her supporters.
I find it disingenuous for
these two candidates, Neat-
herlin and Jeffreys, to sud-
denly become "independent"
because it worked for Jerry
Lingle. Neither of these can-
didates could fill the shoes of
Jerry Lingle, and if elected
they can be expected to bend
to the will of business and
industry and ignore citizens'
concerns like Tim and Lynda
have been doing for years.
Do not be fooled Mason
County voters. Our county is
in serious trouble, and much
of it is the doings of the cur-
rent crop of commissioners. If
we want to turn Mason Coun-
ty around, we need serious
candidates who will put the
interests of the citizen first.
We need new commission-
ers who will give the job of
county commissioner their
undivided attention (not
a three-way split, like we
get with Sheldon). We need
commissioners who will be commissioner, but yes if you At the time this was pre-
full-time commissioners, and have three people doing the sented to the Mason County
who think that annual salary same job, as is the case here. Commissioners, only one,
increases for the county com- Based on duty mandates and Tim Sheldon, was expressly • The Journal will no
missioners, when no one else local conditions, salary plus for it. Lynda Ring Erickson longer accept endorsement
at the county level is getting benefits of a Mason County was very "skeptical" and letters for political candi-
raises, are obscene, and who Commissioner should not Ross Gallagher was non-dates.
will vote to roll back those 3 exceed $68,000 per year. committal.
percent annual raises. If an elected official moves At the earliest excuse,
Mason County needs Den- away from the noble premise Lynda and Ross overrodefriends that were also in the
ny Hamilton, Roslynne Reed of service over salary, then Tim Sheldon and shot down movie -- several of whom
and Ross Gallagher to be our we should move away from the development completely are no longer with us.
next county commissioners, them. while closing off appropria- I moved from Shelton in
These three will bring the tions to improve our law en- 1961, but only to Olympia,
kind of leadership Mason Tom Davisfercement capability in Ma- so I get bacl~ often, includ-
County needs and deserves, Sheltonson County. ing once a year to visit the
not more of the same. Do you really want to vote graves of all the relatives I
I~11 II r~ 41 for people who do not care have in the cemetery there.
about your personal well- I enjoy visiting the museum,
Shelton being, who do not want to which was the first job I
needs new protect you and me from the had as a youngster when it
criminal elements rampant was the public library. I also
Jeffreys for approach graffiti all over the county in our world? Since then, the the Journal every week. Inenj°y receiving and reading
has increased, meaning gang high school, I wrote a weekly
district 3 Editor, theJournal activity has increased. They column in the Journal, spon-
The Mason County PUD did nothing to help us and sored by Stun Parker's men's
Editor, the Journal 1 Commission (District 3) now seek to "represent" us shop.
Terri Jeffreys is a small is due for a fresh approach, again? They do not deserve
business owner, experienced Never before at PUD i has to be "public sercants" be- Willard E. Kessel Jr.
with working in public orga- there been a commissioner cause they do not care at all Olympia
nizations, a tireless worker with any actual work experi- about us, the "public."
and has the betterment of ence at a public utility agen-
Mason County as one of her cy. Willie Pierce has that ex- Julie Moore Hamilton
top priorities, perience. He worked his way Shelton
I have watched Terri meet up within the utility, retiring #.,--~1 J----II
with small business own-in 2004 as superintendent. [f~dl
U dl
ers, talk with the citizens of During his 30 years at PUD A reluctant
Mason County, volunteer on 1, he acquired a vast and Editor, the Journal
countless boards and com- thorough knowledge of the Denny Hamilton is the
mittees, always with the workings of the utility. His vote
"real deal."
u~timate goal of moving our position also put him in di- Denny is an experienced
county forward, rect contact with customers, Editor, the Journal and knowledgeable commu-
She will bring new and where he was able to listen I'm going to hold my nose nity organizer, with world-
creative ideas to government, to their needs and concerns, and vote for Lynda Ring Er- wide experience.
an opportunity for a fresh Additionally, he had a good ickson. He is a man who will
start in our community. She working rapport with staff, I refuse to vote for anyone help our community identify
will provide a new beginning management and the board who, when scratched or cut, areas of concern, who will
for our county. Her broad of commissioners serving at bleeds tea. assist in creating a work-
base of contacts in business, that time. As superintendent, able plan for our county,
industry and government Willie was conservative with Duane Junkin who will encourage an action
will be invaluable as a Mason the way public funds were Shelton plan and who will support
County commissioner. Her spent. He also understood the county management so that
previous experience in devel- need to improve the function- set a sustainable process is set
oping working budgets will ality of the utility to reduce Movie in place.
be a significant asset to the costs that were passed on Denny is a good listener
county budget process, to customers. Pierce knows in Shelton and a persuasive negotiator.
Please join me in electing how to operate and maintain Although he has worked
Terri Jeffreys to the position a system that will serve the h ] around the world, he has
of Mason County Commis- consumers' needs for years m e m o ra.~. e always considered Mason
sioner, position 3.. to come. Additionally, as su- County his real home. Now
perintendent, he attended all Editor, the Journal Denny has come back to Ma-
Jim Carycommissioner meetings, so he It was interesting to read son County for good. Denny
Sheltonis well-versed in the process, the Living section's front is willing to work for us, his
The current commissioner page story in (last week's) Mason County neighbors, to
has been in this position for edition of the film "Ring of bring sanity and civility to
12 years, making his term Fire." I had graduated from the office of county commis-
of service a total of 18 years high school in June and had sioner.
salan, if he is returned to theposi- not yet left for college. My Denny Hamilton is our
II E ~f
tion. PUD 1 needs a change, brother, Ken Kessel, was the best choice for Mason County
and Willie Pierce is more editor of The Highclimber at commissioner.
Editor, the Journal than qualified for the posi- the time, and he convinced
What happened last week tion. He is ready and willing Mr. Hartough, the journal- John R. Price
at the Mason County Board to serve and he deservesism teacher, and the prin- Shelton
of Commissioners meeting your vote as PUD 1 commis- cipal, George Hermes, that
was a rude reminder that sioner of District 3 the movie should be covered Let
commissioners are deliber- in the high school paper as a WO rn e n
ately misleading the public. Lawrence D. Taylor III human-interest story. So he
Over the past four years, Shelton got the time off school, say what's
there have been many ex- We were up near Camp
amples of callousness toward Grisdale the first day at that
citizen concerns, but pre- location and interviewed the
tending to consider lowering assistant director; he asked
commissioner pay and then, ca reaMII..lily if we would like to be in the Editor, thedournal
in an llth-hour move, vet- movie and we, of course, said As I drove by a political
ing to keep it at the current yes. He said to come back rally this evening, I saw
exorbitant level, including Editor, the Journal early the next morning and signs touting the essentials
automatic pay increases, was For those of you who to bring all the ti'iends we of women's rights and he-
unforgivable, value your public and pri- could round up. cessities. As a woman, I am
In no other position is a vate safety, please consider It was a memorable expe-concemed at the liberal voice
public employee permitted carefully your vote for Lynda rience, and a lot of fun, even asserting what they believe
to engage in an unlimited Ring Erickson, and addition- though our participationto be "my rights." I want to
number of off-job activities ally for Ross Gallagher. only lasted about three days, be a woman who is account-
and still claim full compensa- Many in Mason County dofor which we were paid $10 able for her actions, and ac-
tion. When challenged, com- not know that Mason County a day. I received $25 tbr one cepts the responsibility for
missioners claim they are Sportsman's Associationday that I had a line in the those actions.
required to attend only one (MCSA) and Mason Countypicture. My brother had a I do not think it is correct
board meeting a month, and Sheriffs Office (MCSO) line, too, but it ended up on to continue to live beyond
then rattle off a list of ac- worked for three years to the cutting room floor, our means and pass a debt
tivities in which they are en- plan and build a sheriffs As brief as it was, I have on to another generation. I
gaged. But what they fail to training facility adjacent to several memories from the would not do that to my chil-
mention is that few of those a public firearms facility on experience that will stay with dren, and I will not support
activities are part of their job. land away from home de-me forever, in addition to sev- a government that does that
Such shppery ethics are velopment yet accessible to eral pictures with the cast. On to all our children. I am re-
unworthy of a public servant, all. Staffing the ranges with one of those days, we saw a sponsible for my actions, and
as is feathering your own qualified personnel was part bear cross the highway right I will hold myself and my
nest, currying favor with spe- of the package, in front of us near Matlock; government accountable.
cial interests and paving the Two timber companies I had never seen that before. I don't believe it is my
way for higher political office, were willing to trade their I sat with David Janssen at right to force medical profes-
all on the public's dime. Corn- parcels to the county. The lunch time on one day when sionals, or anyone really, to
missioner Tim Sheldon says sheriffs office had contact the main menu item was Cu- go against their faith for the
that we need to pay commis- with other sheriffs offices ban sandwiches, a large sub sake of my life choices. I do
sioners a "good" salary or we around the state that could that I hadn't seen or heard think it is the choice of con-
won't attract talented people, rent the range, bringing of before. As we were eating, senting adults to have sexual
But that's just a ruse to keep funds into our county and Janssen looked over at me and relations, and it is their re-
his own salary and retirement improving public safety in said, "I don't think that we sponsibility to accept the
benefits artificially high. Western Washington. Theshould be eating Cuban sand- results of that choice. They
The question we should only large training facility in wiches." When I asked him should be responsible for
be asking ourselves is do Washington state is over the why, he said, "We might get birth control for that choice,
we really want an elected mountains in Yakima. Castro-ated!" I realize that the and not ask others to support
official who seeks public of- Mason County hunters joke really dates me, but I still their decision. Taking the life
rice because it pays well? have been forced for years share it once in a while with of another to avoid accepting
I don't think so. We need to go into the forest to site my grandchildren, that responsibility is not It-
people who come to serve, in their rifles. How many of I think it's great that the gitimate, and I should never
not be served. Sure, they us have heard them while movie is shown once in abe forced to support it.
should make a livable wage, sitting in our homes in the while. I have a copy and I re- If we desire the next gen-
but this is the public sector, fall? The public range could member going to a showing eration to be accountable
where service .and sacrifice have rectified that. Sports- by the Mason County Histor- and responsible citizens, we
are the proper measure of men and women could have ical Society some years ago. I need to show them what that
good governance, not high used the public firing range always enjoy watching it just looks like. I hope all women
salaries, to safely site in their rifles to hear my line and, just be- desire to be responsible and
Are salary and benefits for l~unting, and participate fore the posse takes over the let their votes show that con-
too high compensation for a in various shooting events, hoodlums, there is a great viction.
Mason County Commission- Many women specificallyclose-up of me hiding behind
er? The answer is yes and have been interested in fire- a stump, rifle in hand. And I Lorilyn Rogers
no. No, if there is only one arms training, have fond memories of many Shelton
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 1,2012 - Page A-5