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By NATALIE JOHNSON hood of his vehicle, then he hea~
nata/ Byrd said.
..................................................................................... Sisson sped away from the iml
and called for backup.
A Mason County Sheriffs deputy's patrol Sheriffs deputies searched th~
car was shot in the hood Saturday as the dep- mined the general area the shol
uty was on patrol off Cloquallum Road. but did not locate a suspect, Byrc
At about 2:45 p.m. Saturday Deputy Jason Based On Sisson's report of
Sisson was driving on Simpson 4500 Road, Byrd said the shot likely came
also known as Overload Road, i mile east of ing rifle.
Highland Road, when he heard a bullet hit "It's probably a hunting inc
his car, said Chief Deputy Dean Byrd with than an assault on the vehicle," t
the Mason County Sheriffs Office. Sheriffs deputies are contimtb
"What he heard was the bullet hitting the gate the incident.
County to update emer
The Mason County Division
Emergency Management has com-
pleted an updated draft of its Compre-
hensive Emergency Management Plan
The CEMP is updated every four
years. For thQ last year, the emergency
management department has been en-
gaged in a public process comprised of
public meetings and workshops.
The emergency management de-
partment is in the process of finalizing
the draft, and plans to present it for
adoption by the Mason County Board
of Commissioners on Nov. 13.
"We h~ve to have it to the State of
Washington before the end of Decem-
ber," said Marty Best, director of the
Mason County Division of Emergency
Best said there are several reasons
to have an emergency management
gible for state and federal disaster a
"It brings all the different stak
holders together to develop a plan c
of how everyone's going to work togeth
... so that everybody knows when
major disaster hits that we all knc
what we're supposed to be doing hop
fully before it hits."
The CEMP outlines the roles, r
sponsibilities and actions that loc~
state and federal agencies, non-pro:
groups and volunteers within Mas,
County have during disasters az
The plan details which organiz
tions would be in charge of decisio
making in an emergency, states t]
procedure for proclaiming a state
emergency and advises organizatiol
on how to keep records.
The CEMP also outlines the proce
of budgeting for emergencies and l
gistics for using and keeping track
disaster-related resources.
The plan assumes that Mas~
cl the blast,"
aediate area
area, deter-
came from,
he incident,
mm a hunt-
A Mason County Sheriff's
Deputy's patrol car was hit by
a round fired from a hunting
rifle at about 2:45 p.m.
Saturday afternoon near
Cloquallum Road. Authorities
say the shot was likely not an
assault on the car, but a
hunting incident.
Courtesy photo
County, city Shoreline Master
Program nearing completion
plan, including making the county eli- County could be impacted by a varie
Calls reported to Shel- a burglary was reported in Crescent Drive
ton Police, Mason County the 500 block of East Webb value is $6,000.
Sheriffs Office and tribal Hill Road, Union.
agencies included: At 7:52 p.m.
At 12:20 p.m. on Oct. 27, a burglary was
Burglaries a burglary was reported the 2100 block
At 4:23 p.m. on Oct. 2~3, in the 500 block of EastAndrews Drive
a burglary was reported in Strong Road.
the 1800 block of South-
east Arcadia Road.
At 12:14 p.m. on Oct. 24,
a burglary was reported
in the 8300 block of North
Lake Cushman Road,
At 1:19 p.m. on Oct. 24,
a burglary was reported
in the 200 block of North
Union Drive, Hoodsport.
At 7:39 p.m. on Oct. 24,
a residential burglary was
reported in the 1700 block
of Washington Street.
At 7:38 a.m. on Oct. 27,At 9:53 a.m.
a burglary was reported in an assault was
the 2000 block of Olympic the 3700 block
Highway North. Springs Road.
At 6:32 p.m. on Oct. 25,
a burglary was reported in
the 100 block of East Cran-
berry Creek Road.
At 9:44 a.m. on Oct. 27,At 12:10 a.m
a burglary was reported in an assault was
the 100 block of South Sev- the 100 block o:
enth Street. Street.
At 8:57 p.m. on Oct. 28, At 4:56 p.m.
a burglary was reported in an assault we
the 100 block of West Cota in the 300 blo,
Street. First Street.
At 9:36 a.m. on Oct. 29,Domestic viol
a burglary was reported At 9:01 a.m.
in the 2000 block of West a domestic
At 9:48 a.m. on Oct. 25,Railroad Avenue. was reported
an attempted burglary was block of Rosem
reportedin the 100 block of At 9:41 a.m. on Oct.
South Seventh Street. 29, a theft was reportedAt 7:31 a.m.
in the 100 block of North a domestic dist
At 12:20 p.m. on Oct. 25, Diamond Head Drive, Lil-tween two tee1
a residential burglary was liwaup, ers was repor
reported in the 100 block 100 block of E~
of North Wynoochee Drive, At 10:42 a.m. on Oct. 29, Court.
Hoodsport. a theft was reported in the
3300 block of East MasonAt 9:29 a.m.
At 1:25 p.m. on Oct. 25,Lake Drive West. a domestic distt
a burglary was reported in reported in the
the 100 block of East Rail- At 10:51 a.m. on Oct. 29, of Southeast Ar
road Avenue. a black 2002 Honda Civic
was reported stolen fromAt 11:01 p.m.
the 200 block of Southeast a domestic dist~
T Peeksin Lane. reported in the
North Salish C¢
At 6:45 p.m. on Oct. 25,
At 11:20 a.m. on Oct. 29,
a burglary was reported in Thefts
the 700 block of Southeast At 12:48 p.]
Oct. 24
Stacey Renee Kiefer
than Douglas Thomas
and Na-
George Fitzpatrick and Corina Car:
Katrina F. Beltran and Juan J.
Oct. 19 Beltran
Jeannine Rae Terry and Doug-
las Lee Terry ' Joshua
dent rather
~e said.
lg to investi-
gency plan
s- of events including natural hazards,
such as avalanches, droughts, earth-
e- quakes or fire, or man-made hazards,
such as dam or reservoir failure, haz-
er ardous material spills, epidemics or
a terrorism.
w The plan advises individual busi-
e- nesses, households and organizations
to create small-scale disaster plans. It
e- also outlines the responsibilities of all
L1, elected officials and department heads
within the county.
It also includes specific responsibili-
ties of groups such as the American
Red Cross, fire districts and emergen-
cy medical technicians and schools.
The draft also contains information
about partnerships between Mason
County and organizations such as the
National Guard and the U.S. Depart-
ment of Defense.
The draft CEMP is available on the
~- county website at
~f forms/dem/draft_comp_emergency_
,n For more information, contact emer-
:y gency management staff at 427-7535.
23, a theft was reported in
an undisclosed address of
West State Route 108.
on Oct. 29,
reported inAt 2:43 p.m. on Oct. 23,
of East St.a shoplifter was reported
North. in the 100 block of East
Wallace Kneeland Boule-
on Oct. 25,
reported in
of Shelton
on Oct. 26,
reported in
' West Cota
on Oct. 28,
s reported
k of South
on Oct. 25,
n the 100
.ry Street.
on Oct. 26,
lrbance be-
rage broth-
:ed in the
Lst Cypress
At 10:14 p.m. on Oct.
23, a vehicle prowl was re-
ported in the 100 block of
North Aspiel Lane.
At 7:54 a.m. on Oct. 24,
a vehicle prowl was report-
ed in the 500 block of West
Birch Street.
At 12:35 p.m. on Oct.
24, a vehicle prowl was re-
ported in the 300 block of
South Seventh Street.
At 1:12 p.m. on Oct. 24,
a theft was reported in the
600 block of East Passage
View Road.
At 1:24 p.m. on Oct. 24,
a theft was reported in an
undisclosed address on
North Aspiel Lane.
Mason County's Shoreline Master Program
(SMP) regulates land use and development with-
in 200 feet of shoreline, lakes, rivers and streams
in the county -- amounting to 703 total shoreline
While the policies and regulations contained
in the program are designed to balance property
rights and environmental preservation, they have
not been updated for nearly 25 years.
For the last two years, the county has been work-
ing with the state Department of Ecology and other
environmental organizations to update the plan.
On Wednesday, Mason County invited citizens to
attend a Shoreline Master Program open house at
its public works building.
"We've been trying to streamline our process of
making certain that the permits all align with each
other," said county planner LaJane Schopfer in an
interview. "There's definitely a lot of new science ...
and we have a lot of new growth."
See Programs on page A-8
a theft of wheels and tires At 10:37 a.m. on Oct. 27,
were reported from the Les a vehicle prowl was report-
Schwab trailer in the 2500 ed in the 100 block of East
block of Olympic Highway J Street.
At 11:50 a.m. on Oct. 27,
At 8:21 a.m. on Oct. 25,a theft of vehicle parts was
a shoplifter was reported reportedin the 100blockof
in the 100 block of EastEast Cougar Lane South.
Wallace Kneeland Boule-
vard. At 1:43 p.m. on Oct. 27,
a vehicle prowl was report-
At 1:27 p.m. on Oct. 25, ed in the 1300 block of E1-
a shoplifter was reportedlinor Avenue.
in the 100 block of East
Wallace Kneeland Boule-
At 2:43 p.m. on Oct. 27,
a theft of services was re-
ported in the 1700 block of
At 3:13 p.m. on Oct. Olympic HighwayNorth.
25, a blue 2008 Toyota FJ
Cruiser was reported sto- At 3:11 p.m. on Oct. 27,
len from the 100 block of theft of fencing was report-
East Wallace Kneeland ed in the 100 block of West
Boulevard. A Jack Russell Cedar Place, Elma.
terrier was reportedly in
the vehicle. At 9:59 a.m. on Oct. 28,
a theft of traps was report-
At 9:39 p.m. on Oct. 25, ed in the 3700 block of East
a shoplifter was reported Johns Prairie Road. Esti-
in the 700 block of Cascade mated value is $300 each.
At 8:53 a.m. on Oct. 29,
At 10:50 a.m. on Oct. 26, a paddleboat and gasoline
a theft of vehicle parts was were reported stolen from
reportedin the 400 block of the 1100 block of East
East Timberlake Drive. Pickering Road.
At 12:43 p.m. on Oct.
29, a theft of mail from a
mailbox was reported in
the 200 block of Southeast
At 3:29 p.m. on Oct. 24,
a vehicle prowl was re-
ported in an undisclosedAt 11:53 a.m. on Oct.
address on North Skokom-26, a white 1999 Pontiac
ish River Road. Estimated Grand Am was reported
value of loss is $200 instolen from an undisclosed
fishing gear. address on East Purdy
Cutoff Road, Union.
on Oct. 27,
rbance was
4400 block
;adia Road.
State Route 3.
Carroll and Jennifer
on Oct. 29,
rbance was
[00 block of
At 4:43 p.m. on Oct. 24, Fires
a theft of an American flag At 9:53 a.m. on Oct. At 11:32 a.m. on Oct.
was reported in the 50027, a theft of mail was28, a structure fire was re-
block of West Cota Street. reported in the 500 block ported in the 400 block of
of East Capital PrairieNorth Mt. Jupiter Drive,
At 8:10 a.m. on Oct. 25, Road. Hoodsport.
Joseph S. King and Angela E. King David Loren Schiefelbein
Shannon Galloway-Hoskinson
and Thomas G. Hoskinson
Oct. 12
Jose Campos
Barrios Bello
a. on Oct.
ristine Hubble and Scott Hubble
lde Nichols and Zachary Nichols
Catro and Roquel
Whitney N. Desgrosellier and
Maureen Anne Beckstead and Bret W. Desgrosellier
FIREWOOD FOR SALE. 360-482-4897 S 11/1
$150 for a very generousSHORECREST 3 bedroom,
cord (fir). You haul only. Call 2 bath, 1776 sq/ft. Double ga-
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 1,2012
rage, fenced bac
negotiable.. $950
$1,000 deposit.
k yard, pets 360-402-1646.J 11/1
per month. 6'10' Cargo trailer. $2800.00.
',all Jacob at 360-463-8509. Leave mes-
sage please. P11/1
puppies. All German blood-
lines. Bred for sound temper-
ament and train ability. 360-
456-0362. N 11/1-11/22