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Continued from page A-1
"Your efforts here really paid divi-
dends for us in the shellfish industry,"
he said. "This is ultimately going to
mean more jobs."
Local leaders thanked Dicks and
Gregoire, who are both leaving office
in January, for their efforts to fund
and support projects to clean up Oak-
land Bay.
Mason County Commissioner Lyn-
da Ring Erickson called Oakland Bay
a "cultural, economic and environmen-
tal icon."
She said she remembered a time
when water quality in Oakland Bay
was so bad, the water could clean al-
gae and other materials off boat bot-
"I want to thank the governor. She's
always been there for us," Ring Erick-
son said.
Squaxin Island Tribal Council
member Jim Peters spoke about how
important the health of Oakland Bay
is to the tribe. He told attendees that
the bay is part of the ancestral home-
land of smaller tribes that now make
up the Squaxin Island Tribe.
"We've utilized this bay for many,
many thousands of years," he said.
"The Squaxin Island people are very
excited about this."
Peters said efforts to preserve Oak-
land Bay should continue.
"We need to keep our sleeves rolled
up and continue this on," he said.
Dicks also urged others, even as pol-
iticians come and go, to continue work-
ing to preserve water quality.
"This is something we need to con-
Iourrlal photo by Natalie Johnson
Gov. Chris Gregoire visited Mason County with U.S. Rep. Norm
Dicks to celebrate the upgrading of 750 acres of
shellfish beds on Oakland Bay.
tinue to work on," Dicks said. "The in the hundreds of billions of dollars.
value of a clean Puget Sound has to be It's an enormous asset we have."
] Pumpkinfest
Continued from page A-1
division team to score a
The catapult contest
wasn't the only competi-
tion in Pumpkinfest.
Local bakers were also
invited to submit their
prize pumpkin pies to the
pumpkin pie bake-0ff, host-
ed by Lucky Dog Casino on
Three bakers submitted
pies, and judges picked one
submitted by Sandra Staf-
ford for first place.
Collision semi-truck hauling two
empty flatbed trailers.
Continued from page A-1 The driver of the semi,
Chester Joseph Rhoades,
Lee Bieniek, 52, of Ha- 57, was not injured, but
quiam were driving both Johnson and Bieniek
southbound on U.S. High- died at the scene of the
way 101 at about noon accident.
on Tuesday when their The roadway was
1991 Honda Accord lost blocked for three hours
control, rotated counter- and 15 minutes for an in-
clockwise and crossed the vestigation.
centerline, according to a According to the WSP
Washington State Patrol report, it is unknown if
(WSP) collision memo', drugs or alcohol played a
The Honda was then role in the crash.
struck on the passenger No charges have been
side by a 1990 Kenworth filed.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012 - Page A-7