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Cheer on Mason County football teams in postseason
or the first time this century, all
three Mason County high school
football teams are headed to post-
season and I am, to sum it up, stoked.
After last season's dominant perfor-
mance on the gridiron, I expected the
Knight Owls to make it to the postseason
again this year. The team is playing for
the 1B Coastal League championship on
Saturday and will then play in a pigtail
playoff game next weekend.
If Mary M. Knight wins on Saturday,
the Knight Owls will finish the regular
season undefeated and will then play
the No. 4 Northwest District I team in
the pigtail. If that works out, head coach
John Schultz said he feels confident the
Knight Owls can reach
the quarterfinals of the
WIAA 1B State Playoffs.
At the beginning of
the season, I predicted
Shelton would finish
in the middle of the 3A
Narrows League pack.
At the time, I knew the
By EMILY Highclimbers would be
HANSON switching to a run of-
fense from the spread
and I knew they were
moving down from being a 4A school. I
also knew they had only won two games
the year before. I was expecting this to be
a rebuilding year, not the near-perfect (at
least record-wise) season the Highclimb- Now, the Bulldogs are set to play their
ers have had. WCD III game tomorrow at Sumner and
Shelton is playing a district playoff I don't know what to expect. Head coach
game against Nathan Hale of the Sea- Jeff Bevers called the game a "haves
King District II on Saturday at Seattle versus have nots" due to the differences
Memorial Stadium, and head coach Matt between Sumner and North Mason, so if
Hinkle seemed pretty confident that the Bulldogs win, I'd definitely call it an
Shelton will do well in this game when I upset.
spoke with him on Monday. The point is, this is a great time to be
Finally, the North Mason Bulldogs from Mason County.
stepped up and surprised me this season. So show some county pride and turn
I predicted them to surprise a few teams up to support the Highclimbers, Bulldogs
this year and I was right. The Bulldogs and Knight Owls as they begin down the
pulled out overtime wins against Port road that, if all goes according to plan,
Angeles and Klahowya this season and will end at the Tacoma Dome on Nov. 30
then beat Sequim for the first time in at for the Highclimbers and Dec. 1 for the
least 11 years. Bulldogs and Knight Owls.
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9 a.m., Shelton varsity volleyball at WCD 3
Tournament Day 1 at Auburn Mountainside
3:30 p.m., Shelton girls' swimming at WCD
3 Swimming Day 1 at Hazen High in Renton
5:45 p.m., Mary M. Knight volleyball at first
round of Southwest Washington District IV
Tournament at Taholah
9 a.m., Shelton varsity volleyball at WCD 3
Tournament Day 2 at Auburn Mountainside
Noon, Shelton girls' swimming at WCD 3
Swimming Day 2 at Hazen High in Renton
12:30 p.m., Shelton cross country at 3A
State Competition at Sun Willows Golf Course
in Pasco
1 p.m., Mary M. Knight football vs. Taholah
7 p.m., Shelton varsity football vs. Nathan
Hale at Seattle Memorial Stadium
3:30 p.m., Shelton bowling
Westside Lanes in Olympia
vs. Wilson at
Nov. 8
3:30 p.m., Shelton bowling vs. Foss at West-
side Lanes in Olympia
• To have items placed in the sports
calendar, send information to emily@
Friday -- Timberline 33,
Shelton 26
THS ......... 13 7 6 7 -- 33
SHS ......... 12 6 8 0 -- 26
downs; M. Oien, 13 carries, 48
yards; J. Jimenez, 7 carries, 33
yards; C. O'Neil, 2 receptions,
29 yards, 1 touchdown
Shelton THS Oct. 16 -- Mary M. Knight
Passing 123 yards 85 yards def. Oakville 15-25, 25-22,
Rushing 149 yards 167 yards 25-12, 28-26
Shelton: J. Welander, 8-of-MMK: E. Ackley, 3 aces, 5 digs;
19 completions, 123 yards, A. Sowle, 2 aces; M. Sowle, 3
1 interception; R. Kinne, 25 aces; H. Frost, 7-of-8 serving
carries, 121 yards, 4 touch-
downs; D. Bell, 8 carries, 21 Oct. 18 -- Mary M. Knight
yards; D. Ajamu, 3 recep- def. Wishkah 25-15, 25-12,
tions, 52 yards 25-5
Friday -- Mary M. Knight MMK: M. Sowle, 25-0f-27 serv-
48, Wishkah 26 ing, 14 aces, 3 kills, 16 assists;
MMK ....... 22 6 8 12 -- 48 M. Snyder, 8 kills; J. Jimenez,
Wishkah.... 6 8 0 12 -- 266 digs
MMK WHS Oct. 23 -- Taholah def.
Passing 125 yards N/A yards Mary M. Knight 25-19, 25-
Rushing 262 yards N/A yards 20, 25-20
Tournament helps three organizations
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
The 2012 Bayshore Charity Pro-Am, sponsored by the Hiawatha
Corporation, raised enough money to donate $750 each to Saint's Pantry,
Sunrise Outreach and the Mason County Shelter. On Oct. 18, Steve Russell
from Saint's Pantry, left, Lynn Leadbetter from Sunrise Outreach, Tom
Keeler from Hiawatha, Deb Nielsen from the Mason County Shelter and
Brian Davis, Bayshore Golf Pro, gathered at Bayshore Golf Course for the
check presentation.
Oct. 23 -- Wilson def Shel-
ton 24-26, 29-27, 25-23, 19-25,
15-6 Oct. 27 -- 3A Westside
Classic at American Lake
SHS: N. Andrewski, 21-of-21 Golf Course in Tacoma
serving, 31 digs; K. Budge, 18-
of-19 serving, 2 aces, 5 digs; Boys' results
C. Hansen, 16-of-17 serving, Teams: 1, Columbia Riv-
2 aces, 15 kills, 10 digs; C. er, 58; 2, Enumclaw, 92; 3,
Spears, 16-of-17 serves, 1 ace, Lakes, 124; 4, North Thur-
11 kills, 6 digs; K. O'Connor, ston, 127; 5, Shelton, 130; 6,
13-of-15 serves, 2 aces; C. Bonney Lake, 139; 7, Kelso,
Overlin, 35 assists, 13 digs 146; 8, Highline, 164; 9, Pen-
insula, 171; 10, Mountain
Oct. 27 -- 3A Narrows View, 232; 11, Timberline,
League Tournament 277; 12, Woodrow Wilson,
Round one: Shelton def. Mt. 5,000-meter varsity: 1,
Tahoma 25-20, 25-23, 27-25 Cody Williamson, 16:16.3;
Round two: Wilson def. Shel- 10, Zach Taylor, 16:57.6; 39,
ton 25-23, 25-23, 25-27, 25-16 Darius Burke, 17:48.4; 44,
Ryder Phelan, 17:54.8; 58,
SHS: N. Andrewski, 16-of-16 Adam Tweed, 18:07; 76, Ri-
serving, 15 digs; C. Hansen, ley Rifle, 18:50.8; 78, Chris
18-of-18 serving, 15 digs, 13 Frost, 19:03.3
MMK: K. Willey, 7-of-12 corn- MMK: L. Dierkop, 10-of-ll
I pletions, 125 yards, 4 touch- serving, 3 aces; H. Frost, 11- Girls' soccer
downs, 14 carries, 146 yards, of-12 serving, 2 aces; M. Sowle,
2 touchdowns; N. Dierkop, 4 11-of-13 serving, 4 aces; A. Oct. 23 -- Shelton 3, Foss 0
receptions, 81 yards, 3 touch- Sowle, 11 digs Oct. 25 -- Wilson 5, Shelton 0
Catholic, 248; 10, Timber-
line, 257; 11, Woodrow Wil-
son, 273; 12, Shelton, 299
5,000-meter varsity: 47,
Courtney Burke, 22:10.2; 53,
Lindsey Goldsby, 22:22.6; 78,
Delaney Atkinson, 24:28.9;
79, Serena Ranney, 24:29.3;
85, Balya Budge, 25:04.8; 93,
Bonnie Casper, 27:20.6
Boys' tennis
Oct. 25-26 -- WCD III
Tennis Tournament
No. 1 'doubles: Alex Dea-
con and John Pentony lost
in round one 1-6, 0-6; lost in
round two 4-6, 2-6
Alderbrook Ladies' Golf
Oct. 23 -- Turkey Shoot
18-holers: Alice Chapman,
Girls' results scoring a net 74, won a Fred
Teams: 1, Prairie, 42; 2, Pen- Meyer gift certificate for a
insula, 58; 3, Enumclaw, 67; turkey
4, Bonney Lake, 118; 5, Co- 9-holers: There were rio
lumbia River, 134; 6, North 9-holers, so the certificate
Thurston, 196; 7, Kelso, 197; was donated to the Shelton
8, Lakes, 217; 9, Kennedy Food Bank
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Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012
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