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By EMILY HANsoN Beck said. 'fflais has seemed to work well for
en~ily@; us, a side benefit has been increased offense
from Georgette. The change moved Heather
Johnson into the middle."
The Shelton volleyball team finished the He said winning the first game was a great
regular season with a loss and a fourth-place confidence booster for the team.
finish in the 3A Narrows League last week. "Games two and three could have gone ei-
Wilson defeated the Lady Highclimbers ther way and in game four we put the pack-
3-2 on Oct. 23. Shelton won games one and age together," Beck said.
four 26-24, 25-19, while Wilson took games In the 3A Narrows League Tournament
two, three and five 29-27, 25-23 and 15-6 for last weekend, Shelton defeated Mt. Tahoma
the match win. in straight games 25-20, 25-23 and 27-25.
"It was a tight match, maybe the best we 'This was a do or die round and our third
have played all season," head coach Steve time against Mt. Tahoma having rather eas-
Beck said. 'Tqe had a large crowd for senior fly beat them the two previous times," Beck
night and the gym was loud and fun."said. '%Ve struggled, but won. It was a big case
Junior libero Natalie Andrewski led the of nerves, being the first postseason play for
team, serving 21-of-21 with four aces and 31 any of the team."
digs. She tied the SheltenHigh School record In the second round, Wilson beat Shelton
for digs in a single match. 3-1 25-23, 25-23, 25-27 and 25-16.
Senior outside hitter Courtney Hansen "We played much better than the morn-
served 16-of-17 with two aces, 15 kills and ing round," Beck said. "The match could have
10 digs, while junior outside hitter Cherise gone either way with great serving from Nat-
Spears served 16-of-17 with one ace, 11 kills alie and Courtney, great defense digging from
and six digs. Natalie and Courtney and impressive serve-
Freshman right-side hitter Kiara Budge receive from Kiara."
made 18-of-19 serves with two aces and five Andrewski made 16-of-16 serves while
digs while sophomore middle blocker Ken- Hansen made 18-of-18. Both had 15 digs.
nedy O'Conner made 13-of-15 serves with two Hansen scored 13 kills and Lugalia had a sea-
aces. son high of 10 kills.
Junior setter Cheyenne Overlin had 35 as- The Lady Highclimbers finished fourth
sists, three kills and 13 digs. Finally, sopho- at the tournament to advance to the West
more right-side hitter Georgette Lugalia had Central District III tournament. The team
six kills, will play tomorrow at Auburn Mountainview
'Tee made a position change with Georgette High School. Its match time has not yet been
from middle to front right-side," Beck said. set.
"Kiara continues to play the back half. .... Districts are very tough, round one is a
He said Wilson has a great outside hitter loser-out deal," Beck said. '%Ve need to serve
and Lugalia is the team's best blocker, tough, have extreme defense and be patient
'The goal is to get her in front of the hitter," and controlled with our game."
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton junior libero Natalie Andrewski gets low for a dig on Oct. 23
during the Lady Highclimbers' home match against Wilson.
He said it is exciting to move on in the Taylor Riordan and the Coaches Award went
postseason, as it has been six or seven years to Kristina Boggs.
since Shelton last played at districts. For the junior varsity team, the Most
Finally, three Lady Highclimbers received Valuable Player went to Nancy Lugalia, Most
3A Narrows League honors. Andrewski re- Improved was Kaitlyn Allen and Best Team-
ceived a first team selection while Hansen mate was Chloe Thompson.
was named to the second team and Spears Finally, for the varsity team, Most Im-
earned an honorable mention, proved was O'Connor, Best Teammate was
The team also recently gave out its own Spears, Captain was Hansen, Most Valu-
awards. For the C-team, the Most Valuable able Player was Andrewski and the Coaches
Player was Haley Borys, Most Improved was Award went to Overlin.
By EMILY HANSON Perry continued.
emilv(~, After the team's first loss, he said the
boys were down, since they knew that a
win in the first round would have put them
With two lost matches at the West Cen- in the top five and guaranteed a spot to the
tral District III tournament, the No. 1 WIAA 3A State Tennis Tournament in the
doubles team from Shelton's boys' tennis spring.
squad ended its season last week. "It was kind of a downer, but like I told
Shelton seniors Alex Deacon and Johnthem, we have to look at the big picture of
Pentony -- the No. 1 seed from the 3A Our body of work this season," Perry said.
Narrows League Tournament going into"They had a great year and were co-cham-
districts -- lost their match to a team from pions of our league as a team and they were
Mountain View 6-1, 6-0 on Thursday. also the doubles champions of our league,
Head coach John Perry said the Moun-which is a great accomplishment."
tain View team ended districts in second He said he thought this season was in-
place, credible.
"They are a very strong team," Perry"We had all of our seniors step up and
said. only lost one league match," Perry said.
After the loss, the pair played in the first "We also had a great match against Wil-
round of the consolation bracket, where son, which was the highlight of our season
they lost to a team from North Thurston as that match put up back in the top spot
6-4, 6-2. for our league."
"For some reason, we just didn't fire and He said he felt all of the Highclimbers
play well that day," Perry said. were intense and focused for the whole sea-
He said Deacon and Perry defeated the son.
North Thurston pair easily at the league "That's is tough at times," Perry con-
tournament, tinued. "We also had a great end-of-season
"But we just struggled on Thursday and league tourney. So, I am very proud of my
didn't play the clean, high percentage ten- guys to accomplish what they did this sea-
nis that we were able to play all season," son for sure."
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Lady Owls take 3rd in league
By EMILY HANSON serves with 14 aces, three kills and 16 assists.
Sophomore defensive specialist Mel-
odic Snyder scored eight kills while
The Mary M. Knight volleyball team sophomore defensive specialist Jessica
finished third in the 1B Coastal League Jimenez had six digs.
last week after winning two of its last During the team's senior night on
three regular season matches. Oct. 23, the Lady Owls lost to Taholah
The Lady Owls defeated Oakville in straight games 25-19, 25-20 and 25-
in four games on Oct. 16. After losing 20.
game one 25-15, MMK came back to win"We played at a less intense level
the match 25-22, 25-12 and 28-26. than what we should have," Brehmeyer
"We started and played our younger said. "We made too many unforced er-
girls for most of this match," head coach rors, causing us to not be able to set up
Kitty Brehmeyer said. "It was an excel- for a strong offense."
lent opportunity for them to showcase She said the team had 21 ball han-
what they are capable of." dling errors -- such as missed serves,
Freshman outside hitter Emily out or in the net attacks and shanked
Ackley served three aces and had fi~'e balls -- in the first game. Game two
digs. saw 26 errors and game three had 23.
"For game three, the varsity girls re- "You just cannot win a match against
turned to the floor," Brehmeyer said. a fairly equal team with this many er-
Senior outside hitter Ashley Sowle rots," Brehmeyer said.
had two aces while sophomore setter Sophomore defensive specialist Lau-
Miranda Sowle had three aces and ju-ren Dierkop led the team, making 10-of-
nior setter Hannah Frost made 7-of-811 serves with three aces. Frost made
serves. 11-o£-12 serves with two aces and Mi-
The Lady Owls defeated Wishkah in randa Sowle made ll-of-12 serves with
straight games 25-15, 25-12 and 25-5four aces. Ashley Sowle had 11 digs.
on Oct. 18. On Tuesday, the team played in the
"This was another opportunity for loser-out first round of the Southwest
us to play some of our younger girlsDistrict IV tournament against Tahol-
throughout the games as well as to ah, which finished second in league.
work on our fundamentals," BrehmeyerThe Lady Owls (7-8) lost the match,
said. ending their season.
She said the ~star of the night" wasSee next week's sports section for
Miranda Sowle, who made 25-of-27 more information on this match.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012 - Page C-3