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Shelton junior Paige Goldsby dives off the starting
relay splits Monday during swimming practice.
Sophomore diver receives
wild card entry to event
By EMILY HANSON the freestyle. Co-head coach Chad
Youngquist said the medley
relay team is ranked sixth,
When she took fourth meaning they have the
place in diving at the 3A sixth-fastest time heading
Narrows League Champi- into districts.
onship on Oct. 21, Shelton Paige Goldsby will com-
sophomore Lanna Keltner pete in the 200-yard free-
thought that was the end of style and is ranked 21st.
her season. Four Shelton swimmers
On Sunday, Keltner are set to compete in the
learned she was wrong 50-yard freestyle. Myers is
when she found out she'd re- ranked eighth while Garcia
ceived a wild card entry into is 16th, Kunkle is 23rd and
the West Central District Womer is 24th.
III Diving Championships, Garcia qualified for dis-
which begin today at Haven tricts to swim in the 100-
High School in Renton. yard butterfly, but chose to
"They fill the event to 18 swim on three relay teams
divers," co-head coach Rob and in the 50 freestyle,
Phelan said. Youngquist said.
Keltner said she thoughtSwimming the 100-yard
the news was interesting, freestyle are Myers, ranked
"Being the wild card seventh, and Megan Jacob-
means I didn't make it, sen, ranked28th.
but now I have the chance Goldsby is ranked 22nd
to compete," she said. "I'll in the 500-yard freestyle.
know what districts looks In the backstroke,
like next year al~d I'll give it Kunkleis ranked 10th,
all I've got to make it next while Womer is ranked
year." ninth in the breaststroke.
Since Keltner took a Finally, the Sheltua 200-
week off of diving afteryard and 400-yard freestyle
thinking her season was relay teams qualified for
over, she said she's not ex- districts, but Youngquist
pecting to be at the level she said the swimmers for these
competed at during league, relays have not been chosen
"For me, it's really just yet. Also headed to districts
getting up there, seeing how is Julia Morris as an al-
it looks, how the other div- ternate on one of the relay
ers are and having fun," she teams.
said. "We get to choose from
Keltner will join several eight alternates for the re-
of her teammates at dis-lays,"Youngquist said.
tricts this weekend. He said the medley re-
Competing on the 200- lay team is Shelton's best
yard medley relay team opportunity to qualify for
are Carissa Kunkle swim-the WIAA 3A State Swim-
ming the backstroke, Han- ming Championships, while
nah Womer swimming the the 200-yard freestyle re-
breaststroke, Hannah Gar- lay team is its second best
cia swimming the butterfly chance.
and Sarah Myers swimmingThe top five finishers in
Journal photos by Emily Hanson
block into the dive pool while practicing the
Shelton junior diver Lanna Keltner heads
toward the water while practicing a back
dive tuck. Keltner found out Sunday that she
had received a wild card entry into the West
Central District III Diving Championships,
which begin today.
each event will qualify for senior and she will go faster.
state. Otherwise, qualifica- Carisa Kunkle and Hannah
tions are based on times. Garcia have made adjust-
"Based on our ranks, ments to swim faster."
we're not going to state, but He said the district meet
traditionally we go faster at is huge this year. The quail-
districts," Youngquist said. fying times are based on
"The question is: how much event times from the previ-
faster and is that enough to ous year's district meet.
make it? .... They had a slow meet
He said Shelton is bring- last year so they based
ing a good-sized squad of their standards there and
girls to districts, now there are extra heats
"Sarah Myers is looking in every event," Youngquist
sharp," he added. "She's a said.
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Shelton junior cross country runner
Cody Williamson added another cham-
pionship to his record last weekend.
Wflliamson won the 3A Westside
Classic District cross country meet on
Saturday at American Lake Golf Course
in Tacoma with a time of 16 minutes,
16.3 seconds.
Head coach Daryl White said Wil-
liamson won the race "handily."
The second-place runner, sophomore
Austin Blankenship from Columbia Riv-
er, finished with a time of 16:27.2.
Williamson's championship perfor-
mance paved the way for the boys' cross
country team to advance to the WIAA
3A Cross Country Championship. Fol-
lowing Williamson was senior Zach
Taylor in 10th place with a personal re-
cord time of 16:57.6, sophomore Darius
Burke in 39th at 17:48.4, junior Ryder
Phelan in 44th at 17:54.8, junior Adam
Tweed in 58th at 18:07, freshman Riley
Rifle in 76th at 18:50.8 and sophomore
Chris Frost in 78th place with a time of
As a team, the Shelton boys finished
in fifth place with 130 points. Columbia
River took the top spot with 58 points,
followed by Enumclaw with 92, Lakes
with 124 and North Thurston with 127.
Bouncy Lake finished behind Shelton in
sixth place with 139 points.
The Shelton girls' team struggled at
the meet. Freshman Courtney Burke
was the top finisher for the girls, taking
47th place with a time of 22:10.2.
Burke was followed by freshman
Lindsey Goldsby in 53rd place with a
time of 22:22.6, sophomore Delaney At-
kinson in 78th at 24:28.9, junior Serena
Ranney in 79th at 24:29.3, junior Balya
Budge in 85th at 25:04.8 and senior
Bonnie Casper in 93rd place with a time
of 27:20.6.
The Shelton girls' team took the 12th
and final team placing with 299 points.
"The girls didn't have a great meet,"
White said. "They are young and will be
very strong next year."
The boys' team will compete next at
state on Saturday at the Sun Willows
Golf Course in Pasco.
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012
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