November 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 2, 1967 |
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...... @ Edwin M Petty Henry A Mayer Hoodsport:
eecord0000 Weather " s " i lCl bM H M d
Dies In Seaffie uccumbs Here OC a u eets ere on a
• " - _______, • Edwin M. Petty, Route 1, Box • Henry A. Mayer, 1137 East t
--; -
By LOIS PIERCE den Mrs• Mattie Backlund, Mrs. and Mrs. Jenny Jaeobson.
• • 327, died October 21 in a Seattle Fairmont street, died Friday in D. Pierce and Mrs. Matt Kaare Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jenner
October 26 High 7 Lo6 Preclp hospital. He was born Aug. 11, Shelton General Hospital at 90 • HOODSPOI%T -- Canal Court reported on the Olympic Penin- are moving to Shelton having
October 27 55 38 1.40 1896 in Pekin, Ill. and moved to years of age. He was born Dec. Amaranth Social Club met at sula Fall District meeting in purchased the Gib Rucker resi-
on the docket in
Justice Court be-
qlenn Correa during
were :
Rt. 2, Box 301,
$13 forfeit; John
2, Box 170, Shel-
load, $13 forfeit;
514 Ellinor, Shel-
$25 for-
Mako, 514 Ellinor,
intoxication, $25
lIathes, 1503 Morgan
defective equip-
to transfer certifi-
$23 forfeit;
Rt. 2, Box 2580,
speeding, $18
9044 21st
driving while intoxi-
Otto, Box 576, Belfair,
PUblic, $25 forfeit;
dd, St. Rt. 2, Box
SPeeding, $18 forfeit.
lares, 232 Bremer-
hours, $25 fine,
Williams, St.
Shelton, hunting
hours, $25 fine,
on the docket in
Court before Judge
night were
$115 fine, $2.50
Harding, 1503
S h e I t o n, negli-
$159 forfeit; Ira B.
E. Pine, Olym-
$31 forfeit.
1309 May St.,
to motor
and pru-
$7.50 fine, $2.50
Rhodes, Hidden
Court, Shelton, no
fine, suspended,
ames M. Fine, Rt.
drunk in pub-
suspended, $2.50
Walker, Jr., 528%
no operators
Alan D. Lane,
consuming liquor,
$25 fine, suspen-
jail, $2.50 costs.
a six-
apricot toy
crossing sign and
reported down
Lake Road.
Signs were taken
at Timber Lakes,
rePorted across the
rePorted vandalism
reported a bat-
a Jeep.
Was reported at
reported a break-
reported win-
two cabins.
reported two bat-
fire extinguishers
bridges on High-
Simpson Tim-
two full cases
cent niirogly-
taken from the
area at Bing-
taken is
he said, and is
reported a boat
reported a
a church taken
by George A.
1. Bruce col-
Highway N.
turned in a
8enlo¢ y
NOV. 6 - 10
on butter-
i, buttered
carrot sucks,
'aPple crisp and
t beef gravy
,rtoes, kitchen-
s, esxrots and
Paghetti, toss-
Warm butter-
d, blaekln'y
,,leke noodle
LI cheese sand-
:PPer and turnip
Pudding cake
, snap, green
ge teed
Your child'!,, ,
|rainsfrom ,
wallet he found•
Richard Loving reported a
box of tools taken.
A car driven by John Eager
went off the road at Arcadia
Road and Holman Street•
Mrs. Darlene Dececio reported
six 45 rpm records taken.
Cars driven by Bryce Camp-
bell and Robert Major collided
at First and Mill Streets.
Mrs. Jane Ellerbroek reported
a set of wedding rings lost.
MYs. Kathleen Twiddy reported
a six-week-old German Shepherd
puppy missing.
Building permits approved by
the Mason County Commission at
its meeting Monday were to
Charles Robinson, summer home,
$11,000; Ralph Rioux, cabin, $4,
000; G r a y construction Co.,
cabin, $2,700; W. H. Duerden, Jr.
garage, $800; George Quimby,
car port, $300; Glenn Weeks.
porch and roof repair, $100 Skip
Ness, add to residence, $2,000.
Receipts from the Harstine Is-
land Ferry for the week ending
Oct. 28 were $289.44, the Mason
County Engineer's Office repor-
Oct. 28, 6:10 p.m., fire in an
abandoned car at Highway 101
and B st.
Oct. 30, 10:50 a.m., flooded oil
stove at the Ray McNish home,
1732 Stevens St.
Default Divorces
Default Divorce Decrees were
granted in Mason County Super-
ior Court Friday to:
Floyd Powell from Dorothy
Dorothy Harper from Harry
Carles Bartch from Evalyn
Transfer of property from City
of Shelton to Shelton Port District.
Mason County Federal Credit
Union against John Caulfield,
Petition of Barbara Soong Wolf-
kill to change name of son from
Kim Soong.
Wndon Federal Savings and
Loan Association against Mark
Tucchinio and Ronald Fletcher.
October 28 60 45 1.46
October 29 58 40 .02
October 30 57 44 .22
October 31 62 54 .04
November 1 59 45 .09
Readings are for a 24-hour
period ending at 8 a.m. as re-
ported by the Rayonier, Inc.
weather station•
Temperatures Thursday thru
Monday expected to be slightly
below normal. Normal high, 55
normal low, 36. Rainfall to aver-
age less than normal, occuring
mostly near the week-end.
Olympia in 1901. In 1926 he 29, 1876 in Michigan. Prior to
moved to Shelton and worked his retirement Mr. Mayer was a
for the Simpson Timber Co. road supervisor for the Grays
until his retirement in 1961. He Harbor County Road District. He
was a member of the Progress had lived in this area 78 years•
Grange• Survivors include two sisters,
Surviving are his wife, Grace, Mrs. A. J. (Christina) Anderson
Shelton; four sons, Roy, Robert and Mrs. C. A. (Susan) Barker,
and Oliver, Shelton, and Harvey, both of Shelton; two nieces and
Seattle; two daughters, Mrs. Nel- two nephews.
lie Jordon, Olympia and Mrs. The funeral service was con-
Mary Newman, Seattle; one sis- ducted by Rev. Horace Mounts
ter, Mrs. Della Boyer, Olympia; at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Bat-
a stepbrother, Charles Burdick, stone Funeral Home. Burial was
Michelo, Ore.; 13 grandchildren in Shelton Memorial Park.
and four great-grandchildren•
The funeral service was held
October 25 in Olympia with burial Ed Latham In
in an Olympia cemetery.
Applying for a marriage li-
cense in the Mason county audi-
tor's office this past week were:
Steven Jensen, 21, Portland,
and Sharon Watters, 17, Shelton.
M •
arnage Thomas Eccles÷on Air Force ROTC
Licenses By fh • Cadet Edward E. Latham,
Taken Dea son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S.
Latham, Potlatch, was recently
• Private funeral services for selected to become a member of
the advanced Air Force ROTC
Thomas Eccleston, 89, were held
Wednesday in the Batstone Fun- program at Washington State
eral Home with Rev. Horace University.
Nounts conducting. Burial was He is majoring in accounting
in Lake View Cemetery, Seattle. and when he completes the pro-
Mr. Eecleston died Sunday in gram he will receive a commis-
sion as a second lieutenant in
the Shelton General Hospital. He
was born Aug. 20, 1878 in Eng- the U•S. Air Force. While enrol-
led in the program Cadet Latham
New theland Allynand hadHousemadethehiS pasth°me sixat receives $50 per month subsitance
months. Prior to that time he allowance. He also has the op-
rrl a,s------'v--'- lived in Seattle. Before his re- portunity of flying in Air Force
tirement he was a foreman for aircraft on field trips to various
a coal mining company, active Air Force bases.
He is survived by one son,
Shelton General Hospital Sydney, of Canada; one daugh-
• Mr. and Mrs. James Thur- ter, Mrs. Mary Tratnick, Shel- TOO LATE TO CLARIFY
man, Hoodsport, a boy, October ton; 13 grandchildren and 2 4
19. great-grandchildren.
TWO RECLINERS for sale. Call
Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t J. evenings or weekends. 426-
Daniels, Brinnon, ahoy, October
25 Belfair Church 426 R 11/2-9
Mr. and Mrs. James Wiley,
503bar Bellevue27. Street, a girl, Octo- rla"'-ns oaaarn-z---
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rear,
Route 3, Box 360A, a boy, Octo- • The annual Harvest Festival
ber 27. Bazaar of the Belfair Community
Baptist Church will be held from
10 a.m. to 8 p.m. this Saturday.
Scientist Services There will be many booths
with assorted items for sale in-
• "Adam and Fallen Man" is eluding the third edition of the
the subject of this week's Bible church cookbook.
Lesson to be read in all Christian Sandwiches, chili and desserts
Science churches on Sunday. will be on sale from 10 a.m. - 4
The Golden Text is from p.m. From 5-7:30 p.m. a turkey
Isaiah: "Cease ye from man, dinner with all the trimmings
whose breath is in his nostrils: will be available for $1.50 dona-
tor wherein is he to be accounted tion for adults; 75 cents for chil-
of?" dren and $3•50 for a family.
, Sale Ends Wednesday, Nov. 8
°o,, ,ou.,,, o., ,n o° ,,.0,.,
nowl Redecorate your bedroom for the holidays. M 1 I 1€'
Choose from our beautiful selection of Heritage l • 1 I
spreads in ful!, twin,..queen, and king sizes. A!s0 m I
noose elegant matching mearoom accessories ,-"
?luding drapes, valances, and pillow shams. Select
trom man styles, fabrics, pattern% and colorS.
Allow OnlyY3 Weeks For Delivery. OFF
the home of Mrs. Matt Kaare
last Monday• Plans for the Ba-
zaar at Union Masonic Temple
Saturday were completed. Home
made doughnuts, made right on
the spot, will be a special heat
for those who like them.
Canal Court will meet on Nov.
8, instead of the usual fourth
Wednesday of the month. The
December meeting will also be
early, Dec. 13.
Mrs. Robert Nelson and Mrs.
Vivian Hilt, both of Sequim were
guests of the Hood Canal Garden
Club last Thursday at the Hood
Canal Woman's Clubhouse• Mrs.
Nelson showed Thanksgiving and
Christmas arrangements• Mrs.
Robert Scrafford was also a
The annual Holiday Christmas
Show in Seattle was announced
for Dec. 12-14. The club presi-
Quilcene Oct. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Calahan
and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hale
enjoyed an outing Sunday travel-
ing to Sequim and on the way
home stopped at the Annual Fall
Grange Smorgasbord at the Quil-
cane High School.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stolen re-
turned Monday evening from a
two weeks visit with Mrs. Sto-
len's brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Crist at Oak-
ridge, Ore.
Mrs• Alex Gouley returned
Monday evening from California
where she was visiting her dau-
ghter, Marie, whose husband has
gone overseas in the armed ser-
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson,
of Tillicum spent last Tuesday
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kaare
dance. Friends are sorry to see
them go but feel we will see
them often•
A 1/C Michael Pierce left
early Sunday morning for over-
seas duty. Saturday evening Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Pierce entertained
in their son's honor, guests were
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Pierce,
Michael's wife, Bobby, and dau-
ghter, Brenda, Miss Tammy Ar-
kin and William Pierce.
Happy to report Earl Crumb
is home from the hospital and
recuperating nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schau-
tier have purchased the Oreze
Seller place at Jorsted Creek
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Culik,
Newark, Ill. have bought the Rus-
sell C. Viger property on the
beach at Potlatch.
The Newest
value in
a Compact
Full Zenith
for just
The BRAQUE • Y4514
Beautiful Contemporary sWled compact console in grained Walnut color
(Y4514W), or in grained Mahogany color (Y4514PO. Cabinet features
turned legs with brass ferrules. Super Video Range Tuning System.
Handwired with no printed Extracts color from the incom- for greater picture brightness
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dependability, color hues. blues.
Conven,enf Terms Free Home Trial
You're [- /
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_,_ . Thursday, November 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mson County Journal - Page 3