November 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 2, 1967 |
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it isn't Daniel Boone with his long rifle. It's Assist-
Straaster Howard Yule with the old-time muzzle-
gun and rifle which belonged to his grand-
rifle, the longer of the two, is what Yule has
Was a "squiTel barking gun". The idea was not
squirrel, but, to hit the branch near him. The
and concussion killed the squirrel without dam-
eat. Yule is also carrying the powder and shot
horn which went with the guns. He was given
When he was a child, and, until recently they were
the attic of his parents' home.
Plans Meeting For
6 At The School
IkY KRATCHA past presidents of the Eagles
Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m.
program will be
guest speaker,
a film and give
on his trip to
going well on the
Carnival of South-
0v. 11. Everyone is
things ready
Auxiliary with Bertha Lord, Vir-
ginia Dundas, Opal Asche, Mabel
Cammack and Cora Bare of Mis,
soula, Mont. attending. Two past
presidents of the Eagles A1 Lord
and Clarence Bare of Missoula,
nt. had lunch with them as
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha
visited Mr. and lVIrs. John Cook-
son and Jackie Sunday.
and Morton
a week hunting in
Wetmore heard her
Olsoe who is in
In Vietnam on a
stations KMAS
hit. and Mrs. Tom
and Alison for
were Mr. and
and family.
home of Clara
Oct. 26 were the
. A Tacoma couple, My. and
Mrs. Manley MeKay, have pur-
chased the Evergreen Trailer
Court from Edna Johnson Shive-
The facility, on. Highway 101
north of Shelton, consists of 81A
acres, 33 trailer spaces, six
apartments and the owner's
The new owners have changed
the name of the business to Rex
Mobile Manor, and plan to add
more trailer spaces.
The sale was handled by Kurt
L. Mann, owner-broker of Mann
Real Estate, Shelton.
I Cascade Natural Ga Corpora-
tion will extend its lines north
of Shelton in the direction of
the airport about two miles, ac-
cording to R. E. Feemster, dis-
trict manager in Aberdeen.
The project, which will begin
in early November, calls for the
installation of 10,568 feet of two-
inch welded steel main, north-
west on the Shelton Springs road
and northeast on the Island Lake
Service will be made available
to 29 new homes to be construc-
ted in Parkwood Addition, Reg-
gie Brown, local manager said.
At the end of the line, 43 cus-
tomers in the Edgewood Apart-
ments will be added. Others to
be served along the route, in-
cluding the Pool Nuotare, bring
87 the total new natural gas out-
lets created by tle expansion.
N.W. BELL'S $65,000
Pacific Northwest B e ll has
had a $65,000 expansion job
underway in the Shelton Switch-
ing center for some time, accord-
ing to PNB manager William P.
Hunger ford.
Western Electric, the installa-
tion and supply unit of the Bell
System, has a crew of seven
men and a supervisor at work
installing the sensitive and high-
ly technical switching apparatus.
The job is over half done and
is scheduled to be completed
early in December. The added
equipment will provide connec-
tions for more than 400 new tele-
phones. Other equipment also
Elaine Petzold, o w n e r of
Elaine's Beauty Salon, recently
announced the addition of Diana
Brown as Merle Norman cos-
metic consultant and Brook Knee-
land as hair stylist. They join
Linda Pharris and Kassy Elmer.
Elaine feels the growth of her
business and the growth of Shel-
ton warrants this expansion. She
stated they are now able to give
the very latest and most com-
plete beauty services available
Computers are getting m o r e
human every day. Just the other
day we saw one with a screw
There is one thing that com-
puters have yet to do and that
is to shop in the downtown area
of Shelton, and until they do,
you have the supreme opportun-
ity of shopping in stores such
there's an outstanding buy on
wall-to-wall mattresses. Wall-to-
wall they're not one piece but a
terriffic buy just the same...
Ernie Hamlin, is celebrating
the third year of operation as
STORE. During the birthday
party you can save money on
items like you've never saved
before, so make sure you stop
Ken Chapman owner of
has Thanksgiving cards and par-
ty favors just waiting your selec-
tion. While you're in the store,
take a gander at all of the mar-
velous goodies...and all you see
you can save money on. So next
time you're in town pull in and
You can score everytime when
you shop at EELI & VALLEY
George Valley is always happy
to serve you so make this one
a must on your shopping list...
Jim Pessemier, m a n a g e r of
MILLER'S, is holding the special
bedspread sale one more week,
He's doing this so you may have
a chance to get in on these
special savings, but hurry! It
won't last long...
Ted Stroyzk, manager of
just the shoe sWle for you,
whether you're a working gal
will make available more ¢alk- or a busy mother. Stop in and
ing p/ths betw.een,.SheRon and :soon that you may find the
01ympa. ............. shoes you've been looking for
" r ; Iungerford pointed' out that'
because of growth, it soon will
be impossible to "short-cut dial"
a telephone number in Shelton.
Presently it's possible for a Shel-
ton customer to reach any Shel-
ton telephone by dialing five
"Beginning M o n d a y, Nov-
ember 6, if you do not dial the
entire seven digits of the Shel-
ton number, your call will not
go through," he said. "If you
dial five digits, you will get our
intercept operator."
Hungerford explained that the
full use of the seven digits would
permit the Shelton office to grow
to its capacity, whereas it's not
possible if five-digit dialing is
and for a prtcethat's Just right...
Marge Jagnow, owner of
IODE O' DAY, has coats, coats
and more coats. Just the coat
that's right for you, and right
for your budget too. Make sure
you march right in and right
away to catch the savings while
the selection lasts...
Guy Beckwith, owner of
just the diamond that you en-
gageable's have been looking for.
Large or small, expensive or
easy on the budget...Guy has
them all and he's always willing
to serve...
That's --3(}-- for this week,
but remember to exercise your
Vote Tuesday, November 7. It's
your duty as an American.
--36 Inches wide--
Also in 48" widths
1332 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4522
Winterproof Your Porch or Breezeway
_, CK
Tack Over
Windows a Doors,Too
with Genuine Shatterproof
Costs So Little, Anyone Can Afford Itl
$20 00 is all thatit takes to cover an average
screen poC, p.rotec[eeZeway less than $15.00.
Havea ry ....... oomforchildren s play
or storage area -, winter long.
The Only Plastic Window Material that
The name Warp's Flex-O.Glasss ed on
the edge for your protection.
Look For Genuine FLEX-O-GLASS At Your Local Hdwr. or Lmbr. Dealer
Hood Canal School:
I Supt. John Pill wishes to call tral purpose of education is the
to the attention of the parents
of the district that next week,
Nov. 5-11, is American Education
Week. Although an open house
has not been planned, parents
are invited to visit the school
and classrooms. This will give
them a good opportunity to ex-
amine and appraise the child as
well as the school. Those desir-
ing to visit the classrooms should
m a k e advance arrangements
with the teacher.
• The theme of this years' Ameri-
can Education Week is, How
good are your schools?" The
teachers and the administration
Comments On American Education Week
development of rational thinking,
for rational thinking is essential
in the achievement of all other
purposes of education.
Pill stresses that the best way
to discover the strength and
weaknesses of any program or
activity is to get involved in it
yourself. This will give the par-
ent the most realistic insight into
its purposes, achievements, and
day-by-day problems. Our teach-
ers believe that parents are
Ff. Lewis Timber
of the district believe that in
order to better understand our Offered For Sale
I About 4,200,000 beard feet of
standing timber are available for
cutting and removal from a por-
tion of Fort Lewis according to
Kelvin Greenstreet, Chief of the
Real Estate Division of the Seat-
tle District, Corps of Engineers.
Species include Douglas Fir and
minor amounts of other species.
The Umber will be offered for
schools, the parent needs to clari-
fy in their own mind what they
should expect the school to do
for their children. They should
know and understand the goals
of education. The schools are
bound by the traditional goals,
those of health, the three R's,
worthy home membership, voca-
tional competence, effective citi-
zenship, worthy use of leisure
their partners and are eager to
establish a closer relationship
with them. That is why they
encourage parents to: Visit the
schools regularly. Serve as vol-
unteers, working as teachers'
aides, doing clerical work, and
taking over lunch hour and play-
ground supervision. B e c o m e
active in the PTA and be com-
mittee members rather than pas-
sive attenders of meetings. At-
tend school-arranged lectures and
p a n e 1 discussions and school
board meetings. Read school
publications which are used to
explain to the parents what they
are doing and why; read their
newsletter, brochures and re-
Christian joined the class hav-
ing transferred here from Bain-
bridge Island School and brings
the total in the classroom to 34.
The class is planning to start
physical education hours with
Mr. Bernie Lung as instructor.
Vicky Bloomfield and Gary Ste-
vens are giving special reports
on the 'Eskimos in geography
following the study of the people
living along the equator in South
America and Africa. The Eng-
lish class will incorporate a little
history by writing about the Pil-
grims and the Thanksgiving holi-
day which will soon be with us.
hostesses for the Hallowe'en Par-
ty were Eric Baker, David
Bloomfield, Timmy Clark, Traey
Connally, Ramona Cult,e, Jan
Dean, Andy Graham, and Tracy
Graham. All have enjoyed the
preparations for the spookiest
holiday of the year.
P.T.A. -- All citizens are re-
minded again about the rum-
mage sale to be held at the
Hoood Canal Junior High gym-
nasium. Sale hours will be from
1:30 to 5:30, November 10 and
fron 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov.
11. In addition to rummage there
will be a gift bar. Volunteer
workers are needed. Call school
or 877-5825 if you can work on
either of those days.
time and ethical character. How- sale by sealed bid advertising as
ever, Hood Canal teachers go one sale. ql ,,.._.. _..
still further holding that the cen- Interested persons may inspect
the timber by calling the Corps
hop T of Engineers' representative, Br-
Bis o Visit yah Turner, in Building T-7985
(at north Fort Lewis), telephone
Episcopal Church Tacomaand 3 p.m.,96-72004'Mondaysbetween 8througha.m. l/ ly. of three, your sav- II
Fridays, except holidays. Bid il insured up to $150,000 by !i
The Rt. Rev. Ivol Ira Curtis, forms may be obtained there or II the F.S.L.I.C. " " " II
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese from the U.S. Corps of Engineers,
of Olympia, will make hiS annual Seattle District, Real Estate Di- II See the Savings Experts in blue IB
pal Church in Shelton, Nov. 5. Seattle, Washington 98134, where
He will preach and Confirm at sealed bids will be opened at 2 /e o " t' o
the 11 a.m. morning service, ae- p.m., Nov. 16. ," ,
cording to the Rev. Clarence l
I_dy, St. David's vicar. l
Bishop Curtis directs the work U.S. SAW2[LI turn out enough ]
of the Episcopal Church in Wes- lumber to build more than 3,600, I/ -.-hr ,
tern Washington, an area corn- 000 houses a year--but only on e. -- -" @ ' " FL r '
prised of 103 parishes, missions third actually goes into new
and preaching stations, homes.
mattress and box spring,
lll ll00W,
Enjoy the luxury of twenty percent more
sleeping room with the new Queen size
Perfect Sleeper Imperial. And if you really
like to sprawl, there's the spacious King
size. Either way, the Perfect Sleeper Im-
perial is the new standard of excellence in
sleeping comfort, because it's made like
no other mattress in the world. It has the
finest sleeping surface you can find--a
beautiful golden damask cover, quilted to
an extra, cushiony layer of polyurethane
foam. Underneath, our patented Sertaliner
construction connects the coils, and the
new Serta TwinEdge ® design lets you sleep
KING SIZE Perfect Sleeper Imperi=
mattress and two matching box springs.
QUEEN SIZE Perfect Sleeper Imperial
mattress and matching box spring.
on all the mattress, right out to the edges.
These two exclusive patented features
work together to give you just the right
combination of comfort and support. A sci-
entifically designed box spring works coil
for coil with the mattress for lasting, bal-
anced support. It all adds up to something
great to sleep on--the Perfect Sleeper Im-
perial, made only by Serta.
Twin orfull size mattress or
box spring ................. $89.50 each
Other Perfect Sleeper mattresses
from ...................... $79.50 each
625 S. Isf 426-2411
• . II .
Thursday, November 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page §