November 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 2, 1967 |
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Health Club
Youth Group
Gets Officers
• In his second free dental
clinic over a dozen patients,
mostly boys and girls, were
treated by Dr. Jack Elvin, Enum-
claw, at the Skokomish Health
Center at the Lower Skokomish
School grounds Oct. 22, announ-
ced William McGhee, president
of the L. D. McGhee Foundation,
Inc., sponsor.
Mrs. Marguerite Knauft, R.N.
and l$rs. Elvin assisting the den-
list, worked 2 hours, filling
four and extracting five teeth.
There was a slight increase m
attendance at the second clinic
over September's, reveals Mc-
A film, "Structure and Care of
the Teeth", furnished by the
Washington State department of
Health, was shown in the waiting
room and free health magazines
and picture booklets were distri-
buted to the patients.
Next free community clinic by
a medical-dental team will be
at 4:30 p.m. in the Skokomish
Health Center, Nov. 18, at which
time a pediatrician will be pres-
ent, announces lVcGhee.
An Xray, light, air, modern
drill, donated by Dr. Elvin will
be in use.
Mrs. McClary Is
Named To Sfa÷e
Council On Aging
• Mrs. H. W. McClary, Shelton,
was appointed to the State Coun-
cil on Aging by Gov. Dan Evans,
the Governor's Office announced
this week.
The term is for four years.
The State Council on Aging is
established as an advisory coun-
cil within the Department of Pub-
lic Assistance with a broad base
of responsibility for all aging
and aged persons regardless of
econom:ic circumstances. Briefly,
the Council objective is to main-
tain or improve the physical,
mental, social and economic con-
ditions of the aging in the state
through education, collection on
information, work with commun-
ity groups, and recommendations
to the Governor and department MRS. ROBERT TANNER, all decked out of the menu. The good crowd which at-
Service on the Council is on a in a Scandinavian costume, helps one of the tended got a chance to sample foods from
volunteer basis with each mem- guests at the International Dinner at the a variety of foreign lands which were being
ber responsible for his own ex- Methodist Church last week to some of the served.
Scandinavian pastries which were one part
Local Couple Are Told Of New Grandson
• DAYTON -- Be sure to vote
Nov. 7 at Dayton Hall. Polls are
open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson
were happy to receive a call
from son-in-law, Lyle Hubbard
to inform them of the birth of
Kevin Martin Oct. 26. Kevin
tipped the scales at seven pounds
and six ounces. He joinsa sister,
Stephanie Ann. The family is
residing in Waipahu, Hawaii,
where Lyle is stationed with the
navy. Paternal grandparents are
Mr. and Zvrs. Willard Hubbard
of Grass Valley, Ore.
Bud Williams spent several
days hunting in the Okanogan
country, east of the mountains
and came back with a nice two
point buck.
fMrs. A. E. Lemke was sad-
dened to learn of the death of
her uncle, Albert Greuman, Oct.
26 in Defiance, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pearson en-
joyed a trip to Pacific Press
in lVuntain View, Calif. along
with other literature evengelists
Sunday through Thursday of
last week. They motored to Walla
Walla College where they joined
others for the trip by charter
bus.. The grQup was shown
through the Press building and
taken on interesting sight seeing
MAKE 8URE your motor is
warmed up before entering fast
moving traffic or crossing raft-
road tracks. A stalled engine'in
either of these circumstances
could be fatal.
I p__ O oa.p 4-dr ..... "95
1958 Cadillac ]
...... '--' 951
1959 Rambler
Amer,oan ,..,_, $200 ] "
1953 Chevrolet I
Pickup ....... ,. ..... $350
1967 Coronets 440 4-Drs.
One ) One
Blue L. Green
Front & Railroad
trips. Betty Pearson, having very
inconveniently ,sprained her ank-
le on the morning they left, was
really given royal treatment rid-
ing around by wheel chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burke
and grandchildren, Bonnie and
Mary of Tacoma were Sunday
callers in the home of Mrs. Mil-
dred Stewart.
Saturday callers in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. LaMoyne Sie-
vert were Mr. and Mrs. Skip
McLendon of Port Townsend.
Sunday overnight guests were Lt.
Col. and Mrs. John Bixby also
of Port Townsend.
Dave Rayson was dinner guest
Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Bailey at their summer
home on Treasure Island.
Mr. and h{rs. Alvin Hulbert
are happy to know that son Mike
and wife left on Tuesday from
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. for
home for a thirty day leave.
Now, Thanksgiving entertaining is as much
fun for the hostess as it is for the guests,
with Hallmark matching party accessories and
home decorations. This charming pilgrim
couple looks over a special table set with
matching plates, cups, napkins, all the party
accessories. Make the holidays more of a
holiday -- no one needs to wash dishes
this Thanksgiving day.
Jar or Tibe
Regular 49¢ €
Aerosol Spray
Regular $1 50 Size €
MEDI-QUIK " .ow 98
8'Ounoe Tube
Regular $1 89 $
BEN-GAY • Now 1.49
Evergreen Square
426-3456 or 426-4456
Page 8 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 2, 1967
TV Music Educafor Speaks F --------------°"
Af Music Club Meefing Here
• David Eddy of Seattle enter- gram to the club as it is a mem-
tained members of the Shelton
iVusic Club following a short
business meeting in the Ever-
green school library October 24.
Mr. Eddy is in charge of Mus-
ic in Education via TV on Chan-
nel 9 several times a week. His
work has been connected with
the University of Washington the
past six years.
He is a firm believer in teach-
ing music in the lower grades
as well as the upper classes. His
work is done mainly in the first
four grades. He presented a film
ber of the National Federation
of Music Clubs. A number of
teachers were guests and ex-
pressed real interest during the
question and answer period. Out I
of town guests from Seattle ac-
companing him were his wife
and Mr. and Mrs. Iver Brans-
The Halloween motif was car-
ried out in decorations and re- }
freshments by president, Mrs.
Lloyd Goodwin, and hostesses
Mrs. James Barrom and 1Vrs.
Edroy Foseicle. #
to demonstrate his work on C"nan- I ,,:::::::!:.;;ii
• ' • .:::: " :::::::i :::
ne] 9. PRICES SUBJECT TO __. __:i:!:i::
Mr. Eddy was especially in- WS NA R e c elves ¢" ;::::*':: >*"::"
• • ..:: .. !,:.::. :::::::::::::::::::::
terested in presenting his pro-
Dinner Invi÷e I i
dially invited to join the Olympia " " i1t
Annual Bazaar Is areadinnernUrseS,next DistriCtTuesday.NO. DeloresU' for I On 40 Ounce Combination pad
Nex+ Thursday Little, president of WSNA, will j or Waffle Rubber Pad
speak at the affair to be held in ___
the OlympiaCountryChlb. :NOW 95
• The regular meeting of the Reservations must be made by
Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild will today with the local president,
be held at 8 p.m. tomght in the Thelma Adams, 64036.
home of lYrs. Chloe Scoles with
Mrs. Bennie Wilson as co-hostess.
The public is reminded of the I ONL Y
annual bazaar to be held next Godwin-Allen
Thursday from 10 a.m.- 3 p.m..--on. YD
at the Center in
Community OcfoberWedding IINCLUDES: - Your Choice of LooF
• Mr. and Mrs. Larry Godwin
The bazaar is sponsored by
the Olympia Area Council of the
Mary Bridge Children's Hospital
in Tacoma. There will be a
home-baked goods table and
many booths offering all types of
gift and novelty items.
announce the October 21 marri,
age of their daughter, Lawrie
1V£ae, to Garrett Lance Allen,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lance Al-
len, of Glenoma.
A luncheon will begin at 11
a.m. and tickets may be pur- The newlyweds are making • •
chased locally from Mrs. Rose their home in Shelton where he
Nye, 426-6574. is now employed.
24" to 36" Wide
Including Passage Knob I
of Shelton i
1st & Pine :426-2611 ;.
IShags, Nylon or Acrilan.
! " ',..-I,. ,
!OLo;,!;;'X;L;$ii .............................. -$ 65
Two-Tone Gold -- 12'x13'8" . .......................
OW00'"4OOO'knnmmhnpnun....,,, '1:I00 t
Bnonze Green, 12'x14'7"plus3'x10' runner -
,..,.......,..,...,.,. ,,..,,,,.. P,u. 0,x., ......................................... -
............................................................. ligF
9'2"x12' ..................................................................
Light Beige -- 7'x15' Plus 3'x8' Runner
Keeping track of every car in a busy pointing deliveries without delay. This I RUGS . ,[
freight yard may seem like an not only helps us provide shippers with ' ASBELAOWAsY.. TERM 5 l
impossible job! But, for Union Pacific, up-to-the-minute information on cars, I
it's simple! Thanks to our Perpetual but it also speeds up the turn around
I nventoryCar Location System, we of equipment, thereby improving car ,•;
know where every car is at all times utilization.
while on the Union Pamflc Th
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Each car has its own computer card technique used by Union Pacific to • :p D ) i
which is processed electronically and assure our customers the very finest N
placed in an assortment bin for pin- service.Ship Union Pacific
• • • the stiategic middle ]1!] ' . }
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UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD O " Located Olympia Weside
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