November 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 2, 1967 |
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Gir! Nett.ers --B000o
• H.L. Munson
W In u : ....
Is Promo,ed
Hi Game & Series: Gerry Lou Hi Game & Series: Ginger Olsoe Mr. and Mrs. Harold Munson
Geist 170-496 179-471 Shelton, was recently promote
t. NALDSON had been playing only singles so Wilson Co. 4-0, Gerry Lou Pauley Motors, Lucille Chap- to Sergeant in the Marine Corp
n' far this year. after completing a course at th,
.. s girl tennis team Shelton's match with Vashon Geist 496; Lumbermen's 0-4, Lilt- man 418; Bali's Food Center,
. !season with 5-0, 4-1 NCO Leadership School on Ok,.
was played last Thursday, and an Dale 435; Apex 2-2, Linda Ginger Olsoe 471; Herb's Second ....
er f°i°mpl:.°v° urge+ ar pefetOc Longacre348;Millo's2-2, JoHein Hand Store, Emi Plienes 435; : hewn. He returned to his un};:
e Shelton won of course, 4-1. Vash- 405 Lloyd's 1-3, Beth Brown 428 Hoodsport Cafe, Sue Dilley 418; in Viet Nam after completin%
on's Linda Tuohoy beat Shelton's Sunbeam 3-1, Ann Cole 400; Mot- N.W. Evergreen, Edna Clary 430 the training course. "
Betsy Willard 6-1, 6-3 in first gan's 4-0, Charlotte Tobin 401. Kenner's Service, Jean Johnston
singles. Betsy had only been ......
beaten once previously this sea- Standings: Lloyd's 17-7, Mor- 425; Grant Lumber, Allene Step-
son and this is quite an accmn- gun's 17-7, Sunbeam 16-8, Lum- per 379 Anderson & Jacobsen, t
plishment when playing in the bermen's 14-10, Wilson Co. 13-11, Lou Louis 353; B & J Mart, Car-
team's number one spot. Millo's 11-13, Apex 8-16. ole DeLack 450 Cottage Care, [B
Joan Wade 425; Mamie's Java
The number two singles match GRANGE Haus, Helene Redman 387; Tim-
showed Beth Quimby again vic- Men's Hi Game: Paul Challender ber Bowl, Sandy Storey 345.
:tory Tom Olson 179 Standings : Pauley Motors
Ckr d 6v,en:0to Shelton's torious, as she downed Vashon's
over West Sue Johnson 6-1, 6-3. In the third Men's Hi Series: Ralph Simpson 11776, Herb's Second Hand Store
singles match Shelton's Sue Hem-
'ai, Eileen Axtman. 498 11754, N.W. Evergreen 11611, BRAKE
e singles, Shelton's broff was also again a winner Women's Hi Game & Series: Inn Grant Lumber 11565, B & J Mart
Y was victorious over as she won over Vashon's Sarah Rutledge 170-439 11459, Cottage Cafe 11423, Hoods-
isCt]l . 6-0, 6-1. The number Robinson 6-3, 6-2. Standings: Shelton Valley 22-14, port Cafe 11405, Kenner's Ser-
..,id :igles match between The first doubles match was vice 11405, Anderson & Jacob- ' and
I e Hembroff and West called a draw because of time Agate 21-15, Skokomish 21-15,
Harstine 20-16, Pomona 15-21, son 11233, Mamies Java Haus FR NTO
;'.l:!ofpf::wg!nnO: s,::6-:0 problems. In this match Shelton's Southside 9-27• 11213, Bull's Food Center 11061, . is, D
Linda Barrom and Anne Connelly Timber Bowl 11054. i
ly, lost the first set 5-7 to Vashon's JUNIOR Joyce Mork had a triplicate
Barriton and Sue Linda Tuohy and Dorthea Mil- Men s Hi Game: Bill Schuffen- series of 3-100 games.
Jeat West Bremerton's lcr. But they came back to tie hauer 201 Ill
-'erson and Carol She- the second set at 5-5 when the 1Ven's Hi Series: Chuck Thomp- FRIDAY. 1E[IXFOURSOME I
.fll 0, 6-0 for the first draw was called, son 504 Men's Hi Game: Wayne Clarey
:Ctory. The number In the second doubles match, Women s Hi Game & Series: Don- 515
l! match had Shelton with Sue Hembroff replacing the na Dahman 126-311 Men's Hi Series: Jim Brewer 14 POINT
allUag with Beth Quimby ill Linda Barrington, the Shelton V.F.W. Aux. 4-0 Dave Clark 204
I'[ l%z°rski beating Val- team of Sue Hembroff and Sue 167-477; Joslin Ins. 0-4, Duane Women's Hi Game: Linda Robert-
i:aad Terri White 6-2, Stanley beat Vashon's Sue John- Wolfe 150-420; Shelton J.C.s 0-4, son 160 SPECIAL!
son and Dorthea Miller 6-4, 6-0. Bill Schuffenhauer 201-501; Trail- Women's Hi Series: Sue Bennett
by was forced to fill This gave Shelton a 4-1 victory blazers I 4-0, Mark Thompson 441
• 'ts|] lSsing Anne Connolly over Vashon, and the perfect 9-0 163-361; Beckwiths 0-4, Gary Bur- Slow Starters, Forfeit; Sand-
;] Very good job, as she record, ger 144-Rick Peckham 390; Hem- baggers 1-3, L. L. Mcinelly
i broffIns. 4-0, Gary Stites166-383; 483; Waders 3-1, Harold Davis STAN YATES sits behind the 25 sweetmeat Annie, grew this summer in their garden on $ 22
. Merv's Tirecap 1-3, Don Gard- 430 007 4-0, Jim Bennett 510; and 78 butternut squash he and his wife, Harstine Island.
00h¢limb Harriers her 147-Randy Churchill 408 Skokers 1-3, Ted Blair 510 Farm-
Trailblazers H 3-1, Chuck Thomp- ers 3-1, Wayne Clary 515; 4 Bees
son 184-504. 1-3, Gene Benedict 410; Misfits Explains Educational Assisfance Ch nge
Stab.dings: Trailblazers II 15- 3-1, Don Protell 433. , G $g.g5
A Perfect Score ' Hembroff 13-7, Trailblazers I Standings:4 Bees 17-7, Farm- VALUE
10-10, Merv's Tirecap 10-10, J.C.'s ers 15-9, Skokers 13-11, 007 13-:11, Washington State veterans who entitled to eompensation at the tration Regional Office, said to.
9-11, V.F.W. Post 9-11, Joslin Ins. Sndbaggers 13-11, Waders 11-3, receive eompensation checks be- same full wartime rates provided day.
8-12, Beckwiths 5-15. Misfits 9-5, Slow Starters 5-19. cause they were disabled in mill- of other wartime For a Viet-Nam era veteran
t,, for veterans Here's What We Do...
tary service during the Viet-Nam service, John B. Kirsch, Manager already drawing compensation at
• P NALDSON Shelton's victory over Central X LEAGUE COMMERCIAL era--after Aug• 4, 1964--now are of the Seattle Veterans Adminis- the peacetime rate, VA will auto- "* Inspect and clean brake
i Kitsap was by a perfect score Hi Game & Series: Melvin McGee Hi Game: Jerry Mallory 240 drums
cross-country team, of 46-15. This marks the first 234-584 Hi Series: Eddie Hurd 597 matically adjust the award to
5 y LJwell Stuart was pay the higher wartime rates, * Clean and adjust brake
.6 |tice last week as it time that such an accomplish- Standings: Four Diamonds 19- Standings: Gott Oil Co. 22-10, ['xr , llC'au*:on I Ir-eA In effective Oct. 1, and reflected in shoes for full contact
:|rtin's 44-19, then beat sent has been achieved by any 9, Cats 17-11, Dry Shed 16½-11xA, Vernes Manila Clams 20-12, A. : checks received beginning in
i¢aP 46-15. Shelton cross-country team. The Hemlockers 14-14, Pin Benders 12- Roy Dunn 19-13, B & R Oil 19-13, * Clean, inspect and repack
[tral Kitsap victory, 46: perfect score was made by Shel- 16, Mill No. 3 5½-22½. Zieglers Camera 19-13, Lumber- 9'00r'v'n- In 00r00ar'-ness [-1LJou November. front wheel bearings
' iShelton with a perfect ton having the first five finishers, man's 18-14, Wilson Co. 17-15, * • A recent new law also makes * Clean and inspect grease
• " . . The bright spot for Shelton is 309ERS Dan's Nite Hawks 15-17 Shelton rs Viet-Nam era veterans and de- seals
DOmts (hsplaymg the
! "1' tremendous team that three of the f i r s t f i v e Men's Hi Game: Larry Lyle 225 Mobil 14-18, Wingards 10-22, pendents of deceased veterans * Clean and inspect wheel
finishers were sophomores: Jim Tom River 213 ault's Maxwell 10-22, Clarys 7- • The Automobile Club of Wash- alertness on the part of both eligible for the first time for VA cylinders
Connolly, Joel ache, and Mike Men's Hi Series: Jerry Mallory 25• ington has reminded motorists motorists and pedestrians during pensions. Pensions are payable
improvement as a Sparks. 556 and pedestrians alike that as the the coming months," Ayres John- to low income veterans perma- * Inspect and refill master
to the runners' nently and totally disabled from cylinder
and the fine coach- Shelton's two returning letter- Women's Hi Game & Series: Jean BANTAM hours of darkness lengthen in the son, Club Safety Director said.
Stuart. men Jim Swayze and Martin Temple 172-445 Men's Hi Game: Sonny Bercher fall and winter months, pedes- He said November, December reasons not traceable to their * Inspect shock absorbers
over St. Mar- Savage have been doing what Redin 4, Jean Temple 445 161 trian death rates rise. and January have been shown to military service• * Check front end camber
near perfect score, was expected of them. Swayze Skippers 0, Barb Tarrach 301; Men's Hi Series: Terry Knight "There m a special need for be the rrmst dangerous months Needy widows and surviving * Check front end caster
not for St. Mar- has been the first Shelton finisher Tardies 4, Jerry Mallory 556; 307 for pedestrians, particularly for minor children of Viet-Nam vet- * Check toe in
who finished in most of the meets thus far. Scholars 0, Dot Ridout 333; Pro- Women's Hi Game: Sherri Knight persons 45 and older, erans who died of nonservice-
Savage has been right up near fessors 3, Larry Lyle 506; Rith- 91 Enlistment "Last year, persons over 45 connected causes also may re- * Adjust toe into factory
sC'resW°Uldin a row.haveEvenhad the top, aroung third or fourth, matte 1, Joan Jay 371; Dropouts Women's Hi Series : Karen Woke- years old accounted for nearly ceive pensions under the new law. specifications
unhe.ard, of and is having quite a battle with 3, Tom River 530; Flunkies 1, jance one-half of all pedestrian deaths," * Inspect muffler
be a lremendous his 's6ph0m°re team rfiatd Jim .Bob. Riffey 465 ......... • .... Shelton Journal 3-0, Larry '''=='D;nlkllS ...... Johnson siad, "while those over Si A'* d * Inspect tail pipe
Connolly Dot :Ridout picked the 6-7-10. Wod 112-211; Cooks Plant Farm 65 accounted for 25 per cent of
Standings: Professors 20-8, Re- 0-3, Arnold Warnes 105-202; Lions the victims." mmons en S * Inspect steering linkage
How they finished: din 19-9, Flunkies 15-13, Rithma- Club 3-0, Terry Clark 113-215; the short days of win-
pro] Shelton 9:29 Swayze Shelton 9:22
• ter, nearly three of every five " " ALl F
tic 12-12, Dropouts 13-15, Tardies V.F.W. 0-3, Eddie Bloomfield 87- Exnlalned During " Ind,an Meehn9 c o. ^.OlN..
$1 St. Martins 9:321 J. Connoliy Shelton 9:26 12-16, Scholars 10-18, Skippers 7- 163 The Hut 3-0, Terry Knight ' pedestrian fatalities occur during
'j Shelton 9:33 Savage Shelton 9:26.5 17. 155-307; Eagles 2079 0-3, Bryan • SEt. Ed Smith of the U.S. hours of darkness. • Walter Simmons, Shelton, ......
' Shelton 9:33 Zehe Shelton 9:31 __ Burgess 100-181; Willour Ins. 3-0, Army recruiting sta'tion in Oly- Johnson.• pointed" . out that two chief" judge for the Skokomish 1| |..,
l. Shelton 9:49 Sparks Shelton 9:37 SHELTON RECREATION Sonny Vercher 161-306; Dahman mpia has issued a statement con- of mree peaestrmn victims vie- Tribal Court, recently attended l lf'qkVlkP
Shellon 9:50 Wolf C. Kitsap 9:38 Hi Game: Donna Coleman 191 Oysters 0-3, Chuck Dahman 80- cerning the rights of enli'stment luted a. traffxc law or committed" the seventh annual Northwest
erl Shelton 10:02 Flower Shelton 9:45 Hi Series: Bobbin Barnett 503 151. of young 'men in this area, who an,obviously unsafe act. Tribal Judges Conference on the ll 1 l'lll
e no s of mduc inn major traffic mfractmn
#1 St. Martins 10:10 Holt Shelton 9:48 Ritner's 3-1, Bebbie Barnett Standings: The Hut 13-2, Shel- have receiv d tire " " b . • " ." " " Wind River Indian Reservation Ilmml-llll
st. Martins 10:10 B. Connolly C. Kitsap 9:55 503-177; Clary and Clary 1-3, Ed- ton Journal 10-5, Lions Club 9-6, tion. y peaesu'ians is aimre to cross at Riverton, Wyo.
Shelton 10:11 Godwin Shelton 9:56 na Clary 417-153; Olsen Furni- Eagles 2079 7-8, Cooks Plant .. eMany young nen are un.der eP2:;vitthstctns'i2ne ;" The conference next year will 12 E. GOVE
turn 1-3, Gladys Adair 444-165; Farm 7-8, Willour Ins. 5-10, m .assumpuon ma once m.ey ities coul - '- - -p ............ ff be held in Olympia in September. "
c on U UU CUt Ill Hall, 1]. oOl, n
B & J Mart 3-1, Helen Leonard V.F.W. 5-10, Dahmans Oysters 4- re ewe tms no•re ot inaucti - • •
........ ttending were tmbal judges 426-3333
390-166 National Bank of Mason 11. peoesrmns ana motorists nee(1
from the draft beard that they " fro,- uro;...¢... ..... v..^
ed all traffic regulations and in ............ . .... , -s .......... ,
are no longer elibible to volun- " M .......................
Ruiner 3-1, Dorothy Tuberg 444-
.... creased mew wguance
tartly enlist m the Army. Thxs
• t ,th, t,,,, t,, The club ur " IP'=''m'Pgm'm'm""'m"'"'m*"m'Ds
t/----L-- 166; Lucky Lager 1-3, Mac Dun- Men's Hi Game & Series: Curt is no .................... . ed motormts to
| m bar 395-174; Shelton Recreation 3- Wolf 210-553 "The present policy is that, if mae certain headlights are at , ••
1, LaVonne Castle 480-174. Women's Hi Game & Series: he is qualified, a young man can peak efhcmncy and called upon | &AalalqPl £1/ qP£ R'IP ££11a|
l: REa 8 points in the first half. The Standings: Shelton Ree 27-5, Jean Hartwell 168-457 voluntarily enlist up unU1 the day pedestr!ans to wear or carry t [lq[[l| I I,*/kKLIJ )lK1} lll •
lson. . . . , Bulldog offense had trouble mov- Rainer 20-12, Clary and Clary Dynamic Duos 3-1 Curt Wolfe before he is actually to be in- something light at night to make
l,flght ,. ,l traveled to vasn-lost ing the ball against the also 19-13,al BankRitner'Sof Mason15½"16b' Nation-12A - per553; What's Next 1-3, Glen Step- dueted. It is nost important, how- them readily visible to drivers. at the TIMBER BOWL
h(battehere.. they powerful Vashon defense. County 441; Timber Ducks 2-2, Carl ever, that a young man, who I '
l"- 14-0-e power- M ason's, e aftm°st threatening 19½, B & J Mart 12-20, Olsen Ettlin 406; Sand Baggers 2-2, faces the draft realize that it _ Fun Galore with the colored pins
...... drives cam er each of the Furniture 11-21, Lucky Lager 11- Troy West 496; Board Busters takes time to work with an in- .... TO ........ " ..........
21. . each :=/ KIJPY NIUI-I/ aT U ,.U I WI
• uuKecl strong ann
l .... ' three pass interceptions, with 0-4, Ce c lia Gunter 436 Odd dividual in order to obtain for Bowline Results t : " • #
Jl, 7hre t°rmecl .excep- long runbacks by the strong Balz 4-0, Del Hartwell 475; All ... me tecmneal school or en- __ - 1
m aemnse Kats 3-1, Frank Lee 461; Knock zsu-ent option best suited for !
.... :v¢s h ..... Bulldog defense. Vashon was WOMEN S COMMERCIAL
-- eleven to only re an
li - able to see other 6 points BeaD (low Series) Vicki Gott 277 Outs 1-3, Jim Bennett 475. for him," he continued SIMPSON WOMEN'S •
"The Arm makes e'e-- ^r^., Hi Game" Ann Cole 194 | RED HEAD pin for the gals and children |
, in the third quarter to make the Hi Game & Series: Phyl Ziegler Standings: Odd Balz 21-7, y . .,. •
final score of 14-0. 180-492 Knock Outs 17-11, Ali Kats 16-12, to enlist a young man in a oosi- Hi Series: Vfary Lou Wicken EVERY FRIDAY, 12 noon to 12 midnight |
:iii -" Next Friday North Mason plays Richfield Oil 4-0, Phyl Ziegler" 'Dynamic Duos 16-12, Timber tion where his aptitudes arebest 502 . --
I,l0000+k..ll their last game of the season 492; Darigold 0-4, Diane Laney Ducks 15-13, Sand Baggers 12-16, utilized. To this end the Army Lumoer 3-1, Beth Brown 466; [ ,- |
17MaKetball against the Bainbridge Spartans 351; Fuller Const,. 4-0, Virginia What's Next 10-19, Board Bust- operates nore than 300 technical Accounting 1-3, Margaret Tobler 1 ""
/ 2 - on the NiV field. The Bulldogs Fuller 459; Odgen s Radio & TV ers 5-23. schools for additional training 496. | WIN A TURKEY !
!G Ta I=nrm hope to keep up the power to 0-4, Marge Witcraft 443; Kelly's -- Also, enlistment into other Loggers 1-3, Norene Stevens p.e. .w.JaS.:ur,.m,,...:. l
l " rqlFlll put them in the winner's circle Furniture 3-1, Jean Ream 470; MERCHANTS special ontions is ,ssible But" 440; Olympic 3-1, Ann Cole 467 ruff irlallhJjIl¥11lll !
Ilt0 ......... again. . Certified Mfg. 1-3, Ann Pyle 430; Hi Game: Tom Olson 228 he eraphsized, ""te is 'needed Engineering 2-2, aucille Chap-" t ............... 1
l:h_ City Basketball Ming Tree 4-0, Jean Wade 431; Hi Series: Ed White 538 to make the required school res- man 404; Research 2-2, Bobbin , TURKEY SHOOT NOW |N PROGR[rSS!
lie'd.'Ai{ Eells & Valley 0-4, Trudy Sobotha John's Richfield 4-0, Dan Cur- ervations and do the necessary Bamford 452. The high three games plus high handicap will t
ll'll--m-eet'ai , m II 396; Jim Pauley's 4-0, Jean Ash- mmr 491; Prepps 0-4, Chuck paper work involved I urue any I.B.P. 0-4 Mary Lou Wicken l rao;, a ÷,,,l=v •
rravaglione 505; Stewart's Food young man who is "about-to 502; Purchasing 4-0, Peg Knut- .............. "
ley 433; Gott's Oileretts 0-4, Bon-
/'on _!s avail- • Prospective m a n a g e rs of nie Wagner 316. Basket 1-3, Carl Cook 502; Wes- drafted to contact me and let me zen 461. FOR MORE DIrTA'IlS SEE I
Standings: Richfield Oil 21-11, tern. Auto, 3-1,. Phil Adams 510; help clarify his position. He is Standi.,gs: Lumber 18-10, Ac- . .... "" ....... '-------
a Coleman at 426- Church. League. basketball teams Ogden's Radio & TV 20/-11,,', .Whxte s Logging 3-1, Chuck White under no obligation, whatsoever." counting 16-12, Loggers 15½-12, I "ll Tllllll [Wl_ I
li:. will meet at Jm 1V[cComb's bust- Kelly's Furniture 18-14, Certified u; Lumbermen's 1-3, Gayle . Sgt: Smith may be contacted Olympic 15-13, Purchasing 13-15, i mm B1 .lmmma " w w m •
_ ness office on Railroad Avenue, Mfg. 18-14, Fuller Const. 17-15, wentz & Lawrence Johnson ;; m Ulymlpia or by phoning 357- Engineering 12½-15½, Research | 633 S 1st 426-8452 |
::!-' Shelton, at 6:30 p.m. November 6. 1V[ing Tree 16½-15½, Gott's Oil- Boon's 3-1, George Wisecup .
3080. 12-16, I.B.P. 10-18. t .o D .m. . .. .m.,..D.D
erettes 15½-16½, Jim Pauley's .Renecher Const. 1-3 Tom Olson
15-17, Eells & Valley 12-20, Dari- 466; Kirabel's 4-0, Hank Coffey ........... ...........
'0 N gOld 7½"24½' White515; Stewart,s Pro Shop 0.4, Ed538. 4 "'oM0MiRs i irk "U'E"S(
l MEN'S CITY LEAGUE Standings. John's Richfield 2,-
Hi Game: Bill Wilson 207 8, Western Auto 21-11, White s
Logging 19½
l Hi Series : Fred Rupe 573 ____ -12 , Lumbermen s
TO [ Standings: 40 & 8 8-6, Beck- 1(5-16, Stewart's Food Basket 15½-
with 17-7, Hidden Haven 16½-7½, 16½, Stewart's Pro Shop 14-18,
CerUfied 13-11, J & J Service Boon's Plumbing 14.18, Renecher CO T Th
2½-11½, Simpson 10-14, Nim Const. 14-18, Prepps 13-19, Kim- me o e
Rod Club 7-17, Cliftons 4-20. bels 9-23.
Spaghetti Dinner, Friday, No vember 3
WOOL BLEND -- Regular $27.00
SKI PANTS . • • • now $18.95 High School Multi-Purpose Room
Regular $110
METAL SKIS • • now 40% Off 5:30 to 8 p.m.
JACKL:'I"S . . . • now 25% Off opuC-onsoreJ uyL--
Bindings Mounted FREE with purchase--
dilliES & MeNl00 Ask about our 'P , High School Rifle Club
Chnton" 'S Bike" &S'kn
Shop _ Adults $1.2S • Youth (12 or less) 75' / ]
iml!hlokl Io .gmntood net to I1 ". ----_-_-__ 223 Cota ..
Thursday, November 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11