November 2, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 2, 1967 |
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Frank Travis
mission, School Board, Port Commission Contests Face Voters
For yor
Earl Moore
For Schoc I Board
Port I
• •
John Sells
Tom Weston
..... ;
h Ave. East
Voters in the city of Shelton [
will face contests for tiwee city
commission positions and two
positions on the Shelton School
Board along with the county-wide
contests when they go to the polls
On the ballot seeking the may-
or's job are incumbent Frank A.
Travis, opposed by former may-
Ubrary Adds
To Staff
. Additions to the professional
staff of the Timberland Library
Demonstration were recently an-
nounced by Mrs. Louise E. Mor-
risen, Director. Mrs. Thomas S.
Coppinger joined the TLD staff
in September as bookmobile co-
ordinator and Mrs. William P.
Larsen as roving children's li-
brarian. Both librarians work out
of South Puget Sound Regional
Library at Olympia.
Mrs. Coppinger was previously
coordinator of bookmobile and
branch services for Mid-Colum-
bia Regional Library at Kennc-
wick. She was graduated from
Whitman College and hohls an
M.A. in librarianship from the
University of Washington. She
was stati(mcd in Washington D.C.
with the WAVES during World
War II and is now married and
has three daughters.
lofts. Larsen comes from Chi-
cago, where she completed course
work for her M.A. at the Univer-
sity of Chicago Library School.
She was children's librarian at
Skokie Public. Library, Skokie,
Ill. for a year and acting chil-
dren's librarian at a branch of
the Chicago Public Library for a
short time. Her work will con-
sist mainly of conducting story
hours and other children's activi-
ties for the community libraries
in the five-county Timberland Li-
brary Demonstration area.
i Elroy Nelson
Former Loc=l
Man Is Given
Forestry Award
George Lincoln Drake, of
12080 Lomica Road, Rancho Ber-
nardo, Sandiego, Calif., was hon-
ored last week in ceremonies at
ottawa, Canada, for his outstand-
ing contribution to the profes-
sion of forestry, lie received the
Gifford Pinchot Medal from the
President of the Society of Ameri-
can Foresters, W. D. Hagenstein
of Portland, Ore.
Gifford Pinchot is cort¢idered
to be the father of American
forestry. Working with President
Theodore Roosevelt, he helped
establish the present day science
and practice of forest use and
Drake has a long and inspiring
career as a forester. Graduating
from Pennsylvania State College
in 1912, he entered the U.S. Forest
Service and served as forester
in Washington, Oregon and Alas-
In 1930 he was appointed gen-
eral superintendent of the Simp-
son Logging Company. From 1951
to 1952 he was President of the
Society of American Foresters.
Serving on the Joint Committee
on Forest Conservation, West
Coast Lumberman's Association
and Pacific Northwest Loggers
Association, as a member from
its origin in 1934, and as chair-
These S Clues
May Point To Drug Addiction
How can parents tell if their
child is a drug addict?
• A good scholar becoming
erratic for no apparent reason.
• A shy child becoming
• A truthful child starting
to tell lies and play truant.
• A happy child suddenly
becoming sullu and morose.
or l,:arl Moore. Travis defeated
M:oore in a hotly-contested bat-
tie in 1962.
Incumbent Finance Commis-
sioner Dave Knccland is opposed
in his bid for re-election by
Arnold Fox, a medical technolo-
gist at Shclton General Hospital.
On the slate for Commissioner
of Public Works are incumbent
Elroy Nelson, and Glen Watson,
a builder and land developer.
In the school board contests,
Dr. Herbert Hergert is unop-
posed in his bid for election to
a four-year term on the board.
Hergcrt is presently filling the
t)oard position to which he was
appointed after the resl£nation
of Dr. Douglas Larson.
Seeking the District 1 position
now held by Mrs. Virginia Mar-
fig are Ernest Hamlin, owner el
Hamlin's Toy and Hobby Shop,
and Bobby L. Barrett, an em-
ployee of the Simpson Insulatin::
Board Plant.
Three candidates are on the
l)allot for the District 5 position
now hehl b5 Lester Sl)ilscth.
They are Galen Burgess. a ma-
chinist Ior Simpson Timber Co.,
Thomas Weston, l)residen! of lhe
National Bank of Mason County
and John Sells, a building in-
specter on the new Mason Gen-
eral Hospital.
Also to be decided by the
wters in the tity of Shelton and
those in the Shelton Port l)islrict
outside the city limits is a ton-
test for a position on the com-
mission in which incumbent Her-
bert Vonhof seeks re-election to
a six-year term. He is opposed
by Kurt Mann, a local real es-
title broker.
For Cify Commissioners
• A healthy child losing
weight mad beiag unable to
"Tkere are no symptoms to
show which children are taR-
ing drugs but there are these
pointers which every parent
should take notice of and then
Itart asking questlozw."
Nell's Pharmacy
IFifth & Fran,':n Sts. 426-3327, Emergency Phon 426-21651
Open Daily 9'30 to 7"30, Saturdays 9:30 to 6:00
L ......... : ..... : ........ :_
Glen Watson
David Kneeland
Arnold Fox
Harstine Bridge Issue Before Voters
Three issues, a 450,000 bond
issue for the construction of it
bridge to lhu'stine Ishuld, mem-
bers of the County Board of Ed-
ucation and menlbers of the Ma-
son County tlospital District com-
mission, will be on the ballot for
all Mason County votm's Tuesday.
Unopt)osed for re-election to
two l)ositions on the hospital dis-
lrict commission are Robert Holt
and Richard Angle,
For the County Board of Edu-
cation, two candidates, incum-
bent Anne Y. King and Kathleen
Landram seek the position fronl
District Two.
No candidates filed from Dis-
trier One and District Three so
those positions will be filled by
write-in votes.
District One comprises the
South-Central portion of the coun-
ty and District Three the South-
west portion.
The ln'oposed bond issue would
pay about half the cost of the
bridge to Harstine Ishmd.
The remainder would be
handled lhrough a bond issue by
a Road Improvement District
which has been formed on the
island and by bonds issued by
Road District One to be repaid
om of cm'rent revenues.
The Road Improvement Dis-
iriet would contribute $300,000
and Road District One $250,000.
The proposal being put on the
ballot this time is the same as
one which was defeated by the
voters in the November, 1966
general election.
As Low
Model FJ.543
Model G J-741
23" diag., 295 sq. in. ptcture
18" diag., 180 sq. in. picture
=,,. co,. .oe,. APPLIANCES
• TV • STEREO • FURNITURE Phone426-4663
Thursday, November 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13