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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pioneer,: NOTICrF BY MASON COUNTY AUDITOR PTA Sets Open House Before OF GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Business Meeting Tonight By DOROTHY COSTA AND CODG BROOKS PIONEER The students of Pioneer cordially invite their parents, relatives, friends and all residents of our area to their Open House, tonight at 7 p.m. The program consists of two parts so that at least two rooms may be visited during the Open House. The time schedule is as follows: 7 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. at room of first choice and 7:25 p.m. room of first choice and 7:25 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. in the next class. The youngsters and teachers have prepared an excellent pro- gram so let's show our apprecia- tion with a good attendance. Stu- dent Body Officers and class rep- resentatives will act as host and hostesses. These include Mike Tokas, Scott Lockwood, Paul Thornock, Connie Caspar, Susan Dickinson and Bonnie Brooks. The regular November P.T.O. meeting will follow Open House at 8 p.m, Guest speakers this evening are Ruth Probert and Sterling Rhodes, school board candidates in the election Nov. 7. The Spartans of Pioneer playefl their last football game of the season last Thursday with the Southside Blue and Whiters, Sor- ry to say we lost the game 18-6. The lone score was made by Tom Sagmiller with the help of his good blocking line. Dorothy Costa is now home recuperating from her recent op- eration. She had an eleven day stay in the hospital and says home sure looks good! The Sterling Rhodes spent a busy but rewarding day in Port- land, Ore. last Sunday. Their daughter, Carolyn, was entered in five events in the U.S, Twirling Association Contest and came home with three wins to her credit. This was her first major contest and she placed first in two events--the Beginners Sol,) and with Tracy Hamlin in Be- ginners Duet and second place in Beginners Srut. This was prel- ty stiff competition and our area is proud of you, Carolyn. Get well wishes this week to Mrs. Roy Bowman who recently underwent surgery at St. Peters hospital in Olympia. The John Raymonds have been informed that their son Jerry, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant. Jerry is presently stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va. Jerry and his wife, Yu Pyon, so October has been a good month for Jerry in many ways. Last week's Journal Cook of the Week was a resident of our own area. Betty Moran has more good recipes than just about any- one we know. Speaking of recipes the Pioneer P.T.O. will soon have our area's good cooks recipes all bound in a nice Cookbook and will be for sale in the near future. Make a mental reservation to keep them in mind and do ask for them for they'll make dandy gift for just about any occasi(m. All classes of Pioneer School enjoyed their Halloween Parties at school Tuesday afternoon. The Primary grade youngsters looked wonderful in their costumes and all the youngsters had fun with their games, songs and goodies of cookies, candies, donuts and cider. Our many thanks to th,, mothers who braved the liquid sunshine to press the cider for the eight classes. Thanks too to all the morns who sent treats and to the Room Mothers for organizing such a successful after- noon Even though its wet and rainy there's lots of building going on around Lake Spencer. The Beck- withs are building an addition to their home. And the Woods now haVe.the foundation poured for their new home next to Ver- na and Art Jackson. Bernie Luhrs is getting ready to back fill around his place so things are really "building up" around here ! N.A.R.C.E. members will meet Nov. 9, at the P.U.D. auditorium at 2 p.m. If you are interested in this organization of Retired Civil Service Employees and de- sire more information please (:all Walt Coiling at 426-6745 The shcool lunch program h)r the week of Nov. 6-10 is ,s follows : SCHOOL MENU • LONDAY -- Beef noodle soup, crackers, meal sandwich, lem- on pie and milk. TUESDAY -- Wieners a n cI sauerkraut, scalloped potatoes, bread & bulter, jello with fruit and milk. WEDNESDAY -- Beef stew, hot biscuits, al)ple cohl)ler and milk. THURSDAY -- Chili-Con-Carne. hot buttered corn bread, rmsin oatmeal bars. pears and milk. FRIDAY --Fish sticks, parsley potatoes, celery and carrel sticks, reny welcomed a son, cream and milk.; Count,''00 II Busmess Directory I Auto Glass " t • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC, 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Floor Coverings • Linoleum • Tile o Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 l Auto Parts * Automotive Machine Shop * Parts for all ears and trucks * 24-Hr, Service on Parts Los Fields Auto Parts, Inc. 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 nn Landscaping • Lawns, rockeries, trees, shrubs • Free Estimates • Top soil, tilling, leveling SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 Auto Repairing i • Major Overhauls • Brakes & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups Special Winterizing ED'S SERVICE 142 W. Cots 426-3926 ]Beauty -• Complete Hair Care • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Free Demonstrations ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 III I iii i Chain Saws .... i New and Used • Rentals Oregon Chains & Accessories Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 5:30 - 10 p.m., daily Mike's McCulloch Shop 2215 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-4639 --- i Draperies ' 305 • Custom Made • Free E=tlmates • Work Guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. RR Avs. Ph. 426-8283 t Drugs i • Helena Rubinstein • Cosmetics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY 6th & Franklln Ph. 426-3327 Electrical J • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliances 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 I ' Masonry I • Fireplaces • All Brick and • Block Work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426°2276 ,|1 Paint C and C Paints Co'-Ca-Wall • Co'-Ca-Namel A-Plex • Brella-Plex GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 Rental Service ' Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders . Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 u. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Travel I • Air - Rail - Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4134 |el TV Service ' I • Radio - TV • Phonographs • CB 2-way Radio LEROY'8 TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 O00l00lotg Store l Barnett les Agency Shop by Phone 426-2691 "It's the Easiest Way to Shop!" MONT00OMERY WARD 2. " NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a Special County-wide election for voting on the Harstine Island Bridge project and various County District Special elections will be held, together with the City of Shelton General election and School District and County Board of Education elections. Said Elections will be held in concert on Tuesday, November 7, 1967, at the Polling Places set out below. Said Polls will open at 8:00 A.M. and remain open until 8:00 P.M. of said day (EX- CEPT that in the case there are any voters in the Polling Places at the hour of closing, who have not voted, the Polls will remain open after the hour, to enable them to do so.). ELECTIONS HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1967 COUNTY-WIDE SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSITION HARTSTENE (HARSTINE) ISLAND BRIDGE BONDS "Shall Mason County, Washington, contract an indebtedness in the sum of $450,000.00 and issue its negotiable general obliga- tion bonds therefor, payable by annual tax levies to be made with- out limitation as to rate or amount, bearing interest at a maxi- mum effective rate not to exceed 6% per annum, payable semi- annually, and maturing in from two to not more than twenty years from date of issue, for County capital purposes only other than the replacement of equipment, to-wit, to pay a part of the cost of carrying out the Hartstene (Harstine) Island Bridge Proj- ect within Mason County, all as provided in Resolution No. 1966-2 of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, passed and approved August 22, 1966, and in Resolution No. 1967-5 of 'the Board of County Commissioners of said County, passed and ap- proved September 18, 1967?" BONDS, YES ...................................... [] BONDS, NO ...................................... [] I COUNTY DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTIONS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 3 SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING PROPERTY TAX LEVY "Shall Fire Protection District No. 3 be authorized to increase its regular property tax levy to $5,277.55, which would be the dollar amount produced by a levy of approximately 4 mills, $4,903.15 having been the levy made in 19677" (This shall not be construed to authorize an excess levy.) YES ...................................................... [] NO ......................................................... [] II I FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 4 SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING PROPERTY TAX LEVY "Shall Fire Protection District No. 4 be authorized to in- $6,106.: (This shall not be construed to authorize an excess levy.) YES ...................................................... r-] NO ........................................................ l' I I II I FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 11 SPECIAL ELECTION GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $50,000.00 "Shall Fire Protection District No. II, Mason County, Wash- ington, incur a general indebtedness and issue its general obliga- tion bonds evidencing such indebtedness in the sum of not to ex- ceed $50,000.00, and m no event to exceed an amount, together with any outstanding general obligation indebtedness, equal to 3% of the assessed valuation of the taxable property within the Dis- trict, for capital purposes only, other than the replacement of equipment, to-wit, to construct and equip a fire hall on a site to be acquired therefor, to purchase and equip a fire truck and to purchase and install an alarm system, those bonds to mature in from two to ten years from their date of issue, to bear inter- est at a rate not to exceed 6% per annum, and the principal and interest thereof to be payable from annual tax levies in excess of the 40-mill tax limitation, all as provided in Resolution No. 3 of the District, adopted September 28, 1967?" BONDS, YES .................................... BONDS, NO ........................................ -] FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 12 SPECIAL ELECTION FOR OR AGAINST FORMATION OF F.P.D. NO. 12 and FIRST BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS FOR: Formation of Mason County F.P.D. No. 12 ............ [] AGAINST: Formation of Mason County F,P.D. No. 12 [] COMMISSIONERS Vote for Three Lawrence Hansen, Star Route 2. Box 158, Shelton. Washington. Ira Ford, Route 1. Box 228, Elma, Washington. Harold Beerbower, Route 1, Box 262. Elma, Washington. III I I I PORT OF GRAPEVIEW SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING PROPERTY TAX LEVY "Shall the Port of Grapeview be authorized to increase its regular property tax levy to $5,537.37, which would be the dollar amount produced by a levy of approximately 2 mills, $4,872.88 having been the levy made in 1967 ?" (This shall not be construed to authorize an excess levy.) YES ...................................................... [-7 NO ........................................................ [' I I CITY OF SHELTON GENERAL ELECTION MAYOR Vote for One Frank A. Travis, 502 Laurel Street, Shelten, Washington. Earl H. Moore, 212 North First Street, Shelton, Washington. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Vote for One David T. Kneeland, 611 Cedar Street, Shelton, Washington. Arnold Fox, 1531 Adams Street, Shelton, Washington. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Vote for One Glen C. Watson, 2019 Cllanan Street, Shelton, Washington. Elroy Nelson, 1216 Tobln Ave., Shelton, Washlngton. Page 16- Shelton-Mason' County Journal -Thursday, November 2, 1967 GENERAL SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTIONS School Directors SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 42 POSITION NO. 1 4 year term Vote for One Reuben J. Nutt, Route 3, Box 486-E, Shelton, Washington. POSITION NO. 2 4 year term Vote for One Harold E. Johnson, Route 3, Shelton, Washington. Walter C. Parsons, Route 3, Box 311, Shelton, Washington. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 54 POSITION NO. 1 4 year term Vote for One Phillip L. Hard(el Star Route 1, Box 84, Grapeview, Washington. M. Bruce Fulmer, Star Route 1, Box 64, Allyn, Washington. POSITION NO. 2 4 year term Vote for One Donald Pogreba, Star Route 1, Box 5, Grapeview, Washington. Mrs. Virginia Hicks, West Stadium Drive, Box 50, Grapeview, Washington. I SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302 POSITION NO. 1 4 year term Vote for One Charles Bridges, Route 4, Box 456, Shelton, Washington. POSITION NO. 2 4 year term Vote for One Hugo Glaser, Route 4, Box 417, Shelton, Washington. II I SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 DISTRICT NO. 1 4 year term Vote for One Bobby L. Barrett, Route i, Box 621, Shelton, Washington. Ernest Hamlin, 326 So. 5th Street, Shelton, Washington. DISTRICT NO. 2 4 year term Vote for One Herbert Hergert, 529 Birch Street, Shelton, Walngton. DISTRICT NO. 5 4 year term Vote for One Galen Burgess, 1103 Fairmont Street, Shelton, Washington. Thomas Weston, Route 3, Box 412, Shelton, Washington. John A. Sells, Route 3, Box 440-A, Shelton, Washington. I I SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 311 DISTRICT NO. 2 4 year term Vote for One Herbert Brehmeyer, Jr., Matlock, Washington. DISTRICT NO. 4 4 year term Clarence Palmer, Route 1, Box 86, Elms, Washington. Vote for One DISTRICT NO. 5 4 year term Vote for One James K. Gribble, Route 1, Box 10, Elms, Washington. I I SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401 POSITION NO. 1 4 year term Vote for One J. Phi]lip Simons, Route 1, Box 305, Shelton, Washington. Dave Whitener, Route 1, Box 323, S.elton, Washington. POSITION NO. 2 4 year term Vote for On e Edwin Taylor, Route 1, Box 124, SLhelton, Washington. I I SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 402 POSITION NO. 1 4 year term Vote for One Ruth Probert, Route 2, Box 255, Shelton, Washington. POSITION NO. 2 4 year term Vote for One Sterling G. Rhodes, Route 2, Box 103, Shelton, Washington. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 DISTRICT NO. 1 4 year term Vote for One Alma Jacobsen, Star Route 2, Box 419, Belts(r, Washington. Theodore H. Blair, Jr., Post Office Box 14, Tahuya, Washington. DISTRICT NO. 3 4 year term Vote for One Kenneth B. Leatherman, Star Route 2, Box 669, Bremerton, Washington. Laurence Dutton, Jr., Post Office Box 63, Belfair, Washington. Anthony Hannon, Star Route 2, Box 737, Bremerton, Washington. DISTRICT NO, 4 4 year term 'Vote for One Wendell L. Harder, Post Office Box 325, Belfair, Washington. Phyllis O. Meyer, Star Route 1, Box 550, Belfair, Washington. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404 DISTRICT NO. 2 4 year term Vote for One Charles H. Dillon, Star Route 1, Box 189, Shelton, Washington. DISTRICT NO. 3 4 year term Vote for One (No one filed for this position. Will be filled by write-in votes.) DISTRICT NO. 5 4 year term Vote for One Harry Hayes, Jr., Lilliwaup, Washington. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION GENERAL ELECTION Directors DISTRICT NO. 1 4 year term Vote for One (No one filed for this position. Will be filled by write-in votes.) DISTRICT NO. 2 4 year term Vote amtleYegita.Ute 1, BOX 476, Bremerton, Washingtof°r One • , Cost Office Box 347, Belfalr, Washington. DISTRICT NO. 3 4 year term Vote for One (No one filed for this POsition. Will be filled by write-in votel,) COUNTY GENERAL ELECTI00000 • Fire District Commis009 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 1 1 6 year term °teh,fQ FIRE PROTEC 00TON DISTRACT NO.z 6 year term vote f0f John R. Matson, Route I, Belfair, Washington. ;t :oi,. 2 year unexpired term (No one filed for this position. It will be filled by write-in v: FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO, 3 i 4 year unexpired term V Wm. R. Spooner, Post Office Box 478, Grapeview, WaSWJ*vl- t P.oT00c-r,o. D,00T.,c'r No.' ,;$ term vote ' I 6 year gto Henry Unger, Route 3, Box 432-C, Shelton, Washin n : I FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 5"' ;;:i 1 m vote ' 6 year ter ,,qt,.l gtO! t( Richard P. Gilbert, Route 4, Box 4699, Gig Harbor, w FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 6 vote 6 year term Robert L. Gwin, Union, Washington. ! FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO'8 r  vote fo 6, 4 & 2 year terms, decided by number of votes• • Jess E. Tharp, Star Route, Tahuya, Washington. Jesse Cates, Post Office Box 3,Tahuya, Washingt°n'..:at0' Post Offme Box 21, Tahuya, Wa Phylhs J. Fmemer, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT N0,9 i $ 6, 4 & 2 year terms, decided by number of votes- V;£ Chester Rosenberg, Star Route I, Box 142-D, shelton, '"o ' Chester Valley, Star Route 1, Box 84, Shelton, Washigt ote. (No one filed for 3rd position. Will be filled by write-i "- J PORT OF ALLYN COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. 1 vot¢,f0[ 6 year term Wm. DeMiero, Post Office Box 175, Belfair, Washin I ? PORT OF DEWATTO COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. z,0112 votef0 6 year term   ...... " (No One filed for this position. ,W[;be:.ilea PORT OF GRAPEVIEW :i COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. 3 vote for 6 year term hi Marjorie Holl, Star Route 1, Box 60, Allyn, Was PORT OF HOODSPORT COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO, 3 votef° 6 year term HO sod po, Washington. PORT OF SHELTON _ , ,.I COMMISSIONER DISTRICT NO. I votefe 6 year term _,.;netO.j.^ Kurt Mann, 251 South 7th Street, She]ton, Walg' i Public Hospital District CommissionerSNo. t COMMISSIONER DISTRICT ._..O ".v°te;'iJ 2 year unexpired term ._. Vean*:,  Robert S. Hoit, Star Route 1, Box 240-A, Lln!°' );t0] PRECnNCTS AND POLLnNG pLC Precinct Airport ...................................................... Allyn Arcadia ...........  ....................................................... Belfair No. 1 Belfair No. 2 ......................................................... Belfair No. 3 Capitol Hill ............................................ Cloguallum (chap. 109, Ex-Ord,1967 LaW) Dayton .......................................................... :- Eells ............................................ Middle Grapeview ........................................................... Harstine ................................ . ....................... ... Hoodsport ................................................................. Isabella .......................................................  ......... : Kamilche Kamilche 2 ........................................ Little Lake .Lilliwaup ...................................................... Matlock .............................................................. " Mill Creek .......................................................... Miller ........................................................................ Mountain View ............................................................ Northside Pickering ...................................................... Potlatch Satsop (Chap. 109, Ex-Ord. 1967 Law) Skokomish ..................................... ... Tahuya ...................................................................... "'"" Union Westside ...................................................... Shelton No. 1 .................................................. Shelton No. 2 ................................ Shelton No. 3 ................................ Shelton No. 4 .................................................. Shelton No. 5 ................................................ Shelton No. 6 • "' Shelton No. 7 ........................ [':'--:-"-'-" ' Shelton No. 8 Nit. Shelton No. 9 .................................................. Shelton No. 10 ...................................... Stelton No. 11 ................................................ : Shelton No. 12 Shelton No. 13 "'----'-"---'-"---'-"'---..-'-.----...'---.-----'-------"" Shelton No. 14 DTED this 26th day of Oet0ber, 1967_. 0yS .lto l]