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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ellison -- Mrs. Nettle honored on her 94th an open house held of her son 1. and Ell•son and daugh- lllison  has resided since 1958. r of friends and neigh- to honor her Cake and coffee by Ellison was mar- Ell•son in 1910 and their Kamilche VaN since this time. Anton (Tony) and both have homes were built by Mr. Ell•son has in addition to Mrs. Alma 13 grandchil- great-grandchildren. guests at the party Krise Whitner were pioneer set- Mrs. Whitner, and decendents mportant part of is 92. returned from California where wife and baby a weekend at the The young cou- returned to their is the former Florence Sigo have returned where they were the fifth annual In- Conference. They Island. was held in the Building at Gon- One of the fea- was Mr. Hargiss of Indian Affairs, states having dele- Were Idaho, Ore- and Arizona. Ed Sigo also at- Fagergren is in Cancer Drive for Nelson, Linda Sally Selvidge will her. More vol- welcome. will arrange be shown locally District of the rally in Aberdeen people from Church the banner for Kamilche by more than group will party at Pan- of Shelton was shower hon- Fagergren of month old son of also was present. Jenny Greggs, Caye, Venice Clark, Vickie Liz Hall, lV[rs. Hen•el. Won by Venice and Ira Taylor at- Party at the Mud Newel] Ell•sons. P.T.O. met Oct. enjoyed a and water poilu- the District a talk and [ TE'S NEW and d try it. Matlock: I BEALL'S AUTO REPAIR Z 00'lonored On Trevelincj Pinochle Club Meets At Roe•meier Home i F a I / By DOlt" HEARING is in the Navy and just returned ]Vr. and Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer Valley aU of Shelton. Sunday or Reliable, Guaranfeed H 0 Y ere . MATLOCK & The traveling Viet Nam. their folks the Herbert Breh- celebrate M.vs. Rossmaier's birth- i Au÷o Repairs an rvice Pinochle Club met at the home Beth Brehmeyer s p e n t the meyer, Sr. family, day were Mr. and Mrs. Edward A showed a film on pollution, of My. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier weekend with her grandparents Supper guests at the Lud Ros- Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ja- A discussion period followed Saturday evening. High score ,r. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Sunday maier home were Mr. and cobs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ja- i Free Pickup and Delivery l in which it was emphasized went to Mrs. Edward Valley and Roy Boothe and son, Tyler, Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family cobs, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Me- that Mason County has no great Ira Ford; low score to Max Cash South Bend, called at the Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cham- Garvie and My. and Mrs. John problem--yet--but only an alert and Mrs. E. Booth, and Pinochle home. berlin and children and Sam McGarvie and baby. Loodsport, Wash. Pho 877-5284 1 public can keep our air and to Mrs. Iuis Asche and Edward waters clean. Valley. The next meeting will Refreshments were in charge be Nov. 11 at the Matlock Grange of MTs. Lasley's primary room. Hall with Mr. and Mrs. Elvin M-others serving were Carol Hag- Hearing host and hostess. man, Gwen Avery and Elda Otto. R i c h a r d Cockburn accom- There will be a dance at Pro- panied by his sister of Elma at- gress Grange Nov. 4 from 9:30 tended the funeral Thursday at p.m. until 2 a.m. Music will be Sunnyside for their grandmother. by the Tune Toppers. This community mourns the Sunday guests at the Gus El•i- death of Henry Mayer, 90, who son home were Mrs. Nettle Ell•- died at Shelton hospital Friday. son's grandaughter Mrs. CharD- He lived most of his life in the lette Douglas and her four chil- Matlock area and leaves two dren from Tacoma. sisters, Mrs. Clarence Barker Allen Wagner got a four-point and Mrs. A. J. Andersen and a buck while h u n t i n g near He- number of nieces and nephews. quiam this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sherwood Mrs. Elliot's "middle" room of Satsop were Friday dinner had its Halloween party Friday. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert lVothers in charge of arrange- Helin. nents were MYs. Wayne Clary, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift and Mrs. Caroll Kelley, Mrs. Dane Mr. and Mrs. James Commet Whither and Mrs. Glenn Kratcha. and son lVfike spent Friday even- The children receiving prizes ing at the Elvin Hearing home for best costumes were first, Con- to celebrate Mrs. Commet's Har- nie Whither; second, Beverly old Ciift and Elvin Hearing's Mesplie and third, Billy St. Paul. birthdays. Cider, cupcakes, popcorn balls tVr. and Mrs. Walter Rudolph and other treats were served, of lVrses Lake spent a few days Entertainment consisted of Read- at the R. E. Bradberry home last ings skits and poems given by week. Thursday they all attended the students, a family get-together at the MY. Whitner's big" room and Thomas Rowe home in Shelton. Mrs. Lasley's primary room will Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier have their parties Oct. 31. attended Pomona Grange at Clo- Mrs. Ruth Nelson visited Mrs. quallum Friday evening. James Mahoney in Mccleary Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hopkins of Tuesday of last week. Tacoma were dinner guests at Among the weekend visitors at the R. E. Bradberry home Sat- the Richard Durkin home were urday. son "Shorty" and family. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. McLeod of and My•. George Durkin of Win- Seattle and lIr. and Mrs. Lud lock and brother-in-law Bud Rossmaier were Sunday dinner Dillon of Tacoma. guests at the Elvin Hearing Mr. and Mrs. Phil Simmons home. with Jean and Becky Sigo drove lViss Mae Cockburn and two to Centralia last Wednesday friends of San Francisco are evening. They heard two men's visiting at the Richard Cockburn singing groups, who were appear- home. ing at The Church of the Open Matlock Grange will have its Bible. regular meeting Friday evening. The groups, a quartet, The The Skokomish drill team will Chalangers and a trio, The Vi- put on the third and fourth de- counts, will be appearing in this gree. Potluck 1 u n c h will be area at a later date. served. Mr: and Mrs. Martin Otto had Mr. and Mrs. John Summerfield as weekend guests daughter Jo and daughter of Edmonds were and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Art Friday evening guests of Mr. Maki from Seattle and Miss and Mrs. Dick Tupper. Marolynn Ell•son who was an Mr. and Mrs. Pat Walker of overnight guest of their daughter, Seattle spent the weekend with Marliene. their folks the Earl Walkers. Pat Mothers! BringeY-urrs'   i - Fathers! Brm" g Your Sonsl See and Discuss These Feaxless Films in the Privacy of Your Cr! BOLDI REVEALING! VITALI A MUST! I OPEN AT6:45 1 AdmissionThis SpeciaIF°r ! STARTS AT 7:00 I Attraction: $1.25 ( Come Early For Best Space! Only Capacity Kids Under 12 Free ) Soldl i WE ¢|RTAINLY ARE HAPPY:AND PROUD TO BRING YOU . • • We ogre• with the public that "MOM AND DAD" IS truly • {lat ateryl it deals with a timely and ImPortant subject • . . and brings its audiences much vital hygiene information. The praise and somplimente it IPesolves from persons who HAVE lIEN IT, certainly sub- Itlmtlatae aue •pinion. The Management DRIVE.IN OF A MAR,NE" I In TeohnlooloP I I m PERSONS UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY ADULTSI SKYLINE THEATRE SHELTON Ph?ne 426-4707 I | SHORTENING 3,b.TIN i BUMBLE BEE  6 oz. tin KRUSTEAZ Hungry Jack (15€ off) CHUNK TUNA 29 ¢ PANCAKE MIX ,..,b. 59 ¢ Bag MORE LOW LOW EVERYDAY PRICES SWEET 'N JUICY GRAPEFRUIT Florida Pink $ FOR ONLY LIGHT TUNA Surfmist (Reg. 39) 35' 7 oz. tin OYSTER STEW Hilton• (Regular 37¢) ,0y. oz.s,z, 34' CREMORA Bo.ens (Reguia ,) oz. ,r 79' MIXED NUTS Nut Lunch (Regular.) 59  13 oz. size (Regular 23¢) ELBOW MACARONI Lae 19' 12 oz. pkg. CHEESE PIZZA che, Boy Ar D;=(Reg. 65€)$6€ oz. pkg. CAKE MIX Pillsbury Cherry Angel FOOd M¢ (Regular 59¢) 15 oz. pkg. MOUTHWASH L,.,or,.e (Regular ,.) 97 14 oz. bottle ALKA SELTZER (Regular .,) 25 count size HAIR SPRAY Aqua Net (Regular "€) 13 OZ. size RAISINS Market Day (R.u,ar .,) 2,b .ix. PITTED PRUNES un,we., (Regu,ar,,,) 12 oz. size COCONUT Baker's Shredded (Reg. 39¢) 8 oz. pkg. POPCORN Bango (Regular :i5€) 2 lb. pkg. 62 € 76  50' 43' :35' 29' DIRECT * WHY PAY MOREl * • LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED • STORE HOURS Man. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 lm. Friday: ..................... 9 a.m. - 7 p,m. Saturday: .................... 9 e,m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, November 2, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page.17