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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BOB WOLDEN of Jim Pauley Inc. presents achievement awards to Marlene Schmidt, Alcoa Ruddell and Toni Cole at 4-It Achievement Night Friday night. The Achieve- meat awards are sponsored by the Ford Motor Co. Also receiving an award, but, not present to accept it was Patty Mell. COUNTY HOME AGENT BETTY COPP, right, presented clothing awards at Achievement Night. Receiving awards were, left to right, Mrs. LaRue Evers, who accepted for Bill Fligh÷ Trainin 9 Plan Is Explained J Veterans who plan to take in the field of aviation. The vet- flight training under a recent eran must possess a private fly- new G.I. Bill benefit were cau, ing license or have satisfactorily " - "d to check caret" completed the required flying tionecl m ay troy and un" ........... ill  befor ._ gro u school insstruction into metr engqo ty e com- f r " ....... o a private license, and meet mitting themselves mr mgnt lOS- .l._   . -- _ . um meQlcal reqmremenm ior a sons ' commercial pilot s license. John B. Kirsch, Manager of Veterans with at least 181 days the Seattle Veterans Administra- military service, part of it after ton Reglonal Office, said that Jan. 31, 1955 are eligible for the Public Law 90-77, recently signed new education and training bene- bythe President, authorizes flight fits at the rate of one month of training at a p p r o v e d flying training for each month of ser. schools for the attainment of a vice up to a maximum of 36 recognized vocational objective months. Page 20, Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 2,'1967 her daughter, Sharon; Alberta Evers, Chris Rickards and Nancy Evers. For institutional training, al- lowances range from $130 per month for single veterans in full- time programs to $175 for those with two dependents plus $10 per month for each additional de- pendent. However, unlike ordinary class- room study, flight training al- lowances are based on cost. VA pays 90 per cent of the ordinary charges for such training up to the limit of a veteran's total eli- gibility for educational assis- tance. For each $130 a veteran receives for flight training assis- tance, his eligibility is charged one month. Fight school courses must be approved by both the Federal Aviation Administration and the appropriate State authority. Full information is available at the Seattle VA Regional Office in the Sixth and Lenora Building. Veterans who write to inquire about personal eligibility should include their VA file number if they have applied previously for VA benefits. .......... ..... ..... , :::: who !|waS A SPECIAL HIGHLIGHT of the refreshments at 4-H cake. Looking on is Mrs. Toni Matson,  |u. Achievement night Friday night was a birthday cake for observing a birthday. Mrs. Matson is a 4-H County Agent Harold Van DeRiet, shown here cutting the "Harstine: HoIIII Newlywed Couple Honored At Dance At Community By CARMEN YATES 0t of Stan Yates werdter00  Seattle last Sunda2 iY..!1 look ,over  tiieir  for .a (lll then went on down. "100o visit with Cleo!S t t and the Dale Peughs. f;lees P  " Other guests at the yateS ".-f fv and Glenn BengelSd;ol e the Marvin from Tacoma. Th_eWglS f0r] gathered at the Fe . t0 Saturday evenis 1  ner dBa; brate iittle John third birthdaY. Sffya entire Yates f and Susie and thei r sleePP catching up on  the dance, Mary was ot to located some rse_kaitl around loose. He to P" | with a tteaLi°y freezer.-s als0 The Chuck Bridgi abotlj] aged to squeezeer the_t hours of sleep .-eir horSV| before loading m ferry catching the 8 a. "to joi t down to 1VcClearY s for %] friends, the Ira KenYey horseback riding" atterldie 4 short ride before _ yf¢o% Cowboy Breakfast WeotpleS I Afterwards theldta:t /i, tled their bre.a the h w° | mile ride uP lnw 1VcCleary. ] • € ! the bay anti the Christmas Party day trip to Chehalis to visit which is drawing close faster Paul's sister, Mrs.Jennie Spence. HARSTINELast Saturday :than: most prdbably realize: i a good marly  yO@s ago. Benne evening many friends and mem ,., The gals that delivered the  While tbe , here they bers of Bill and Cindy Bingham's first cookies to the Shelton Man- helped another"one of Paul's sis- families gathered together at or Nursing home in behalf of the ters, Mh's. Fay Marblelebrate the Harstine Community Hall to Women's Club reported their of- her birthday at a dinner on Sun- give the newlyweds their best forts were thoroughly rewarded day evening. wishes and to help them cole- by the appreciation of the Senior Sunday afternoon callers at the brate their marriage of one Citizens when they arrived with John Hitchcock home were Ben- week. Not one thing could have the goodies. Ella McAuliffe and net Howard and his son. John been changed to make the even- M.trja Bridges certainly felt we who just recently returned home ing any more of a complete suc- had made the right choice in from Viet Ham and Theo Waite. cess. The music by the Walt selecting a good cause out of the The original building that John Allen band was absolutely per- several possible suggestions that and Beulah now live in was once fect. It seemed to be the unani- were made. the school where Bonnet taught mous opinion of the entire group On behalf of all the Islanders had tried on several previous oc- that the music was the best that I'd like to welcome a new resi- casions on the Hitchcocks had set feet to dancing in the dent. This is Mr. Ericson's to see the many changes they've hall for many years. And there's second week as a new Islander. made in remodeling the cabin, been lots of dancing done and He is Billie Stamborski's father, but had always missed connec- a number of above average musi- who until coming here to live, tions until this past weekend, cal groups perform here in the made his home in Seattle. He when he found them home. past. Several comments to the lived there nearly 30 years. He. The ferry crew reported they effect, 'Hope this group can be has his trailer home set up just hauled 174 cars last Saturday booked for next Labor Day' ,were north of the Stamborski home. alone and the deer were going overheard during the evening. Old-time firends that accom- off so thick and fast all weekend The couple's many beautiful panied the Hugo Glaser's daugh- they lost count and couldn't keep wedding gifts were on display ter, Helen Franicb, to the Island track of the number that left the on a long buffet table for all to last Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Island. admire. John Shook from Forsythe, Mont. The Harstine School Bus, along This writer's first babysitting The two e o u p 1 e s have been with all the other Mason County job was for the Waite family friends for many years, dating busses were on hand in Shelton when the bride (who ineidently back to when both the Shooks last Monday for the State Safety was alsq a correspondent for this and the Glasers lived in Tacoma. Check which is required periodi- same column about four years After leaving the Island Helen eally. ago) was just three years old. and her guests stopped on their Vayne and Beulah Browning, Thus it was a real honor to bake way through Shelton to visit who plan to be Island residents and decorate a special cake for Helen's brother, Dick, and his as soon as their home is built, Cindy and her new husband. The family before driving back to received the sad news that their cake, shaped like an open song the Franich home in Tacoma. grandson, Michael Browning, book, was decorated with musi- The new sanitary land fiU (or was killed last week in Viet Nam. eal lines and notes. The words if your're old-fashioned you may He was serving with the Marines underneath were The Hawaiian still prefer the term, garbage at the time. Wedding Song'. A litly on either dump) which was the subject of The Barry Burkhalter family side of the title completed the an article in a recent issue of from Lakewood was down for decorations. The entire cake the Journal written by your eor- the weekend to visit her folks, colors were carried out in soft respondent after an interview the Sid Baunsgards. The whole yellow and spring green, the with Sanitarian, Gary Plows, is group enjoyed an apple picking colors the bride chose for her now ready for use. The new dis- bee at the Jim Lohrer home at wedding last week. The Hawai- posal sight is located about Pt. Wilson. ian Wedding Song seemed appro- three miles south of the ferry- The Gone Sewards made a trip priate since the couple left last landing on the low road. The up to the Canal last Saturday to Monday for the Hawaiian Islands signs marking the road into the try a little fishing. Lady luck where Bill is stationed, new dump will be put up this was smiling that day and Gene Following their wedding a week. The old dump just north boated two beautiful fish, one 11 week ago last Sunday the newly- of the Gravel Pit in the center pounds and the second weighed weds spent one week in Canada of the Island will be covered in at 13. pounds. They quickly at Harrison Hot Springs. next month and closed off. called their friends in Bothell, Last Sunday evening the little Sid and Francis Madge re- the O. K. Dabls and told them Trick or Treaters were riding turned home last Friday after about the good fishing and the around the Island. Although the spending three weeks in Eastern. two couples made arrangements group started between 3:30 and Washington bird hunting. They to meet for some more fishing 4 p.m. it took until almost 11 were joined at Bridgeport, which Sunday. However, Lady Luck p.m. to make the rounds of the is located along the Columbia had moved on and the fish entire Island. This annual event River, by Francis' brother and stayed to grow a bit larger. The wage is one of the big highlights of his wife, the Ted Dikes. They Dahls plan to spend a Couple 'of stop the year for these youngsters said the weather was just mar- days visiting Gone and Thora enough tO fits." and they all look forward to' it velous. The only bad weather at their home here before re- "A person udn a long time in advance of the was on their way home across turning to Bothell. actual date. For this reason a the pass when it stormed so bad- The Robert Lee, Sr. and Mrs. monthlY Payn!e, simple thanks seems quite in- ly it made driving hazardous." Helen Rohm spent most of last physical or mr adequate, but both the youngsters They brought home several phea-.. " week at their place on Pt. Wilson. that has kept "( m worki g and their parents sincerely ap' sants with the help of their bird Friday they were joined by ., No l outer preciate so very much the dogs. their two sons, Art and Bob. Sat ......... )i.ear thoughtfulness the Islanders go This past weekend the Madges urday they all returned to Ta- ability be to in preparing their treats for had as thdir guest Francis' sis- coma. Skinner po . small-fry. A very special thanks ter and her husband, :Mr. and ' Florence Jerrells located an Total f a  i 1 : to those who prepared goodies Mrs. Mitchell Kreseka of Seattle. apartment in Olympia and spent amount t ts and left them in their mailboxes The Kreseka's daughter, Margy last weekend getting some of her monthly.  e i even though they weren't home. and her husband, Ron Whitehead things moved over there. 125 persons e rt der Women's Club meets today at and their baby daughter, Kim- Guests at the Jim Lohrer home ty benefits  ,tl 'k the home of Lila Peugh. Topics berly, accompanied her folks on last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. "ThuS, if . coming up for discussion Will in- the weekend visit to the Island. Mounts from Olympia. urged, ,'tel i clude the forthcoming visit to A week ago this last weekend The George Somers family who curRY office rftl our Pickering neighbors across the Paul Chaffees took a four purchased ten acres just south or visit the OlY No÷ To 0 I About one of plicants for ability benefits before that he risks payments, district m anager ia  ity in "Some poop}' cause they dO{[ they can bener gram," Skinner people often thi security P .ir people in the disabili fically set