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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 2, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 2, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FGr FAST SERVICE Phone 426-4412 Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classify: 5 p.m. Tuesday D WITH 15 Words or less--S1 '! 10 cents for additional word FOUR (4) insertions for the price of For Sale MOBILE HOME FURNITURE We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. 4/14 tfn FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn WAL-TO-WALL CARPETS oz room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at el- sen trniture, 4th and Cota, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn VACUUM CLEANERS -- We sell the best and service the rest. Jack Manley. Phone 426- 3544. M 3/2 tfn FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. 426- 6163. 5/25 tfn USED BRICKS, uncleaned, $50 per thousand. Dick Look, call 426-6251. L 10/12-11/2 NEAR NEW SALE --- Sports equipment, clothes, and phon- ograph records. Thursday, No- vember 16, P.U.D. building, beginning 10:00 a.m. Sponsor- :d by Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild. Misc. articles. A 10/26-11/16 FOR SALE --- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tfn HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's farm -- Kamilche Valley. 426- 3740. M 1/12 tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture. 4th and Cots. 4/14 tfn ALTO SAXOPHONE, excellent condition. $200. 426-8690. O 8/10 tfn LOCKER BEEF 2 year old steers. 200-225 lb. average side 49 cents lb. cut and wrapped on halves. Stewart's Food Bas- ket, Mt. View. 6/22 tfn WOOD FOR SALE Alder, fir, maple, Jack'pine, any length. Ianedtate delivery. $18.00 per cord. Call Belfair CR 5-2302. D 7/27 tfn KENMORE AUTOMATIC wash- er $25 - Olson. St. Rt. North Box 25, Lilliwaup 4 miles north of Lilliwaup. 877-5564. S 10/12-11/2 FOR SALE 770 Homelite saw, direct drive. Call 426-8558. B 10/26-11/9 WOOD FOR SALE Any length, 877-5862. P 11/2-9 TREAT RUGS RIGHT. they'll be a delight if cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham- pooer $1. Coast to Coast. 11/2 FOR SALE -- Westinghouse cabinet T.V., good condition. very reasonable• Call 426-2124. L 11/2 ROUND BROCADE davenport and chair, very good condition, $75. Tapestry daveno $35. 426- 3159. C 11/2 KING APPLES $1.50 box phone 426-4013. B 11/2 SAFETY HELMET, worn very little, for sale. Phone 426-4097. H 11/2 DOUBLE BED. regular size. th innerspring and mattress, $10.00. Phone 426-3497. For Sale BUILDERS PRICES on built-in Kitchen Aid dishwashers and Dmposers. Shelton Electric Co. 419 R.R. Ave. 10/26-11/16 00partan STEEL POOL Backhoe Services Sewage Systems Topsoil -- Fill Dirt First Bankcard Honored GLENN PARR 426-6539 SHELTON 10/26 tfn Used Cars 1951 CHEV. zI ton pickup. Ph. 426-6084. R 10/12 tfn '57 FORD RANCH WAGON, straight stick and overdrive. Good condition. One owner. 426-4778. W 10/12-11/2 DELUXE 1957 2-DOOR Chevro- let hardtop. 3 speed Hurst shift with '63 Impala engine 283. Slicks, everything new. $650. 426-6300 between 6-8 p.m. O 10/19-11/9 1960 FORD 6 cyl. sedan $100. See at 1612 Washington street. Shelton. Phone Olympia 352- 5149 after 6 p.m. B 11/2 1962 OLDSMOBILE, 4-door se- dan. power steering-brakes. automatic transmission. Excel- lent condition. $1000 cash. This week only. Phone 426-8635. T 11/2 Sporting Goods SEDAN CRUISER, excellent condition, nice family boat. sleeps four. Also boat house. Both for $2500.00. See at Shel- ton City Dock or call 426-6477 days. T 8/3 tfn COMPLETE LINE of Kawasaki motorcycles from 85cc to 650 cc Cooke's 219 So. 1st. 426-2612. C 8/17tfn HONDA TRAIL 90, 1965, $150. Yamaha 100. excellent condi- tion. $350. Phone 426-2049. B 10/19 tfn 1964 HOiDA 90, 200 cc. semi- trail, $160.00. Phone 426-6870. W 10/19-11/9 1966 HONDA 305. excellent shape, low mileage, 1650 miles, phone Hoodsport 877-5428. Y 11/2-9 - A - _ Mobile Homes - _ - _ _ FOR SALE or Trade - 1966 Aristocrat 17' self-contained trailer, sleeps six. with fur- nace. 426-8435. B 10/19-11/9 1955 20-FOOT TRAVELEZE house trailer..426-6710. B 11/2 Wanted WANT TO BUY PARTS for 1954 Studebaker Station Wagon. Consider entire car. 426-3497. P 43 it HANDYMAN wants ]ODS. Clean- ing, painting, repairing. For in- formation call 426-4278. B 3/30 tfn P 11/2 ................................... 3 SPEED STICK transmission for 1965 Chew.. perfect condi- tion, $65. Call after 5 p.m. 426- 4526. B 11/2 40" INSULATED CANOPY, long, wide box. phone Olym- pia 357-7904 after 5 p.m. S 11/2 Immediate Delivery N HOTPOI NT 10 Year Free Replaoement Warranty T C00STO00 WATER HEATER The Hotpoint Custom Glassllne water heater provides the ulti- mate in automotle, safe, effi- eient operation. And best of all, it is backed by I0 year tank replAeemt warranty. IRONING DONE m my home six days a week. Phone 426- 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tfn WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two million feet alder logs. Smith Hardwood Mill, John's Prairie. Phone 426-3464. 9/7 tfn ., J WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tfn BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Tanks • Drain Fields Grading • Free Estimates BILL NOLL 426-4160 3/16 tfn BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call GENE'S GRADER SERVICE 426-4827 3/30 tfn Services BACK HOE SERVICE --- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates• Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. Pets, Livestock HEALTHY PUPPIES to give t, way. 6 weeks old, very intel- ligent, wonderful pets for chin dren. See at 225 So. 7th after Real Estate FOR SALE or Trade--Five unit apartments, low down pay- ment. Inquire 6421 Dearbm, phone 426-6570. S 11/2 Real Estate BEAUTIFUL BROOKSIDE and upland property, Dayton area, for sale. Bar-Din Enterprise, 311 Cookson. Phone 426-8113. 7/22 tfn 4 p.m. F 11/2 B 6/8 tfn 120' x 10ft COMMERCIAL zoned CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, highway lot, good Mt. View lo- speedy, accurate, precision Puppies ! cation. Phone 426-3242. LaBISSONIERE grinding. Now at Saeger Me- B 9/14 tfn tor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426- 4602. 1/15 tfn A good selection of Australian LOVELY K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tfn SAND AN) GRAVEL, top--soil, peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Grave: Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn PSYCHIC READING: Advice and help on many matters. 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- 8771, Olympia. A 1/5-26 tfn WILL DO baby-sitting in my home, Monday through Friday. Capitol Hill area. Phone 426- 2601. C 11/2-23 WILL BABY SIT days, in my home. Call 426-2709. D 11/2-23 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn LAND CLEARING D-8 CAT Phone 426-3373 P. O. Box 305 Lost & Found LOST OR STOLEN apricot col- ored female poodle, six months old. $100 reward for return and conviction of parties respon- sible. Call 426-2822. S 11/2 Miscellaneous CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart- felt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral offerings given us during the loss of our loved one. Mrs. H. J. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Gale Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Grimm A 11/2 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart- felt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral offerings given us during the loss of our loved onE. The Family of Edwin Petty 11/2 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart- fell gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral offerings given us during the loss of our loved on V. P. Bunnell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunnell Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bunnell Mrs. Geneva Clifford 11/2 - _ - - • Help Wanted CHRISTMAS TREE workers wanted immediately. G. R. Kirk Christmas Tree Co., ph. 426-6151 between 8:30 - 4:00 p.m. K 10/26-11/2 WOMAN to live-in and help in the home and m care of eld- erly mother. 426-3648. H 10/5 tfn WANTED HUCK and Salal pickers. Highest prices paid. Whitley's Evergreen, 426-3051. W 10/19 tfn WANTED -- Substitute for mail roue Call 426-4097. H 11/2 ATTENTION LOGGERS: One pair of contract cutters with own saws steady year around work in Sequim and Quilcene area. Phone 385-3169 after 7 p.m. B 11/2 FIX IT :00lls & Valley Appliance Ce.ter 2nd & Cota St. Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing Center Page 22 - SheltonMason County Journal - Thursday, November 2, 1967 Terriers available. The newest Terrier in the U.S. Small, lively, lovable, intelligent. New Litter of West Highland White Terriers Stud Service: Australian Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Toy Poodle (White, Texas Breeding) TEANN KENNELS Route 2, Box 908 Phone 426-6152 Shelton. Wash. For Rent LAWTON APARTMENTS -- 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort- able, furnished, unfurnished. One bedroom or bachelor units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Downtown. Suitable for one or two people. Adults only. 426-6450 after 4:00 p.m. week- days. Anytime Saturday, Sun- day. R 10/19 tfn GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Large, furnished, modern, downtown, adults. Inquire 119 East Cedar. phone 426-4895 or 426-4481. G 10/19 tfn TRAILER HOUSE for rent, 2 bedroom. Phone 426-3169. B 11/2 tfn FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished house for rent. Water and gar- bage paid. Phone 426-8150. N 10/12 tfn 2 room cabin._ on water, completely furnished. Call Union 898-2428. S 10/5 tfn FOR RENT  Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, THREE BEDROOM HOME Large fenced lot. Electric heat. $11,500 Phone 426-2011 B 11/2 BRITE STAR REALTY, Inc. SMALL FARM 6+ acres, old three bedroom home. Needs help. Creek, fruit trees, fine soil. $9500, terms. * * $ LARGE TRAILER LOT Septic tank, power, water, fine mountain view, has everything, $500, excellent terms. SHELTON--HILLCREST AREA 2 bedroom home with carport; lot 50' x 10ft; price $6,500; $500 down; $65 per month. HOODBPORT 1 bedroom home $5,000; 2-bedroom home, $6,000; city water, nice view, near school and shopping center; good terms. Hoodsport --- Fine wooded lot, city water, view, $2,900; fine Real Estate VS,; STILL HAVE ACREAGES, LARGE AND SMALL, CALL BEV THOMASON. MT. VIEW: Lovely 2 bedroom home for the discriminating buyer, $17,000 witl: substantial down payment. Call Bey Thomason. SOUTH SIDE LOCATION: 3 bedrooms and recreation room, 1! baths, large utility-breakfast room, dining room, living room with fireplace, kitchen with all appliances. Garage in basement, lovely landscaped yard in nice residential area, F.H.A. Apprais- ed. LARGE LOT -- SOUTH SIDE: 15,000 sq. ft. w/view city, water, and mountains, city water and sewer in. Also several smaller lots reasonably priced. Call Bey Whomason. HOME IN THE COUNTRY: Within 1 mile of town. newer 2 bedroom, living room, kitchen utility, family room or extra bed- room. Call us about terms and price. 2 MASON LAKE LOTS: Real Estate HERE'S a new three bedroom, full daylight basement, two baths, fireplace, double car- port. Well arranged. Carpeted. Conveniently located. family home. Owner will trade. 426-4428 evenings. J 10/19 tfn THREE BEDROOM home, 2 car garage at 727 North 4th. $10,- 200. Call Jim Pauley, 426-8231 days. 6/15 tfn POTLATCH WATERFRONT property. 104 ft. beach (your own oysters); 750 ft. depth, partly wooded offering pri- vacy. Cozy 2-bedroom cottage, view windows, fireplace, dou- ble garage. Call owner, 877- 5457. C 10/5 tfn 327' SALT WATERFRONT. No mud flats. Pebble beach. Oy- ster lands. Thirty wooded up- land acres. Stream. Near Ar- cadia. 100 privacy obtain- able. Asking $35,500. Call 426- 4817. M 10/12-11/2 In Hoodsport 1 block to stores and beach. 2 bedroom, large living room and kitchen, utility. Fenced yard 50 x 110 feet, clean; good repair, move right in. $7,500. Easy terms. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5277 Union 898-2155 Real FOUR BEDROOM Belfair highwaY, from Bremerton, age. CR tween 9 p.m.-10 ARCADIA THAT'S right $50 down --tracts as low as monthly payments tracts comprise one acre (43,560 that some are wooc are garden tracts a and cleared but homesites. IT'S A home and mosphere without hubbub of developments. warm stream property owners swimming (a ing nearby). well water from system, piped Just tuz the squirts on each today. THEN iences such as schools, churcheS, shopping country living PROVIDE for vesting selection Request ESTATES, Shelton. Anytime. of Shelton Road to sign. terms. Adjoining, less than $500 down. , , , $50.00 month.  Mr. Realy State WE HAVE MANY FINE WATERFRONTAvAILABLE.LOTS Call 426-4666 "We have CALL US FOR LOCATION Bev Thomason 426-8615 .E, ABmrVHoodspor%AND PRICE.washingtonlnC. to your "" BRITE STAR LaB/ITON/ERE fhe key AGENCY Iltlllll II , REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE Route 1, Box 135 119 So. 4th -- 8helton, Wash. move • ' ' Phone: 877-5439 11/2 - - - call furnished apartment. Edge- FINE 5 BEDROOM HOME wood Apts., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tfn 200' WATERFRONT W/TL No bank; together with 15 acres WILL RENT -- 2 bedroom homeof wooded viewlands. Close in in downtown area. Stove and refrigerator furnished. $100 per month. References. Call after 6 p.m. 426-2526. 10/26 tfn ONE BEDROOM house on Hill- crest, with garage. Also up- stairs apartment, walking dis- tance to stores. 426-4827. R 10/26 tfn HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent. Downtown area. Call 426- 8115 or 426-3573. L 10/26-11/16 2 BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, gas heat, $57.50. Call 426-4719. P 11/2-23 LOGGERS / CONTRACTORS! For Rent: 2 stalls 12'x40', one with grease pit. Shop-by-the- Day, do your repair work out of the weather. Also storage space for equipment. Call Gene Rutledge 426-4827, 1629 Ridge Road. 11/2-23 Mt. View Elwood Manor Apartments Adams and G Sts. 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Apt. 201 - Ph. 426-3100 Contact Manager We furnish: • Electricity and appliances • Water and garbage service • Laundry facilities • w/w carpeting and drapes Available Now 10/19 tfn ;-evere::00d;r Real Real Estate Estate NEED A 4 BEDROOM HOME? This one zs on a z/ acre lot, and it has so many outstanding fea- tures if you call and let us tell you about them. Full price is $16,500 and a mortgage of ap- proximately $12,500 can be as- suraed. This is good, so call now for details. LAKE ISABELLA You can bring a friend to share this one. 2 terrific lots of ap- proximately 65 feet each with over 400 feet of depth. Drilled well, septic tank, good road. elec- tric power, telephone line and dock. Nicely terraced, landscap- ed and a park-like woods. All this for only $77 per front foot. Call and ask why it's so reason- ably priced. ALL WE ASK Is the opportunity to show you this 4 bedroom home with fire- place, electric baseboard heat. large carport and a nicely fenced corner lot. Full pmce is $12,500 and only $200 down plus pre- payment of a year's taxes and insurance is needed to get you in. Then $96 per month includ- ing taxes and insurance. YOU CAN STILL SELECT Your own colors, formless, tiles, etc., 2 new homes that will be ready for occupancy in 60 days. They'll have 3 bedrooms, attach- ed garage and are located on Mt. View. Built with FHA inspec- tions and appraised at $15,000. Only $500 down. TRADE? Have a client who wants to trade this 3 bedroom home on 125 feet of no-bank bulk-headed water- front. He'll take a truck, a boat, a trailer, a cat acreage or even equity in a house as down pay- ment. You name your trade and we'll consider it. 2 BEDROOM -- DOWNTOWN It will take a special kind of a client for this one. It's been com- pletely renewed inside and out. It's a charmer -- especially for the devotee of antiques and early period furniture. By appoint- ment only. WE NEED AN OFFER On this small 2 bedroom home on Beverly Heights. Some refinish: ing has been done but more needs doing. Come see it and make a reasonable offer- we'll listen. GONNA BUILD Someday? Then this 2½ acres for $1,500 might be just right for .you. Call and we'll tell you about it: beauty spot. 2 levels, 3½ baths, daylite basement. Huge living room, 2 fireplaces, formal dining room, Rec and party rooms. Priced to sell. $10,000 down. Bal. by agreement. A spacious family home. $70 A FOOT WATERFRONT 98' no bank level land. The tide- lands are included, 106' wide at mean low. Nothing like it at any- where near this price. $6,900. $1,500 down. LOVELY 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY SETTING This 1965 home is located on a large level tract with a wooded backdrop. Circ. fireplace in liv- ing room, patio fireplace. Well appointed kitchen includes drop- in range. Dining area. Roomy bedrooms, hwd. floors. Fenced yard. $15,950 with $3,500 down, buyer can assume existing Agreement $85 per month at 6 I£ e interest This beats FHA. BRAND NEW 3 BEDROOMS 6 MILES ON HIGHWAY Striking contemporary design. All the wanted features. Entry hall. Spacious living room. din- ing room, covered patio. Recess- ed kitchen lighting. Lovely car- pets. Impressive fireplace. All on small acreage. $19.500. By conventional mortgage. 85' WATERFRONT HOME ON ARCADIA POINT Tidelands included. Stout bulk- head, 3 large bedrooms. Mod fireplace in extra large living room. Basement. Superb sea- views, islands, mountains. Priced to sell fast. $5,000 down. The full price will be a pleasant surprise, 3 BEDROOMS, 5 ACRES LARGE CREEK, 4 MILES 200' frontage on surfaced road. This is the best buy we have seen lately. It has a forced air wall furnace. Nice living room, kitchen, and patio. Also a sep- 8rate cabin that will rent for $25. An excellent investment at $5,- 700. $1,500 down. (The home rents for $70.) Can pay for it- seli on rentals. We have 3 country homes priced from $6,940 to $7,950. See us for • details. CALL 426.8544 John Devereux 426-4251 • Andrew Hulder 426-8544 Devereux-Hulder MANN REAL ESTATE 226 N. 1st St.  8HELTON 121 Railroad Avenue .. An. An. A m   .. CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME " R. E. Exchanges ;_-..-_-..-_-_..-..- EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt .Mann, Realtor . Exchanger, 426-6592. 8/18 tfn Real Estate FOR SALE: 4 bedroom home, furnished. 318 East K st. Call 26-4765.after 3 p.m. C 11/2 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Corner Lot  100' x 120' Sxth" & Railroad Phone 426.8190 A 11/10 tfn HERE IT IS-- This spacious 3 bedroom home with a den of living area. You'll appreciate the huge formal dining room, the family-sized kitchen pliances and the huge 2-car garage. All this just $17,500. Let us show you this valuc pack BUY OUT OWNER'S EQUITY-- ._ low Here's y. our opportunity.  to assume. •an cxisu-nts ,: rate loan and take over $104 monthly paymC ..; 3 taxes and insurance) and move into this bc.utlace , home. There's w/w carpeting, beautiful tncnPlfiS fenced yard and attached garage. The prme family home is just $14.850. Hurry. JUST LISTED ON MT. VIEW-- This contemporary 3-bedroom home built in 19 sq. ft. of living area, including the family floors, a large storage room off the kitchen, a back yard with covered patio, and the m nice family home at $13,950. DOWNTOWN SPECIAL If you're handy with tools and have some should investigate this 2 bedroom home. It's of progress and priced to sell at $4,500. MT. Vl EW See this now---Perfect spot to own for your 1st h° e' bedrooms, hardwood floors, drapes, plus dishwasher' lot.., garage and carport call anytime. SUBURBAN SPECIAL-- Here's almost an acre of land at the edge of 3 bedroom older home. Perfect for the it's complete with a small barn and wc with easy contract terms, See it now! 2 BEDROOM HOME--DOWNTOWN This cozy home is so ideally located within to all downtown conveniences. Lock, ted on a garden area and you will appreciate the utility porch. There is a fireplace, too. $8,850 with good terms. STREAM FRONTAGE Here's two nice buqding or trailer sites on a stream. Or it might be just a spot to go to, it all The owner will sell each for $1,500 terms, Give us a call. MT. VIEW LOCATION Just the home for the young family. place, oil fired furnace, 1½ baths, workshop, and a nice fenced yard. FHA 5 ACRES AND A CREEK Here is a neat and trim two bedroom ily room, fireplace, part basement and mu( a two car garage, workshon, berries, sm pasture and frontage on Mill Creek. All town and priced at just $16,950. NOW IS THE TIME!! With a big holiday season just ahead, with this brand new 3 bedroom home room, just off the kitchen, for fortable, economical gas heat, a fireplace, attached garage. It's all here for a minim ment and a remarkable $16,250 full price. LOW BUDGET?? Check into ths economical 3 bedroom home Tracts. It has an efficient oil furnace drapes are included. There's a big school bus is ½ block from the door. ing just about 1300 sq: ft. plus a garage. NEED BIG ROOMS?? Looking for'the "Best"? An all plaster carpeting? Big fireplace? •Spacious P family ••room? Double carport? Large location? Under $25.000? We've got "it' Come have a look! (Really!!) " HIMLIE REALTY, 1717 Olympic Highway N. • : .• • . EVENINGS CALL: ,, ,'sKIP DICK KNAUF 426-8110 VINCE HIMLIE 426-6501  DAVE TH#