November 3, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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IIIIHI ],[ , , I I I ...... Ill I I III II I I I III I I I
$¥mptome of Distress Arising from
Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing
Over three million bo(th, of (,he W LLA m,
TF!AI'MI:N"P |taY8 br*t/l sold for relier ,)f
Ilywpla)laofdlstressarl,ing from Stomach
and IDuodenal Ulcers due to Ezeess p,¢id --
Pr Oisestion, Sour or Upset Stdmoch,
Qmmlme, Heortburn, eleeplessnass, etc.,
due I;o IxeeSs Acid, Sold on ] 5 dtys' t;rJal I
Ak for "Wlliard)s Meslase ') which folly
p{ains thla treatment--iro-- at
Fornmr Sheltonian
Halts Railroad Fire
Dnrrell (.rissman, 36, a former
]'esi(h, nt ,if Sh,dton, was credited
with {)revealing a. larg(, fire in
l,ong Henvh, (,':,liI'., Oe(<)bcr 2] hy
i€)}aling a l)m'nin; )':lil)',)ad ('at
f)'Olll :l. |rHin (if ,¢)) (!:{1';4.
( '.ris,alla H :)pot leci {he blaze
f)'oni : (li:tanee ,if n h:df mih,.
l.le .}umpcd ,m his bulhiozer, sped
to [)le SCelle, ll]'l(,Oll]){e({ tho l)llrn-
ing refrigcr;Hor v:u' an(I isolatcd
it. Cri.;snmn is en]t)h)y(,d wilh 1he
t:lardwiek Disposal Co. €)f I)om-
Demand Is Up For ( TIi]NGS THEY Observes 54
eo in ,avor of taxes over economy llears In ervlce
Ravonier Pr,00lucts I • (00oa, l.u000 ,, ,.. .
• w{t. qb l
in the manner and number all
In Last Quarter ,.I,est,ona Thi.. apparently, did
not deter John Q. Citizen from
ttayoni(w Incorporate(I. in its speaking Ills mind. H(. is over-
inhu'i),{ rcpor(t() slocl(hohlers for whelmlngly opposed to more
lhe niu,, months cnde(l Septeml)(,r;iaxes ' Pat it another way: he
',),(), shows sales of $34,892,095 wants the job done by economy.
('onqmred with $47,3t5,423 for the
corresponding period of 1948
I)resi(lcnt Edward Bartsch has an-
ll¢)ll l(!C(|.
NET IN('OME for the current
This official sampling of the pub-
lit; wolfld seem to be a convinc-
ing argument against those who
would have a special session to
raise taxes so as to continue
m'ucz, lin(' m()nlh.; amounted to $4.108.-
.............................................................................................................................. 819, ()r $3.19 per share on the
When On The {;anal
Visit The
j, ,,
Also Board and Room by Day or Week
N °,
45 O.
.; $2.45
eomnl(m stk, and $7,658,443, or
$6.76 l)cr share for the similar
period of the previous year.
In his letter to the stockhold-
ers, Bartseh stated that the de-
mand of customers for Rayonier's
products during the ihird quarter
reflected a strong upward trend
ill the synthetic textile fiber in-
(tustry which had exl)erienced a
(Iownward trend earlier in the
lie POINTED OUT thaL this
tndustry's shipments of rayon
yarn and staple fiber have in-
creased for f i ve consecutive
months and, during September,
were the largest ever made in any
grafters, chiselers and idlers on
the welfare roils. It also would
seem to be a spur to state offi-
cials attempting to economize
elsewhere so as to make enough
money available to provide for the
truly needy.
i lot of people, maybe ' all ex-
cept a few, including this
writer, were unaware of the great
danger that threatened the world
and all of us, during the month
of October, for that was the
month predicted by a gronp of
Los Angeles experts in which the
end of the world was to come. I
knew all about it during thai, per-
iod, but decided that silence was
............ better than to cause apprehen-
Slag'le l'llOnLfl lie aouea (nat as a -i-n - ........
• .... ' " . . . I o anu uneasiness, paructuarly
rest lL Ol lAle lncrease(l ueman(l h '
. ' . ". ",. . .: J w en Dmk Eddy had a big deal
tor ils prouucl.s) all Of the corn- ^^, ......... v s.,_,. .--. _
party's mdls are m frill operation ............
. SpOil 1:. Many o£ us wno remem-
Bartsch stated that whde lower be back throu h ....
" ' " "" s ' ':" sl .. ' l ' g a nail century,
tonnage sale.', mill , Ult(iown ex-I call recall instan es -e "he
..... s " C wn .U I;
penses, and lower .ales prices re- [ ,,,,,,€,, ,,. n.m+,, o. ..o,.,.,o i
mllted in reduced net income for I..L':: . .'_'?L'_ff'Y""_'*_'Z'."." '.Z'
5. :_. • " :' _ . _ , were warnen to Ke their aztalrs
1110 lrllro quarter) net income lor • ..........
" : : . . . )m oroer• me appearance ot liar-
the lourth quarter is expecte(l to llv, .mm w. ..) ,e *ho .
iml))'ove substantially e2s y .... "7"-.-"- - -\\;*Y ', .... :
• " • . { a. ions uonmg ever nappeneu
Till' CONSOLIDATED bamnceto an " " ........
..... ' y or tnese ups ana tne aa-
sheet of the company and its sub- visor n tn nh){inn +n ,,,
fi(li u'ies as of September 30 ' ..._.. v---..-- ....... L.,: ..... ,7,- -
• . ..... , , ....... ' { way zor new ones. znls premc-
NDO%VS cllrrenT asseT.s OI ll ,- _^_.:_ e.^ y__ ,____,^_
..... : .... .. tlon uututsq .rus. ,ua -sttcsc
,9 and current liaDuil;ies OI ca,- :_ _ _.__,^ .... __,,^,,
.,),,u,u. , l attention to a book that could
,--,,,vv,.,,,v-,,,,,,,,¢ be purchased for $5 which would
Kamilche News giv00 the complete details. They
moQernized their warning to the
,T,,.,T,.,,,,.,V,,',',,',,vVV, extent that they called it the
By Bertha Taylor
Mrs. Jacobsen and Mrs. Cole
of Seattle spent the week end at
the Len Cole home.
The Masked Dance at Kamilche
hrought an assortment of prank-
seers and lots of laughs for ev-
eryone. Thanks are given to ev-
eryone who turned out and helped
"cataclysm" instead of just the
"end of the world." It was to
come probably by water, so non-
swimmers were advised to get to
higher ground, while other de-
tails of the book told of the grow-
ing materialism and then in an-
other chapter told how to amass
untold riches, the consistency of
........................................................................................................................ raise money to fix the hall.
--"''--"''-'"-'-'''--'--'-''"[ There will be no more dances nn-
l ilcarrol Kelly is in tile hospital
, , IF -., , in Olympia. He has been quite ill
but is improving.
Appliances Suppl" F" s { Mr. and Mrs. John Keyzera
--- les--- lxture t,a,,,, gone to ILureka,; Calif., un-
HEARING AID BATTERIES LAMPS-6 to 1000 Watts [ lil spring. They left last. week
The fifth degree team spent a
Ilr Neds Are For very enjoyable evening last Fri-
When Yo [ day when they visited Silver
Lake Grange and put on the drill
work for them. Their work was
ANYTHING ELECTRICAL w.,, ,,v,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,:, wo,.
wonderful to watcb.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carr, Mr, and
Mrs. C. Emsley of South Side ed on Tuesday morning as mer-
Wiring Supplies - Fixtures - Appliances
For the Home Builder or we will furnish
an estimate for your complete Job.
ELECTRICITYYour Best and Cheapest Servant!
lie's I,.M. Veteran
(Coniinded from Page 1)
with 19; Mrs. Ann Kneeland with
18; Gene Hanson, Buck Mackey
and Orville Oppelt, each with 13;
Mrs. Mabel Burk with ll; and
Lloyd Gruver with ten.
More than five years servicc
have been put in by Mrs. Marie
Gerhardt 9, W. T. Bracy 8, Mrs.
Agatha Norby 6, Mrs. Frances
Cole 5, Mrs. Alice Boysen 5, Mrs.
Mima Oppelt 5, Miss Florence
Cormier 5, Tom Peckham 7, qnd
Mrs. Winnie O'Neill 8.
TIll] "NEOPHYT]ES" of less
than five years include Bill Col
ley 4, Mrs. Margaret Newell 1,
Mrs. Daisy Powers 1, Ralph Stew-
art 2, Mrs. Geraldine Stewart 2,
Gayle Wentz 4, Mrs. Emily Palm-
er 1, Tony Nelson'l, Fred Archer
4, Jen Peckham 3, Ray Bracy I,
Mrs. Gladys White 3, Mrs. Alice
Frisk 3, Mrs. Marion Mauerman
3, Mrs. Joyce Thorpe 3, M. A.
Clothier 2, Frank Swanson 2, Mrs.
Pauline Harris 3, Mrs. Wanda
Davis 1, Judd Pierce 1, Bob Tem-
bruell 3, Vin Connolly 1, Del Leo-
nard 4, Bud Earl 3, Vic Robin-
son 2, Frank McCaslin 4, Earl
Jordan 3, Merritt Wingard 1, Du-
ane Ryan 1, John Stewart 1, Mrs.
which is hard to imagine. In any Zedna Peckham 4, Mrs. Pearl
i event the old world is still doing Gifford 2, Mrs. Gladys Benson 4,
business at the same old stand, Mrs. Viola Probert 1, Mrs. Betty
and it is a reason to.conjecture Peck 1, Winston Asche 3, Otto
just how may gullibl people landgraff 1, Manager Bob Keen-
took the advice, l an 2, and Betty Mast, Pat Gil-
• I more, A1 Woolridge. Mrs. Alta
E I N I E Hilderman ha(cake I Hutchings. and Mrs. Jennie Car-
=# ' ' [ ' r
1-1 ter wth less than a yea
king of Raih'oad avenuel ' "
possesses the sage belief that if{ ......... ---
the kids who soaped his windows .h,mur,- .lWPrtVl
would use the same amount of ,Javvv , a_taaza
that cleansing material on their
necks as they did on his glass
surfaces Shelton would then have
the most immamflate collection of
youth in the nation. That bit of
reflection was generally evidenc-
E A Carr
. • • PHONE 645 Shelton ther lives in Olympm, treaters" from the youngest age
..... to upwards were out in force and
Grang'e, and Mr. and Mrs. H. chants from Rudy Becker's laun-
Bcrger, state lectm'er, attended dry down to Ed Faubert's hotel
We arrived home in the small on Railroad avenue went about
hours of morning, tired but hap- [ the chore of removing the sum]?,
py. There were 35 people on' ihe [stiou s expressions of Hallowe)et
chartered tins. " ......... {art that was found on arising
Mrs. C. Fayler of Eureka, Cali-
fornia, spent a few,.days witl her Ithe day after that spooky observ-
ance. The occasion, generally a
daughter. Mr's. J. Keyzcrs. headache to many honseholders
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lord are land property owners however
lhe happy parents of a boy born passed off without unpleasant in-
October 4. They live at 2226 Cur- cident here, other than the free-
tis Ave., Ladonna Beach, Calif. dora with which some youngsters
Mrs. Ed Petty's mother has exercised wit h the bar of
been very ill. Mrs. Perry's me- soap or candle. The "trick or
With high back, comfortable seat, sturdy first quality con-
struction, upholstered in high quality velour or tapestry.
This chair will solve one of your Christmas gift problems and
See the Beautiful Lane Cedar Chest On Display
In Our Window Sponsored by the V.F.W. Auxiliary
You May Win It! Buy a Ticket Today! 25¢ a Chance
the occasion provlded a fine op-
portunity of increasing the circle
of juvenile acquaintances. It was
an orderly night in Shelton, for
which parents may take some
pride, for only that is a result of
responsible guidance at home.
.CHOOLS and their importance
) to the community, state and
nation take the spotlight during
American Education Week Nov-
ember 6 to 12. During the school
year that runs generally from
September to the first part of
June a good share of the com-
munity activity revolves about
the school, its social and enter-
tainment presentations, its activ-
ities and its spirit. Parents and
taxpayers, in orther words, all
persons, are encouraged to visit
the educational institutions during
class hours at least once a year
and to take part in parent-teach=
er affairs to keep pace with de-
velopments classified under mod-
ern methods. Open house will be
held at the high school next Wed-
nesday night, and Parents' Night
will be open at the junior high
the evening of Tuesday, Novem-
ber 12.
Summer and winter are parry-
ing for supremacy during hese
weeks. As November's dates are
checked off, the odds build up in
favor of winter and E. E. B'ewer,
city water chief, warns residents
to "prepare for the cold before
it hits."
Winter strikes hard at exposed
water systems, and much dam-
age resulted last year when the
frost reached into the ground
to depths of 12 inches.
Brewer advises all persons to
insulate outdoor water pfpes and
fixtures with burlap bags and
wrapping paper. "It's easier and
less expensive to spend a few
minutes to wrap the pipes than
it is to hire plumbers after the
cold snaps," he said.
O October 19 the temperature
dropped to 22 degrees, and went
below freezing on several other
days, according to a weather re-
port from Rayonler Incorporat-
ed. Warmest day was October 31
with 71 degrees. The month had
5.23 inches of rain.
Children's Orthopedic hospital
of Tacoma is sponsoring a chrys-
anthemum show at Hodcarrier's
Hall, 12th and Tacoma Ave., this
Saturday and Sunday, November
4 and 5. it i from 2 to 9 p.m.
on Saturday and noon to 9 p.m.
on Sunday. ,.-
Olsen Furniture Company
"Fine Furnit'ure for the Home"
Mrs. Nelson At
Her Allyn Home
By Mrs. Esther Shepherd
A surprise baby shower was
given by Mrs. Harvey Nelson at
her home October 27 in honor:
of Mrs. Frank Kowalczyk. Dec-
orations, games and refreshments
were in the Hallowe'en motif.
Mrs. Kowalczyk received many
lovely gifts. In the games first
prizes were won by Esther Val-
ley, Dee Schofield and Mr. Earl
Holbrook. Other prizes were re-
ceived by Barbara Wynn, Elsie
Corliss and Shirley Anderson.
Hotel And Resort Watch for the Showing of
Group Reviewed COLLFL00TOR S DOLI00
Year's Programs
Tho nnnual fall meeting or the
Olympic Peninsula lt,)Lcl an(I Yt,.'-
sort. Association w'ls hehl a| AI-
(lcrbrnok Inn on Hood Canal Oc-
tober 27. The group reviewe(I the
advertising prog)'am of 'the as-
sociation (lilting the past year
during whiel $4,500 was expend-
ed by the associa|ion in publiCiz-
ing the Olympic li'eninsula are,q.
TIlE (;ROU|' IIEARI) Lalks by
C. F. Johns of the Washington
State Advertising Commission;
I)reston Macy, director of th("
Olympic National Park ; Carl
Neal, supervisor of tle Olympic
National Forest, and J. C. Clay-
pool, (listrict highway engineer
for the Olympic Peninsuh area.
Election results included ttar-
old H. Sheerer, manager of the
Mor'ck Hotel i)l Aberdeen, as
president succeeding W a I t e r
Frankland of Ahlerbrook Inn. E.
H. Fmlbcrt of the Shelton Hotel,
Shelton, was re-elected sccretary-
will consist of Walter Wright,
Emerson Hotel, Hoqniam; Claude
Walker, Lake Quinhult Lodge;
Johnny Sandquist, Fork Motel;
Seal Purvis, East Beach Resort,
Lake Crescent; A. L. Morgam,
Hotel Olympus, Port Angeles; S.
B. Ward, Bremerton Motel.
IT, E. Lakebnrg, The Pines,
Shelton; Miles Hoff, NW Gray-
line Stages, Seattle; Ted R. Dan-
ielson, Linger Longer Lodge,
Quilcene, and Walter Frankland,
Alderbrook Inn, Union,
Firemen At Union
Work Like Fiends,
Save Adair Home
Union volunteer firemen saved
a dwe/ling at Alderbrook from
flames Monday after working
like fiends for 45 minutes.
The iaome, occupied by Larry
Adair and owned by Alderbrook
Inn, is located behind the Alder-
brook Center sto. An oil heat-
er was blamed for the fire, which
vohmteers stopped after hacldng
a hole through the roof.
Assistant Fire Chief Bud
Wyatt had stopped at Buechers
Gai'age to get free air for his
tires when Mrs. Merritt Stark
phoned in the alarm to Curt Grout,
garage mechanic. Wyatt and
Grout got the Union fire truck
Harry Mawson came by and
Grout told him to tend the gar-
age, choking him with smoke as
the truck sputtered into action.
At the fire the firemen received
help from Don Beckman and E.
Sherman of Robin Hood Inn (free
plug), Waldo Chahe and Merritt
Stark. Damage was estimated at
Wyatt said the department's
new roof ladder was a big aid in
c.onquering the fire. At a former
fire, the old ladder crumpled and
three volunteers landed painfully
in a blackberry patch.
At The
Next Week
These dolls have been dressed by the Evergree
pedic Auxiliary and will go on sale NOV. 12
At Lumbermen's Mercantile,
Penney's, and Sprouse-Reitz
'1 ¸¸ ]
Handmade Pillow Cases and Crochet
Articles of All Kinds
Gifts Made to Order - Figurines
(Bring Your Homemade Articles for Re.Sale)
Phone 282-W
3 Blocks East of Highway <
Water Wells-- Test
Bedell DrilUng
Phone 1024
Route 3, Box 101, 8holton
The Date You Have
Waiting For
St. David's Episcopal Guild
Saturday, November 5th
10 A.M. to 10 P.M. .
David'[ Episco00
Gene Watson was a lucky hunt- ::'
sizeder last week end, getting a gOOdThebUCk.Masquerade dance given Christmas Cards
by the Allyn Community Chd)
last Saturday night was very
well atended, and everyone had
a grand time. Prizes were won
by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Valley, Jr.,
Johnny Tuten and Mrs, Al Lee.
Fred Stock, Wesley, Harvey
Nelson and Charlie Wareham
went hunting at Liberty over the
week end, There is no report from
lhem at this .writing.
Gene Blair joined the U. S. Ar-
my recently and left for Califor-
nia a week ago Monday..
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Morgan
and Charles Funk from Tacoma
visited Mr. and Mrs. John Reed
over the week end.
The Cubs met Friday after-
noon and enjoyed games and re-
freshments. Harvey Nelson, Jr.,
is another new member.
The Women's Club will spon-
sor a series of card parties the
first to be given at 7:30 p,m.
Friday. There will be pinochle
and bingo games. Come and en-
joy the evening, Refreshments
Will be free.
The Community Club will meet
next Wednesday evening, Novem-
ber 9. A Scout representative
from Tumwater Council will pre-
sent the charter and merit badgeS.
Potluck supper will be at 6:30
o'clock. All parents and those in-
terested are urged to attend,
Bring a hot dish or whatever you
choose and come early.
Mrs, J. N. Clark flew home
last Friday from San Francisco,
where ahe spent a month visiting.
She reports she had a very good
time, but we are glad to have
her home again.
Floor To Be Laid In
Union Community Hall
Flooring sawed and )laned by
the Bittle Logging Company.m.m
at Union will be laid in the unmn
community center Thursday night,
according to Ed Norling, cnaw-
man of the Union Volunteer le-
builders of the Old SchoolhOUSe
Lack of lumber left volunteers
little to do last week,
"But this Thur
Norlin , '; sday," promised
g.,_ there'll be so much
work we ma rr the
have to ca Y
y . ,,
weary ones home on stretchers.
Both Barrels Fired At
Maffitt Surprise Fete
MNeighborhood,,, friends of (ene
ct at Union honored him with
a surprise birthday party .ast
Frlday n,ght. The
fired both barrels by surpr*'
not only Gene but also his ne °
door neighbors, Mr and Mrs. ' e"
WoJahn( who recently obserTa
their 15th wedding annivers_..:.r.
Pinochle, deer hunting c°nea.
satlon and refreshments were x
Order Now While Stock is Complete
Children s Bo
Photograph Albums
Scrap Books •
Guest Books
Fancy Boxed
Joy of Cooking
American Woman
Cook Books
Better Homes and Garden
Cook Books
IShelton Printing & Stationery
PI-FONE 57 Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sutton 317 coTJk