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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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3; =1)49. Can You Buick? SURPRISEDI To Pay AT l= ERVIN Mill Streets USED CARS) No. 1684 OF HELD EACH iSrd Tuesdays the Month Hall Governor Secretary Parents&apos; Night At Junior High Slated P.n'ents' Night at ihc Shclt(m .]lintel" t.figh Selmol will be open Re lhe public at g Novem- ber 15. On the program will he Ip(ql l{(,ls, lUllSi('ill nlllYlbCi'S nn(l expressive presentations hy sitl- dClliS, and discussions aimed at dhlstrat ink objectives at, lhe s:chool, "Do eleetiw, subjeets have any real value whcn offered at the junior high school, level?" asks Principsl 'Bruce Schw:n'ck. "(?ome lo the junior high at 8 p.m. Nov- ember 15 and see." Offered at the junior high arc qllop, home ecollomics, news writ- inK, dramatics, orchestra, jnnior hand, senior band, girls' glee club, choir, pill)lie speaking and art, Ninth gradcl's are m'Ked to ('hoose two fronl the list, while the sev- enth and eighth grade students lllay choose choir, glec (qub, or- chestra or I)and. Following a tom' of the rooms the parents will go to the audi- torium for a program given by students. Aftcr the program there will be refreshmcnts. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY DAY DINNER anve 11, 1949 - 5-7:30 P.M• MEMORIAL HALL Adults $1.50 Children 75¢ OLD $2.45 J:'iat $3.88 ,I/5 QI. • . "FOR i GENERATIONS, ) A GREAT' ' tl¢¢gt • l,.,i KENTUCKY, AVORITE. emans ]s ;fr0mKentu¢ !Itiltillers Prod. Corp., N.Y. "' 86 Proof • 655 Grain Neutral Spirits" FREE ESTIMATES St. Martin's Man Gives Program At Catholic Church Approximately 350 persons were entertained Tuesday night at St. IL'dward's Catholic Church by a lectm'e given by Robert Tomisser, former assistant to the chaplain in charge of tours for vetcrans in Konnersreuts, Bava- ria, and now with St. Martin's College of Olympia. His topic was based on the strange phenomenum of Theresa Newman, who is known to carry the stigmata of Christ on her l hnmls, feet and head in the form of sears am if made by a Crown of Thorns. Tomisscr told the background of the mystery, as was t(fld to him hy a Priest in Bavaria, of Theresa Newman being bed-rid'- den for five years as a result of an injury in her back, of a aUg- mats first appearing over her hcart and later on both palms of her hands, of the Passions o4" Christ being" revived through her by the periodical bleeding of these stigmatas 34 Fridays of the year, and htst of her fast of 22 years during which time she sur- vives on the bread and water giv- en hot' at comlunion. Preceding the lecture the group was entertained by a movie call- ed "Operation Mercy," presented hy a committee headed by An- (h'ew Kruiswyk. This picture is being sponsored by the Chris- t.inn Rural Overseas Program to show the people of various de- nominations how their organiza- tion is nhling the displaced per- son in 1,2urope. A potluck dinner was put on by thc women of St. Edward's Church. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Warren Hale, Acting Pastor Ray Mainwaring, Assistant Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m. and morning worship is at 11 a.m., continuing the study of I Corinthians. Young people's service is a 6:30 p.m., and evening service starts at 7:30 p,m. with the Reverend R. J. Welch speaker. Young people's devotional hour iv at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Home Builders Bible class is at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. Women's Mission- ary Circle meets at 1 p,m. Wed- nesday. Midweek services are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday; the monthly business meeting will precede the prayer service. GET THE FACTS And You'll Get a Rossoe Q Q Q Fire rDept. Permits Show ROSSOE LEADS 4 TO 1 IN SEATTLE 1948 Burner Inspection ROSSOE ......................................... 1418 Competitor No. 1 ......................... 378 Competitor No. 2 ......................... 326 Competitor No. 3 ......................... "308 ROSSOE Furnaces and Burners are approved by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Open Saturdays Until 1 p.m. Evenings by Appointment MASON COUNTY HEATING 415 SouTH FIRST STREET -- PHONE 208 Talk On Ivory Coast Set At Baptist Church Reverend R. J. Welch, mission- ary of the Conservative Baptist Foreign Missionary Society to the Ivory Coast in French West Aft'i- ca, will speak and show pictures of his work at the evening serv- ice of the First Baptist Chui-ch. Reverend Welch and hi§ family have just recently returned from the field after 26 months of pio- neer work in the Ivory Coast field. They were able to establish a large station and introduce new mis- sionaries to the field before com- ing home. The public is invited. MATTOCK MISSION CHURCH Rcv. Newton Kendall Sunday school is at 10 a.m. and the morning service starts at 11 Special meetings will be held every night from November 6 to November 20 with Reverend Ri- chard Herds of Centralia, a Youth for Christ leader. Ray. Lloyd Kilgore New Hoodsimrt Pastor Hoodsport (hurch members seem to be pleased with their new pastor, Reverend Lloyd KiN gore who comes from Seattle. Mr. Kilgore is a native of Washing- ton, graduate of West Seattle high school and of the Prairie Bible Institute in Canada. He is an eomplished cornetist and has played regularly during the past few years for radio broadcasts. He spent four years in the pro- duction department of Boeing airplane plant and the past six years as an optician. Mr. KiN gore's activities have been largely with young people's organizations such as Yonth for Christ, Young Life Campaign, Kings Teens and Christian Endeavor. He is a member of the Seattle Christian Business Men's com- mittee and has been actively en- gaged in preaching, cornet playing and song leading in many churches of the Puget Sound area. Swimming, ping pens, chQss and mountain climbing are among his hobbies. Having married in 1939, he is*now the father of three chil- dren, Gary 8, Janice, 6, and Cal- vin 2. District Health Officer Honored (Continued rrom Page I) "Keep Hood Canal Waters Clean." The Hood Caal Woman's Club was backing the county dental- health program. DR. BUCOVE. comes to Wash- ington from Saskatchewan, Can- ada, and will make his horr in Olympia, A graduat of the I.,ni- versity of Toronto the new health, officer inter:ned in the United ` States. He has had private and public' health experience in Canada and served for five years during. World War I1 in the medical corps of the Canadian army. He was overseas most of this time and his wife. a member of the Civilian Nursing Reserve, was m England with him for two years. The eldest of their three young sons was born there. Other new health personnel honored at the Health Council hmcheon were Miss Georgia Stu-, art, new Shelton school nurse, and. Miss Fumiko Saito, dental hy- gienist. IIOOD CANAL COMMUNITY CHURCH About 60 yonng people in the third grade and over, enjoyed a Sunday School Hallowe'en pal'- ty at the Hoodsport church last b'riday evening. Games were play- ed including bobbing for' apples and refreshments served. The Reverend Lloyd Kilgore helped with entertainment. A party for second graders took place Friday afternoon in lhe church. During the election a week ago Monday of the Homebuilder's group which met at the home of Mrs. Laura Asleson, the following officers were selected for the coming year: Mrs. Mary Jane Sund, president; June Hoard, vice president; Mrs. Phyllis Pierce, secretary, and Mrs. Joy Burgess, treasurer. FIRST METIIODIT C III'IICII Fourth and Pine Wayne Wright, Minister We invite you io Sunday School at 9:45 and morning worshi l) :it 11 a.m. The senior high youth fellow- ship meets ca(,h Sunday nt 6:30 o'clock in the fil'cplnee room. The junior high youth fellowship meets in the basement at 6:30. Sunday, November 0, is mem- bership Sunday. All those wish- ing to unite with the church are invited to be present. Rev. Harry Slick is to be the gnest slaeaRer Sun(lay, November 6. The choir is presenting a con- cert of semi-classical music on Friday evening, November 4 at 8 p.m. Senior choir practice ts Thurs- day, November 3. This Thursday will bc the last rehearsal before the concert. Come to tile bazaar on Friday and Saturday. There will bc fan- cy work, cooked food, candy, country store with all sort. of articles for sale. Buy your ticket for the dinner on Friday eve- nings.-.-a delicious home cooked ham dinner. The SilO-District R a 11 y at FAITH LUTHERAN CtlURCH Olympia vill be on November 7. Rev. John DeBoer, Pastor Supper is $1.00 served at 6:15. Sunday school starts at 9:45 There will be film strip shown a.m., and the morning worshiP lwith recorqls. The evening meet- is at 11 a.m. Sermon topic is ] ing will follow at 7:45 with Dr. "Prayer Changes Things." Ser- O. J. Beadles as speaker. vices are held in the I.O.O.F. Hall ........ % .......................................... on Second street. Midweek Biblestudy and pray- er service is at 8 p.m. Wednes- day at the parsonage. Choir prac- tice is at 8 p,m. Thursday. The Ladies of Faith Lutheran Chttrch. thank everyone who con- tribnted toward making the ba- zaar a success. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Adam and Fagen Man" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read next Sunday in all branches of The Mother Church, Scientist, in Boston Mass- a,chusetts. Golden Text: Ephesians 5:14. "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." The following verse from Gene- sis is included 'in the Lesson- Sermon: "And God said, ,Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air. and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and ove' every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." From "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy is the following statement: "In Science man is the Offspring of Spirit, The beautiful, good and pure consti- tute his ancestry. The offspring of God start not from matted or ephemeral dust, They are in and of Spirit, divine Mind, and so for- ever continue." Win. H. Albach, Pastor Highway and Cascade Thursday: The choir meets at 8 p.m. Choir members are urged to come early in order to be mea- sured for new choir robes. Sunday: Sunday school and adult Bible class begin at 9:45 a.m. Services begin at 11 a,m. The Southwest Walther League Zone Rally will be held at Grace Church, South Tacoma, beginning at 3 o'clock. Transportation is available for all Leaguers desir- ing to attend. The Sunday eve- ning Bible study hour meets in the chapel from 6:30 p.m, to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: The Sunday school teachers meet at 8 p.m. Pay with a Seattle.First 47 ¸ checking account- safe - fast - convenient When you have a checking account-either Regular or Economy, accordlng to'your deslre, our Bank keeps your account with records of what you deposit and what you pay out. Your canceled check is your receipt and may often save you trouble or annoyance if your payment of a bill is questioned• Member Federal DepOlit Insurance Corporation SHELTON BRANCH SH ELTON, WASHINGTON CHESTER P. WILLIAMS, Asst. Manager LAWRENCE A, CARLSON, Manager OFFICES ST. EDWARD'S CATIIOIJ(] CIIIIRCII Rev. Mark Wlechmann, O.,%B. Classes in catechism and church and Bible history for high school students begin at 9:45 o'clock Sunday morning, i First Mass is at 8 o'clock and second High Mass is at 10:30 o'clock. The sermon tolic, will be on the obligation toward souls in purgatory. "It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead," from 2 Mac. 12-46. The first Friday devotion to the Sacred Heart will be on Novem- ber 4. The Immaculate Heart of Mary devotion will be October 5. Inquiry class will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Legal Publications NID. 2070 NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAl, REPORT AND PI.VrlT1ON FOIl DINTRIIIUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF' TIIE STATE OY' WASHINllTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ill the Matter of tile Estate of Jullann(t Emerson, Deceae(l. NOTICE IS HEREBY (lIVEN: |ha{ Daniel W. Emerson. Administrator of the estate tff Julianna E|]lers(ul, (le- (,eased, ha.s filed in the offto, of the Clerk of said eouri, his final report and petition for distribution, asking the court to soith, said report. 1(, distrilmte the property to the per- sons thereunto entitled, and h) (ti- charge the said Administrator: thnt .ai(I report and 1)ctition will be heard on the 2nd day of December. 1949. at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. oll mti(t day, at the court house In Shelton. Washington. "T ......................... " Dated this 2gth day of ()ctob,,r, 19t9, "J" - .... Clerk' Of;'d' bfi'llri. Mrti,NT 0LIlrE LUTHEAN,...'- " (SEAL) IARRY DEYlajTE .., " -:' CHURCH " ..,  By nrusAtm,:r .... :Deputy, SERVING WASHINGTON SINCE 1R70 .. Attt)rney for Administrator. Covey Bldg., Sheltnn. Washingt.n. 11-3-10-17- -3t. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City (,f Shelton. Washinglan, calls for and will on Novemher 15. 1,949, aI 2:00 open bids for one e, lectrlc receipting and lmstlnt¢ ore- ehlne, Macbine h have trent fee(l, ataomatic opening and (:losing ear- rJago, with autonlath- cross tabullt- tlon of carriage and aulonlatl(' re- turn fronl total, Machine to pr[nl on receipt, ledger snd jOUl'na] at lhe same time with individual and grmd total of water garbage and sewer- age dcl)artment: also, carriage to be controlled for date, nm-add and st|h- tract. The machine is to |lave frill key board with nine column adding capacity, The City reserves the right to re- je('t any or all bids. ALMA K. CATTO, City Clerk. 11-3--it. CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby givsn that the City of Shelton calls [or and will on the 22nd day of Novcmb(,r at :00 p.m. at the City Hall open bids r the purchase of one Dump Trucl¢ with not less than a 2 yard wat(u. level dunlp body and hoist, addiii,mal capacity with side boards to be not less than 3 yards. Truck specifica- tions arc to be ample for total gruss )cad of 3 yards of gravel, with not loss than 7:50 x 17 tires and equipped to pass all state highway requirements. Overall height of standard sides from ground to lie approxinmtely 52 inel|es (as this tn important factor be sure aAd s specify,) an alternate bid specify a 2- speed real. axle. All bids shonhl give full speeifiea- tions oi truck offered. The City reserw, s the right t( re- jeer auy and all bids. ALMA K. CATTO. Cle, rk. 11-3---1 t. NOTICE OF CLOSING OF RISG IblTRATION BOOKS NOTICE IS HE1REY GIVEN, that the registratiol] i)oo fo|' tile In'e- etncts of GRAPEVIEW and ALLYN in Mason County, Washington, will be closed for original registration on November 17, 1949, for a period (,f thh,ty days until December 17, 1949 being dat'o f sec a qc,(iiun fir th format n of lre P't(etion Ditri(t No. 3 registration books will remain open until December l, 1949 tin' Irans- ter of registration. Dated this 1st day of Novenltmr. 1949. SUSIE E. PAIJLEY. County Auditor and Registrar tf Voters Of ]laNOll Cotnlty, Wash. 11-3-10-. 2t. NO. 2129 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PEENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OI WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY IN I*ROBAT E In the Matter of the Estate of Roy O. Bwman. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that :Herbert C. Bwlnan has been ap- pointed and has qualified as Admin- istrator (,f the dstale of Roy O. Bow- InCh, Deceased. and that all pel'son having claims against thc said estate or the sald Deceased, are hereby re- qulred to serve the same. (lilly veri- fied. with the necessary vouchers at- tached upon the undersigned Admin- istrator or hl .Attorney of Record at the law office of Ct|a, R. Lewis, 119 South Fourth Street, Bell Building', Shelton, Mason County, Washington the sanle being desi[natd as the place for the transaction of tt|e busi- ness of the said astate, aIld file Stlci claims, together with proof, of ser vice ith the Clerk of the above en- titled Court within six (6)* months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: November 3, 1949. or all claals not .so served and filed =hall be forever barred. HRBERT C. BOWMAN CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attoraey for said Estate Bell' Building  .... Sht.lton, Mason (,ounly, Wasnlnglon. 1 l-3-]0-17.24--.4t. Army Postpones Canal Zone Move ((,nlilllh'(I ft'Olll p:l'e 1) .':aid nltlny lett(,rs ()1' lll't)l',';1 \\;VOI'() rc('eived pl'ior It} Ihe h('r ii,J, Htli[ .,c\\;,erl I .ti n ('e. "I|I"('AI1,,F, O1" thim ("Otlmel lls('hm.q' feels it \\;volfld be unfair to send his i'CCOlnlnendlltioll:4 1(i ,Vashington, 1).C,, \\;vitho/it Iit'sl n(Iviing thosc protesting ag'ainst the pr(iposal, nnd the Navv as well, :Is io whaL thcy will' be," (he spo[<esnlnn said, "Conseq wntly, wc expccl io eir(:'lll:/|'ize our f ndin.s t,) give persons another opl.mrinniiy i,) ex1)rcss their views o13 de(,isiolis of the 0fficc." Although a number of imsincs.; representatives withdrew (}h jet- t ions to rise of the waters I) 5, the Navy, there still were a Slll)st:|n- lial number of obje(tors ONE (IF Tile chief ohj(,ct(ir: was C. E. Johns, who is in Cllttl'g, of promoting' the state's recreu- tional development and'ist travel for the State Department of Conservation and Developnleni.. Johns said the restriction ser- iously wouht era'tail tourist travcl m the area and wouhJ hal'lYi [1](' whole state. Alignin o' himself wilh the Quil- cene group, W. D. Rounsa,v(,ll, executive of the Seattle Area, Council of the Boy Scouts, said he felt that Cam I) Parsons, which abuts the restricted ar(,a, would t)e shunned by parents as a stmt- mer carol) for their ('hildren. REN()RT ()i'ERAT()IS pt'olest- ed that one ill the finest salt- water sports-fishing at'ass in the state would bc hard hit. Speaking as "in in(tividu:d, State Treasurer l-larry Tom Mar- tin asserted : "With all deference to the peo- ple of Quilcene, if yell 1.ell a fisherman he can't fish in ll)aboh Bay it: doesn't mean nltLch, l)ul tell him you mean Seal P, ocl(, whieh is in the arcs, and thal means he's lost one of the state's finest salmon-fishing watcrs," Martin said recreational as well ,'is real estate valtles wouh[ be hit. BACKING F()EN of the resi,rie- tion also was the Mute director of fisheries, Alvin Anderson, who quoted figures on value of the fisheries to the state. "We wksh to protest the denial of this area for recreation and the clu'Lailnlent of conlnlerc.ial fishing," Anderson wrote. (Seat- tle Times). Christian Science Program Scheduled A Christian Science program en- titled, "The Word of God," will he presented on the Cohunbia (Jhn]'cl of the Air. Sunday tam'rang, No- vember I3, at 7 (;clock Pacific Standard Time, The program, which will originate in San Fran- emco, is given with the ai)proval I of The Christian Sciencc l,oilrd of 1 I)ir',t's O The Mother Chui.'cl.| Station, KIRO, Seadtle,y, A21"lJ broadct this program, a  ":fll l KO.IN, Portland. and KXLY, Sp6. I kane. ......... [?Z; !L_7 IAkI,N,,, €)1.' >:{L'; A SOIl \\;V;|:'; ti()llt h:l{)jl(>l' ;:!,} ;1' Shpll)ll (h'll(*lal ]t,,:*pil;t i) l'r, 113'] ]q I':: ,I;llit(':t :',lt/ t ! i!, ;iq't:! I I h,li\\;'t,rv Stl'iI,ll. * FOR WORK-FOR PLAY* ll(" Iq" t] Rugged I/ll/ Y[' Durability ,4//" .v]' "mart 2 /' ) Tailoring" " 005.95 Dwight Morris MEN'S WEAI 123 gqailroad Ph(mc ,194 ................................ 2-:"  2 7 SUP[RFEX HEATER Product of Perfection Stove Compan • Come in and see this attractive new Superfex, beautifully and durably finished in brown lm!'cc.lain enamel. Coanects to chimney like an rdi, nary stove and ends stovc-tending worries, in Fail, simply lur a valve for more or less heat, and kedp it going until Spring. No dust Or- (hrt. (::lean, even heat. Burns low-e(st f,c; oil. Re|n()v;,ble fuc/reservist r for out side lilling, or connectitm:; for ol,tsid fuel tank. Choice of s/zes, S-E [ T(*N k lll ll I ) , ;  i  H A Ah!,, ,1'03 Rilroad P H OJ E 232 t ! LET'S TALK ABOUT DEALEk SERVI( h To us, the sale of a car or truck lnt,ans bread and cookies on the table. To you, the purchase ,t' a new vehicle should give yell vahie received lr, satisfaction, pleasure and profit from the right kind of dealer service, which, to our way of thinking, must go with your purchase. As long as the human element enter's int.(_, the * building of a ear or truck, there will always be a nliss here or there, some slight matter that will t'(,quire attention as you pile on the miles. We know that Studebaker craftsmanship in building i::; good-<v(tu've heard or read of Studebaker's motto to "ahvavs give more than you promise." Many owners kmw i o their satisfaction that this way of building is an inherent feature of Studebaker', and, we might ,,.;:y, a comfortable one over a period of time. .Along with this, we know that a car can get a lump in its "ear- buretor throat," a wheeze in the fan belt, a "cr'ickot" in a door. and, of course, some driver assistance [r,,m the rear seat that could be in-law disturbances. We believe that every new unit deserves ;i "st,de- down" period." That's the reason for tiae 4,000 mile,: or 90 day warranty with each new car in" tru(,k. In that period, whenever there is a, need for all;enrich. we keep our good eye on such details that will k(.(,p the new owner happy. Frankly, w1: hl.tve but ]tth. of this new car service not enttugh but what. we can strain the warranty serwee period .lttSt h.'(',aU,' we like to -- we know Studebakers. A ,-it, tld(b:lker owner is a person for whonl we will bend so ft' over backwards that our hair will drag. With ih, 5Zid that is in the Studebaker, the sincere service we l.r've to give, we can't help but think that Sli(:h i:.: the a*nv you expect, want and enjoy .your (]ea]t,r :(.rv..... Preaching about dealer service sl'louM hay,: w,,),l. We know that we should lind raisins in a, i)l(, and, when we yipe about our kind (ff de:/h,r ,,.crvi.., we can direct you to Studebaker owners ttml a'itl help us prove that we are not just making ru)i,:;os, 'F, you as a customer, we will never stop tall<liLy: a.btmt. or, giving good', conscientious dealer s,,rvi('e .... t')r' your protection and to your satisfaction. Next week: Our Formal howIllg (If a rcac- sentative line of the "Next L(ok in aut<,lnr;bih.,s. Anderson-Miller I00,mpai0000/ S. B. Anderson Bill Miller STUDEBAKER AGENCY