November 3, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page 8
........ .. '!:!!'. !.L! ...................
Ill ,:{h;IFI" gl I'l,u::V (tl ]':l(ld?::J l':(iv'-
]lq', th: llf:w I*,yhIIl,.i will <u'cupy
i1!* )ll!l(;lt ,%I)',lC' I/ ilsoJl :H l{i(t-
dif'8 |.li!'l zl!Oi'jd]i<W, It i5; lo-
ca b,',t d,rectly a! lh, I(,il e,l lhe I
':t.uiI'H lo the i(t.()lld IJ)(,l' ill till'
to the .;tol'e sometime dtirillg thai
day will be,
a: :b :!:
,t:iA LtF "O N OWN"
(?H]lninalitlg" a hobt)y which be.-
,., ;III VJ h(!ll lie ' ;lr .1.2 }Y ( la,] 1": old,
I,,'M , m :::pale [l)z'nl,qiy ilwd tov Bob Marshall oimned his own jet,-
{lie ])O;d;i{uepil]' A' el'lie(!:; of lhtC city :llld \\;val.uh bllSill(.gds ill Oak
Jilll];;(lIl G.qgj'tilU ', (hnnl)any. : tl;iibn' ill]3 \\;vet,lG
.\\;11 ttlo :[)acc lo}'lllcllv i1,1,11 })y: I Job IlltH l)oen h{!;id (if |lie .;(!r-
SitD*£OII I..t)t;iil:g ;.7Ollltttllly OIl'i('c:q Vh:t' ttlld rt:,lail" depl/rtllli!llt ILl th(}
ill lhc ]AlllllJ¢,q'lllt. lI' luiklin;4 L; i,'. E. lcckwith jewelry store :for
Fi'3(illtlly I)ciH: till{lie ov(q' flit'! tim pat; lhrue yeal',q, 14etting prac-
tH.ilizgtii,.) by ih,, I,,M, will} toy-lical experiezlce ill a hobby ill
l,ql/d t)uil}-; It1 l'ic:;t llcW dllalt-]whil:h he indulged ill his spare
lnolt to ull:h:,y i{, tiliie SilXt:e 12 years €)ld [ttld which
l#rct b;tlhum: will be piw,n all
yOtlllg51c}'-; V,hl) Vint {tic {ICW t(ly"
land {) il e 11 i II .:', ;I)lllOIIIll208 Mrs.
A qatha Norby, d,putlnciit llEItl-
Ol)eniiU.>, • {it '"I'll{: t}oolurv," 5or-
IU (H'ly l%,'l II II r(J',% %' ill l(, -JI (tl'{', will
O'/t !Is' I.I)!iI(H F(D/ I i¢}'i fl;13 I tlll(iCl'
Ill{} IICVV o\\;r{tlCl'J';hili t)l" C. J. Schultz
1117 l::l'('ll{!)'{O|l allrt ll' (]i['('t't; nlllll-
:,,{,]l'J( Ill {d I Wayne Stevens.
The hu!alim nt: :125 Haill'oad
V('llllt' hats 13c,'): rwliio(lcled ;lal
l'{!-lta,i]rltid ill t ih' I*a,t lhree we(q{,%
till'ice [I,'. S(qlult;4 l},)tl;;ll I. ill4 ' laiD:i-
llc::;- ][:Flllt AI MUtlro.
Mr. S(:hultz owns, aml \\;'ilI <'ol-
t.ilJ tie c, pe F;I l,*c, atiothcv ,'tu ,{
t.J[(n" ill ].¢FCI]CFtOII, a,l).d by p/ll'-
e}ltt!iFIg" ill vohllllt? fOP both thl'
Silot[{m al l:l'tlllel'.Oll stores will
be able t() tiring hlwcr l)ri{:es ()11
Si t l{:;i l |()l'l',
HI'. N tILl] [Z. |HiS t)cell Ill {tit::
shoo. t>tM:.,ss fo:l' 22 year&
The Bootery will featur{' Poll
:['al'I%){l |)l'<!l](.! s]llles fOl' (:hildl"ell,
Trim Tread, l(l'i pt:)Clldl)Fl, FOOL*
re:t slid Classic M¢!dern :dines :for
%AtOI)leH, Dlld L'L}II', I;All>ld, alltt I'l'('e -
nlaTl b>afltts for l/llll }Ill t:}()ill K
w,ll ]<IIOW!I ll;l.[tt)ll;ltl3: :,Ivcrti:;<ci
foot wua 1',
F)r l:hF(e day<; iu a row lhis
wecR. 'Fhur:;d;L;L F"iid:ty and SaL-
urday M. S. Preppernau will g'ive
ihe sL:lrl(,d into solid learning at
the Flgin watch school ill Elgin,
Mar:dlall w(wke(I as a logger for
1he Sir}qx.;on Logging Company
fol' eight years, (toing watch It111.1
jewch'y z'.pairing evenings and
weellends in thn h)gging calilps.
Many will F(:lll(,rDbor that he won
the hiKh climbilig contest at the
19,I8 Mas(m Cllunty forest festival
h)ggers' elmtests.
He has live(l ill Shelton llld on
ltood Canal all his life.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall sold their
:t).'n'tment hcltlse at Fifth and AI-
rier Io Mr. and Mrs. Carl Erickson,
t wh) also operate Margie's Taxi
amt Grocery, before leaving last
wtel.:clltl to take up their new
} b:m)e in ()ak Harboi'. Their 6-
year-old daughter, Robbin Lee, is
remaininK with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tice, until tim
first (,f the year.
Mr. Marshall's place at Beek-
wRh's has ])eeu taken by Alex
Wipsala of BoUull, a native of
'Vinlock, Wash.
MI'. ' ha: been in the
w;itch slid jeweh'y business msny
yCalr'S ;lllt.t tpecializes in watcl and
clot, t{ repa il'ill[
Two of }lilierest's tin'ee gas sta-
timls have new operators at; tile
helni this weok. Don Fay has
h,ltSed the Hiltot) Shell Station
............................................................ which
Shell on Valleyiies
Get Three Bucks
0il , .,.'.s'. Week Elld
llV Si;'lll" ,'l. lint'el:lllll
(')]w caZl't ;.i:l 5. ,l Slwllon Val-
](!5'Ii'S IIwv .rc I/()1< :tJ(.)ll Ill"
h cky hu!ltcl'..:.
I I t t' hllc[5 h;!vo IIt'c!l I {'[{)}'1 i'd
to lhiq c.I l'PG}}()lldClll, "['\\;VO l]tC
ltl,}l, I ;15' ,VO] I" *%hi FI. h 5 .Jllc t :,
,day MIV. i,' Qilim {ff I,\\;v{,r
;glWIl( I 'lt]t'V : 'J' cd it llt{l'
lII':; ,'%. l{lllTel ]',:tC := p;trly
l,'rilhiy \\;'1 h ]<: \\;\'olllt'll J)I'CF;CII1 .
MI'S. A. IItt, t,ett,l. Mrs iVal'l>tll.
:Mrs. W cootll?. Mrs. l'M M('At-
1I l' ;,l \\;'('Hl'l'.% It'll]'," %'OIt' 'Ill(ill}:
I lltl:' ..T ['lh}it :
Thm':.ll:iy F, llc!lt!l t;';,I;t',' I()::
ilohl:,; il )tl:.,ill(';q:¢ I10('|.!l)G l*:h'c-
DOII is t.'t)llllll" lit) F, ll ('el]l(' }llll|
t.:, I'ab 3 olll'm'li all} (ll flcc wilh no
1lay, jtt..1 [q'c:' tl?.,"
HI'. :li(I Ell:;. l,'. i'. \\;Villhllll:
I,l Uo11:F (;llh,d ;1 lln" llOIllt' el
}7i', ;tlhi lI}';4, i t'. %,Val'i'en tlll,!3y.
"tl'. :l!ll / I%11': (;ll(fZh'i' ;llid I iLl'll-
J73,' al}d hl?l' ll,dll,'l' al:;o calh. I
I]101'(" ]lllli!,l.V, i i Ilt"v:; %.'1'.;114)!':4 \\;,'(q (
:lVft ;ii:i Mi:- ll,'ll'icl', (ll" llelf;ili',
MI'. :ti!(I Mr:,. AI ill I(Iwelalid
,'llctl 11 lilt' .ill,it., ,f' hi:.i Ill'(),.'l' ,}()t aIld Vvll.l' .',l):;( > }:;HtllUdtt%
(Yl,'t q I l I ],',
MI'S, ('h:li'iu.'t t/ll;el" ¢'ath'l :ll l
{le V%'ill,41tl' l't,l)li(q .Jill]+.. 111 t(tWll
'ltl I( aV ;il ll',l'lltil)l]
']'111i:io ;lllcltlItl],, lib' ll';'l('l' ill"
}:flint tl'rN 81[l()l /1:41 )(lI'l] '['t Ic:4d:t)'
TILL' hl I )'eli }l('Vl' \\;VCI'(' ll' ;lllll
Jk'h'l 1 ' \\;V;ll'l'('ll. Ml'. ;lllll Mi'14. t'].
McAtlel't ;lllll '; I(llC('l;lllll
]%li', <\