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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 or !)0 YOUR i SItOPPING WlllLE ()[JR MACHINES .... III II 1)0 Y(,)I[JI WOhK COMPLETELY WASHED AND DRIED IN ABOUT AN HOUR LAUNDERETTE 222 N. First PHONE 808 LOVELY RECEPTION IlONORS MITSICIANS A recepti()n imnorinl-t Mr. Al&apos;- tlllll' Kelll, |)al'itolle, and t/is :tc- eolllpalliSl, l\\;,II', At cliie lllH'l, \\;V;Is hehi ;it. the ,Iohll l,. I)otson h(lllle foih)v<in Z the (Ol+litllllIlity (OlV'd'l pl'OUalll last \\;Vednesd:ty e\\;,,min E, Till' t!Xl!CllliVe I)O;ll'tl ill" till' ('Ol]- C('lI ,\\;:4:;ts¢'i.'ll ion a:i.e(t ti:¢ h(iMl:; Y.l/d ilo41 csSOS. l-I ()ll()I'ed }tiso VOl'(! %I)'. NIId M i';4, 1 Li\\;vi(!y of ()]ylill)i:l, ]oll;:',- lillle friends of' Mr, l{,lsl, llllll ;il %vho:;e ll()lile he ,nd Ml'. lllacl: ,V O 1'( }lOllle . LilLe; [ 14. Alil+.ililiilil color: appl'ol)lhil.e If) ihe lt:lllo\\;v("en seas(ill ,I'HI'(HI lh(' beilul if lilly ,ipl)oinl ed felt I al)h, OVOl + which Mrs. B. N. (N)llier ;lnll Mr.';. lhqnimrd \\;VilliecKi Ill+) - Pided. SEATTLE SYMPIIONY TO BE IN OLYMPIA Seattle SynllHIony under the dil',)ciioll of t,hlgell(! l,illlcll \\;viii iililkP its lillllllHI H l)l)f'l l';lll('o ill Oiyillpia, l)ecenlber 6. :It hnq I)eeli i pi'm'lice of Ihis lT)llp ,el" ovol'(l ,veiir, If/ d'foY gOIll hweM pl'n %\\;'ashinKI Oll Stll eve- lling of fine ll/ll,ie. The i)l'oKl'arll this sefisf)rl is (if llilllSn[t] bc, a lit y a.% il Jilts i)eoT planned to appeal to all, Those interested in this .:ylil- phOlly .;tlollhl ciilI Ml'4. 17erll',ti'd YViniecki 546, flit* ftlrthel' iilfoi.- nlatioll. SI-IELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ELIZABETH SLATER IIEADS HOMECOMING l,]lizabeth Slater, senior from Shellon, is oo-ehairlnnn of the callli)us club for {he annual tlorne- COlilill celebration sil Central I \\;v'ashinglon College of Education lile \\;veek end of Novenlb(w 5. PlllllS lll'O being' lllilde fol' a t'ecol'(I I)l'ea|,ill K HollleeOllling cel- ebration to honor all C.'W.C.E. graduates of 25 years ago. Fea- tlll'es (if llomecoming will be stunt. night, it radio progranL signs, n parade, a banquet, a ball, a lion- fire, greased pole fight, a serpen- line and pep rally. Honleconling festivities will he- Kin Wednesday evening, Novenl- bet 2, lind last through Sunday morning, November 6. DANCE CLUB PLANS FOR EVENT NOV. 5 Season phins for Shelton Dance club have been <'ompleted and the first dance will be held Saturday, November 5, at the chlb hall. The exeeutive'board for this year is Mr. and Mrs. Vern Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Willialu Carl- son co-e.hairmen llnd Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rupert, Mr. and Mrs. Lo- bert Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Young Ones l£njoy l]allowe'eil l)arty The llall,)tve'en lmi'ty Kiven by hcit()lt I q'e.<¢i'ho()l al. l,{oFdellllX school [a141 S;itiir(lav di'ev¢ It h/l'14e ('i'()wd, X4!:il}.} ' illlt'l'l'slill cosl.llll)es \\;vole W()l'll I)y lilt! c|lihh'en. (;:illl('R iV('I'(' ])laycd followed i)y the .jlidg,,ilig (d' the I)esl eostllllles an(i lilt (,Htiu4 (Jl' ice (Telllll &lid (.ooRie.s+ Tiw ll(()th(,rs also had col'- fell I'l'iz(,,; went t() I,es!ie and Billy SUiT;ill, cl()wlm; .J;leqlleline Has- kins, tLussian t)li, tl(,l'ina ; Terry Tul.ilel', IAille l:i() t)('ei); Jill Pierce :)il(I I)i:lne ()\\;\'(!n, I)llnnies; .leri- line tt;l>;i(ii'ls, Queln of 1-[earts; 1 lilirie \\;Vo(ids. chiwn; l)atty Stein- berg. Ih,d H.i(tinD' Hood; Steve ('ll:ls(,, ('alitain Kid; Patty Cilase, ()hi teashioned (iirl ;ind ,hldy Hen- dl i('k, wit ('h. Mrs. Viclor ,C-iv.;alqson and Mrs. F)'alli.; V¢;lll.lOII W(!)'¢' the jlidg'es. Watch i.h(' t)lll)0Y for the topic of Ill(' nexl l )l'es(thool llleeting. It will he iifl.e arid very worth yOlll' while. JUNIOR CLUB HAS tlAI, LOWE'EN PARTY '/'lit, dllnior Club of tile L)egree, Fagergren and Mr. aml Mrs. Glenn. Correa. Out of town guest tickets will be available at the door. AUXILIARY TO MEET The American Legion Auxiliary of Hood Canal Post 230 will hold a project meeting at 8 p.m. to- night at Pat Chisum's home in Shelton. ............. (if t]onor met sit the I.O.O.F. hall: M_-.I.l.l .... ,_.. !I I' i...o.l,,i htst S,dur'day for I le r Hallowe'- l(iSllliillh'iil I1, 1.:I. tillt ( ....... , r: "(" n 1 " S )  -, • - ,i . .  r. • en ])SLI'I V ',% II II ;J ) I e lligel*, l FEs- Ple(Iges caDDar(I, lila(.lel enl. ' Midshipman I-tel'l)e)'l' (I. Anle . (lani(:,s were played and prizes .ll., of Sh(!ll.on, is OIle ()1' ;I;I Illii-I ilW;ll'(]Oli tO lile \\;vinneFs. Prizes verMiy (if Vt'ashingl()n H(,sorv( wel'e g 1 veIq fol' the Cos/tlIllPs Office)' Trainh<lK C()l'])s ('Hal(its \\;vii() lli()sl like Itallowe'en ,in(1 also tile ]l;/ve i)(,(+'ll ple(lge(I to S(qil)bal(I ,lest :in(1 find Yl;i,le, catl(!l I]lilital'y hollol'- The party t,olltilltled fl'onl 11 a)'y, il was aIlllolln('('(t yes,el'day. ;I.Iil lo 1 p.111, with a delicious Angle, a jiinior in pre-llla, dicine hlnch of sall(twichcs, si/la(I, cup MANY THINGS TO BE I LA I l liED AT ARTS, CRAFTS SAIJ00 N()V. ;) (linlaxin o' Ov('r six liionlhs of ilIll'(| \\;V()l'k fill(1 intensive lfl;in - fling of Ynenl'i<)ol's (if St. I/:,\\;'i(l's E])ise()pal Guild will b(, th(' C)l)en- inK, S;/lilrd,<iy llo)'nill.'4", ,if t]ie ill'ts ,Ill(1 (!i'iifls s'_tie, to be hehl a{ tile guild roonl of lho (, fl'Olll ]0 HAll. tC) 10 }9.In. You \\;\'ill enjoy lhe tiny ,,)is hazR&F, ,v}lol'e gifts for tiw vcl'y you ng'est of yoLIl' kind C:ill i)(' re,Ind. 'l'hi.<; hoolh will ()ff('r th'." l.HI i'e esontials, such as l)ei'ky overalls, stin sllils and t)oxer simrts, as \\;%,(>11 ax S()lllO (/[" ( ]1(' lrills: (.i'oehete(l l'ials, pinafores • ind knitted suspend¢'rs. In fell. thel'e \\;\'ill tie aliDlal bags, poller t)ags and mittens 'll(I h.lts t() nlsltch. Besides the ltl'i.',e selection of knitted garments for babh?s, there will also lie illl [tl'- GRANGE TO SPONSOR CARD PARTY NOV. 4 Skokomish Grange is sponsor- illg a card party t() he hehl :it g l.).nl. November 4 at the sch()()I hollse. A door prize, an (qectli(' kit- ehen clock, will be 14iv('n ;l \\;\'ell as other prizes. The public is invited to come and play pinochle or 500 and hflve l'efI'esllIIlents. Adnlission is 50 cents. PTC To Meet Nov. 3 Middle Skokomish Parent-Teach- er club will mect Nove/nber 3. Andy Krniswyk, County Exten- sion Agent, and Miss h'ene Pied- able, Home Extension Agent. will be the main speakers. A report will be made on tile Mas,m Coun- ty Welfare meeting. Committees for tile Ha rv.ost lay ()f ,loll ('h)til(',, ;i((!()l'(lili'..' l() Ml. ('. ]]P)ll'3, lJ;i(()ll, h(,(>lh i.h:li)- llllln, l:>\>eS h h's the g'ift }v)ot h. f'i>;tl i'()Iltl iilt,n':4 hohl) .q]i(<l) Hlld I);!- 1)\\;' t)AZHHI', there will be a kil- (.hei t)()oth Ilild(,r lhc ',!lel'Vi:i,Hl (if M 1',. I"(,;ll'l 1 )lit ('}t('1'. Tiii:< i)o(){ h l)t):lSI:; 1/Ii ll<" li !)l'()lly; [() !)](NIF;(  VOIll" INsl(> 111(] II('O(l ill (ll'gHll(1}', ()l' I;;('(', (ll" I:il'(' tt(lll(- :ll)l(' cotton ap)'())l.< Wil]l ]l/Xli!'iCtl:; fullness :lnl : h,vcr :i('('(q] I ltl. MI':. I)lll('h(q' l:lC)lli(illcll I;ll'ti,'II - lariy si lov('ly ;,)ill <)l'i:2, ill:il di.'- 1)hi.v ()1" chillz :ipl',)il. AI:::o. i)ll Hle in he,' doltl'{Illolll will lie ll;lll(i-tq!lt)l'oid('l(ql (li:d lo\\;vcl:4 find el'oc}lt,l ¢,d pot-hol< h'r:;. 1;'o)" l ilos(, l-ll()l'(, 4})c'( if it:lily ill- l('resled ill lhe \\;t';ly tJ ;i ll!Nl ',: }l("fll'l, t}10 f(.)(I h()oth, Illl(h'l' l!l(' dil'('('lic)u (if Mi's. l()n:iid M:!(.- l)(maht, }la:i Ill;Ill}' ;ipp(qi:':iny, .'411(- ,'eslioll.c The "lalc(" holllP" flied (ffferod at ttix; booI. h will fe:l- llll'e tlOIll('-lll;!(l() bl'eadF :ln(l rolls. Thel'o wi}l lie SlOHMI('(! I)ud(liny.';. ;lnd ;ill solI s of l)aS[I 'il'N ,<1 Ill  .';\\;veets, jlll]lS ail(] jellies :l \\;VPI1 tl,q ('InIl('(I I)'(,()(1:4 :lli(l pickh,s. A bo(iIh IIDdOU !}l(' ,lire('li,)rl ()I' M)'S_ (;erll'ud,, tlak'('.' wit} .<mr\\;'(, sandwiches, oak(. }ill({ Ih)l ('(Ill'C(' (hl)inK the sah,. FOlll" Of the oliiM;tlldilL<.:. ' .'ifis :lff the sale, a pair iJf \\;vail lall,ps. Sill ,qeet ri(: il'on, ;I "{ (,on- Ii 3:.c ') d()ll with a (,olllplet(. wal'(h'ob(% and a ham will lie ,lwal'(le(t dul'- in' the (lay. The dool' I)l.ize (if ;t five-l)Olllld box of Calld, will also })(' p, ivorl away. Mc'l't:h;Itldi(' to I)o f'()llll(t fli: S;Itlll'(]ay's sale is I)(,ill!4 ilan(l- >;Olll(]y dis]llay('(I ill a win(low (if the I,unlb('i'lll(!n's Mel'(,antile ;ill his W(,elL AUTOMOBILE BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY D AMA LIABILITY Protects You up to the Limits of the Policy forJ bility Imposed by Law for InJuries or Death orl ages to Property of Others. Court Costs and I Fees are Provided and Paid for in Addition Limits of the Policy. $10oo AlES . Liability Coverage C Each 6 Montl $5,000 - $10,000 urrent Ratel .lill! Bodily Injury $5.00 NonreoUr t' $5,000 F'ee At Begin n/lll Property Damage Policy. SAVE WITH THE WEST'S LEAg I /--"---i c=;., • ulltl..% 120 East Grove ,- pl <q Farmers Insurance Exchan il , , at tile (liiversity, is lhe son ,>f and Bayview, Shelton. ite is a ]nelnhel" of C()nlpass and Chili't, ]1;1%'+'t] Fl,()f[C. hon()l'lll'y. 11 THEATRE I•• ]'vli,/,hiiHnen an(I (wi(tels se]octr.d roy l/lenl|)eFs|lil) ill Se;ihl)aF(I and ]ladl! lit'(} itidfU>d ()n :t I)ilSiS of g sci]olarstiii) (t n iitary achiev('- lll(!ilts. . " ,, Jayeties Pl!in Sale ,layet*s ave hnvi)w' ;i i)ak(' sale N(,cdhalll's Fetid C'tqltel Oll Motlil- tflin View. An H sHol'l ,ill,ill (if ]lOlilOllladO (::it((') v,)ol(ie.', ('il:)(l:il(('S ;lll(I I)ies! will I)(, foattll'ed. I I)i'op in and se(, 1he (li.<q)];ly I Belly Grill)h, aivI till((! b(illlO ,EOlllt' 14()o, lies 'el'! !$ ll'ealit'"ul Sun<lay drone,'. The sale :d,,'ls al; The II am'i+ Blonde From ]lashl'ul Belld WSCS Wil,I, MEI,Tr NOV. 9 IN ('liIICII I'AI{IA)II Color i:ly Technicoh)r T|]e Wo I In.< S(Iciely ()f ('.In'is- Ceii,ar i'hilnero, I{udy lifill Service of the" M(,l,h<)dis| ll'lillee) I)lga illl Jllan fhlil'ch will b()hl its nexl reglllar It's ,<i. J.iol t)f Song, (!clef nle(,tiilg + lit ! ::I0 l).III. N()veillbel' ILIld l.llllglll.(!l" 9 ill Iho (!hlll'eh I)l:ll']Ol'S. .... c) ....... l)J'°T;I Ill i.,il;/il'l )'1 (ll,  )Is. l>nll] .lenlis(in lind .IVII'N. lq. el, I)}lllllYh'lnll, SVedneiday Only, Nov, 9 TWO FEATI ;RI,;S Rex Httrrblon, Peggy ummlngs "ESCAPE" Yon ean't escape, lt)e iml')aet of it SI.oi'y .... RoDlalsce A dvelltul'e .and "TItE VICIOUS CIRCLE" (!onrad Nag(d, Fritz lorntller ltnnollnee lhe 'topic, "A \\;¥in.,-x.)llle Call, Pakistan." Tea will be served by Mrs. O. (3onler. Mrx:. l,. Norv<)]\