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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r .__ SIIELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAE .,, . , , *ett CLASSIfiED ADVERTISING RATF Reader notices 16c per line. 75c 1Tnimum ekarge on each noUce: dtr__d of .nans,. SL00; o.riglnal wo or ,. tmmmaum  eL Im, se) 7 alngl9 .[a, e ruon,.S*: L0 h two teruou, $1.u Lnrce ller- tJonL Addltion&amp;l InNrtio 20c --,... _ each, L'ger ads &t rat8 of 10c v  *- v v v ry 60e per InCh; claifle dis- rates on russt, mVV,qrv'qll,,qlvqp, vv,,qlr-qr-w*v,v'...v-,w*m.'qp"Vl 'qrvv'v,qrv'qw'qp"qrv -ql*,V'V*'v,wv'qr,**"qr'qw ,L,dula**ni,,,t,**.aadb.aW.aa,*k,,A*e,d.dlL.m.,dbA.e,, I VvvvVV All elaJmlfled adverUJlement muut r , i  [ ICOH. SALE: l;,'nt ix wa,hlrg ma,.:hine be paid In advallge. ose taken ltAVI,] TWO LOTS 60 x 120 near WNTID: will Pay cah for timber COML IN and s,'e our hug' 1 n, of i,. ntrl'ect c nO t p, ]'ea n:b]o d- over telephone mut be lid the Bordeaux school, one corner lot. Will atumpage. Wrlf Daniel and Flat- PYRY!,X c,oklng watt. }hlh ,t . .....  ,, ...... ,,..  .... ,... , ...... f011owing day. An extra charge of build to ult if you want to buy. ehr Loggln Co.. P.O. Box 85. OIM- Hardware. *,-31 • ........ o ' o,.,,, c,  . .... C will be made when billiI is C.L. Collin.. 1612 Division. Hill- .]a._Wh. --._ ....... 11-4n. "l()R'-SALEi"pici{-Kf1g'"shf-Grav] ,<t].-ill.  ....... ' " I'i'-'22'iI:; nerY. {.rest. Phone 240W. 100tfn. INDEPENDENT . RAWLEIGH dealer, enstein apples $1,50 per box, 4 t:,ocs I ,i',--'S;V'r, ."'-;b;(-;V,',,d,-'-il; ,,,C-f,i; "OR'SALE: -l$'-aere,'-one"inile oUt wanted for Maon Cotty. ]ttab- $5.00. orchard l un. Bring emltam.r., I -,eve fireol,,c, -t; . ,n'r ,,,,rd Write ..... of town on Dayton road, halt or lished route, List oI cUston,ers xur- Jacoby Ranch, at. 2, Box "'/1, phme J %/ilti:u*l li' Stvar "i"O''x '2"[8" ,vv-vv.v all. P.O. Box 424, Re Phillips. nlshed. No charge for goodwill. 874-R-5. 9.22tfnl , •  .... t; 7,,.b Other ter,'Itoriea available See local .;..7=.;..---; '...-'.,--'=---- ..... ;-"" ..-o--. dealer, at. 8, Box 208, Arcadia Road. ; ..... mile- .,-. ift Also th  t L : see Ol.)mpm Motor Sales Ii'29tfn ',:-t'''v'=el: *-'* h(os" c, non eve  - ' f,w auto parl.s and ac,:esories. First WI--- DELIVER parcels or pacRage nines. The (.ift Box, 200a W. Fourth and M I Stre k. } hone.5_95. ___7 41__ '" - ' ' ZINTHEO'S VALUES and run errands anyplace in county. Olympia. Wash. 6-28tfa FI,OOI. COVE1/Ii.GI4: tile or linoleum, - Call Ronnie 5-R after 8:30 &lid inst:dlvd or hty it yourself. Easy ]3"0WI.S.'MI-XE, RS and Juicers for M-x'- terms, :I years to pay. Lawton Lmn- 'Saturdays and Sundays. 9-22tfn. nm$ters at E, ells& Valley Appliance bcc, 420 ,. Fh'st St., phune 56. Beautiful ' FIVE ROOMS and bath on comer 'ff-}YX?iiii'l-TJih"i)dl-]'(itis-hr: Center. 6-2tin. s-atfo. lot on Hlllcrest; two bedrooms ,,und H*e house call /Ii]lcrest llard- "I" "*---'(J[f'Ri'-'F-fi'l:ID-T(-b]T--y(/uVti '0t;,%A/3q I,i,k,d h:n: alq,ii;.: 51.25 HOME SITES down and apace for two upstairs, ware. phonc 409. 11-3 find your size in tl c yl'lcdte and [WI" b('N. (O'('1};1['(I l'll]l. rinK con- with necessary lumber Oil hand. = ,  Marie 1)re:;sler ludf :liA" (ivo:;.;(' Ulh,q:, 3:l(':01y ](:tilt'h. U.out,2 2. on Southside Hill Hardwood floors, fireplace, base- st,n.k,,d by th, liho-Mar Al,parel [,,x 2'il. t'h,n.' W,'qtS. ]0-27tin ment, oil furnace, laundry trays,] Sh,,ll),. 493 llaiir)ad, n th. Ant'h ....... Buildbff. ]o-'.'.0..1]-3 F()Jt SAil,l: a:'d c,;w manure. $1.10 ........... :twA:. A.Is,, Aider fire wood. Mrs. A. All cleared, good views of aurora, clee. tank; room for two} F()R 4LE:-2":J,,-I-tra,h'r. [:, ,d c(,u- 3. 1;ulh'r. lit. 1. lox 168. Eln*a. mountains and bay.'Streets cars. A real huy at $8000, on terms MEN d,,,,,,, --d i,,,,. ,,', ,,:,.,,, , w,,,,, :,--.tln. and all city conveniences be- you carl handle, t)hon,. .nly, S71J1, ] ,,l:.,l at !u2/, . . tng put in. * * * 2 No [h,oks Turn'r. W.i[I.29--l]-3 }[JqVi';I'i W;,I:I Iota,' a:.s(n'tm'|H. ., Ill l)lll e.,rl, xvm' tim supply No, Val:uut[, Clcall, rs 1,(tC A'L: ,,hlle v. :ni,'l iuc-:" $,t,. I : l:' aI 1 li.'v, t llddv,,:r... 11-3 ' FORTY ACRES, foul" cleared. 3  No lhmmh,dd Alqdian('.'s bL 1¢, ..';m, , l Ji¢vu,l..,t',r I'A. "p'*l[ :.'.%J. r:.",,3, y A :''1.'- I,--'[:',[ MR m" MRS. H. 1). STOCKWELI :tares ill bearin loganbcr'rics; No H'..-,rl Itr(,akin.. 2. 14,,, hi. " I', .'!d-.l/-3 '['l(h', l:t ":b', lh' it[ JC;dpil'S l"illO blO WyaudoLte l'hone 133I '/ ITtltt [tn(| 7 l'ilbe:'t recJ; 10'. ll,,u;,'-lo*ltotl ,, Cc, nass b'{)tt ,',:\\;1 I",' ":'r',',,l'al 11/;.1 ,,:' !lt., i',,,,d:,, ltJl. r, :q 11-3 a!ll,3,': (*,,,[ Lc,.+'l". ::i '. 1*or Iw:.: 9-221fn. :tit,,.., timber. Att,:':v,'tive 1 i g This i: an 1,,11,.:1 ' 1 t'*rtonlty l:)r v , l' " ]" ' : , I ,,,,, L:Ik,' 'i;t IPl.7. L,,,X)iZ I.'I'I.]TTV in (nY- :tl/ll ]l()VF;t v¢itll |qtol]e firelqlfll!O, coi[1- iJllll(.:¢l ','dvn It) HiK, ;t ',4icit{ly till(| " [1. ,-, -, , o. ! r i'i:,,,;,, fro n the wide I I J J[ __J }ltlI 1.,,''1,., i, r. I;l<,. l. ............................................... ])hqely tHvflJH!l]; ]¢tri, TM I),Lli] ;ill(| iqll]lfilllllitl ]b,(,lihm,d it il l}OSIIVHl of IJi,x Zi{;,\\;, li) '",5 -t]-:; X:tli('lV ,ltl*l ]t ,1.1,.; S(,'¢k('(l IlV " li, I.],(' M',!" .'l,l::'*q ;|t'ld-', .lb3. bedroom.% fireplace, plate- m',d vo(,(i .;tet] Ll.£1LJCllt*(.[ to )lotiSe; lm, ;t,ld: . uli,, I, ,',.', :tllCl Ill'  I] ',, ,O,,, *1. '" ' " I',' lYIng' (,., [ i"ll : " :.*,[.f," "}k "foHr L'Ila,sS V, J 11 IJ II %',' :4. i,2"'lJVvoOd ";( d :'o!,l, I::F.:,: ,;'II{LeHI, ,,,nthll:lt', uM , II:lW, I . :,, ,aw, I ,,,nl ;.,.,(t h .:ll ,  v .ih 1:11.'- ' flOOF:3, (l"t:]l;l;'(]. 'IC(H]')[ ]l;:H - .ll.I)lOli' I,I d''ilt!r }, :; b,,i, lhlll irl|h/f:% ' I,[. lJ'i l([ (]' 'i"' i- (,1,;¢ tl,l , z "t':' ; I'l .t';t,'l OH I]/.H'' H,: '{ /c);' ]'fliln. 'WAI.,IZ}.N(' ICTANI"I,; l, rnilL; I r,.i ,",',. :,wl .'lml .... -., w,.. €1,! , "'. " " m'l.Z" I,' . , i .,t;I. x i"10-2!ll,!,t u, I1-1",1~ N('x,t I.o ;t')], ' Cff)Nl't;ct €'.l',*" ¢I1!(',! ,, -;.}(': ,,-i,  l bb'.4 l:.!l ".it]' %V, ,t,"r, ,('l :!l :,, ",l , ,qlinN ,,L -" ,d. '' .:! :'t .*-- l .v }... II It:b, ,nl,,, I- ro3Yi. l,/)W;l, t "..J", l', ()[I" I;1 ;4€:'/IL'2 ]AId:lJt]g'; .,tl 1:4 i l :  lr,, 1  l: '1' ,, eq)/di V¢ll,'lq ,, ,, ,,, q,: I, ;;:[: [''l!tll , ," ',' " r  i', ,' I: ,t L"l,h !,, |i ':: l(l: ::I(1'€ if., [FilLt 'q'('8, :,;.':, I i11€I {ltv,1.],; k,,, , , :,D{ 111 '.]',  i,l,, 1; 'W. Ir'HIIl'* ['i, ,:!" !7:::.['..1  I .... },¢ ,..,. ,'l.{,p : I : ! ¢ . l,,,rl. ,r,'t,,I . ,vie; V," i T' .... 'nl ." it, ,., [ ;W/,J . t,'! 6 *lH,:'i,, '(,,:llil J"7.€! ':, ' ''/I ',',;;!'lt , " ('!iJ : " ;1'- 'I, ,1, " *,1 ...... ,(f'i]-- I' ," , I li. I{, I ;-'.:5'.tf;t J; 'T'.; .',; .]J}!'t..:.,q t/,x i,()(,t., :'": ....... .[. - !L[OCq( i,O t'lllS; ]Jr,t" IlL I!:l.y F(:I.I]R " I ,1!':. 1,,, :,,- I, I !'IlllO. ) ,.\\; l I;,t¢l'll:'Iloltlll-llttt'VCStl,r next to wH:h [[l B(lry tra.Ys; g,t:s .i,lt,'.x in- 'Ph* q'illlC" W[LIAA:,!F,. ;t I/,'!,).l:l. t".i *',," ;:* ,'.1," tt,.,.l r. • l; S-M. ' I-:i. ) ,,.2' €:" ton I,[,'t.-Hp (llllDp h! ist. Robin Hood Lodge cluded: corner lot, berries, gar- Sunday, November 6, 1949 -l(it{* sA1;I,,': h,:J'x' :,vn,t;;]m;ic H, L(JMJ;FI. MOTOI{S den, F'rice reduced to $5600 for 10:00 A.M. - Shar]) ,2.25 :t, t , ) 1 : o u . f () t-  . €1o. pt   . l,-: tano Mill St. Phone 601 One cabin nearly finished, shake quick sale. 909w. • .[,10-27-11-3 9-22tfn. ollts/de, cedar inside. Completely . . * No olhe/' tinic---no phon,: calls ]-6" MAS"rlqR-(H£AI,"I" in,us,, -llliih'c "1'%'¢) :b;,'l;'?I?'i.U. bhmd lil;:h, |]l,,I,l[] 11110 lih,¢[(] .']f'('[1 if 'J¢(shltil2h,H and 1,1('1t ('tn'i't,l' ])L,I),I [1 , I q i.; [ ] , , j ; 211 i ; j f i ] ) . wired for range arid water lleater.| FOUR BEDROOM MODERN, frill l'h,,rc b.;.l(-2 a:t, r 6 p.m. One cabin, three rooms, showcr,cement basement, floor ftlrnacc; K :-.'trmq. M,,tmtmn Vi,.,../. D!!-3.111 :.11-3 b-'()I{'-SALF3: /I116 :,aMl.I Stt,m/),l;; .i,X),rl AI ,' L [,,11. 1}al,.d il];l|];I. BOOk and some but]tins, wired for{ hu'ge trHct of ]and, tlB]uvp,/s3ed ................................. _l ........ , |,"lhT lou, ',, 27 ". ,':'c,,]h.rlt c,.n. range. City water, open shed 30 [ view; $$750. $ * * dtli,m1aol I:. %l*l,,4t,d(,.i l':mt,,riunl ("b.illl,,,'S.l[, :l V . I,(,'[-] ]'I 1 ( J } ;  ,' ,li.;.. [l!l:i(,|)tlr"b:l ',. |hkt'l h','.:(; ,111-'11111' ¢t. ft., pl,,y h,.,uso cl,t0000- vs00*um00a'00e ,.. .... ,, ,, ,., ,,,I,: ell house. 1:0 it. frorltage on high- NYAV 1)UPLEX lind two small] T\\;V(}-[Q(:'FI]-,I[,I) ., W l" iD b'lI',]"t* $111|([ l,'..';) '"l(/P, *2b,)ll[ti I  [ 1  ) i  ¢ '  ]  : [ ' t ' ] '  :  i " ' .... t i ]   P ' : N 1 way, no high banks. Tidelands ill- hotltcs ou I-iilcrcst bus line, all D.)r I /l'l"d'J'hlU trY" %]z'1 ¢ '( %( I' I Il'v, t: !:1 :.., 111% t'., l'iC;lltl IlHJt'lH,' !lll. eluded. Good location for motel or only $8500. See thin now. $I.011 c.n,h, Will d,qivcr m Sh,,]ton. •  D('I.,mY. tu,. th,ut,. 2. XMAS TREES , T. Ha,nbv lh,vh, 2. lq,one .q76. I,,i,ai,.. 'L-:'-,2-I other bnslness. Cash or term * * * l/- 2 ( % 1  t ,:, Dist.). il-3 ]/,1,:\\;]<:% \\;('i,;i;<H!S ;td)n, l:,r/,(, Phone Shelton 811J. 11-6tfn TWO WATERFRONT homes on "gci)I/ S£LIq:-Deli(,h,u r,ilh,s, qtlb. hu,'l<. N-w Zahlml Whit,,s. (m,' has Pickertng, low bank, considerable i Wanted ,,,,. At s ,,',no ,.',,o,,s " 1,,,,, ......... ,,,, .e,* ,,',l h,,ie', .... ,,, , , i I frontage, each a good buy. Terms.  Hill€rest. 11-3 and a.ll Im,luding two week.* fe, d I'O(.' [¢n" $'5. ¢tlt,' :| I.CX '2"26 .... " ...... . * * * F(')I'-RI,N''-- Sl'l:/I]'[" Ui'lll'llill](j"¢.o[ - {hl;zl,r,i's Cornel'. A/'cadiu). 11-.3 tago at Lilliwaup ,,n Hood Canal. FOR SALE M.C. ZINTHEO Phone Hoodsport 8t-W-12. WW, Jl/'VH '.)I SALE a li,niled num- ]'{J]-l{l] |wr cd' ;t lilt( lla[ y knowll .|ll izal- ],in tq,q'|l'lC he[ '/al.(,l' ]v.,liIcl'. whic|l New 5-room modem plastered Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 15"/ HARRIS  THOMAS -Fint8/,IJE'aO"l.i;|iiiujf;':nrifh.."snd, , ;,,,1 ;,,. $,r, Th,, h,.,t,,r Is gua,.- hame, wtth 8 bedrooms, hardwood tct.ion. 19,i9 n.,del. $100. 6:00 x t6 /|tll,',,,I for :, I.'riod of :.,,v,,n voa,-s. loor, oil .floor /'urnae and gar- Shelton, Wash. tire and tube $5.00, Oil boater $15. x,/ lm,, l;rg,r zcs al ; lehttiv,, Yanas tree utters, shippera The Swap Shop, 201 EL't Pin,.. 1-3 1,1, o. I'l.,,:s th,' Man, lt, bl.hb,, and age attached. This fine home is[...,rvvv..v.v,..v..-v Office at Grunert's Service c,,me Ill OHI' ,t;LOl'O ()l" call Er,:m,,r- ............................................... l,m 269 COI,[J!]CT for addili,mal  nearing compltLon  can be [,., 1Mildloan** Station -- fat and Cota .... i, ;,., a,a, i,"RI'Ua DELVeERY. fti wt m, t.,,,aNJ..,.w....., omc€  es .... :i ANNIVERSARY ' 1=;1'( . ht'l't O!1. 11-3-10 • * * |ALC(Ji-IOLI ANONYMOUS meets Everyday 9 to 5, - - 4-r00m modern home with break-[ Frlday evenings et S p,m. in tho BARGAINS -C]SL--E-R--I-RiE- fast nook and full hls I Sunet Illdm, Olmpt, WUh.L .... • -15t[n. can be made a  home.and,in] WL-'TXil-e),'it-"o--cl]are-i{-h* L ,, SPECIAL & Industrial Engines Wrth the price, Locatea cloe-m.[ my home days. Phone $76W: .... t)RICI Burchenfft Outboard and $3600 00 | Ml0-]3ttn ..,,,r.,.vv..",,.,-,,vvvv,,v'r,,"* Unfinished CltLfferobes. Inboard Boats • ? * , " ....................... KIMBEL MOTORS -r0om modern home with 3 bed- / soeks 9nd clothing to make rag rugs .-.rvw,-..w'..r'w...'..'w" Bunk Beds. metal or ma- .. 'S includes automatic as / or charitable cause plee leave ple, springs included, 1 nnr.',ton-Mason Distributors ----" , .... . . .  ../ them at Mary Lou's GILt Shop next :OR RENT: unfurniehe 4-room apartment, hot water heat Included. rae, he.water nearer ann on/ door to Talor Radio Sho. 10-tfn Regular $69.50 .................... $29.95 707 S. ]st St. Phone 601 hen[el;. Home recently reshingied|'---U---Ali-'b--r-fi'-K - .-7--- Inquire 100 Pine St, or phone 6995. Marble Top Kitchen __ tnd new concrete foundation in- | W wlsl to ex.presa uur rune ere ap- V10-20ttn. Table. Reg, $27,50 $8.95 Has '0od fenced viral and precmuon mr tne many Kmanesses, i---[4-,K-t-ur--nTe-i'iiie-'6 Club Chair, blue tapestry ...... . . ... m . ; .f:. . sympathies and beautiful floral of- room oottage on the bay next to BALDWIN, ala Bmall new stere Dunalng lor f*.ringa exlended us during our be- go!f c0ure.,$85 month. Ba,shore. Ia- cover ...................................... $17.95 lk'V or t b0 resold and moved, hi- reavement of our be/oved husband qulro Baysnore Stole. 10.6tfn . Twin Size Tufted ClU& garage and work shop wlth and. fatljfr. ,a,,, OiJD'TOG] B0-''61:-1:efit-" Headboards ......................... SlZ.05 WURLITZER and .......... ice ...................... Phone 92,2. Mt. View Lckers. Star 24-Inch Wide Cot Pads ........ $1.49 cotcrete Iloor. WOrth me pr :' Mr. and Mrs. Fal E. lime Route 1. Box -B. S-2tfn 30-Inch Wide Cot Pads ........ $2.9S LESTER PIANOS gsked but make an offer, mid familY, • IURNIi.D 'A:PARTENTSi " i[ "i Used Box Spring $8.95 • * * Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E, Nelson and $ bedroom units now available .................... and family ................... 1-e of good ground and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Powell, at Airway Court. Airport, phone Unfinished Chairs $1.98 SEE THE NEW SOLOVOX oern home with garage. Lo- and family• 781R,5. A5-26tfn.. 2 O catad in Skokomish Valley. Priced Mr. and Mrs. Otto W. N,,Isvn, r'ott ttI,N'I': [urnished apartmcnt, at $3675.00, 13ealricc N, Okonek. thrce rooms and batl|, no objections Furniture Dcpartmeat Your Pin.lie Tuned. V.culuned, to child, oil heat, phone 81J. Moth-proofed, Action Reg- . • * vvv,wwvvvvvvv-rvvv Wl0-t 4-room modern home in good con- I.OST -.D lOV' -0'i31--tiF'[/li'--t(;i]i:i-;/t'-c-hbi LUMBERMEN'S uXated for only $10.00 ditlon, with garage and woodshed . ,,w avallable on n|onthly bas e, MERCANTILE vvvv e,lulppcd wlth gas range and oil Staff t.tulers for KOMO Seattle an€{ good garden tract, located on heat. The Pines. L-Stfn. 11-3 New score located across f,:om Angleside. Would trade for prop- FOUND: young :steer about 11, years. erty down towu or close-in, l/rb.'ed Owner may liave same by idenlify- "'Ott RENT two b?dt')[;fi( t nfm' : , 1. g , lng and paying for its k(,x,p .nd ed amtrtment. Ph(,ne 9MM, "W10.27 the Pine:; on Mountain Vicw. lit :4dO0,O0 lhts advertisement, W. S. R ggs, 0t(-RI:NT: new-;iae-fii,(ii,/;6m"hi" Did Papa eta deer, ,,, * * al,:. . u,, 61 tK.,,,i,,,,.,. ,le. apa,',,,,,,,,. houe ,O.,. far, far. from here? R10-27o--11--11} Mc/0-27--11-3 iqt(?NH 980 AI watcr.fron,t tracts, and ,:lose-,. In lot for sale at various prtcen, !, )T: one blank and ",vhito dog. "i'irt-)(N'r-thr,j-7(ib;i-dfiu:nfif, Td No. Papa got rio deer, ..... . w,'ig'hs about 85 l,,mds, Woari;,¢4 apavlmeut h,,,,,, I.,,a,, :,,,,,,,,,', .... Bill Hajek hr,,wn ],-allat:|' harness. Answers I,, R,,ut, 3, Eux 8. H {nc 218-R-'2. ]['21t.hC a far I"!X)U H(-.'t=lI.'. eveIal clcart Ishtnd Ll.tke lots "Wltbd, vr," Pho|v,' 63,1,-W nf(t,r 6 %VtI-817 for $400 each. NOW is tlae ti.mel l,.|, IIt0-20-11-3 ",',Tff'ffi.!,:TTgV;,,;i"-Oiii;ii7,i,h'T6,iFiT: Did Pat-}a shed t,, te.,r . • 'I I'll¢.rlll IlhldtF/l. "2r |l, ,';'t0 lllOt|[h. 7" r, , '' ,, 1 (  m *  I to pick them u!), "" ..........................  t:, Ptl:;: ,3, .d a ......................................... -= --=- -- t, ';' v m Twin 1,;1ms Apts. lhone th,,d:;porl 'ii' " C  " .... *,-r.r ," v" 5-room "modern llome will, ,ire. WANTED '-'5"J" " ]l-3Hn. oth there :uld hclx!. (.,,FA.) !.' u!.,..N ITURE place, iuli btt#e:ffh3Bt uud ttllout .3 holw,, homd!'v all,| ]1ol wnlt,r flit- r(,ttfp (,o11](i D ),% !-ill%.(, 'r, ;It. -" ' : ! tic $99.50 iiCtt o£ hud, drilled wll, c, lso wa.., l,'lqt .lli 'd: 9-.$ "'l it" w'Hh ldade, ,fi,h,',d. 5;,, d,ie. t, n h, . mall c.bild, his l[nlp. ;!ld nl';'y. ....1 ;"* o  t.",.U'",tlrr " ....................... 99.511. tcrfront lo(lted on Pic]<erJ 'm JT' m I :,l.l,,, l,,clh ,nd h ',.;!n;,* w],vh. |. t'h,,n," d!}'3-W. Dl]-:|lfn. i;!to s:}, l',.r hul;th, ll|lll,*t .... • 8-;J t U ".i'tH£ U.t".'N'T, Johll,,lll " ,.h.ctvic. flour [tOll "}It. Ill3' It'::'>; |1' ,!H ,t:: " [:('l' ltt:/Out 15 '.ruil,t:s eatlt of 8},...[11.,11, . l;. {',,,t,'t. ['1,,111 , b,|¢t " ;;-[', !;u;.i,i!] ] ),lt.c]l[0"i[ ,A,N'i'l;l: uu.t sic,i,'[( prmii.t free. lti.-dwrs fd)c d;ty. |lIHl'':t liar,, 1 ,,,;,, ,lmV} ..... 79.50 '"' ]t "' m ,,ll, teoth, ' IVi .' i' , ; : [:o t t: ..::r,'. 'h ,n, I!19. ll-;, [)1 "ll'l tf CO!t':'IT'!C:"' :';t]('S .:I \\;':lJlt?rs 9.,50 C. IIERBERT G. A GLE ,,,,',t .,:,,v,.|',;,: .,.,.. ....................... i-;1/Im t?I-,l. Gt'#yff llnrbor i.(,lllleP- l'()l: I.l,'i': tf,wnti,wn l,,,l,'r t ll)t(,I W.',, [111', n ]7tfll ;,i)nrl}ll,, 1''; V '(!l']i Iq' ) l t (    H] i .' { i g q" " ' h '  ;  ' r i [ ' y .......   %¢ % [X''' } t I( ' ' I f*,l'; t  lt' .,,lIIl: 11"I" J'l'b,( :ili:l A](t(l', ;C.Iit (1 1 I I f " " ¢ , *L , " " ...... . ", l!'t ,'li * itt; !:tl*'L fw'" I:;b2" 11"3 ::':t  ' : 4 ,  ' ] ; ''i: i h " " " : }' '  € } () 1 1 i'' J ' ll']l " ............. [I 9 '  0 l(,tt,,,";t. 1',,.' ,,',',i ........ l" ...... , 41 ....... i,,' .... ,.lit,, -M()i)I'I'N ,",i;'.b. f,,,.',,.;',l: , ...... 'a,'i¢c '?,,(;  '.4 ]i,''!'; ,}',1 .... :"!!;.q0 1 -  .. i ,h, ;_, t[%1"('I:(,3i..:. ":, b{,,i'" t,'l,t' t,t. ,t: "CA'I"",.I,'. ,,v/,,I, . #',;), J] vr :c- ' l',., , [.!,11".1 1,1, I::ib, }:,,i mid ] . At. V,ur. in • " ,it., mil' cil: ,h',.t,t', t ill,, I,f ,.t', t.!M. J. Cb:k, c*;}l ,.a..r. ()i 'u , 1tartlY !',u'n. :bill[b. (.:,.:[ .... "":0 .',';!V t l,,d=!;, .l..:J ,.'..l:i"A! 'i'l ";I- t. . 1.1'tl , Xj.('F-I , [i .'2[-.11-11' ": j, I:..¢ ] -?:.'. }411:hh' t(,:" t ( ..;|,': ,,t .tl ];],'.ill il*'::," Ar- i" '; .'. . .', II.'!D ll:,;t' 'at ] .................................................... .':K'I L;ll;l[ ;*" 'i :' " ct'ilr. calla' I0 It  ptl, tu r,:;d.)p,'e'tly .... :,  I[;[1 , ' l'' '' { l''' } * h''' AT)T)[ *[A%'t('j[ m- ! ' "' tt''t't Vh}%V. ''rq !¢'t, ;t 1 , '1111/1 . . ' :.b'' :'' L'. rl . '.Z.I..tA&1 i ['% . ' .5..') ." :V  ,. '...,v*'. ',t,d:!,I,;f fh'ht:.v. $1575, , , .... . %',.,  ! b'::} ".'.,¢ -l, i ,, ,. ;.I [ /'llL lye,' Jtli t  , r.V,','F . :' ' t ' i " ""I 'f.' ""I'} (ira].w,w Iqrm,: /J..I-I !, 1" t'n : "l; ,,, : ,:." ,,, l.Iilco t'It,,'li[' FIfOl t<.,'lJut':,-I. !'.}. ' ,. "c " l:ti¢,q i',,:,t _ ..... ,, ,*,, ;,.w*.....,.., • . r , ::.'.- t,:,. I .   '{.,\\;)t) " '" ' =-.. t o };h'clrh pt3rTlb}' ll:trtt] " '!  (};. t i.,,,t ill,..  ,",. " ';" • ,]tfP,.k't -:';l",€'tl jC' L'ttJ2r }*o'.Jt:ll- , :-, y ,--,,' " " ',} ;AiC'. :i']"l? "',v.l|H,'O . II,,,1;" d'!," ...... / FARM-- l,,,,y. :Mrs, . O. Williams. '129" E. LAWTON LUMBER $1.0 a load USED CARS 12,'dur, Pholm 7!9-J. ,11-3-17 W£ N'.rbT oc'i Rawl,, k'ff',TJii: Excellent Buy e,- in ne,rhY ,.ounty. W,'ite Raw- 420 S. 1St Phone 6 I)clivcred In Shclton F,,i: SALE: .a,,,.,,|,.,, t:i,,t:.t}; :',',7. `| I/'igb'S, Dept. WHK-202F, Oaklaud. .,, c,,up,'. Phon,, 92t-5 S'l(.ll_3 '40 acrcs. 16 acres cleared, ex- Call1'. Gll-8  ' -- '  "' Our Wood is Alway a Cord ILL+-ARi--f,;['"7:hihh'+,r+'iiiy'"i', '- .,,vvvv..,.vvvv.v-,... or Better to the Load. "'E-I+'Hq'lq(2B "'t','"-t3iik+'t'61:ii'ifi-"UP.l ) eellent soil. 7 room nlodern llhlg. Phone 92,1-W at'tcr 6 p.m. 2.J mt, ntim to pa at Bob" housc including 72 gal. elec- Alt-3tfu FOR SALE t,,s. 638 South lrst Street She'L ' tric hot water heater and el- 'Ott pL(f;[BIl'[-hfid;,¢ld-Jhb ai'= ,v-e ........ rvvv,, Enitai Lumber Co. ,,,,,,,, r. ' ,-,,,,, ectric rango, Large chicken (HIll(| ll)e ]]otlSC call .HJlh':rest IIard- Minerva Park ]/'()l:, s,L'l:: 191] I)eS¢to ,l-,i,.,l .t,. house, barn, grade A niilkiBg war,, lfl|,_,nc 499. 11-3 DO YOUR X/%,rA.S SHOPPING. t(,AR - l'n. 2-|'oo i ur I lshd ho0m .... 1 r LY. avoid dl,'tttiDoilltnwnls. Hilh'r*'st Phone Hoodsport 38-W-12 .\\;,'h;Mdv ,m :'ln'Oxi lt*'lv % aurc; l;)ttrlor, root llous and otller .LAIL._ . I I ,I, , }tardwar'. i J-i] .\\;I1 l'or ,2',01). B[tt,qt }: 'Ill{(" l';'t°utl outbuildings. Good gravRy ................................................... "UEN CJNAfOgq-fi'-'ai. tl'of'gre,;h'- 3-2,1-t£n w.;t,nst lny own wi3h ,. P lone 11,!},. Water system and large or- lUg ato¢k, 1.00 each. Phone 868R6. m. 68,I-J. WII-- , chard. This farm is located LOGS WANTED Ll.n-x0 "1-',,,t0 "ERCUR'Y-i,da',i" 1 ,; :r h  a ' '" :  ' ' , . ,, , , jL--A'D)"l$:-iT][4-iiii,giij-/;i.8 .,,.it condition. By wner. i'al h about 4 miles from town ad Highest Cult Pr|ce Pld $. d6watown. Like new, Phone HORNI'I' Sh,re north of Lllliwau, ot , g " is priccd to cll at i500.00. SSR-5. T-tf way /01., Phone lldon . "" 11 3 COSELMAN MILL CO. V6R-'Kgg,Tfi'%liiiia-%idi/i CHAIN SAWS ..0--- - izo..Wood heater, goo condition; Sales and Service SSbL OR TRAI)I.J igti-ifidso, c°upnc wlllt0 enameled gu plat. 128 E... for 1 to,* truck or rick-UP', " [ H. L. Olstead Agency R a,*sbelton. Areal,& Roa "Al4er, Hlo-m--n4 1 or 2-Man Operation quire at Mary Knlghf sclmO,..a} Phone 30 2 MBes East of ttllletet )ff'/-A'L:"wmiir-ffl-g --$i'OTr-XI $310 AND UP Ma, m,'k. Wash. BI0-27_t-S£ 10-20---11-3 TO  "tl" sO,., Rt. , Bex SI, Isla,.lk.. i 707 S. 1st St. phone 601 $,100. Phone 04J fb,' iiu',,,,,,,ati,,n ,a aars aria' gaits. Harold 1%1", John- n(,xv ]/!,to/', heater defro,Jie|'s, Fr '; ..... BAle.GAIN FO CAS11: Mavt v.'ash- i ""R ALE ..... o" lnt,'st and best wrinh'cr nlodel =u ,. : .un,.eKen tertlllzer, cow ,, "'" ' 9 ] maltlre, KoKomlsn tO SOIl tractor I .'d d %no chll/t, rod, Phone 7.3]< .....  t op 'r, ,a*¢ " D1 1' lfo' plowing. Fnone aoo-... .-.=.n 0-.3 ............ : ............ . ................ ........ STEP INTO STYLE wth Gotham and EXCLUSIVELY IN SItELT()N. toe Gold Stripe hosiery, Warner bras famous Lady Alice and Carole King] and girdles, and lovely lingerie /ines of dresses at the Rho-Mar froln Rho-Mar Apparel Shoppe. 403 Apparel She)pc ,'101 Raih'oad, in the leailroad, in the Angle Building. Angle Building. 10-20--11-3 10-20--11-3 IP(H AlzlS: 18 foo| CIIDin ClqllSf'l', I ( ,ils U got,d condition Route 3 3 h,p. Lawson marine motor Excel-] I3ox 172 (Arcadia Road} lent condition. Phone 743W. ] "R10-27--11-3 T10-27--11-17 ......................................... ........ -- CANARIES. beautiful birds in varied FOR SALE: AHas ll0 vot. 7[0 watt, color range and melodies song. Pric- A.C. lighl plmt, used three rues. [ ed moderately. "The perfect gift, a $100. E. J. T|'{fethcn Alh'n Wash. ] real live. canary." Select early ' I'10-.7" '; ........ II 10 ohnson( uantity limited Mrs Ilarold M ....................... Island Lake BOX 315N. 7-PIECE GLASS berry sets. sptcml ' ' 10-a--11-10 6. On to a euiomer A n ce qT[ -----;.--- =.- .... _z _=__ Ch.'ls .... presellt. I[ilh:rest a,-d gas llOOl' lu "nace zo. ,,ai.;: t'''''s IIli 3 Mso have lo st,,a,,, c,,gine. Cal. ' • " 706 Cota. " " Bli-3 Packard Motor Cars "Do you know you can drive a new Packard sedan for only ,$873.57 Down 24 months cn balance FRANK THORP MOTORS Olympia 222 N. Cap, W'ay Tel. 6558 8-25tin M/LLWOOD Load ,)f ab:It 2 cords, slabs, ed,,in/4s and pl:mer ends nixc(t, ;/l 0) t,.id d,'/ivercd lo- ca/ly. COSEi A[,",N i]II.! CO. AFC,',t t: l<,m! ]q', t t( the ;i;n R.mLe ,; - l'iom 867-H,-1 dows, each 19x 38 inches includillg sash. Good condition. Hingea in- ('ludod, ready to set In. Entire group $35. Claude Rhodes, 420 North D Street. Mr. View. 11-3-17 FOR SALE: 'Kalamazoo, white en: amol wood and coal tango, Suitable for ,il conversion. I'honc 781-R. Mc11-3 WOOD FOR SALE OLD GROWTH FIR C. C. McHENRY PHONE UNION 413 9-1510-6-4t { ........ ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone helton 650 125 Cota- Shelton Jack Manley 7-15try SEATTLE LOWER THAN PRICES AT SHELTON SAVE FROM $20.00 TO $100.00 at Shelton BUICK AGENCY All Cars Completely Reconditioned and Guarantecd HERE TlIEY ARE Seattle, Oct. 2 19.t9 P'lymouth Special De- luxe. 2 door sedan ............................ $1875 1948 Plymouth 4-door (they're best) .... (110 listing) $1745 19t8 Chevrolet Fleetline Acre Seda .................... $1689 $1675 19,i8 Nash Ambassador 4 dr with overdrive ........ 1850 1765 1948 Pontiac Six sport coupe .................... 1895 1765 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero Sedan .................... 1495 1405 Our Price YQU SAVE $34.00 85.00 130.00 90.00 ALL OF THE ABOVE LISTED CARS HAVE RADIOS, HEATERS AND OTHER EXTRAS All of the above were purchased new and traded to us on new Buicks by the original owner All of the above cars sold with new car guarantee. -- Also --- 1911 Chevrolet, two door - . ................................. $695 1936 Chevrolet Coupe, radio and heater .................................... $95 And Several Othcrs Bob Ervin Motors--Buick Dealer Shelton, Wash. Phone 673 We need used ca r:s, We invite you to bring your car up our way.., and deal your way. ()'[TR PRES]qNT STOCK PROVES THAT FITcII FORD B/YS" ARE BETTER BUY 1946 Ford Convertible ...................... $1195 R. & H.. spot light, other accessories. 1941 Buick Club Coupe .......... Radio & heater, extra good. 1941 Buick Sedanette ............ Your Choice 13 1941 Oldsmobile, 6-cyl. sedan Radio. heater, a real fami#y car-- at a big say,liEs. Go:d Automobiles for Little Moncy 1937 Plymouth Sedan .................... $195.00 1936 Chcw'olet Pickup .................... $225.00 Good motor and body. 2 1949 Custom Ford Sedans Radio and Heater These Cars Very Lgw Milcage. Big Discount Don't wait until freezing weather to buy chains at high prices Buy now at low. prices! Fitch Ford Sales & Service FORMERLY AL HUERBY MOTORS Phone 16 5th and R. R. Thursday, D0 Y0U FOR TInS We Have the CARS AND AT A BIG TO YOU $1 1949 PLYMOUTH demonstrator. LoW or, radio, seat washers, back-up nals, post light, very clean. 1946 MERCURY heater, turn new rubber, ai A nice one. 1940 BUICK club heater, new air rids condition throughout. 1940 PLYMOUTH Radio and heater. transportation. 1942 CS coupe, and need Lion, this is itl $ 1936 CHEVROLET mechanically, good 1946 pick-up, with hauled. '102 1947 DODGE .is a very good buy. Overhauled. '1948 FOD iF-4) duty, all teel bed. tarp covering. Like new. 1936 DODG]g $1' 1935 CHEVROI coupe with pickuP 1938 l'-ton with OUR OPEN KI M0 707 Sout