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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... I • II SI-IELTON- MASON COUN JOURNAL |.11 . . [ _ | I I I I I I| I| • - ii I ,mi i , ESTATE L8,AA scoopn#g, exca- with tractor. Call 1, Box 137, 3-10tfn (5 roots trade for Hood consider water- ,,qr,qp, v,qr ,v,,v,qle  ,Nr   .tr ,qD, ,.,qp-  ,L, .,v,v,v v v Classified Service FLOORS S'ANDED and REFINISHED: New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes. J. A. Schlange, Box 28, Bclfair. Phons Belfair 5-3931, 7-17-47tfn. PENINSULA OIL STOVE SERVICE. Parts, repairing and vacuum clean- tng. Local Sheltsn phone 61-J. near Shelton ............................................ B§'--3-0 ! fn Fl-13tfn. CHIMNEYS CLEANED anti recanped. ilonle for Oil stoves and furnaces vacuulo • ,qr  v qF,9-, v , qFv,qv qv v'qr'qw qF qv,qp, v qr v   Legal Publications erv ,v ,v  v v v v v ,%v v,vv,1,vv4,v. CALL FOR ItlD NOTICE IS HEltEBY GIVEN that on N.vember 7, 1949 at 2 o'clock, P,M,, the Board of County Comnlis- sitm,rs .f las.n County will enter- lain proposals for the operation of the County Airport. for a |we year pert d, i)eginning January 1, 1950. The Pa,ard retains the r ght to re- jc('t nty or all proposals. 1)sled this 2tth day of Oetohcr, 1949. location, nice yard, cleaned. Free estimates. Phone 348fl °'q days, 7026 evenings. Olympia. Wash. ] MASON COUNTY 2-ear garage. 2. __ ..................... P3724tfn'] COMMISSIONERS G10-2,q--ll-3 ];y SUSIE E. PAULEY, cleared, goo(t PRESCRIPTION SERVICF on medi- Clerk of Board. well, clee- eal contracts, old age assistance, or 10-27--11-3--2t. reran furnished direct with you on your doctor's machine, order. Prepp's D,'ug Store, Second NO. 2128 take late model and Railroad. ]0-3tfn NOTICE TO CREBITORS Four miles IN THE SU'ERIOR COURT OF THE highway. - : .m  [ STATE (TE WASHINGTON FOR Golden MASON COUNTY in oil t IN PROBATE lunter, Rio. 1, 11-3-10 6-r modern pump, z District. phone L10-27 Service .Bernice S t e W a r t hed clientele, Cot- [or each figure type, unents 372R, 9-15tfn 0r--ding services.' u P. Syh, ester, Route 5helton (Mason Lake 10--13-27 also but- Friend- 214 Grove in 2-28 tfn Clearing, 2, Shelton :on Deegan Road 8-11-tf -BELL Wn. 65 for Puget Cola- Title Ass'n. Ass'n. and 202 6-30tfn Loertscher LIVESTOCK RING Lake Route i  ]lma, Wash. 7-1412-30-25t Y-AT-LAW 611 9-22-tfn )RN EY Shelton 166 )UNTING Bldg. 170 ELIOT ENGINEER Irehouse Bldg. " Mt. View 18, Shelton s R. LEWIS AT LAW Fourth Bt. AT LAW National Bank ..... - Shelton . SPRING Tax Services Systems Phone 565 fit all instrbments. Easy to buy from OI fresh stock[ WE REPAIR All makes of RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES and SMALL APPLIANCES Expertly and Reasonably 1Nil0 IH,|ffltlt Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents Hauled Away Quick Service 1714 East 9th, Olympia Phone 3486 or 7026 1-15--tfn. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Phone 87 Standard Oil Co. of California C. C. COLE Distributor 122 So. Third St. - Phone 87 II for IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS SEE EDDY BUSINESS SRVICE PHONE 540 120 South Third Street, Shelton, Wash. Mason County Heating Co. 415 South First St. OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Re-condition your Oil Heater or Furnace for Winter Now We service any make furnace oil burner or stove. 24-Hour Service. Office Phone 208 After 5:30 p.m. Call 1023-R DILLENBURG BROS. BULLDOZING LAD CLEARING LOGGING Phone 667-J- Shelton E. F. FULMER "DECORATOR Painting, Paper H. ng- ing, Spray Painting PHONE 977-5-1 In the Matter of the Estate of t I(la Catherine Rutledge, Deceased. NoIice is hereby given that the und(,rsign,d has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the ea- t tte of Ida Catherine Rutledge, De- ceased: tllat all tlersons having ('laims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to scrvt, the same, duly veri- fie(i, on said Executor or his at- tornev of record at the address be- b)w s'tated, and file the same wittl the Clerk o' said Court, together with proof of such service within six months after the date of first publi- ration of this notie., or the same will be barred. Date of first publication October 20, 1949. EDWARD ALDRED RUTLEDGE, Executor of said Estate, GLENN E. CORREA, Attorney for Estate, 325 Raih'oad Ave,, Shelton, Wash. 0--20-27--11--3-10-4 t Classified Service SEWING MACHINE EPA.RS EXPERT WORK. Reasonable cnarges. Estimates made in your home by a courteous, bonded employe. No ob- ligation. Leave calls at The Journal in Shelton, Phone 100. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 510 E. 4th Ave. Olympia bAT-0i-i-G-HT-guaranteed Service o{ home or auto raios. Fres estimates gladly given if desirad. Reasonable prices: res pickup and dellver3r. Ctoseu Friday evenings and Satur- days, or leave work at'Killmer.El- tle. BURGESON RADIO SERVICE, 1291 Franklin, near Loop Field. Note new phone No. 84fl-W. 6-20-tfn PLUMBING SERVICE and SUPPLIES FARMER'S SUPPLY Phone 812 10-20-tfn Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 299-W 703 Franlhin St. I II PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures. Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Swearingen Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton 12-Stfn Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason County Medical AIn. Or Direct to You Servico PREPP'S Drug Store 2rid & Railroad Phone 89 I H MISKELLA SUPPLY CO., INC. 416 Legion Way WASH. 0LYMPIA,BET, , Your "BEST For REFRIGERATION Garden Tractor - Pumps Aluminum, Bldg. Supplies, tc. • III TERRY EDMISTON PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mimeographing Art Posters and Booklets Phone 46 10-13-tfn ENGINEERED ELECTRICAL SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY WIRING RANCE G. CRAIG P. ELIOT REGISTERED UCENSED and BONDED Engineer - Electrical - Contractor P.U.D. Warehouse Bldg. K St. Mountain View P. O. Box 158 Shelton - Fhone 788 " -€ ' i' HOME Prp. Ihelton, Wad*. CORNEA Idg, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Collision Coverage On Care as Old as 1937 For Qualified Applicants Rates, Service for Policy Holders Transfers Now Available at BOB ERVIN MOTORS 633 8outh First Street Phone 673 NO. 2127 I NO, 2137 ' NOTI('E OF SALE OF s'rA'rl," NOTICE TO ('REDITORS [ NOTICE TO CItEI)ITOR TO 'FIDE LANI), IN TttE SUPERIOR coURT OF THEI I'ItESENTANB FII, E CLAIMS NOTICE IN HEREBY GIVEN, That STATE OF WASttINGTON FOR | 1N TII SUPERIOR COURT OF'THE on Tuesday, the 6th day of l:h,cvmiwr, MASON COUNTY | STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR 1949, commencing at h'n o'ch,ck ill In the Matter of the Estate of I MASON COUNTY the f.,'enoon of said day, in fr, mt Edward J. Malavey, Deceased.' | IN PIIOBATI,: of the main entrance door to Ilw NOTICE IS HElEBY GIVEN: that [ In the Matter of tte Estate of County Court House ill tile city ol letters testamentary on sbove en-i Charles J. Johnson, als(, known as Shelton. county of Muson. Stab, .f lille estate were granted to the under-I Charles Johnson, Deceased. Washingtoa, by the County Au(lig,)r r,f signed on the 23rd day of Septemher, NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that, said v.unty, the f.lh,wing dvm'ril)ed 1949. Mervin Getty has been appointed and state tide lands, together with the Notice I. further given that all has qualified as Administrator of the improvements situat-d thereon, will persons having claims against said est,tto of Clmrles J. Johnson, also be sold at l)ubli(' au,.lion t,) tit,, bigh- estate are hereby required to serve known as Charles Johnson, Deceased, ('st biddvr theref,)r, to-wit: thenL with the necessary vouchers, and that all persons having clabns NOTIe.- No one t'xr(,I)t citizens of against the said estate or tile said . the United States, t)r l)ersl)ns who have Ul),)n tile Executrix of said estate or upon the attorney of record for said Deceased are herehy rcqtlired in serve declared their llit,'ll|i(,n tO hl't'tHl|t' Oslste. named below at room 5, Govey the same, duly verified, with the' such, ran purchase stale lands. Building Sholton, Washington, being necessary vouchers attached upon tile API'I,ICATION Nil. llgll the plac'e designated hw toe trans- undersigned Administrator or his At- The tide lands of the set'mad class, action of the business of said estate, torney of Roco,'d at the law off ire of owned by the State of Wa.hington, and file the same with the Clerk of Chas. B. Lewis, 119 South Fourth situate in ft'ont of, sdjaeent to or said court, together with proof of Street, Bell Building, Shelton, Mason abutting" upon the west 50 feet el such service within six (6] months County, Washington, tile same being tim east 720 feet of g.v,,rnment lot 2, after (late of the tlral pll tic °- l, ,, designated as the place for tilt, trans-, se('tion 17, iOWllshtp 22 nor|h, I'angl' this notice, to wit Oct. 20. 1949, or actbm of the business of the said es- 2 west, W.M., with a frontage el .ald claims will De forever arreu. tate, and file such claims, together 0.76 Lineal 'ha n more or les., ap- RENA MALAVEY, with proof of service with tit(, Clerk praised at $60.0(I l-'r liaeal chain, ,)r Executrix of said estate of the above entitled Court within $45,60. J. W. GRAHAM, Attorney for six (6) months aft,'r the date of the Said lands will be sold f.v- not less Exo('utrix, Room 5, Getty I'irst publication of this notice, to- than tile appraised value al.,vo statd Bldg,, Shelton, Washington, wit: Novembvr 3, 1.'149, or all claims and upon tim terms and c,mditions ]ff--20-27--11--3-10---4t not so served and filed shall be f.r- Iollowing: (,ver barred. Not It, as than one-tenth of the pur- MERVIN GETTY, cimse l)rire musl be paid at "the tinle NO. 21-: CIIAS. R. LEWIS, ,,f sale. Tbe purchaser, If I1(, be llot NOTICE OF ilEARING PETITION Attorney for said Estate, I the, owner .f the improvenwnts, must IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE Bell Buihltng, 119 South Fourth St. forthwith pay to the ,,fficer making STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Shelton, Mason County, Washington. i the sal0 full amouot of the appraised MASON COUNTY il-3-10-17-24--'it.[ vahw of the inH)r,,vements, as above IN PROBATE I stated. One-tenth of the purchase I)rice _ In the Matter of the Adoption of . must be paid annually tlleroaftor with Russell Perry Lanoye and Margaret NOTICE OF nEARING j interest on all def(,rred payments at Ann Lanoye, Minors. ON HERD DISTRi('T PETITION the rate of six per centum per' annum: THE STATE OF WASHINGTON In the Matter of the Petition of Provided, That any purchaser ,nay TO WILLIAM FRED LANOYE and J. W. Bayson, et al for an order make full payment of principal, in- ESTELLA MAE LANOYE: establishing a herd district in Sec- terest and statutory fees at any time YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE tions 24 and 25, Township 20 North and obtain deed. The purchaser el HEREBY NOTIFIED AND INFORM- Range 5 West, W,M, land (.ontaining timber or other valu- ED that a petition has been fned in IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that able mate,'ials is prohibited by hlw the Superior Court of Mason County, Monday. November 14th, 1949 at 2 from cutting or removing any surh Washington, in Probate in the above- P.M., at the office of the Board In timher or materials wtthout first ob- entitled cause by Conrad Wesley ,the courthouse at Shelton, be fixed taining eonsent o1' the Commissioner Clough and Eleanor Clough husband as the time and place for hearing on of Puhltc Lands, nntil the full anl- and wife, for permission 'to adopt eaid petition, ount of the purchase prier, has been Russell Perry Lanoye and Margaret Dated this 24th day of October, paid and deed issued. Ann Lanoye, minor children, and you 1949. All sales of state lands are nmde are further notified that the hearing MASON COUNTY subject tn the reservations of. oils, on said petition will be ileld on Dee- COMMISSIONERS gas,,s, coal, (r't s, min,,rals and t'os- SUSIE E. PAULEY, sil of every name, kind and dcscrip- ember 16, 1949, at ten o'clock a.m, By Clerk of Board. tlon, and to the additional terms and in the Court Itoom of the above-en- titled Court at which time and place 10.27--11-3-10--31, ennditions proscribed in section 3 of any person interested therein or have chapter 256 of the Laws or' 117. ins objectiOn thereto may appear and Said land will be sold subject to be heard. STATE OF WASHINGTON th,% ternm, ,'onditions and reervati.ns w%ITNESS the Honorable John M. Office el Supervisor of ltydrauUes of chapter 312 of the Sesshm Laws (,t llson, Judge of said Superior Court Olympia 1927, reluting to easements for rights- and the Seal of the Court hereto af- of-way and tle carrying t)f timber, fixed this 22nd day of September 1949. NOTICE OFTER RIGHT st me minerals and other In',,ducts HARRY DEYETTE, Clez:k APPLICATION NOS. 7275 and 7279 over "the same, By DORIS ANN MOREHOUSE, JACK TAYLOR, Deputy. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Commissioner of Public Lands. MERRILL WALLACE, Notice is hereby given that the 11-3-10-17-2d---12-1--5t. 304 Medical-Dental Bldg., State of Washington Department of ......................... Bremerton, Washington Fisheries of Seattle. Washington, un- der date of June 19. 1949, flied with NOTICE oF NALE OF ,TATI,; LANDS Attorney for Petitioners 10-13-20-27--11-3-10-17-24---12-1.8--9t. the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, That Olympia, Washington two applications on Tuesday, the 6th day el' De(,en,I)er, for permits to divert the public wa- 1949, comnlen(!ing at ton o'clock in NO. 2115 ters. Applicatlan No. 7275 to divert tile forenoon of said (lay, in fr()nt ,)1", NOTICI': OF SALE OF REAL waters of Bingham Crcek tributary the nnlill entrance door to the County J'ROPERTY AT PRIVATE ' ,,i' the East Middle Fork of the Satsop Court House in the city of Shell,m, SALE ON SEALED BIDS River, in the amount of 20.0 second- county of Mason, State of Washing- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE feet, subject to existing rights, con- ton, I)y the Cotlaty Auditor of said STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR tinuously for the purpose' of fish pro- county, the folh)wlng described stale MASON COUNTY pagation; that the approximate point lands, t o'ether with the imt)rovenwnts In the Matter of the Guardiansitip el diversion is located within the situated thereon, will be soht al pub- lie auction t,, the highest bhlder of Forest C, Ellis, An Incompetent, SWa4 of SW% of Section 2, Town- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ship 19 N,. Range 6 W.W.M., ana Ap- theref.,', to-wit: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that piication No, 7279 to divert waters NOTE.--N,I one c.x(,ept eitiz,ns of I)ursuant to an order of sale entered of the East Middle Fo,'k of Satsop tim United States, or persons who by the court In above entitled cause, Bh'er tributary of the Satsop River, have declared their intention t,) be- the real property behlnging to the in the amount of 12,0 second-feet, conw sucil, (:an purclhtse state ian(ls. estate, and described in Exhibit A, subject to existing rights, continn- API'LICATION NO. 2089L hereto attached will be sold at p,'ivate ously each year for the purpose of El/., of NE of section 36, town- sale under sealed bids for cash, or ill fish propagation; that the approxi- ship 20 north, range 5 west. W. M., bids made are upon ternls, then to]mate point of diversion is located containing 80,00 acres, more or less, such perseus or persons as may offer l wlthln the SWI:. nf NE, of Section aeeording to the government survey the best terms, and subject to the 11, Townshlp 19 N., Range 6 W.W.M,, thereof, appraised at $1.200JD. approval of tile court as to the terms both applieatlons being Iscated withiu Said lands will be sold for m)t less so offered. Mason County. A map showing the than the appraised value above stated locations and plans of said diver- Such bids to be made on or before and upon the terms and condlth, ns November I6th, 1949, and to be de- signs and the places of the proposed following: posited in the office of J. W. Graham, uses Is on file in the office of the Not less than onc-tenth of lhe ltur - Govey Bldg., Shelton, Washington, at- State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olym- ehasc price must be paid at the tln)e torney for the Guafltlan of said es- pla, Washington, together with such of salt.. The purchaser, if he he noI tate, and the said property to be sold other infornmtion as is requircd by on or after the said Novemher, 16th, the owaer of the illlproveltlelltS, rI|USl law. forthwith pay to the offlccr making 1949, being more than 15 days subse- Any person firm or corporation the sale tile full amount of the ap- I quent to the date of first publica- whose right will be injuriously af- waised value of the imlwovements, lion of notice of sale, and to wit. Oct. fectcd by said applications may file as above stated One-tenth of the pur- with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- lics, at Olympia, Washington, such chase price must be paid annually 7, 1949E E ]LLIS, thereafter with intcrost on all defer- Guardian of the estate of ohjections or representations, in writ- I'd payments at. the rate of six per Forest C, Ellis. ing, as he may desire to nmkc, within eentum pet' annum: l'rovided, Thli J, W. GR.%HA2, thirty (30) days after date of last any purc:haser may make full payment Attorney for Guardian, publication, which date i November of principal, intt,resi and slatuh)ry Govey Bldg., Shelton, Wash, 3, 1949. fe at any thne and obtain deed, The Exhibit. A, Witness my hand and official seal pui'chaser of land containing timber 1. The East 165 feet of Government this 5th day of October, A.D. 1949. or other valuable materials is pro- SEAL) CHAS, J. BARTHOLET, hibited by law fron. cutting or ('c- Lot 1, Section 25 Township  North, Range 3 Wet W',M. and aH that poc- State Supcrvisor of Hydraulics. moving s.ny such timber or materials tion of Governnlent Lot 7 Section 24, 10-27 L11-3--21. without first obtaining c(msent of tim Conunissloner of Public Lands, Township 20 North, Range 3 West W. M. If ally, lying immediately North until the full amount of the Durcham of the East 165 feet of the West 465 NO. 2140 In'we has been paid and deed issued. feet of said Government Lot 1, Sec- NOTICE TO (RED/TORN TO All sales of stale lands are made ties 25, ToWnship 0 North, Range 3 PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS subject to the l'cservations of oils. West W,M. and between the east and IN THE sUPERIOR coURT OF THE gases, coal ot'es minerals sad foe- West lines thereof extended North, STATE OF WASHINGTON FOI¢. sils of event name, kind and de- coutainlng 4.77 8Al,es nlore or less MASON COUNTY scription, and to the additional terms and described as Tract No. 64 of the IN PROBATE and conditions prescribed in section 3 Unrecorded Plat of Mill Creek Park, subject however, to reservation of the In the Matter of the Estate of Jean of chapter 256 of the Laws of t907, East 15 feet of above described land S. Bennett, Deceased, Said land will be sold subject Io NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the terms, eondithms and reserwdh,ns for road p u,,poses, A. Y, Bennett has been appointed and of chapter 312 of the Session Laws 2. The West 150 feet of Governmsnt has qualified as Administrator of the of 1927, relaUng to easements for lot 1, Section 25, Township 20 North, Estate of Jean S. Bennett. deceased, 'ights-of-way att(l the carrying of Range 3 West W. M. and all that and that all persons having claims irnber, stone, minerals and ethel pro- portion of Government Lot 7, Section: 24, Township 20 North Range 3 West against the said Estate or the said ducts ov.r the same. Deceased, are hereby required to JACK TAYLOR. W,M, lying immediately north of the erve the same. duly verified, with C,)mmlsioner of Public Lands, West 150 feet of Government Lot 1, 11-3-10-17-24--12-1--51. Section 25. Township 20 North Range the necessary vouchers attached upon 3 West W,M. and between the East the undersigned Administrator or his ....................... and West boundaries thereof extended Attorney of record at the law office of Chas, R. Lewis. 119 South Fourth BY PI:BLICATION North to the Northerly line of said ,at..t Rell Building Shelton, Masou SIIMbI()IN NO. 51#6 Government Lot 7, containing 5.44 County, Washington. th same being IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of TIIE acres more or less; said land being designated as the place Ior the trans- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR also known and descrtWed as Tract action of the business of the said MASON COUNTY No. 66 of the unrecorded plat of MIll Estate, and file such claims, together Y. J, Glenn, Plaintiff Park, subject to existing roads and right-of-way easement granted to the with proof of service wm the Clerk --vs.-- of the above entitled Court within Willard Stephens and Etta MaI, le West Coast Power Company under six (6) months after the dat. of the Stephens, husoand ana wife, deien- date of March 25, 1939. first publication of this nouce, to ants 3. All that portion of the East Half . c,her 27 1949, or all claims THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to of the East Half of the SoutheaSt n'(;t'so"se"r'ed ald filed shall bc for- the above named defendants: WIL- quarter of the Northwest quarter (E LARD STEPHENS and ETTA MARIE of EV of S]% of NW) of Sec- ever barred. tion 2, Township 90 North, range 3 A, Y. BENNETT STEPHENS West W.M. which lies Northerly of CHAS, R, LEWIS, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the county roal running Northwest- Attorney for said Estate OF WASHINGTON. Yml are hereby Bell Bu ldlng 119 Soutll Fourth St.. SUl|ltlIoned to appear within sixty days eriy and Southeastsriy, said land be- Shetton'" aa'" son County, washington, after the date of the first l)nblicati,m ing also know and described as all ' ' i0.2';/11-3.10-174t, of thls summons, to-wit: wlthin sixty that portion or Tract No, 45 of the ___ days after 'the 3rd day of November, unrecorded plat of Mill Creek Park 1949. and defend the above cntltled which lies northerly of said county action In the above entitled court, road, said tract containing 1.50 acres NO. 2131 and answer the complaint el ttm l)lain- more or, subject t 9 eXistlng roads. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO tiff, and serve a copy of your answer 4. The west"  zeet ot Government FILE CLAIMS Lot 1, See t.ln 25, Town.ship 20 North, IN THE SUPERIOR coURT OF THE upon the undersigned attorney for Range 8 ,west W.M. ano all that per- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR plaintiff at his office below stated: and in case of your failure so to do, tion of Gove rnnent L_t 7, Section 24, MASON COUNTY Judgment wlil be rendered against Township 20. zorth, 8 West IN PROBATE W.M. lying immediately orth of tb0 In ths Matter of the Estate of Leo complaint,Y°U accordingwhichtO hasthe beendemandfiled°fwiththe West 1 teet of ald ,_nvernlnen, Lot W. Johnson, Deceased. 1, and between me F_ast and West NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to col- boundaries thereof, extended North to Letters Testamentary on the Estate lect the sum of $1000,00 en a note the Government meander line in front of Leo W. Johnson, deceased, were of said Government lot 7. and being granted to the undersigned, on the executed by the defendants August all the land owned by ne grantors. 7th day of October, 1949, .by the said fees31' 1946,as therelnWlth tntereStprovlded,andandattorney'Sto fore- if any, lyiIg in fron.t of Tract NO. Superlor Court. • close a mortgage seeurlng said note 66 of the unrecoraea plat of Mill All "persons having claims against Creek park, and between the east said estate are requi,'ed to serve them toowiUp°n tthe: followng described p,'operty, and West lines thereof, extended North with the necessary vouchers upon me The Southwest Quarter of the South- to the Government meander lines as at the Law Office of Alden (2, Bay- east Quarter (SW% of SE%) of Sec- described in the "deed from Charles Icy, TLtle Insurance Building, Shel- ti)u Thirty-one 131) Town,hlp Nine- Seiners Company, a corporation, to ton, Washlngton, within six months teen (19) North, Range Six (6) West, H. J. Smith, recorded in Volume No. after the date of the first publication W.M., eontainlng forty acres, mre or 58 of deeds, records of Mason County. of this notice, to-wit, within slx less. according to the G'overnnmnt 5, The East 150 feet of the West months after the 18th day of Octobsr, survey, 1949, and file the same with the cterz SUBJECT to reservations contained 300 feet of Government Lot 1, Sec- tion 25, Township 20 North, Range 3 of this Court together with praof el m the dccd from Sehafer Bros. Log - West W.M. and all that portion of such service, or they shall be forever ging Co. to Mortgagors dated Aug- Government Lt 7, Section . Town- barred. Dated at Shelton. Wash., this 13th us( 30, 1948. Situated tn the Connty of Mason. ship 20 North, .Range 3 West W.M. lying Immediately orth of the east day of October, 1949. State of Washington. 150 feet of the West 300 feet of said MYRTLE M. JOHNSON, o.M. NELSON. Government Lot 1, and between the Executrlx of the Estate of Attorney for Plaintiff. east and west boundaries thereof, ex- Leo W. Johnson, Deceased, Montesano. Washington, tended North to the Government me- ALDEN C, BAYLEY, 11-3-10-17-24-12-1-8-15--71. ander llne of said Government Lot ?, Att6rney for Executrix, Title Insurance Building, and being all the land owned by the Grantor. if any, lying In front of Shelton, Washington Tract 65 of_thq unrecorded plat of 10-13-20-27--11-3--41, Mt. View Allianoe Chapel--[ Mill Creek ParK, and between the: Rev. Herbert Anderson | east and west lines thereof extended NO. 2132 Putor North to the Government meander line NOTICE TO CREDITORS as described In the deed from ths 9:45 am. Sunday School | IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Charles Seiners t2ompany  a corpor- STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR 11 a.m. Morning Service I recordsatl°n iu ofV°tu-meason°f deeas, page 44"/, MASON COUNTYIN PROBATE 7:30 p.m. Inspirational Service | 6. The Fmt Hair of the East Half In the Matter of the Estats of A Hearty Welcome to All | of the Northeast tmrter of the North- Horace L. Miller Deceased. west quarter of ection 25, Township Notice is hereby given that the un- ± ! 20 North, Bangs 3 West W.M, contain- dersigned has been appointed and has ing 20 acres more or less and sub- qualified as Admlnistratrix of the es- ]ect to the r|nt-o:-way of the countg late of Horace L. Miller, Deceased: oaA ae now located across the south- that all persons havlng clalms agalnst ..... , .... dary thereof and the ri ht GOSPEL "'= ....... e' g " said deceased are hereby required to 0f-way of the w st Coast Power Corn- erve the same, duly verified, on said party thereover. 7. All tide lanndsof the second class Administratrix or her attorney of record at the addss below stated, BOOKMOBILE fro situate tn . , adjacent to or snd file the sams with the Clerk of abutting upon a .tract in Lot 7, Sec* Township 20 ties 24 ...... North, Range ::le Ce°rt  therxWltmhonP°°fft f CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES 3 West W.M. co nslsttng ot the EaSt thai date of first publication of this Bibles - Plaques - Books 150 feet sf the. west 450 feet of said ot ce, or the same will be barred. Lot 1 an4 that art of Lo¢ 7, lyln| Date of first publication October Cards - Christmas Cards in front ther_eor, petWsen the producer 13, 1949. side lines of sala portion of Lot 1 LUC"IE F. MILLER, with a frontage of 3,21 lineal chains Admlnistratrix of said Estate mor or leSS. . i Address 634 Dearborn, John H. Boyce All of above ae.asrib.e.d l.ands bsin! " Shelton, Wgsh. in Mason county, waslmgtoh, [ GLENN  LRRA • 10-27--11-3--2t, Attorne.v fr Ftate ' Hoodsport, Wash. S25 Rallroik-d Ave, " Shelton, Wash, Read the Journal Want Ads. 10.124-27--11.3--4t. ............ - lIB iii Illl T() WINTER IN ARIZONA Mr. and Mrs. '. O. ]-lanillon of Hood Canal are leaving this Sund:ty by automobile for Fh)r- ence, Arizona, Lo spend the win- ter with their son. En route tile couple will spend 'rhanksgivinK with hit's. Hamilton's son, Rob- ert Hoyt, at Stanford. They will also visit another son in Bakers- fieh:l and a brother in San Diego. NO. 2 | ?,; NOTI('E TO ('ItF, I)ITOR TO I'REI,'NT AND IFII,E ('I.AIMS 1N "I'IIE Stll'l,'lLIt)l ('()lllCl' t)l v 'l'llI, STATIC ()b  WAStl l N(;T( N I¢( 1 MASON C()UNTY Ill lhc Matter of the Estah, ,,1' Ol',}n ]!. Ad(lohmut, [),,c,,ased. NOTICF, IS tIEBEIY GIVEN that BCSSh? Addcllnan l:{obills(H1 has I)l,en u)lpointcd and lta. (lualifi(!d ;is Ad- Iil[IliSIFatl'iX of the Estate .f ()|'O0 E. Add,qnutn. dec,,a,ed, and ltl:Lt all l)eFs(,ns baviog' ,'JltilllS ;IgltillSt tho said Estate or 1hi! said ]?)'ceas'd, [ll'l' h,reby requ[l'ed Iq :it,i've lhe :tlllO. duly verified, wlth the messtu'y \\;'m- ubel's attached Up()ll (ho 1 t e 'Sil4 (I A(hninistratrix ,)r h,.r At tel'hey of rct'.ord #tl the law d'l'ic( t,f Cil:t., [{. Lewis, it9 South I)hmI'tb S(re't, Bell Fhlildlng. Shelton. Mast,n ('AiUII|)', Wasbingt on. t]w S,qllle being (h,sig- nated as the l)la(!e fol' the trall,,ul('thln )[ the |lusines$ of tho gaitt Est.ltt o, and file such claims, (ego(her with l)f'oof of service with lhc Ch,rk lI' thc above entitled Court within six (6) months after the date of the first Ilublication of this notieo, lo-wl(' ()c'- tober 27 19,t9, or all rialtos uot SO servcd altd filed shall be f.rever bat'- red. BESSIE ADDELMAN ]tOBINS(N, Ct-IAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate Bell uilding, 119 Suutll la,,urt}1 St., Shelion, Mason Ctmnty, Washington. /0-27--11-3-11).-17 qt NO. 2121 NOTICE TO ('ltEI)lTt)tl TO I'RESENT ANI) FILl': CI.%IMS IN THE SUPEltI()R C()IIRT (He THE STAT OF WASIIINGqN)N [C()l i MASON C()UNT" I IN I'!10 IIA'l' I' J In tlw Mati,!r of the Estate (if IVr('d .% Llu'son, Deceased. i NOTICE ]N HF:REBY GIVEN TItAT I ]tolner R, Lars.u, tUls be(.n appoint(!d J ;lll(l )HtS (lllailfhcd as Adlninistrlttor of l the eststo of Fred A. l,arson, De- ceased, and that all ttel%tons Ilavillg elaJllIS against lhe sai(t l)eccased ,,r lhe aid estate are t! ,el %' reqllired to set'%o l}le saltle, dn]y vev'ifi.d with the ne(!essal'y vouch(:/'s atta('h(.(i 11pl)n the tlll(]ersigued Admintslrator .r his "Jttorney of l'(cord ill t]'lo ].tw o['fic,, of CIII|S. R. Lewis, 119 S utll F(,ut'[h Street, Bell Buildiog, Shelton, Mason County. Washington, tire saIIle bUillg des[gnlit0d as the plat,l [',11' Ihe tr:tlls- ,'lction of (he bLlsJnes.s (all the said cstaie, and file sucb c]ailIis Iogetho/' with I)roof oi s(.l'vi!t! with tlh' Cle:k of [he above ontith,d (!(t|rt within 6 nn)llths aftel' tlac dale of the first publiealion ,d' this notic-. (()-wit: Oc- lober 13 1949. or all claitn;¢ rl,)t st, sn'ved It}t(l fih,d shall I)! f.)l•vvof I)ll'- red. HOMER R. LARSON, A(lnflnJstrntor. CHAS, B. LEWIS, Att,,'ney l',)t' said Estale Bcll Buihlirtg, 1:19 South F,Ill'lh St. Stlelton, Wasitiog'tol. 10-13-20-27--11-3. -,:It. Page " .......... _._£:_. '. , , UNITY TRUTI1 CENTER Mlna Hockett, Leader 408 Cots, StreeL Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunda. School; 8:00 p.m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work: Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation Healing Work - All V(,Icome TO ALL INTERESTED IN CHURCH 0F CHRIST Meetings Each Sunday A.M. For Bible Stucly and Conlmunion Call MRS. H. L. MILLER Phone 72-R --- Or W. KOBEL, Phone 614-R-I For Information BAPTIST CHIRCI[ Fifth and Cota St. Warren Hale, Acting Pator Ray Mainwaring, Assistant P.ihle Seh(ml, 9:15 a.u't. Morning Worship, :11 n.m. Y,)tlnK Pe(ipte's 6:30 p.m, ]:v(minl' Scr\\;'ic, 7:30 p,uL Midweelt Se;'vi('t,, 'i"hur:;d:ly, 7:30 p,m, A Cordial ]nvitution Is ]qxt(m(led t(i Alt. .....  ........... ,j ,, ? ................ Foursquare Church 910 E. Dearborn t. Sunday School---9 :'15 Worship Service---l1:00 Crusader Service---6:45 Evangelistic Service 7:45 REV. E. E. FITCH Pastor !="7 St. David's Episcopal Church 4th & Cedar St, Vicar: The Rev. J. Gregory Lee 9:30 a.m..Family Communion Service with 5-ntinute sol Inon(qto. 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Church School classes aL 9:30 (ages 3-SI & 10:30 (,ages 9-1,11 -".'.. _.L ................................................................................................. : .........  ....... First Methodist Church "A Friendly Churot h aiFriendly Community" 4th & Pine -- Parsonage ,o20 N. 4Lh - Phone 276 , Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a,m. WAYIE WRIGHT, Minister i ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship service 11 a.m, Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m. Young People's Service---Tttesdv, 7:45 p.m. Jubilee Service - - Friday, 7:45 p.m, THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON BranCh of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: "Adam and Fallen Man" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET ............................................................................................ " .L' , 7; ....... WEEKLY GOSPEL BUI00LETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister • NOVEMBER 3, 1949 According to the word of the Lord, by his prophet Ezekiel, tie plrit of jealousy is destined to rule among the wicked in these closing days of grace. This spirit of their supreme master (the prince of thts world), will prevail to that egree whereby not one of their peoples will trust their referee, or abide by her decision. The world-organization of the referee is considered ample ground for their distrust. They recall the old fable of the cats with the cheese and the umpire which they tentatively elelected to decide who should have the cheese. Nor are they unwise in their distrust. The Scripture assures us that "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." In this strife for world primacy the Seventh Day Adventist's cor- porate body, backe# up by their spiritual master, whom thcy credit with taking away the sin of the world, have a leverage of influence surpassing, by far, the claims of any other world- power. Now that the hour is come for him to work with all power, signs, and lying wonders. Spiritualism will be invoked by them to give them preference as a world-power over both Rome and the Kremlin. And it is this expected preferencc, sup. ported by great miracles of Satanic origin and character, which casts them into the midst of the clashing ambitions of these two great rivals, both of whom wholly despise here comparative stature. However, what she lacks in stature is more than compensated for by her zeal, devotion, and eagerness to attain her goal Corn= meriting upon her prototype, Jesus stud of them, Ye do compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when ye have made him, he is twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Into their fold is eagerly embraced the one-time barbarian canni. bals and savages of the Gentile races, with all their ingrained orgies of Spiritualism. The groundwork of this referee's fate was laid by herself just about five years after Rome had offi- cially nublished her decree of world.primacy. Rome's decree was published In 1870 A.D. The Seventh Day Adventist's published nelrt in lt275 A.D. It is at this point that the world-council . (Psalm 2:1.3.) of the kings and rulers is called to adjudivate the rival claims of state and church. The end of this Council's proceedings are even now in sight, as out of deference to the wish of the godieu Kremlin the leaders agreed to dispense with opening their deliberations with an invocation to Almighty God to rule in their deliberations. Thus the way was prepared for the world-wide primacy of the Kremlin (Russia). (Continued from this point in the next issue Of The Journal)