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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 3, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 20.. Walter L. Marble Representing the METROPOLITAN LIIFE INSURANCE COM.PAN / Life and Personal Aecidvn! and ttealth Insurance 1904 Stevens Pilone 854 , ,ill, i, _  ..... : .... : ,I i ,i ,, i Finds &apos;Happiness' And Buck At Home E;y l"ram,cs Radtke Tcrniinatlng a strenuotl htlllL- .... ing season hll'ing which Robert ................................................................................................ Bearden went clear to Montana ROYAL ARCII MASONS Stated Meeting OCT. 25 - 8 P. M. * * * MASONIC TEMPLN 1a'l Jordan, I:lgh r'Hest . .,m BUICK SALES and Idaim after the elu:dve buck, he, returned home to find that happiness lies right in his ,:own bacR yard. Ile strut a four-point: buck near %'ebb Lookout Satur- day while out with a hunting t partner. ] Other lucRy imnters during the I past week were Enlil Moebock, ihed Zent.ner and Bill Goodpas-] ter. Goodpaster brought in tim biggest ont Of all, a four-pointer weighing 210 pounds from Storln King WilLie on a trip wil.h Howard Lockwood and I)on McCotter. Parents and friends of school children ::tl'e informed that a foot-: • . I all qame wdl be played by a six-: boy team frolu the Hoodsport school at Brinnon Sai.urday at 1 p.m. Three peppy girls, Sharon Evans, Sharon Winters and Rosa- lie Larson, will act as cheer lead- cl's. Everyone is urged to go and support their tean. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bayes and fan|ily have nmved to Shel- ton where Mr. B:yes is employ- SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i ii i ELECTION SLATED DECEMBER 17 ON GRAPEVIEW FIRE DISTRICT 3 By Strlekland and Spooner At a hearing regarding the '(Jrapeview fire diqtrict petition at tile Mason county courthouse on Monday, October 31, a delegation of Grapeview residents appeared and spoke in favor of the petition. The board of county commission- ers voted in favor of the petition and designated this district as Mason County Fire Protection District No. 3. Election (late was set for December 17, 1949. A IIALLOWE'EN party was held by the Camp Fire Girls at the home of their leader, Mrs. Etherton. Games were played and prizes given. The younger girls who are old enough to be Blue Birds were invited. Those present were Carol Som- ers, Kay Stevens, Patsy Palms, Marilyn Hawson, Sandra Rice, Barbara Etherton, Carol Burk- hart, Betty I-lawson, Valdl Johan- sen, Diana Hersey. Evelyn Bar- rett, Diane Taylor, Joann Stevens, Donna Nelson, Shirley Van Val- kenburg, Judy Johnson, Sharon Guy, Leslie Rice, Larry Etherton and Mrs. Etherton. A very enjoy- able time was had by everyone.: (Evelyn Barrett is the new scribe for the Camp Fire Girls). Hallowe'en was celebrated by Aberdeen visited the Dale Van Valkenburg family over the week end. A VERY CLEVER masquerade party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Luther last Friday evening. Everyone came as a famous pet'- son or song, and Mr. Frank Payn- ton won top honors for guessing the identity of most of the char- acters. Fifteen guests were pres- i ent. Walter Eckert has been sick i with the flu all weeR. I Mr. and Mrs. Milton Staggs of i Kenmore were week end visitors of the Cliff Bam'etts. Mr. Stag'gs, Cliff Barrett and Joe Tschida spent  Saturday and Sunday deer hunting near Elms. The Dan Taylors have just fin- ished drilling a 68-foot well on their place. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Merritt and children helped Mr. Ed Merrill celebrate his birthday last Sun- day. Mrs. W, S. Mitchell and Mrs.  William Spooner, Sr., entertained at a Canasta party in Mrs. Mit- chews trailer home last Thursday evening. Guests were Margaret Rice, Vi Barrett, Betty Taylor and Ethel Buckingham. Late re- freshments were served. Thursday, THURSDAY (TODAY) November 3rd IN OUR NEW TOY ROOM AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS O FOR OCTOBER ARE AT AN ALL'TIME ItlGH IN SHETON am! Vicinity SHATTERING THE PREVIOUS ONE MONTII SALES RECORD OF H NEW BUR:/f00S SEa? IN JUNE OF 1941 ® SINCE SEPT. 1 glJ!00K l00hS ALL OT00ER 00AKES SALES IN SNELION AND NSON COUNTY' 0 TIllS RESULTS IN A LARGE SELECTION OF LATE MODEL OUALITY USED CARS Now Available at Substantial Savings To You at Prices Below '£1mse In Seattle Lots ® You'll Ahva,ys Find BOB ERVIN MOTORS lh.adquai ler for Late, Modal Used Cars and the Best Deal In Town ed with the Safeway store. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Eby also moved to Shelton. Mr,,;. Flora Lockwood traveled to hlllcl'ieall Lake near Tacoma t'riday an,l called on the Rever- end and Mrs. Paul Sweeney and family. The Sweeneys sent their kindest, regards and word that they miss their recent neighbors and friends. Hoodsport school children had turtles in each classroonl oil Moil- day afternoon to celebratc Hal- lowe'en. Plenty of fun and re- frcMlmcnts were. enjoyed by all. Mrs. J. H. Nance traveled with Mr'. Etva Price of Shelton to De- w:it;to Monday to be present for a Tuesday birthday celet)ration t'or Monroe Nance who has reached tim age of 86 years, Included in a group of friends at tl|e party were Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Nan(e from Olympia. Mrs. Sauce returned home VVednes,;.lay, Mra. Fred Follette and Mrs. l"ris(:illa Jeer;-; of Tacoma were Sat;n'day dinner guests of Mrs. lalic Abbey, Mzs. Ella LuiH. is feeling bet- tcr ug:ain and was able to attend the school children last Monday afternoon with parties in both rooms. Games and refreshments were enjoyed, amid Hallowe'en decorations made by the children themselves, AN EXTRA Hallowe'en sur- prise came Friday afternoon wllen Mrs. Henry Bacon treated every- one to dixie cups. On the night of Hallowe en, several carloads of "trick or treat" youngsters roam- ed the neighborhood in various disguises. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Buckingham are owners of a new Chevrolet two-door sedan. Over the week end they drove to South Bend to visit Mrs. Buckingham's mother and sister, and then to PeEll, to visit her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetla Leevers and Skipper visited Mrs. Leev- er's mother, Mrs. Gaines, in a Yakima hospital last week end. Mrs. Gaines is improving but will remain in the hospital .for at least another week, after which she will probably convalesce here at the Leever's home. The Glen Van Valkenburgs of HOBBIES FEATURE THE KEN LEEVERS family is expecting guests from Long" Beach, Calif., this week. They are Mr. Leever's sister and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Ram- linger. The' monthly meeting of the lo- cal fire department was held last Tuesday night. After a business meeting, a training session was • conducted by Chief Les Rice. The volunteer firemen meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month. lr    Im il I, Don't forget: Nov. 4, Friday, community club meeting; Nov. 5, Saturday, card party at the school house; Nov. 7, Monday, --arnt..v--nwaa||]ti grange meeting. The new fire call is 872-R-1. / Write it down in the front of The answers to everyday k" the Kiddies in! InSurance problems* -% BUY NOW on our LAY-AWAY PLAN ervice: at ttoodsport Church t:,oH1 Sml,.tay morning and eve- OF BELFAIR CLUB mn; i,. Main is taying wm MEET NOVERER -q tier.  . , h'l lid "'r " 1 " "'" "( It" tobbles will be featured at the '[ ', a 2¢1 S. 1., oy(1 WOl :( L t 0 n's , Belfa r W me , Club meeting to llale oh)sod l.her quick huleh btls-  "f*'- a"  m "",- s- "" '  "r I " '  oe I (m   p. . weaneaay, o- . css u}tt. sprmg. ..... . . Iwlmber 9. at Belfair school Mrs. ,3 O1'(1 Wit l'ecolve(l Dy rl'lentls :, -. a "at rJ**-:..,. .-__,__ "- --_- I 11 , :'2 " . , ' , ,,: I  Ioyu i1., nutu-ls eaunvr ot cur" from lzr. mm vtrs. rleroer u:cK- amics at the Civic'Recreation Cen- lll,:on who, a. week ago monday ter, Bremerton, will speak to the were hc'xding' for Kentucky and chlb members concerning eera- Tennessee where they plan to call mies as a hobby. ()n Mr. ; Mrs. Wally indersoll I %{v rahl, i,ao,l nvirrm tt 1.]]tz:.tbethi,oll, They will spend ,i]a]r'n,;anles..nate"*oveITlara" the winter ,t Pt Orang'e FI i,v, ; , - s : .... . -. , "., Hobby Month, and asks club avers. T. . nuth w expecea t members to brizm samnles of their hmne Wednesday of thin eek hobbies Those obble Irl i tl'Clli .[ !71111.%/ [;llll;l. ,'hc, I}.(|S bet.u ltlld crafts fiehl arc of particular away sitice last ,hlne. interest for this occasion. • • * .... ' • I Examples of knitting, crochet- The (Sooowill truck will stop a in needlework of all kinds, cera- ti,)odsp/)rt clmr('.b al 2 p.m. Nov- nti}s, leather or metal worlq wood ember ,l. Anyone hax ing donations ] carving, weaving, painting, pho- sl]ould lmw them at the appoint-ltography or literary composition, ed spot in adwmce. The Jlnior Wonen's Chlb which r . , , n',,,t %ednesda. at the home of Mt's. Blanche Calahan decided by niutuat (:onsent to disband. Vielim of lonsihtis this week is Machalle l)aMcm, two-year-old granddaughter of Mrs. Dana Cox. HOODSPORT 4-1t'ERS SELECT OFFICERS By Frances Ihtdilie Ol'ficer: ,elet.'te(l fro' tim Hoods- nm't. 4-H Cloverettes, under the leadelishtp of Mrs. Bcs:de lhtlc and Mrs. Nancy ll'own alC: presi- dent, (Jh.n'ia Bael'; vice president, I,iht Linton, and sccretary-treas- liP(') ', .i)ill']Cne tticks. Members are ]'at.y JCyl'O|]', L)nr]e.'m Hicks. who is also publicity chairman, Jtmnita L)v.y, Penny J-]rowll. Bct- ly l[asl(ell. Lila I..J)lton Rol)cl't|t Shocffler, Gloria Bner. Jeanne Johnstone and Judy Halc. Girls in this group who wish to •'tttend the 4-H Achievement Day affair :it Panhandle camp are asked to nicer aL 10 a.lrL Nov- ember 5 m front of Itale's store, Mrs. Brovn and Mrs. ttalc will .,ccornpany the girls. A big day It4 [)l;Iniip(I. Prize money won by exhibitors in the recent 4-It tair will also be distrflmted. (]irls are instructed to Dr[ng sack ]llnches, Ice crettln aIld coco;.I, will bc served by the lea(ler's Cotlncil. Only regular chtb rnenlbera nrc to attcfld this meeting, The ifood Canal American, Le- gion is sponsoring this group and will lie glad Lo ponsor all ohler, unit if they can find leaders. The[ liext regtdar meeting of this K|oup will be Novemoer 17 at I hIrs. /I/ale's. Gir/s who wish to a| t.end will be excused fl'Oln l toodbpo|'t school at 3 p.m. h)od Canal Garden Club I ) , 3 I ians I: oulsbo Journey '['he Hood Canal Garden Club lll('t a[ the holne o15 Mrs. Mabel Arty in l"othtteh, October 6. Six- t((.l' tatlie: were. on hand to eat a delicious pothtck dinner. The Is(lies vot('d to go to I.:)oulsbo Nov- el|lbcr 3 to view a churcla of the l,)t.: va icty to galll l([elts for b;lh[ing the llood Canal Vo- lJli,n's (qtlbh(,)use. Pl,oKi.alli cllairlu/tn. ,[rs, Vii'- JL Lllt;t DeBard, ,5.',ave an interest- in4' talR on OIII' forest sei'vIce) nwntioning the phmting of trees, how lo,:)l¢out stations work and how easy it is to start forest fires. Next meeting will take place at the home of Mrs. Vera Linscott on l)ecelllbcr 3 for i)othtck lunch- oon lit, [ p.iii. Members wislling subscriptions to tim Northwest (lardcn nlag;t- zme at. the special club rate ' ]ll'/llld (" 't in touch with Mrs. Al- e.± , my t4ill, club presMcnt, The cross is the ecntr:il .mtblem ()f human history. Without it t!tcr(" is neither temptation nor glory.-. Mary Baker Eddy. l will be of interest to all members. Guests will be welcome and may bring objects for display. Club members are particularly urged to round up hobbies of husbands and neighbors to show at the meeting. The business meeting will cover a number of important subject, according to Mrs, D. S. Edmiston, president of the club. "Decisions must be made concerning Christ- mas wel£are, and a money-making project for the year, in particU- lar," she said. She asks a large turnout of menlbcrs, . GOODWILl, TRU(;K--NOTE Until further notice those hav- ing donations for the goodwill should call, Mrs. John Mallory at 626-M. Thd truck will be in Shel- ton today, November 3. QUESTION: We've can'ied a fire insurance policy on our home and furniture for many years. The policy must soon be renewed and we think some changes should be made in it. Some of the insured property a become almost worthless bile some of the things, in- cludlng the home itself have greatly increased in value. What should we do to arrive at an accurate figure ? ANSWER: First call in your insurance agent for an apprais- al of the house, then make a complete inventory of your fur- nishings and personal effects. Be very thox)ugh. You'll find the job won't take as long or be so arduous as you think. That inventom] and the inmwance policy, after it has been issued, should, if possible, be kept in a safe deposit box. Then, if you ever have a fire you can check against the inventory and de- termine your exact loss, *If you'll address your own Insur- ance questions to this office we'll try to give you the correct nswere and there will be no charge or obU- gation of any kind. Eddy Business Service 120 $outit Third Phone 540 Back to Work . . . Back to School . . . If hot weather . . . vacation spending . . . summer amusement have made you a little lax about your savings program, now is the time to renew savings activity, or to open your personal svings account. Savings here are insured to $5,000. Enjoy liberal earnings, too, through regular saving, Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Security Bldg., Olympia, Wasls. DIREGTOR8 CARITON I. SEARS K. L. PARTLOW G. W. DRAYrIAM V. BRIDENSTINE HAZEL WAX,MER FRED HOII H. ,C. BRODI i LOOKY CHUG.CHUG Locomotive's eyes roll 49 up and down when pulled. Bell rings . • . pistoa rods move in and out as wheels turn. j !i!ii::00'0000iiii!i:i ELECTRIC STOVE with Utensils 3, 8 ActuMly heats . . . but can't burn tiny flugersi quipped with frying pan, two uucepans. iii!i;ii::00i i >< ................ iiiiil • ROAD GRADER . . . An Exact Model of the "Adams" Grader . . . Has an Adjustable Grader Blade. • OBILE CRANE ... A Reproduction Scale Model of the famous "Unit" Mobile Crane. iii}iiii :!!iiii::ill i } i:i } !)i: !}ii!i!iil;i;i!!i;}!ii};i!:i ii!}iig/fiii!ii}iitg!i !:/:;:iiii,  :i:!:/i{Ji.":'i}!i:Ji? ::::::::::::::::::::::: f.:i:!:i::::::::!:!:..'$::..:,.i¢ :::::::: ::F::: ¢i8 ::::::::::::::::::::: DOLL i;i,,<,. : ii0000!00iiii!ii!i!:.iiiii4;i;00i!i:;i00iii00iii ;i !@i+)[£ii! !i[ iii!7 ! !i55]ji::iS!i ii }[7 i!i] ' ::€! : !}ii ii;i! !ii ii00;::iiii i!! :!i: i iiiii00i!i iiiiiii00ii00 SPARKING MACHINE GUN T.0oks like a G-MaI's gun. Shoots harmless sgarks and a loud rat-a.tat.tat ]9 eod is made when trigger t puled. !i:ii)isi{isi:iii/!#});!ii!!/iiiii;iis2:i!iiiii:s?iiiii ::::,,!.iiiiiZ;;;i.:iii}}iiiii}iizii:siii!iis;i;`iiii!Ziiiiii>i;sisig;:;ii}}ii}isiiiiiiiii;;i:ii:i::/: :!i!!iii!: )iii/ii]iiiiiiSi}ii!:i! )iS}it;ill :i!;}:.i{iiiii{il ;: ili!iBi:i:!:i!:i!iii ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: HOUSE with FURNITURE FOOD Built to soalo, extra strong sprig motor. Eht| i on teh. ,  Riding DUMP TI E[Ss folding mt kids can ride steer it. Hu lte P L U S H A N I M A L S o. o, . =o. do. he=,, .,u'. =0095 ever seenl There are six rooms and an upetth I ! .), _  I 98 n.-v,  b.autlt11 .sliraed plastic TYPIWIIITIt,rl rl;li furniture- a total of 32 pisces In all. Enttro It aetuall t. | house is 12% ¢hes high and 28 lnehe$ In tEimandqmee ba •  dialaet.  , - leIect,  %I)IL :! i'i:?i:..:.;.::)}:::::::i'!::i:}:?)i :::::':'::':':':':':':':" ,.; ,.,.7 6.95 <;:::i#\