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November 3, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 2011
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2-4 p.m. Free and open to all Journal photo by Natalie Johnson The Mason County Historical Society discussed forming a committee to look for a new location for its second museum, now situated at the Port of Shelton fairgrounds. By NATALIE JOHNSON -- some of it to various stor- the port didn't have to shut age areas such as a shipping down the fairgrounds in a Much publicity has been container and rented space couple of years, the society given to the impending loss in the St. David of Wales still needs a better location of a location for the Mason Church. for its fairgrounds' second Area Fair and OysterFestThe major question fac- museum. when the Port of Sheltoning the historical society "We need to be in a place closes its fairgrounds in before last Thursday wasmore accessible anyway," 2013. whether it should try to buy he said. "It used to be that However, local festivalsor rent an existing building we'd give tours up there ... and event organizers aren't or buy land and build a new but that was when we could the only ones looking for a one. The board ultimately get up there. Now they [the new location. When the port decided to form a building port] shut the power off." closes the fairgrounds in committee to find a plot of When Mason County accordance with a Federal land for the museum, managed the fairgrounds, Aviation Administration "Let's attack that and the society had easier ac- (FAA) mandate, the Ma- ditch the other ideas ... that cess to its building, Cowling son County Historical Soci- way we'll have some focus," said. ety will need to find a new Cowling said. Society members hope home for the exhibits in its With the historical soci- that a new, second location fairgrounds locatjpn, ety's annual budget totaling can be a ~r~ter for major "We're in the process be- less than $50,000, buying a exhibits, at~wing the down- cause we've been told to get piece of land isn't exactly a town Shelton museum to fo- out," said historical board small challenge. Simply rent- cus on research. president Annette or buying land or a new The historical board dis- Historical board mem- building is out of the ques- cussed several possible lo- bers discussed the conun- tion without new funding, cations for a new museum drum in a meeting last "Fundraising's going to be during their meeting last Thursday, Oct. 27. Sincea huge thing, but all of that Thursday, which the build- they first found out about is kind of a side thought be- ing committee will delve the fairgrounds' closure, cause up until [last Thurs- into in greater detail. board members have strug- day's meeting] we didn'tCowling hopes the com- gled to find a solution to the have a plan," Cowling said. mittee will find a location dilemma. "A long time ago we got outside of Shelton. "We're allowedtobethere a committee together but"We are Mason County at least one more year at the there was really no direc- - this organization started fairgrounds," said recently tion ... we talked it over and in Belfair and merged with appointed Historical Society didn't make any decisions one in Shelton. To have two Director Justin Cowling .... Now that we have a goal places in Shelton would be Volunteers have already or a mission it will be some- hard I think," he said. "It moved the contents of the thing to work toward." would be nice to be able to fairgrounds museum's attic Cowling said that even if expand." STORE & DELl SPECIALS- NOV 2- NOV 9 Port talks budget, renames fairgrounds By NATALIE JOHNSON public hearing on the budget for 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 15 in the port's commission The Port of Shelton unveiled the first chambers. The full budget can be viewed at draft of its 2012 budget on Tuesday, prom- ising a net income of $179,358.01. During its regular meeting on Tuesday However, Executive Director John theport commission als.o voted unanimous- Dobson predicted a shortfall in the port's ly to change the name of the Mason County operating budget of $149,331, resulting Fairgrounds to the Sanderson Field Event from lost revenue after fabrication com- Center and Fairgrounds. pany OlyFab shut its doors early this year. The port took over management of the That firm's replacement, though, known as property after the county backed out of TruFab, saved 20 jobs and is continuing their 50-year lease two years ago. The FAA to bring new business to Shelton, Dobson has mandated that the port revert the said. land, which is located right next to Sander- The port also reviewed its five year capi- son Field's runway, back to airport use by tal improvement plan, which includes sev- December 31, 2013. eral projects expected to be completed or at "I actually brought this to the table after least begun in the next year. a discussion with the staff the other day," Specifically, the port plans to begin a said port Commissioner Jay Hupp. $70,000-a-year project to replace docks and Hupp said the property has developed pilings at the Oakland Bay Marina. The an image problem after multiple fiascos port will pay $38,000 for the project, which with fair management and leases. includes $3,000 worth of consulting to get "It still has that odor of death when we an overwater permit, talk about the fairgrounds," he said. "We Marina tenants will be on the hook for need to re-brand it." the other $35,000. Dobson agreed with Hupp, saying the The port plans multiple other small port needs to attract new tenants in the projects related to the airport, including a next two years. snowplow, new paint striping and recessed "It's not about renting the fairgrounds, fire hydrants. These projects, amounting to it's about renting the property," Dobson $153,890, will be reimbursed by the Fed- said. "It's not about making money ... A fair eral Aviation Administration (FAA). is not a profitable thing." The port also needs to connect to city Hupp said he hoped the FAA would water lines as outlined in the port's recent change its mind about the mandate within agreement with the city and PUD 3. The the next few years, but added that he was port budgeted $140,000 in loans for engi- only being optimistic. neering and construction for the project in Hupp said he hopes "that we are not go- 2012. ing to have to do what the FAA insists we The port commission has scheduled a do on the 31st of December." Alpine Way is proud to sponsor the Fantasy Forest ...and back by popular demand, the Shelton United Methodist Church Choir Held at The Pavilion at Sentry Park, the festivities will take place in the lavish surroundings of Fantasy Forest. For questions, call (360) 426-2600 RETIREM ENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE ,; ® We have fishing supplies! Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection of Hwy. I01 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino • 427-9099 ssorted Varieties ' r 0.0 ......... S 5S 60 9 Bremls Red Bull 2/ a.5o Monster 8199 Ea. laOr 3fl5 3-piece I Chicken ~ l & Jo Jo'sI l $3.50 | ! ..... Coffee[ I Next l l zo OZ. I Serious Risks To Your Heals I ,=', I ~'~: 89¢ l0 oz. . .......... Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, Nov. 3,2011 - Page A-3