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Choir members practice at Faith Lutheran Church for the upcoming "Songs
Tribute to Veterans" concert.
Courtesy photo
of Freedom: A
Vets Day concert to pay homage to heroes
By NATALIE JOHNSON lic Church, Hood Canal Communitygrocery stores and told her how much
Church, Shelton United Methodistthey liked the program last year.
For the second Veterans Day in aand Shelton Presbyterian Church.A veteran herself, Johnston said
row, church choirs from throughout Some choir members from other the program was particularly moving.
Mason County plan to gather in sa- churches will also attend and the spe- "My own mother was a veteran ...
lute of our country's heroes, cial Sacred Choral Ensemble is sched- She was in the first WAC (Women's
In a more than one hour-long pro- uled to perform with accompaniment Air Corps) Battalion. She's a veter-
gram called "Songs of Freedom: Afrom an Olympia oboist, an of World War II," Johnston said.
Tribute to Veterans," at 7 p.m. on Suzanne Montgomery, co-director "When she stood up for her Army
Nov. 9 and 10 at St. Edward's Cath- of the Faith Lutheran Church Choir, song, I was just so proud."
olic Church, the choirs plan to ser- organized the event the past twoVeterans in the audience are invit-
enade area veterans and their fami- years to honor Mason County's veter- ed to wave white handkerchiefs when
lies, along With other supporters, ans. the song for their branch of servi~e
with patriotic songs. "It was an idea of the church choirs comes up.
"This was particularly nice to have getting together and doing something Each church choir sings songs that
an entire community thinking about ... it was one holiday not covered by they've practiced together, and then
veterans," United Methodist Choir any other event," Montgomery said. some songs together, Montgomery
Director Beth Johnston said. "I'm The one-day event was more popu-said. Several songs also include audi-
pleased that it's another event ... lar than anyone imagined last year, ence participation.
that can be attended by grandpa and drawing more than 500 people. The concert is completely free, she
grandma and also grandkids." "It was overflowing last year - we said.
The event will include singers decided to do two shows this year," "Nobody's getting paid, every-
from Faith Lutheran, St. David of Montgomery said. thing's for the love of doing it," she
Wales Church, St. Edwards Catho-Johnston said people stopped her in said.
White House honors Squaxin Tribe member
By NATALIE JOHNSON "Tribes have to come up
with the money themselves
Ran Whitener grew up in many of them do," he said.
Kamilche as a member of the "Politically public defenders
Squaxin Island Tribe, with are some of the least diffficult
both his father and grandfa- things to get rid of."
ther as members of the tribal The Champions of Change
council, program was a streaming
In fact, he said he might be video event, in which the 16
related to half of the people in honorees shared personal
that partofMason County. stories about their work to
On Oct. 7, the Univer- improve publicdefense.
sity of Washington (UW) an- "They stand out among the
nounced that Whitener had best and most principled of
been honored as a "cham- legal advocates in this coun-
pion of change" by the White try," said Attorney General
House and its Access to Jus- Eric Holder during the event.
tice Initiative for his work "to "Each of them has earned the
provide much needed legal respect and the gratitude of
services to people who cannot leaders across the adminis-
afford them." tration including the Presi-
Whitener, who is now the dent of the United States."
director of the Tribal Court While small tribes like the
Public Defense Clinic and Squaxin Island Tribe need
executive director of the Na- help from Whitener's public
tive American Law Center at defense clinic, large tribes
UW, also served as the tribal in Washington such as the
attorney for the Squaxin Is- Colville and Yakama nations,
land Tribe for six years, have their own public defense
"It helped me understand offices, he said.
the sort of political difficul- "Those are big tribes.
ties that tribal governments They have more resources
face in prioritizing public de- and more demand from their
fense," he said. Courtesy photo membership to do it," he said.
Whitener created the Trib- Squaxin Tribe Member and University of The public defense clinic
al Court Public Defense Clin- is a clinical part of the UW
ic at UW in 2002 to address Washington law professor Ron Whitener was law school, Whitener said,
a need for public defenders honored earlier this month as a "Champion of which means that it gives
in small tribes throughout Change" by the White House and its Access to students real-world experi-
Washington. Justice Initiative for his efforts to provide pub- ence and an actual caseload.
"What we do is really pro- lic defense to tribes throughout Washington. While they are supervised by
mote public defense in tribal Whitener and his four other
court," he said. "The right to '3hre're the primary public Major crimes are typically full-time attorneys in the
council doesn't exist in tribal defense there," he said.prosecuted by the state or by program, they handle many
courts." Whitener said he and the U.S. Federal Court, but of the clinic's cases.
The Indian Civil Rights his colleagues at the Native those entities often choose to In order to reach more peo-
Act of 1968 follows the U.S. American Law Center and not prosecute smaller crimes, ple, the clinic uses Skype, an
Constitution and Bill ofTribal Court Public Defense necessitating tribal courts, online video chat program,
Rights fairly closely, Whit- Clinic advocate for Congress Whitener said. for some client interviews
ener said, but excluded the to require indigent counsel, "The tribe has an inter-and hearings.
right to counsel in criminal or public defenders for low- est in doing it. They want to "It allows us to extend our
cases, income defendants, but until make sure that somebody range," Whitener said.
"Many tribes provide pub- then will continue to provide prosecutes an Indian that Whitener said he appreci-
lic defenders and many don't support to small tribes,commits a crime," he said. ates the national recognition
still," he said. %re provide pub- A matter further compli-However, tribes face thefor his clinic's work in Wash-
lic defense to individual tribes." cating the issue, Whitener same funding issues as any ington.
Whitener and his col- said, is confusion over juris- city or county government, "I don't know if the recogni-
leagues at the clinic provide diction on reservations,he said. Even if a tribe finds tion itself will help my cause
public defense to many small "In some areas of the reser- money for a public defender, as much as the recognition
tribes in western Washing- vation the state has jurisdic- there' are no training pro- shows that my cause is get-
ton, including Whitener's tion, in others the state doesn't grams to help them set up ting attention from the United
own Squaxin Island Tribe. have jurisdiction," he said. such an office. States government," he said.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 3,2011 - Page A-5