November 3, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 3, 2011 |
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NLg[]L)e~ Cile se,li j 3raqo ~ L'aSCr~ OrI S' rld~Catgt~ liwi£ ~'~K~!l ~t'seaieh L'orqffl~rClal la[l~Sc~[JersP as Well a~ I{IrJP, Der~UO[IT COf~Stffl e[ rese3~ch o| ~.~00,~ ~.01~ US
seF3,S all~ malKet ~11~ D~t.~J ~or ~(le ~JSOLEb~I OWO~UC Iq~)ncJn~ e o~2rLlf)o[ power 8qt,]pRlenT C~][e~ofy corr]Dlee(] sal£s ~o coiisumets aDfl t:or~lfflert:lal lar~flsc3f)ers
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1603 Olympic Highway North
Big clouds, small moon,
ak Journal pnolo u} Kevan Moore
A small crescent moon is seen below a large sun-so ed cloud above
downtown Shelton just before dusk on Tuesday evening.
High (F) Low Precip (In.) Thursday night will have a 40 percent
Oct. 26 48 28 .06 ~hance of showers and a low of 31 and a
Oct. 27 55 39 .00 calm northeast w~nd.
Oct 28 ~2 39 .91 Friday will be partly sunny with a high
Oct. 29 5~ 35 .0 near 47 and an e~st northeast wind at six
" • ..... ~° "' ~ " ' ..... ~ ' " ° Oct. 3057 35 .21 miles per hour. Friday night will have a
P~"~ ~ ~-~ ~ []~?~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ tal~l~ ~F(R~i~~~i|@i;.~ Oct. 31 55 35 .00 40 percent chanc~ of rain with a low of 35.
Nov. 1 52 28 .00 Rain is likely On Saturday with a high
g ~ear 48 and a lo~¢ of 36 with a 70 percent
Measurements are recorded for thechance of precipitation.
National Weather Service at SandersonThere will be ~ chance of showers on
for Active & New Patients.~.. Field. Sunday with a high of 48 and a tow of 38.
| *l~no, b.o~i.~,~0°.~0~o.0~l I Showers are likely on Thursday, and On Monday tl~ere is a chance of rain
II Present Coupon at first appointrnent, t~,, ~.~'~ 7~ |
426-4712 ~,h ...... ,~,~ ~0 ~~) the National Weather Service predicts a as well, with a hlgh near 49 and a low of
• Theofficeof ~khard C Downing DDS. ~helton "~ "~
[~626 Olym_.~p,c H~. a~... ~ . . ~ ~j high near 48 with a southwest wind be- 36. Tuesdayit willlikely rain, with a high
r - { IFT C-ER-TIFI --AT-E - tween six and nine miles per hour. near48. [
i tow,,, for $1,00"rown$ B d'le$ mlants& Dent,re, I - --
, " g , P .~/~
....... *(Maynotbe,erabinedwithanyotheroffer) I Social Security Nationwide emergency test set
. Pre~ent coupon at f r~ appointment. ~ • ""',~. ,
• TheoffkeofRichardC Downing eD$ Shelton '~
11626 Olymp,c Hwy. N. " ' info session slated The Federal Emer- and television services)
gency Management and broadcast radio sta-
" Convenient Payment Plans Available
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Patienl Pa) merit Plans FINANCING OPTIONS
Richard C. Downing, DDS
1626 Olympic Highway N. • Shelron
(a60) 426-4712 *
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Printed in Shelton. WA. USA
using US-made ink and US-made
newsprint with the highest
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in the industry.
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Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011
There will be an infor-
mational meeting on Social
Security at the Hoodsport
Timberland Library from
10:30 a.m. to noon on No-
vember 15. This meeting is
open to the public.
Juan Covarrubias, pub,
lic affairs specialist from
the Social Security Admin-
istration will provide an
overview of topics, includ-
ing ~he future of Social Se-
curity, survivor's benefits,
retirement and spousal
Covarrubias will be
joined by Martin Estrada
from the Office of the In-
surance Commissioner's
SHIBA Health Benefits
Advisers Program and
Merridee Anderson, as-
sistance specialist of 'the
Area Agency on Aging In-
formation and Assistance
The group will talk
about the low-income
subsidy from Social Secu-
rity to assist low-income
seniors in paying their
Medicare Drug Plan pre-
miums and prescription
co-pays and the Medicare
Savings Program from
DSHS to help pay for the
Medicare Part B Premi-
Space for the event is
limited so those that are
interested in attending
should call Merridee at
427-2225, ext. 101 or toll-
free at 1-877-227-4696.
Agency (FEMA), Fed-
eral Communications
Commission (FCC) and
the National Weather
Service (NWS) will con-
duct the first-ever na-
tional-level test of the
Emergency Alert Sys-
tem (EAS).
The test will take
place at 1 p.m. on
Wednesday, Nov. 9.
The test may be up to
three and a half min-
utes in length.
This test is similar
to the way local emer-
gency alert system tests
are conducted; Howev-
er, this will be the first
nationwide test that is
expected to be broad-
cast simultaneously
over all communication
service providers: tele-
vision stations (includ-
ing digital television,
cable, satellite audio
tions across the U.S.
and several United
States territories. This
nationwide EAS Test
will help determine the
reliability of the system
and its effectiveness in
notifying the public of
emergencies and poten-
tial dangers nationally
and regionally.
This national test
may look like regular
local EAS tests that
most people are already
familiar with, but there
will be some differences
in what viewers will
see and hear. The au-
dio message will repeat
"This is a test." The vid-
eo message scroll may
not indicate "This is a
test." The message will
last for approximately
three minutes and then
regular programming
will resume.
New bus for Hood C nal School District
Hood Canal School Dis-
trict recently announced
that it has ordered an-
other new bus, which will
arrive in the spring.
The smaller bus will
replace Bus No. 254. The
older bus had approxi-
mately 200,000 miles on
The new bus will be
used for transporting stu-
dents with special needs,
preschoolers and for
small groups of students.
This is the sixth new
bus purchased in Hood
CanalSchool District
during the last four
years. The new buses
are funded in part by
one-year transportation
levies the community ap-
proved in February 2007.