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By R. JEANNE that led to their spider pho-
REItWALDT bia. The mind can create a
fear of spiders based on a
With Halloween just split second of panic• It is
passing earlier this week, surprising how people have
I started thinking about developed a fear of spiders•
the spider specimens that People who really aren't
are being brought into the afraid may automatically
WSU Extension office for behave as if they were.
identification and why we Horror movies, other people
have a fascination with and just plain misinforma-'
arachnids• I have heard tion about spiders often are
that phobia, or fear of, spi- causes for this fear. Teas-
ders is one of the most com- ing by parents or children
mon phobias in humans, creates false impressions
After some research I have and fear. Another factor
learned that in the Middle contributing to the fear is
Ages spiders were com- spiders move quickly, giv-
monly considered to be a ing the impression they are
source of contamination of "after" us. Other spiders
hang around at eye level,
food and water. They were where we blunder into their
believed to be the cause of
the Bubonic plague (though webs.
People consider spiders
in reality rat-fleas were in to be ugly and frightening•
fact the true culprits)• This
misplaced fear has been In truth many are quite
passed down since the 10th handsome or graceful, and
century and led to an in- all of them are fascinating•
crease in arachnophobia. Whatever the cause for fear
often the fear is caused of spiders, the fear is real.
by a frightening incident With some thought, effort
in earlier life. Sometimes and accurate knowledge
people have the misconcep- about spiders, it may be
tion that such a startling possible to reduce the fear
event has to be a memo- of spiders•
rable ordeal• Yet many Spiders are predators of
insects and other creatures.
don't even recall the events
Usually they only capture
prey smaller thafl or equal
to their own size.[ Humans
are far too big, e~en for
the most ambitious spider.
Many spiders are small and
have small mouthparts.
These spiders ar~ not ca-
pable of biting through hu-
man skin.~ 1
Spiders that c#n bite
through human Skin only
do so when provoked• Often
bites occur when the spider
is pinched or trapped in
clothing• Their bile is mere-
ly a defense reaction; when
you're cleaning the garage
you may stick your finger in
the spider's area,i or trap it.
Wearing gloves Would pre-
vent bites.
Lastly, humans outweigh
and out-size spiders many
thousand times and are
much more likely to behave
with murderous intent. It
should be the spider that
feels "fear" at our approach
-- not us (perhaps that's
why they run so fast)•
Spiders can bei ignored
if their numbers are small
and they stay in Out of the
way places. They primarily
eat insects already present
in homes, such as cupboard
pests, silverfish or clothes
moths• Sometimes they eat
each other or capture stray
insect invaders such as
root weevils and blowflies;
Spiders that are more vis-
ible, like the ones that get
trapped in the tub or run
up a wall, can be captured
and released outside, vacu-
umed up or swatted flat.
Usually spider activity
declines by mid-October.
Unless you continually
introduce new spiders on
firewood, household spiders
will retire into obscurity for
another year, quietly killing
several times their weight
in household insect pests
and flies. If you capture a
spider in your home and
are curious about what type
of spider you have, please
don't hesitate to bring it
into the WSU Extension
office on Monday, between
noon and 3 p.m, and ask a
Master Gardener to iden-
tify it for you. Please don't
bring a smashed spider as
we need whole spiders for
identification. You can put
your captured spider into
a container and freeze it.
Ideally, unless the spider
is causing a problem, just
remove it and don't give it
another thought. After all,
they are our friends.
Groceries and recycle tote bag
4th Annual
Bill McTurnal Enterprises
Food Drive
Will be held in the Front of Walmart in Shelton
November 4 & 5, 2011
November 11 & 12, 2011
November 18 & 19, 2011
Mason County
Sportsman's Association
gears up for turkey shoot
Mason County Sportsman's Association will host
its annual turkey shoot•
CANS • BOTTLES • FROZEN FOODS ~ Shooting sessions are every hour starting at 9
~_________ . a.m. with the last one at noon on Nov. 19 at the
Mason County Sportsman's~ Association shooting
~n~bor, "Have range, located at 521 W. Business Park Rd. in Sheh , i
you heard about D&L Auto?" ton.
Our reputation is where most of
Jason Banks, Dan Moldenhauer
and Noel Longan, owner.
2033 Olympic Highway North • SheltoJ
Center 426-1467
......................................................... Chef Xinh Owelley
Seafood & Other Dishes
........................... ~ ........... with Chef Xinh T. ~ellefs Asian Twist
360) 427'8709 • Open for Supper Tuesday SaturdiaY
Downtown Shelton • Corner of 3rd and West Railroad
Guests are asked to arrive 30 minutes before
their preferred shooting time for registration.
The cost is $5 and all proceeds will be donated to
local boy and girl scouts.
All participating kids from ages 7 to 12 will re-
ceive a prize.
Twenty-two caliber pistols or rifles will be used.
Firearms may be brought or the association can
provide them•
NRA certified instructors and range safety offi-
cers will be on site.
Continued from I~age B-1
tradition, this dinner is a
potluck with th~ club pro-
the turkey, dress-
Well, looks like the
county assessor has com-
pleted their assessments of
our properties. I've heard
some good and some bad
reports about the changes
in assessed values.
In this difficult economic
time, I thought it would be
ing, mashed potatoes and
gravy. I
The doors Will open interesting for you to have
around 2 p.m. and it is an update on the real es-
hoped that' peoF le~w~l'~g6t tare activity that has been
there and talk a: ld m~ngle .... going on ~6~e on theisl,arxd.
The meal tine will de' Presently, there dre
pend on how:
how big those tu
have, but the ph
as close to 2:30 p
can get.
There is no t
one of those isL
nany and
rkeys they
Ln isto eat
m. asthey
ee; this is
md things
spirit and
• vice are
approximately 43 homes
for sale on the island.
They range in price from
$120,000 to $1,000,000. in
the past six months there
have been approximately
seven home sales.
Their prices ranged from
$135,000 to $420,000. Va-
cant land is pretty close to
where volunteer
community se:
Your hosts, tt e Bensons the same numbers.
• I .
and Inshes, need a httle There are 41 vacant par-
help in that they need to cels for sale and in the past
know how many are going six months there have been
to join them for dinner and approximately four land
they would lik~ to know sales.
what potluck dish you I'm pretty sure that
would be bringir~g. You can when Judy and I first
give Jim and Ruth a call at bought our property here,
426-0266 or Mi~ and Lin- there was a whole lot more
da at 426-7803.sales going on.
~h.rJng t~e H/~g~,,?.g ;o~,e ,if Je~¢s
r-r--- B--'i-" Ch" r-h ¢ontact us:
~t~,~ ~tl~t ~t ~i ~ ,~ Mailingaddress:
,,. for the faith of the gospeI ~ po Box 1025, ShdtoI,, WA 98584
" • m(~: Phone: (360) 462-1611
~ Times of Servlces" ~ ~ En astor~abcshe onora
iiiii~ ~h~!gW:[:hip ....... eli!':.. ~g~£ w,vwg::]::o::,g
~sday Pra
1i) Wedn er Mee
Sundall 9:30.10:00am
Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd. ~J~/~ ~$
Sunda ,0 9:30 a.m., 728 Railroad Ave.
CrossPoint Service Traditional Service ,,,~
h more ~onlemporary servke h more t radit io,lal service "
that beginsal 9:00 AM thai begins at
• Praise Band • Praiselbam 10145 AM
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Sunday Services ¢'.) ednesda Ni h rvice
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Nurset~v to 2 Years
10:30 AM I Celebration Service ~ Cbilclren's Chasses
Attended Nursery ~ SoutFIR~ YOUTH, 6~ u-12~. Grade
Children~ C/asses
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Chtld(or~ Provided Pe°~le become ~'¢~°~ h~ ~1~1~ ~ through ~°rship'
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14O5 s ,7m st, shelton PHONE [ 360:426~758 WEBSITE I www, gat e~vay¢ f•¢om
Faith Lutheran Chur&
,4 Chnst.centered Church
Shdton United Methodist Church
Call 426-4412
to place your ad
1212 Connec J0n SL
Rlelton, WA
(360) 4263611
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri S rllOd
206 East Wyand atte Avenue
ContemporaryServi~ e .......... 8:30 a.m
Christian Education ................ 9:45 a.m
Trad t ona Worship i .............. I1:00 a.m
Office 42 3-6353
Daycare 427-3165
Refreshed -- Resto
in Rivers r Grace
I ,
Sunday Night WOrship 6 p.m.
Worship for ~11 ages
Senior Center • 826 W Railroad Ave
438-8531 3~0426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Sunday $choo~ for all aries
• I~mingo La Iglesis Bautista 6 pm
8eMcb en Espaf, o~
® Wednesdays 6 pm
Youth Church, AWANA K-8, Adu[l C~asses
Jueves 6 pm El ~1.,~
St. David's of Wales
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
9:15 Conversational Bible Study
Office phone: 426-8472
New Community
Church of Union
~i Sunday Gatherings
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site:
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 3,201