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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 3, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LOOKIN'FORAHI )ME Scotty is an affectionate and Playful young Kitty. Scotty is looking for a sunny windowsill, daily food and water, a safe warm bed and a loving family. Scotty will bring years of enjoyment and companionship to the "purrrfect" forever home. Scotty would like one of his friends to share a loving home with him. For infor- mation on Scotty and other indoor only kitties call 584- 0594 or leave a message at 426-2455. ADOPT A PET This lovely lady is Au- tumn. She was found wan- dering one of our rural streets and we were glad to take her in and find her a home. She is extremely lov- ing and gentle, friendly with other dogs and will make a great companion. At approx- imately three years of age she does not require a lot of exercise but she loves to go for walks and is very good on a leash. If Autumn is just the girl you've been looking for please call Adopt-A-Pet at 432-3091 to set up an ap- pointment to meet her. City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75, which includesday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter is vaccine, wormer, spay/neuter plus $10 closed Saturday and Sunday. city license. New dogs are brought in all the time. Current listings: Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 Labrador mix, female, six months West Pine Street. Dogs may be viewed at Labrador mix, male, six years Pit Bull, male, six months The hours are Monday through Fri- Shepherd mix, male, three years Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENCE Date: October 27, 2011 Prepared b) : I)eleclive William Adam Bulletin#: 11-47 The Mason County Sheriff's t)ffice is releasing Ihe following inlbrmation pursuant Io RCW 4.24.550 and the Washingttm Stale Supreme Court decision in S~. which authorizes law enforcement agencies to ill['orlll the public of a sex ofllznders release when; in file discretion of the agency, tile Jelease of int'arnlafion will enhance public safely and protection. ]he indi~ idual who appears un this m~lifieathm has been con,~icIed of a sex offense thai requires registration with the Sheriff's Ot~ce in the county of their residence. Further. their prcx ions criminal histoD places them in a dassilication level which reflects the potential to re-offend. This sex oj]i:nder has served the senlence imposed on him by the courts and has advised the Mason County Sheriff's Office that he will be living in the location below, lie IS NO'I WANTED BY TI|E POLl( E AT THIS TIME. TH IS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATtl Eli, I1 IS OUR BELIIEFTHAT AN INFORMED PIIBIL,[C IS A SAFER PUBI,IC. The Mason County Sheriff's Office has no legal anlh(nib, Io direct ~l~ere a sex otlbnder may or may not live. Unless cotll~ ordered restrictions exist, this olt~nder is constitutionally flee Io l ixe where\ er hc chooses. Sex offenders ha~c always lived in our communities, but it wasn't undl passage of the Community Protection Acl o[ 199(t (~f]lich l?lalIrCClll¢tlt i~ I/OW able to share lhat infimnation with you, ('iliz, en abuse of this information Io threaten, iatimidalc or harass registered sex ol'[~21)dels ~ill nol he tolerated. Further such abuse could potentially end law enlbrcemcnt's ability to do commuaity notifications. We belicx e the only person ".'dlo wins if community nolil~calion ends is the sex offendel; since sex offenders derive their power through secrecy. If V0u h~lve an',' illf0rmatioll regarding qU rrellt erimi,~l acti¥ilv of this or all'*' other offe,del~ Ellease call 911. For other sex offender information, h~o,ce,mas~:~,a,~sj, and Bo to; DAVID JEFFREY LOBACK WHITE MALE - DOB: 08/27/58- ._5' 10"--295.. I~BS. BROWN HAIR & HAZEL EYES David LOBACK has recently moved to Mason County and is required to register as a sex offender lbr Rape of a Child 1~t degree, King County i Soperior Court cause #94-1-01810-4. This conviction stems li'om I LOBACK at age 35, sexually assaulting a 10 year old neighbor boy on multiple occasions betwee~a 1993--1994. I)uring his sex offender treatment program, LOBACK disclosed 5 additional unknown male victims between the ages of 7 and 15, whom he groomed and sexually abused or raped. LOBACK admitted that his sexual of[k'odir~g began when he was only 14. Due to these factors he is consMered a IlIGIt i RISK. David LOBACK is assessed by Mason County Sheriff's Ol'l~ce as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offendeb nteaning that the su[2iect is at a It1(]11 RISK lo re.-ol'l~cnd. David LOBACK has given his residence wilhin Mason County as: Within the 300 block of NE Sundown Drive, Tahuya, WA :: i : , I I I I I I Providence Health and Systems has already made $187 million in profits so far this year*, so why won't they put patient care first? Call Robert Hellrigel, Chief Executive of Providence Senior and Community Services, at (425) 254-5432 and tell him it's time to put patients and families ahead of corporate profits. As the nurses and caregivers of Providence SoundHomeCare & Hospice, we're there for your family when someone you love is facing an end of life illness. But even with significant profits, Providence is shifting healthcare costs to our families, making healthcare unaffordable for many of us. And proposed changes to our sick leave would likely cause nurses and healthcare workers to care for frail, elderly patients while sick. That's not the Providence mission, and that's not good for patient care. That's why the nurses and caregivers of Providence SoundHomecare & Hospice are standing up for our patients with a two-day strike November 9 and 10. *Operating profits as reported in Providence Health and Services consolidated financial statements (unaudited) through September 2011. 1199NW United for Quality Care Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 3,2011 - Page B-5