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Hilda G. Galambos
Hilda G. Galambos, 98,
died Friday, Sept. 30, at Al-
pine Way. She was a resident
of Shelten for three years.
She was born July 11,
1913, in Benton City to Leon-
ard and Edith Giles.
She met
~her first
Robert Ev-
erett, while
working in
a bakery.
He was a
federal civil
service em-
Hilda ployee so
Galambos they lived
in sev-
eral cities
where they enjoyed building
their own homes. Some of the
places where they lived were
Seattle, Whidbey Island. Den-
ver, Yakima and Kennewick.
In Kennewick, she worked
as a school cook and her son.
the late William Everett,
grew up there. After retire-
ment. she and her husband
became snowbirds spending
winters in Mesa, Ariz., and
the summers in Kennewick.
Her family shared that she
became widowed in 1981 and
was lucky to find love again
with Canadian snowbird, Cyril Giles and sister Phyllis
George Galambos. They Guenther (Duane).
were married for nearly 25 A memorial service will be
years. She enjoyed the out- at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov.
doors and gardening. Her 6, at the Shelten Presbyterian
vegetable gardens produced Church.
an abundance of crops, which McComb Funeral Home
she enjoyed sharing with her of Shelton is handling the ar-
neighbors and friends. In rangements.
Arizona she enjoyed golfing Memorial gifts may be sent
and playing shuffleboard, to Christmas Giving Project
She won several trophies at Pioneer School in Shelton.
with her great shuffleboard Online condolences may
skills. She was a member of be sent to the family at www.
the Kennewick Odd Fellows
and Rebekah Lodge and held
several honored positions Bert Henry Kilmer
with the Rebekahs. In Ken- Bert Henry Ktimer, 74,
newick, she was a member of died Wednesday, Oct. 26, at
the First Methodist Church. Fir Lane Health and Reha-
Along with her Mason County btiitation. He was a resident
family, she established the of Shelton for 19 years.
scholarship for the Forest He was born Nov. 5. 1936.
Festival Queen in memory of in Granite Falls to Marion
her sister and brother-in-law, and Hazel (Elder) Ktimer.
Phyllis and Duane Guenther. He married Lois "Jean"
She is survived by her Peterson in Seattle on Dec. 1.
daughter-in-law Karen Ever- 1989.
ett of Grapeview; grandchil- He worked as a foreman
dren Lori Watklns (Doug) and for the Port of Seattle from
Joe Everett; great-grandchil- 1966 to 1991. His family said
dren Rachel and Benjamm he liked heights and worked
Watkins and her husband's on the Space Needle.
Canadian family. He was a lifetime member
She was preceded in death of Union Local No. 699 and
by her parents and both hus- the Baptist Church in Seattle.
bands Robert Everett and He coached a soccer team in
George Galambos: brother Federal Way and was a mem-
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Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 3 2011
ber of an old-time band and
played the piano, accordion
and saxophone. His family
shared that he loved music
and traveling the United
States, especially the West
Coast in his motor home.
He is survived by hiswife
Jean Ktimer of Shelton; sons
Gary Kilmer of Everett and
Bruce Kllmer of Issaquah;
daughter Diane
Kilmer of Sandpoint, Idaho;
brother Rodney Kilmer of
Seattle, stepsons Mi-
chael Caldwell of Winthrop
and John Caldwell of Everett;
stepdaughter Rhea Sch-
neider; grandsons Tim Kilmer
of Seattle and Ken Kilmer
of Cannon Beach; 10 step
grandchildren and 15 great.
He was preceded in death
by his parents, son Duane
Kilmer and stepdaughter
Kathy Hill.
A memorial service will be
held at i p.m. on Friday, Nov.
11. at Hope Chapel.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the ar-
Memorial donations can
be made to the charity of your
For your convenience on-
fine condolences may be sent
to the family at
Charlotte E. McBee
Charlotte E. McBee. 66.
died Friday, Oct. 21, at her
home in Shelton. She was
a resident of Shelton for 20
She was born Jan. 18,
1945. to Earl J. and Esther
T. (Thomas) Johnson in Ray-
She graduated from Omak
High School in 1964. In the
late 1960s, she received her
associate's degree in theology
from Western Pentecostal
Bible College in North Van-
couver. Canada. She attended
Bates Technical College and
obtained her certification for
licensed practical nurse.
She married Bob McBee
in November 1976: The mar-
nage ended in divorce.
She was employed at St.
Joseph Hospital in Tacoma
before moving to Shelton in
She enjoyed ballroom danc-
ing, gardening, painting in
otis, cooking, baking, sewing,
crocheting, card playing and
traveling. Her family shared
that she was an avid reader
and enjoyed spending time
with them.
She is survived by her son
James McBee of Shelton: sis-
ters Patricia Weaver (Jack)
of Pomeroy. Sunshine Didra
(Rick) of George, Joyce Edie
(Keith) of Madawa, Sharon
Jensen (Bruce) of Spokane
and Ruby Johnson; brothers
Gary Johnson (Billie) of east
Texas and Phillip Johnson
of California: granddaughter
Elizabeth Rose of Eugene,
Ore.: numerous nieces, neph-
ews and cousins and best
friend Diana Wood of Rose-
burg, Ore.
Her parents preceded her
in death.
A private family gathering
will be held at a later date.
Donations can be made to
St. Jude's Children's Hospital,
P.O. Box 1000, Dept. 142,
Memphis. TN 38148-0142.
David Campbell
David Campbell McMullin.
62, died Tuesday, Oct. 25. He
was a resident of Shelton for
39 years.
He was born July 30. 1949,
in Tacoma to Wayne P. and
Carroll McMullin.
He obtained his GED
in 1967 from Wilson High
School in
~I Portland,
=:: : i:i~ii} Ore.
i~:: He
i: served in
:ii:~ii::':~:: ~ ii ~:: the military
in Germany
and two
tours in Vi-
enam from
David 1966 to
McMullin September
1970 and
was honor-
ably discharged at the rank of
Spec. 5.
James R.
a~ :hii~: home
He married Trady Ann
Hamlin on Sept. 1(
He was employe
salesman for Tacor
was a flight instru(
auctioneer. His fan
that he was an ent]
1972, in
J, as a
m Electric,
tor and an
ily shared
avid reader and en oyed poli-
tics, square dancin~, camping,
traveling and most of all his
children and grand :hildren.
He is survived b i his wife
Tracy McMullin; sc ns Burk
McMullin (Ni") of S] Lelton
and Blake McMull] n (Thi)
of Kent: daughter ~