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Obits resided in Shelton from and she worked at the Hoquiam ; grandchildren,
1991 until 2010. Hoquiam Rayonier Paper William J. Newman and
Continued from page B-6 She was born on May Mill as an accountant Jeffrey L. Newman both
17, 1926, in Yelm to and also worked for the of Hoqudam.
Service in Oregon. Franklin and Jonette Rayonier Timber Divi- Her parents, both
He married ArleetaAnn (Thompson) Moore. Her sion until she retired in husbmads, her compan-
Shell, from Prineville, grandparents were pin- 1987. ion Oscar Utheim, son
Ore., on May 12, 1962. neers to the Elma and Her family said she William M. Newman
They relocated to Shelton Yelm areas. Her fam- enjoyed traveling, her fa- and brother Harold
in 1966 upon a job trans- ily shared that she was vorite place was Hawaii Moore preceded her in
fer with the U.S. Forest proud of her Norwegian and her companion Os- death.
Service. heritage, car Utheim and she had A celebration of her
Slusher enjoyed work- In 1944 she graduated traveled to every state,life will be held at 3 p.m.
ing with the youth in the from Irene S. Reed High She enjoyed sports and Sa'gurday, Nov. 5 at the
summer at the Youth School in Shelton. She liked to watch the Se- Mount Olive Lutheran
Conservation Corps with then attended a busi- attle Seahawks and Se- Church, 206 East Wyan-
the Forest Service. Upon ness college in Olympia attle Mariners on televi- d,otte Avenue in Shelton.
taking early retirement, for a year. During Worldsion, and attended many Frivate inurnment will
he worked several part- War II she worked at of their games. She be held at the Odd Fel-
time jobs and spent time the Sanderson Naval Air enjoyed dancing, yard lows Cemetery in Turn-
traveling with his wife. Station in Shelton. work, gardening, walkingwater.
His hobbies included go- She married Leroy and playing bingo. Her The family requests
karting, snowboarding Newman on April 22, license plate was LUV 2 donations to Harbors
and skeet-shooting. He 1944, in Shelton. He died LAF. She was a member Home Health and Hos-
spent time doing activi- in 1963. She married Royof Mount Olive Luther- pice, 201 - 7th Street,
ties with his family and A. Snider in 1978 he died an Church of Shelton, Hoquiam 98550.
his dogs. in 1988. the Calvary Lutheran Coleman Mortuary in
He is survived by his From 1950 to 1955 Church in Aberdeen and Hoquiam is handling the
daughter, Lori A. Finlay she worked at the Shel- was a lifetime member ofarrangements.
(Jeff) of Lincoln, Ala., ton Safeway. She next the Aberdeen Veterans Online condolences can
and their three daugh- worked at the Rayonier of Foreign Wars Auxil- be sent to the family at
ters. mill in Shelton until itiary and KOPS (Keep Off www.colemanmortuary.
He was preceded in shut down in 1957. She Pounds Sensibly). net.
death by his wife Arleeta then worked for one of She is survived by
in 2004 and daughter, their research labs until her daughter Linda S.
Vicki A. Peck in 2005, 1961. Farrimond (Harvey) of
who resided in Rath- In 1962, her family Shelton; daughter-in-
drum, Idaho with her moved to Central Park law Cookie Newman of
husband Michael and
their two boys.
No memorial service is
planned at this time.
C. Marguerite
"Maggie" Snider
C. Marguerite "Mag-
gie" Snider, 85, died on
~ Wednes-
day, Oct.
26, at
Maggie in Aber-
Snider deen. She
was a
resident of Grays Harbor
and Mason counties. She
"Ihank You
The family of William R. "Bill" Nolte would like to thank the
many people who gave us comfort and support during; Bill's
ordeal with cancer.
Special thanks to Pastor Brian Weinberger at Faith Lutheran
Church for officiating at the service, Pastor Jeff Bursch for the
beautiful music, ~ Post 318 from Olympia and the National
Guard from Joint Base Lewis-McChord for their part in the
Military Honors.
Our love and gratitude to the caring staffat Alpine Way
Retirement and Assisted Living, your kindness vdll always be
We will be forever grateful to Providence Hospice for being
there with us through this difficult time.
Lastly we would like to thank our many friends and extended
family for their caring and support. The cards,, flowers, food and
just being with us meant so much.
May God Bless you all.
-- Tanya Nolte and Family
Kenneth Melvin Neher
Bom May 22, 1915 in the small town of Graham. Washington; on October 27. 2011 he
went to sleep and left to join his loving wife Florence, his sons Michael and Thomas
and grandson, Michael who had preceded him in death. Ken wets born into a large
family to Melvin and Laura Neher. He had six sisters and three brothers. After a short
time in Graham the family moved to Tacoma. Wa where Ken graduated from Lincoln
High School in 1934. Soon after high school he met the love of his life. Florence
Fonville, at a church choir event held at a local radio show. Ken and Florence married
in 1937 and had two sons, Michael and Thomas.
After getting married, Ken worked for a local pharmacy before being drafted into
the US Army in 1942, where he learned to drive heavy trucks and tanks, eventually
becoming a radio operator. After being deployed to the European front, he attended
Captains' School and was in the front lines of the Battle of the Bulge in St. Vith.
After his discharge from the US Army, Ken came back 'to Tacoma where he was director
of his Baptist Church Camp for several years. Moving to Seattle in 1954, he eventually
took a job as salesman for SK Tools. travelling throughout the Northwest. He
eventually retired from SK Tools, moving with his wife back to Tacoma in 1987. After
losing his beloved Florence to illness, Ken moved with his son Michael to Alderbrook
Golf Course in Union, WA.
Ken is survived by three grandchildren, Jeff and Max Neher and Noelle Sieffert and
three great-grandchildren, Dakota and Aspen Sieffert and Sarah Neher. Memorial
services wilt be held at the Celebration of Life Center at Mountain View Funeral Home
in Lakewood, WA on November 9 at 1:00 p.m. Scattering of his ashes will take place
on November 10 in the Rose Garden of Remembrance where a rose bush was planted
in memory of his beloved Florence. His wishes are that remembrances be made to
Franciscan Hospice, 10731 A St South Suite B Tacoma, Wa 98444 or Village Green
Retirement Campus, 35419 First Ave S, Federal Way 98003.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
r fi
Helen K. Hanson
Helen K. Hanson (age 95) passed away peacefully Tuesday,
October 25, 2011 in Rochester, WA. She was born August
16, 1916 in Shelton, WA to Anne and Guy Kneeland. She
graduated from Irene S. Reed High School and married Gene
Hanson. They were married 68 years before Gene's death in
After graduating, she worked for the Shelton Journal shortly and
after the boys (Gary, Ted and Rick) were a little older, she worked
for several years for Mason Co. Health Department.
Ted preceded her in death in 1983 and her sister Carol Pierce Fredson in
2002. She is survived by her daughter-in-law Barbara Mallory, sons Gary (Judy) and Rick
Hanson. Helen leaves six grandchildren, Shawn Squier (Kevin), Ted Hanson, Brett Hanson
(Nena), Scott Hanson (Loft Ann), Wade Hanson (Stacy) and Heidi Hanson, nine great
grandchildren, and nieces Jill Metcalf (Craig) and Joan Hagist (Jerry).
Helen spent the last few ,years living and lovingly cared for at Le Chateau Adult Care
Center in Rochester, WA. The family thanks the entire staff for their wonderful care of their
There will be a small graveside gathering at the Shelton Cemetery on November 4, 2011 at
1:00 p.m. Please leave remembrances at Arrangements are
with Funeral Alternatives of Washington 360-753-1065.
-- Paid Obituary Notice -- ~_
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadine is 2pm the tuesday
before publication.
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May 25,1919 - October 28, 2011
Nonie Swanson.
longtime Shelton
resident, retired
teacher, wife. mother.
grandmother and friend
to many died peacefully
Friday evening at her final
home near her family in Yakima. She was 92.
Born to Alfred and Effie Friedrich in the
family house located in Hartline. Washington.
Nonie's early years were spent growing up in a
difficult, but nurturing environment. The family
homesteaded their land in the late 1800's and
farmed a complete section of dry land wheat. The
work Was difficult and everyone was expected to
do their share. Nonie learned to do chores and
help in any way she could. This strong work ethic
remained with her throughout her life.
She entered the Hartline school system in 1925
and immediately excelled in academics. She
learned to read before the second grade and
became extremely fond of literature and poetry.
Her memoirs detail oratory contests in which she
participated. She also became a skilled writer, a
talent would serve her well for the rest of her life.
As she grew into adolescence, she wrote hundreds
of compositions and essays for school and
thousands of letters to her siblings to keep in close
touch in an era when telephones were a luxury.
During her early years, she learned to play the
was not unexpected as everyone in the
Friedrich family played at least one instrument,
and they all sang. Nonie was able to sight read
most music and had the unique knack of hearing a
tune once or twice, then playing it from memory at
the drop of a hat. She had a baby grand later in life
that she played strictly for the pure enjoyment of
the music.
Nonie enrolled in college at Cheney Normal
School (which later became Eastern Washington
University) after graduating from Hartline High
1937. She was inspired by her older
sister, Alice, to become a journalist. During her
first year at Cheney, she met a young, dapper,
man-about-campus named Jack Swanson. Their
relationship blossomed into love, and the two were
married in Cour de Alene, Idaho on September
23, 1939. With World War II looming, the couple
moved to Seattle where they both got jobs working
for the Boeing Airplane Company.
Nonie and Jack were offered teaching positions
in the Pribilof Islands, home to the Aleut tribe, in
the middle of Alaska's Bering Sea at the end of
WWII. Nonie wrote letters, diaries, and articles
for her hometown newspaper that detailed life on
St. Paul Island and the warm, friendly people who
welcomed them into
their culture. Many
of those writings
were donated to the
University of Alaska as
part of the Alaska State
archives in 2009.
After two years in Alaska, the Swanson's returned
to Washington State and settled in Shelton. where
Jack was hired as a principal and Nonie as a
teacher. Nonie started teaching at the Shelton
Airport while Evergreen Elementary was being
built. In 1950. she moved to the then new
Bourdeaux School where she taught until 1956.
The ensuing ten years were spent teaching back at
Evergreen, and in 1966 she made her final career
move to Mountain View School. Nonie had been
teaching under a provisional certificate because
she had not finished college, so she would return to
college each summer to continue studying toward
her degree. She finally completed this long journey
in June, 1966 graduating nearly 30 years after she
started. She continued teaching at Mountainview
until her retirement in 1979.
Life took on new meaning for Nonie and Jack in
1951- they were blessed with a daughter, Nancy.
Bright, inquisitive, and something of a tomboy,
Nancy and Nonie shared many early childhood
experiences. A strong mother-daughter bond was
formed that lasted up until Nonie's passing. Nancy
married Ed Stolarik in 1972, and Nonie's sole
granddaughter, Mara, was born in 1978.
Nonie lived in Shelton for 50 years and made
thousands of friends. There were the folks at
Stetson's cove on Hood Canal where Nonie tended
a beautiful rose garden; the congregation at the
Shelton United Methodist Church which she
helped erect in the early sixties; the women of
the Mason County Hospital Auxiliary, where she
was a member for over thirty years; and all of the
students to whom she so passionately dedicated
her career. Of special note is the close bond she
had with her three closest friends, Opal Shimek,
Georgia Oliver and Kathy Rhodes. Together, these
women supported and loved unconditionally.
Surviving family members include her daughter
Nancy, son-in-law Ed Stolarik, their daughter
Mara, nieces Karen Laymance, Carol Nordling
and Magil Greenwood, nephew Donald Friedrich
and several second, third and fourth generation
relatives spread across America.
A private family service will be held, and Nonie
will be buried in the family plot just outside her
beloved birthplace, Hartline, Washington. At her
request, please send memorials to the Mason
County Hospital Auxiliary.
-- Paid Obitualy Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 3,2011 - Page B-7