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Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 2011
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Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton junior linebacker Nolan Halfmoon, 42, and sophomore lineback- er Gordon Henry, 32, take down a Bear running back during the High- climbers' game at Olympia on Friday, Oct. 28. High li be ceiver Jesse Danford also was toward the end but I c m rs caught two passes for five have been impressed with Continued from page O1 yards, the team's wherewithal Junior linebackerThom- and drive." first varsity touchdown as Gettle led the defensive The Higbclimbers (1-6, for Salisbury, whose PAT effort with nine tackles2-7) will host Central Kit- attempt failed, and one pass deflection sap at 7 p.m. on Friday, Kinne led the High- while senior lineman Cody Nov. 4. climber rushing effort Tarver and Henry each In Shelton's previous with 98 yards on 16 car- contributed six tackles and game against Central Kit- ries while Salisbury's TD senior lineman Jethro Wily sap, on Sept. 16, the High- run made him the second added another five tackles, climbers lost 53-14. leading rusher with 56 The Highclimbers had "I thought we had agood yards on one carry, the option of ending their first half against CK, then Junior quarterback Jar- season with this loss, Hin- we kind of self-destructed ed Welander completed six kle said, however the team a little in the second half," of 19 passes for 13 yards, chose to play one more Hinkle said. "Since we've Junior wide receiver Da- game. played them before, this vid Ajamu caught two "That was good to see," provides us with an oppor- of those six for 10 yards Hinkle added. "Our biggest tunity to assess improve- while sophomore wide re- competition this season ment." Knight Owls The Oakville Acorns have lost all but one game Continued from page C-1this season, against the Washington School for "We beat Oakville at the Deaf. Most recently, the beginning of the sea- the Acorns lost to Wish- son," Evans said. "We've kah 55-24 on Oct. 29. got a couple of guys out Win or lose, the on injury so that will Knight Owls are headed make it more difficult, to the 1B playoffs after but we're expected to their regular seasonends win." this Saturday. Mike Evans Athlete Continued from page C-1 "o.o Ky)e is doing a fantastic job of school," Willey said. He stated that he thinks he and0 ~:-,eau~nq his team the rest of the ASB have been success- ful toward that goal so far this school this year," year. "We're coming up with new fundrais- MMK reinstated its football program. ing ideas so we don't run out of funds," "When I was younger, I saw NFL he said. games and always thought football Though Willey is now inelligible to would be fun, even though our school run for a class office, he said he thinks didn't have a team," Willey said. "That he'll run for ASB president again next changed when my cousin, Jimmy Kiliz, year. and his teammate Jake Sutherby fought "It'll be good for the school and I to get a team here." think for my college applications, too," Willey said the Knight Owl football he added, program was shut down in the early Willey said he's looked into a few col- 2000s because there wasn't a large leges, but has so far not made up his enough turnout for it. mind yet. Despite growing up thinking he "I'm still searching, I guess," he said. would probably have to go to Montesa- "I know I want to get my bachelor's de- no to play football, Willey said he stuck tree, but I haven't figured out a career with it to keep himself busy. yet." "There's not a whole lot to do out Though he said he hopes to play foot- here, even with school and homework," ball in college, Willey said if that doesn't he stated. "Plus, football is fun, espe- end up happening, he thinks he'll be cially now that we're playing as a team okay, since he feels he can get academic and not losing every game." scholarships. Outside of school and sports -Willey At 17 years old, Willey has already also plays basketball for MMK and said dedicated 10 years of his life to football, he would play baseball if MMK had a He began playing peewee for Montesa- team - he said he doesn't have much to no in the first grade and continued with do. that team until sixth grade. He took a "I hunt and I work for people around year off when he was in seventh grade the area as much as I can," he said, and returned to football in the eighth "There's not a whole lot to do unless you grade in 2008 - the same year that want to travel 30 miles." Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton linemen seniors Angus Ward, 86, and Jonathen Dennis, 87, with juniors Betsaid Garcia, 60, and Brenton McClaughlin, 40, kneel on the field at Ingersoll Stadium after sophomore lineman Gordon Henry broke his ankle in two places late in the fourth quarter of the Highclimbers' game against Olympia on Friday, Oct. 28. , Zumba Toning , Zumba Classes Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership , Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at www.sheltonathleticclub.corn • Sauna/Steam Room, Personal Training • Weight Training • Swimming, Aerobics Classes , Racquetball • Tanning • Cardio • Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; sac@hctc,com Check us out on the web at Hours'. Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm, Sat & Sun 7am-3pm SHELTON Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 - Page C-5