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Shelton senior defender! Clara Robbins, a captain for
Highclimbers soccer team this season, kicks the ball
sliding to get it away from a South Kitsap player on
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
the Lady
mt of bounds after
uesday, Oct. 25.
"rls' soccer
By EMILY HANSON climbers tied their final game at Mt. Ta-
homa 1-1.
The Shelton girls' soccer season ended "Mt. Tahoma ca~ne out on their senior
last week with one tie and one loss. night and played mu~h better than they did
On Tuesday; Oct. 25, the Lady High- last time," Malpass ~aid.
climbers lost at home to South Kitsap 6-0. The first time Shelton played Mt. Taho-
"The team played really well for 65 ma this season, the Lady Highclimbers won
minutes," Mike Malpass, head coach, said. 6-0. I
"Then a lapse in concentration and a couple "We had some le#ser experienced players
playing ~n, ore of the game, and they battled
of mistakes let South Ki,~tsap score five goals real hard, Malpass Isaid. It was, a physical
in a ten minute period.
Despite the loss, Malpass said he wasgame and the girls did real well.'
extremely pleased with the effort the team Malpass said ~hat junior midfielder
• I
put forth. Earlier this season, Shelton lost MacKenzm Selleg, !who scored Shelton s
to South Kitsap 12-0. ,,lone goal, was the p~ayer of the game.
"It was a much improved performance, . The Lady Highcllmbers made a massive
Malpass said. "South Kitsap's coaches told improvement in the~econd half of their sea-
me we were the most improved team they ve son, over the first half, Malpass said.
played all season and that at the half, they 'We conceded dose to one-third less
were worried because it was 1-0. That was goals than we did in the first half of the
really nice to hear." season," he stated. "We scored more goals
Malpass said senior midfielder Taylor and played more offense. I am especially
Muenchow was the player of ~he game but happy with how th~ younger girls came up
that this game was an all-around team el-and played."
fort. ! Malpass said he ~anted to thank the ju-
As this was the last home game for the nior varsity coach C, mrtney Weeden and the
Lady Highclimbers, ten seniors were hon- c-team coach Tessa Cavaille as well as the
ored before the game. Those seniors were: assistant coaches ~¢ cott Ranney and John
Ashley Dahlstrom, Allison Hunter, Muen- Weeden for all of th.~ir help this season.
chow, Clara Robbins, Haiiey Cougher,"I'd especially li~e to thank John be-
Kelsey Holloway, Nicole Osberg, Megan cause he's a volunt
Hults, Diandra Nault and Kassidy Whit- the whole season an
ener. i to the team," Malpa
"I'm hoping some of the seniors go on and there early and we~
continue playing," Malpass sa~d. "I'd like to really appreciate hi;
thank the team captain, Clara Robbins. She The team banque
motivated the team and played hard."on Tuesday, Nov.
On Thursday, Oct. 27, the Lady High-Union Building.
~er but he's been there
he's been a great asset
ss said. "He was always
,t to all of the games. I
; help."
t is scheduled for 6 p.m.
in the SHS Student
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Ten senior Shelton soccer players were honored during Senior Night
on Tuesday, Oct. 25 before the Lady Highclimbers' last home game of
the season. In front are: Hailey Cougher, left, Clara R0bbins and Taylor
Muenchow. In the back are: Ashley Dahlstrom, left, Diandra Nault, Ni-
cole Osberg, Megan Hults, Kelsey Holloway, Kassidy Whitener and Alli-
son Hunter. Senior Crystal Arellano was not pi~esent.
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Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011