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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 3, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 3, 2016
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MARY'S MEMOIRS Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 - SheRon-Mason County Journal - Page A-25 Mason County,s Most Known & Recognized Commercial Building in In 1938, this Tuesday is Election Day, as it is in 2016. In Mary's day though, it is a low-stakes midterm elec- tion five years into Franklin Roosevelf s presidency, not the historic polarized fiasco we are dealing with present day. Mary is busy with night school this week, sends loads of flowers to friends, and goes to the dance in Victor. She ends the week in Olalla, celebrating her brother Henry and sister-in-law Vina's 31st wedding anniversary. En- joyf Thursday, November 3, 1938 Charlie put the scale together and it works okay but he went on a regular tear and was still groggy when I came home from school. Emmett went to Se- attle and got home at 5:30. We washed the wax off the win- dows and cleaned the vegetable rack. Sent a lavender glade to Aunt Polly so that obligation is By SEYTA over with. Saw Mrs. SELTER Cady and gave her a bouquet of wine- colored chrysanthemums, blue forget- me-nots and lupines. A very effective bouquet. R. L. Chester was in the store today. Saw a movie of Boulder Mrs. Johnson's and had fried oysters and oh they were good. To bed early for I surely was tired and tomorrow there will be a lot of work to do as Ruth is away and I have the work of the two of us. Monday, November 7, 1938 A rainy morning but the sun came out and Charlie had all the white clothes dry and I came down and then I starched the rest of the things and cleaned some sweaters and hung them out and after night school took them in and found them almost dry. The work up at the store was not so great today and although Sam was in Shelton to- day and did not get home until two, I was able to get all the extra work done and even cleaned the house. To school and practiced quite a lot on the num- bers for I surely need it. Home and folded the towels and then did some writing. Can't for the life of me find out what to give a two-minute talk on next Thursday. Mrs. Gladwin is try- ing to take the diplomas away from all the teachers at the school and there is a special meeting about it. She is always stirring up something and now that Mr. Newkirk is home I suppose she will have a lot of assistance. Too bad he did not stay in the East, but he could not get any work there. FAi Dam at school. Tuesday, November 8, 1938 This was Election Day and we were Friday, November 4, 1938 quite busy as all the voters were in This was a nice day and fairly busy. and the mail was quite heavy. In the In the first evening we went place, I fin- to the Cady s and ished the rest had a nice time. of the win- Mrs. Cady's dows and now Chester t we t mother is go- they are nice ing home and and clean, for a r~de ~ow~ the ~| they wanted us and waited to come down on quite a few we en|oyed so before she went. customers and Mrs. Gibson is did my regu- for we had been real nice and I lar work and wish she lived the day was ~ ~e h~se a~| d~ ~he here. Had a let- soon gone. Did ter from Ruby not get a call sunset and she wants from Sam so us to come to I suppose he the thirty-first will come in anniversary of the morning Henry and Vina 23270 NE State 3 • Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-2257 with the truck. Bruce certainly has a on Wednesday night. lot done on my skirt and she hopes to get it done next week. It certainly is Wednesday, November 9, 1938 lovely and I think that I shall have a I did the ironing and it took all the lot of wear out of it. The CMC Timber spare time all day and at night I sure shutdown on account of some labor was tired but just the same we went trouble and it will be some time before to Olalla and had a nice evening. The they work again. It will be hard on whole family was there except Cecil, the men. Very cold out and tomorrow who was out fishing. We had a good I think we should have anti-freeze time eating and playing cards. Home put in the car. Then we don't have to late. worry about the cold. Late fall is a busy time for Mary. Saturday, November 5, 1938 Her 37th birthday is just around the Not such a busy day, but I did man- corner, next Saturday, the 12th. Since age to clean the house and the Ches. rve peeked ahead, I know Mary doesn't ter's came out in the evening and met make a big deal out of her special us at the Victor Dance and we had a day, but I am inclined to, and so was good time only we did not know many everyone else, it seems. Throughout there. Hilary and Alice went over with November, as early as this week, Mary us and had a great time. Stayed up receives at least five birthday cards in until a late hour and then went to bed the mail, all kept pristine in her diary as all were tired, papers that are stored in a file cabinet at the Mason County Historical Soci- Sunday, November 6, 1938 ety. My favorite is a dainty silver-foiled We got up late and the men went apron pocket card, not postmarked, for a ride after breakfast and then but rather given to Mary in person, by later we had my dad to dinner and all Ruth. Happy early birthday, Mary/ had a good time. Mrs. Chester and I went for a ride down the canal and we Seyta Selter is a lifelong lover of enjoyed it so much for we had been Hood Canal and resides in Union. in the house all day. The sunset was She is a visiting professor at The great. The sky was the most beauti- Evergreen State College, as well as ful color. In the evening about six the a passionate amateur genealogist, ar- folks went and about seven we went to chivist, and family historian. She can the Ritzen's as Sam has something to be emailed at marythelersmemoirs@ discuss. Stayed for a while and then to Casper's Pizza Los Agaves & Barbecue a food Best/n countyt restaurant/a Couaty! Newly remodel & renovated -- Best in Mason County Zone and Approved for Retail Cannabis Sty- 502 Coffee Care and breakfast -- (other 2 restaurants only opened for lunch and dinner) Professional Office-- (2 bathrooms Employee lounge, carpeted front portion can be divided) Ample Customer Parking Street, Building and Roof Signage All Public Utilities Call Steve Copy That Only fu//serv/ce copy, mprograph/c and pr/pate mar boxes/n Mason County/ for Viewing-Agents Welcomed Strunk, Owner • Paul Moldon, Owner 360-710-5417" 206-842-7557 room? , Clean, Secure , Professional , , All Size Heated Units , Easy Drive.Up Access 1Q OFF MON-I Call For Details and Pricing to Other Areas T www, NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING & BUDGET HEARING "MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT #2 is holding a special meeting on Tuesday, November 8, at 7:00 pm in the conference room at the Harrison Belfair Clinic, located a 21 Romance Hill Rd, in Belfair, Washington. The District's 2017 proposed budget will be discussed and acted upon. The public is encouraged to attend.