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Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-11
PUBLIC ESTATE auction Sat.
Oct. 22nd lpm 2625 Bench Dr.
Aberdeen Wa. Online for info (J 10/6-
Crafts Fair Sat., Nov. 12th *
10am-3pm Pioneer Primary
School 110 E. Spencer Lk.
Rd., Shelton * Over 35 Artists
& Crafters * Bake Sale * Free
Children's arts & crafts fair *
Raffle * Free photo with Santa
• Free Face Painting * Enter-
tainment • Kiwanis BBQ 100%
of proceeds from raffle tickets,
bake sale & vendor fees pro-
vide perishable food and gifts
for Pioneer families at Christ-
mas time. (C 11/3-11/10)
THE SEWING circle ladies
of the Mason County Senior
Center at 190 W. Sentry Drive,
will once again be selling the
beautiful handmade items at
the annual Holiday Bazaar
on Saturday, Nov. 5th, 10am-
3pm. Lunch served. Featuring
fabric, yarn, jelly rolls, fat quar-
ters, quilt blocks, baby items,
afghans, quilts, dolls, kitchen
items, knitted hats and wool
socks and soooo much more.
Used book sale also. Come
see us on Sat. Nov. 5th, 10am-
3pm at the Mason County Se-
nior Center, 190 W. Sentry Dr.
(K 11./3)
days Bazaar Friday night,
November 4, 4-8pm, Satur-
PLACE AN AD in the
Journal Classified
section to buy
or sell.
Call 426-4412.
day November 5 9am-4pm.
Thurston County Fairgrounds,
3054 Carpenter Rd. SE. Four
buildings, 100 crafters, food
bank donations accepted, free
admission and parking. (W
Fair "Clubhouse" at 2650 N.
13th, November 12th, 9am-
3pm. One of a kind items. (Mc
ST. EDWARD'S Holiday Ba-
zaar, 601 West "C" Street Fri-
day and Saturday, November
4-5, 9am-3pm. Holiday items,
collectibles, glassware, bake
sale, crafts, linens, doll jewelry
& boutique, featuring Ameri-
can Girl look-a-likes, luncheon
of homemade soups, sand-
wiches and pie served Friday
only 11-2pro. (S 10/6-10/27)
29th ANNUAL Lake Limerick
arts/crafts bazaar Sat., Octo-
ber 29th, 10am-3pm. 790 E.
St. Andrews Dr., Shelton 30+
booths, handcrafted gifts (mo-
saics, stained glass, pottery,
birdhouses, leather oodcraft,
jewelry, painted glassware,
soaps, hand-sewn items,
etc.) Homemade turkey soup,
chili, baked goods. Raffling
$100-value basket & quilt: pro-
ceeds benefit Mason County
Shelter. (A 10/6-10/27)
Wine Shop in Union is col-
col-de-sac, 2 bedroom 1 bath,
home office, 1-car garage,
washer/dryer hookup, $750/
month. (360) 490-2870. (R
/ month, 3 bedroom house in
Grapeview, Dish TV, power,
Internet, phone included, no
drugs, no alcohol. 427-7109 or
427-3440. (R 10/6-10/27)
ebrating our 34th Annual VACATION RV spot for rent.
holiday open house and sale. Covered quiet location, pri-
Friday Oct. 28th through Sun- vate. $540 includes utilities.
day, October 30th, 10am-5pm.
Free wine tasting, goodies to
sample. Prize drawings. (360)
898-3200 (C 10/27)
1978 SEA-KING boat, 15', in
good condition, trailer good,
new tires, 2 spares and more,
9.8 hp Merc needs coil. $800
OBO, 360-427-0339. (L 11/3)
Call 360-870-1737. (H 10/27-
rent. ADA parking, ADA bath-
room, use of easy access
parking lot and waiting room.
Includes electricity. $500/
month. No deposit or contract.
422 N. 1st Street, Shelton.
360-426-6325. (B 8/11 -TFN)
seat, custom-upholstered,
dark green base floral print,
with matching pillows, $250.
ATTENTION COLLECTORS: Aloe Vera plants $2 each,
1969 Impala Sport Coupe, great for burns. Large, paw-
one-family car since new. ered ice chest for yacht, $30.
$1,600 or trade for best driving Assorted large rugs, make of-
car. (360) 427-1606. (M 11/3) fers. (360) 432-0135. (K 11/3)
1986 CHEVY Camaro Z-28, DARK OAK table, size 35" x
78,900 miles. Black ext., red 55" and 4 chairs, 360-427-
interior, V-6, auto, runs, looks, 2760 (S 10/27-11/3)
drives great, new tires, fresh FIREWOOD SPLIT :Cut 16"-
tune-up, $9,500 or best, 360- 18" fir, you haul $150 / pick-
427-0339 (L 11/3) up load. (360) 427-8759. (B
2007 TOYOTA Camry XLE V6 10/20-11/10)
4 Dr, 143000 original owner FULL SIZE, aluminum pick-
miles. Maintenance records, up canopy, good condition,
clean & welt maintained, al- $150 OBO (360) 463-1423 (H
ways garaged at Hartstene 10/27-11/3)
Pointe. $7,500 Cash. Call Don
at 426-6193 (R 11/3-11/24)
'94 CHEVY S-10 4x4, $700.
426-6799, 427-0739 (mes-
sage) (S 11/3)
$995 AND up used cars,
trucks, great deals, low-priced
transportation. Also consign-
ments.wanted. Clean, used
2000 and newer vehicles. Sun
Auto RV and Marine Sales,
5961 E. SR 3, Shelton 360-
426-2907 (S TFN)
FOR RENT, commercial
downtown Shelton, great loca-
tion, approximately 700 sq. ft.,
$650 monthly, 253-590-3301.
(A 10/13-11/3)
MULTI-FAMILY sale, some-
thing for everyone, Novem-
ber 5th, 9am-3pm, downtown
Shelton, Mell's old car lot, 1st
St. (C 11/3)
MOVING SALE full house of
furniture, piano, power tools,
riding lawn mower, kitchen-
ware, professional drafting
table, office equipment, kayak,
rowboat, utility trailer, and
much more. Friday & Saturday
Nov. 4th & 5th, 9am-4pm. E.
State Route 106 (South Shore
Hood Canal). Near milepost
16 and East Trails Rd., Belfair,
follow the signs and please no
early birds. (T 11/3)
MOVING SALE, couch, end
tables, chairs, lamps, clothes,
kitchenware, etc. 1313 W. Cota
#13, Sat. Oct. 29, 10:00am-
2:00pm (L 10/27)
KITFEN RESCUE is holding its
last garage sale of the year. On
November 5, Sat. from 8am to
5pm the following items plus
many more will be available for
your viewing and buying plea-
sure. Christmas decorations,
pineapple floral depression
glass Kim Anderson collect-
ables, wood dining table with 3
leaves, wood dining table with
6 chairs, drop leaf table, dress-
er, book cases, Craftmatic twin
bed, Singer sewing machine in
cabinet with stool, vanity with
mirror, large reptile habitats,
quilting fabric, Coleman "Prai-
rie Breeze" tent, fishing rods,
camp stoves, space saving
treadmill, men's & women's
leather jackets, Women's
leather boots, Cosco Pack n
Play, many, many books for
the entire family. Clothtes for
the entire family too~ Hand em-
broidered/ crocheted handker-
chiefs plus hundreds of other
items too numerous to list!
Come join us at 420 SE S.R.
3, for a wonderful day of shop-
ping and also help us control
the cat population in Mason
County. (360) 584-0594. (K
PLACE AN AD in the Journal
to buy or sell. Call 426-4412.
Fir Tree Park Apartments
360-426-5666 / 614 N 4th St Shelton WA 98584
**62+ Senior Community**
***Accepting wait list applications for residency. Rental assistance may be available.***
Professionally managed by PPM, LLC
Water, sewer, and garbage is included in monthly rent. In the communi /, we offer o big
screen TV with cable access, monthly birthday potluck lunches, parUike setting, garden
areas, 2 onsite laundry rooms to our residents. We are located within walking distance
hem shopping, library, and downtown Shelton.
HANDMADE, ONE-of-a-kind
purses and totes. $20. Unda- (F tfn)
-- City of Shelton -- Salary
Range $4,517 to $5,872/mo,
DOQ --This position will re-
port to, work in close cooper-
ation with, & provide support
to the Director of Financial
Services. Quals: BA in Ac-
counting, finance or related
field with 3 years increasingly
responsible experience in ac-
counting field & supervision;
TIVE support up to 20 hours
per week. Computer skills
necessary: Knowledge of MS
Office required and account-
ing software helpful. Duties
include: assisting with monthly
accounts payable, payroll,
grant vouchering, file manage-
ment, administrative support
to the District Financial Ac-
countant and District Manager.
Individuals interested in the po-
sition must email a cover letter
and resume to jbolender@ma- Incomplete applica-
tions will not be considered.
All materials must be received
by Monday, November 14th at
experience in governmental 5:00 PM. (M 11/3-X/XX)
accounting, auditing, financial PLANNER I, II or III with Ma-
reporting & CAFR prepara- son County Community Ser-
tion; familiarity with GAAP & vices. $3,815-$4,678 DOQ
GASB statements on fiscal
reporting. Or any equivalent
combination of experience,
education, and training that
would provide the level of
knowledge and ability re-
quired for the position. For
a complete job description
and application, go to www. Application,
resume and cover letter due
by 5:00 p.m. November 21,
2016 to Human Resources,
City of Shelton, 525 W. Cota
.St., Shelton, WA 98584. ADA/
EOE (C 11/3)
Application required & avail-
able at
or Mason County Human Re-
sources, 411 N Fifth St, Shel-
ton WA 98584, Close 11/10.
(M 11/3)
14th Annual Skookum Craft
Dote:: Nov. 19. 2016 llme: 9om-3pm
Location: She.lton Elks, 741 SE Craig Rcl., SheJton
Description: All kinds of crafts, beauUful hand-craft~l
items, Induding woodcralts, jewelry, soaps, hats,
quilted Items, home decor and more.
r:nloy hot ode and modles i le you sl p.
Contact: Mlshelle Thompson,S60-481-5869
Fri, Nov. 4 / Sot, Nov. 5 from 9 to 3
Luncheon 1 ] to 2 Friday only
Holiday Items • Baked Goods
Jewelry and Glassware
Colle bles • Doll Jewelry and Boutique
(Featuring American Girl Look-a-Likes)
Crcn'ls and Unens • House Plants
Girl Basket Raffle • Quilt Raffle
PLUS i HUGE Used hek Sdb
601 West C Street in
At New Hope Assembly
at the Shelton Pavilion
Saturday, November 5th
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
• Handmade Quilts & Knitting
• Holiday Baskets & Jew.elry
• Hand Tooled Leather Items
• Wooden Decor & Toys
• Stained Glass
• Native American Beadwork
• Silver & Turquoise Jewelry
• Pottery & So Much More!
(3GO} 426-7374
ilccmRx mogs $4m, tm S Um
In a gated community on the Golf course. 5 acres heavily forested near Tee Lake w/
Custom built by DR Horton. Open concept living, public access boat launch; eiec fronting paved
4 large bedrooms, hardwood floors, granite ~eat; build your ho~ w/logs or lumber from
countertops. Custom features this properly.
Kim Wilson, ('JJ~)) 7314040/1040271 ,, Butch Bead, (360) 2T/-$122 #F/sqJr&s
ItlK]E ttt01tL & tJgE SlHt, SN
$lggJgO Prime Collins Lake Waterfront just on the Marke
10 minutes from Beffair, large tenet, fenced, garage 63' waterffonL52 Ac. water and power. Pdvat~
and shop, RV parking, landscaped, I~, ~p nro~ covered 26' 2005 Trailer comes with properly
deck, heat pump/forced air. Easy care!Mike SoulhCr- %9,500:
land, ~/31-31/58 #104L~rJ5 Bradley Byerly, 360aO1-40U/1042459
oololmm L mmms ,rm
50+ ft choice beach, 2 cabins; 3 bdrm septic Enjoy the natural ~uty this deep wooded
system, private drilled well; tidelands included, lot has to offer. Itis 50' X 500' of parUike
Diamond in the rough! grounds & the lake is spectacular & does allow
Butch Bead, (360) 2776122/902055 motor boots.
Barbara Heson, (360) 2776120./947867