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Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016 - Mason County Journal - Page B-27
Randy Frank
Randy Frank Ransom
died peacefully at home
in Shelton, WA in the
company of his family on
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016,
at the age of 68. Randy
was born on Oct. 4, 1948
to Em and Marcella
Ransom in Tacoma, WA.
The family moved to
Montana shortly after
that and lived for many
years in the Mission
Valley, living in Ronan,
Dixon and St. Ignatius.
As a teenager, Randy
enlisted in the Army
and was assigned to the
48th Infantry Platoon
Scout Dogs in Vietnam.
During his two tours
with the scout dogs, his
canine companion was
a German Shepherd
named Hasso. After the
war ended, Randy re-
turned to the states and
was stationed at Fort
Leonard Wood, Missouri
and Fort Lewis, Wash-
ington. Randy donated
Hasso's harness to the
Scout Dog display at the
Veterans Museum in
Chehalis, WA.
In his later years,
Randy worked on a
dairy farm in Yelm, his
worked with his father
as a hunting guide in
the Bob Marshall Wil-
derness in Montana,
multiple ranches in
Washington and Mon-
tana and he worked
in road construction
throughout the Western
States and loved operat-
ing his "big iron."
Randy loved steel-
head fishing on the
Cowlitz River, riding
his quarter horse Sugar,
watching NASCAR and
playing pinochle with
family and friends. He
is survived by his wife
and best friend of 36
years, Debbie, his loving
daughter Cheri Ransom
(Lolo, Montana), his Allen is survived by Daniel Alexander
stepson Michael Ransom his wife, Carol, his chil- Wadsworth
(Salem, Oregon) along dren, 9 grandchildren
with his two brothers and 4 great grandchil-
(Ray and Ronald Joseph dren, and by his brother, Daniel Alexander
Ransom) and 4 sisters David Salzer. He is pre- Wadsworth, 77, of
(Carolyn Richardson, deceased by his brother, Grapeview, passed away
Ruth Shields, Renae James Salzer. October 23, 2016, at
Hamshar and Emma A celebration of Al- Shelton Health and Re-
Jean Schrader). Randy len's life will be held at habilitation Center.
was also blessed to have 11:00 AM on Saturday, He was born August
many wonderful neph- November 12, 2016 at 19, 1939 in Tacoma. He
ews and nieces in his the Mason Benson Cent-graduated from West
life. His infant daughter, er in Grapeview, WA. In High School. He was a
Jerilynn, preceded him lieu of flowers, the faro- Sergeant First Class in
in death. Randy was a ily suggests donations to the Army and retired
proud member of the the Alzheime s Associa- from the Bremerton
Vietnam Dog Handlers tion or to Mason County Shipyards as a Nuclear
Association and the Fire District 5. Inspector and a Contract
Olympia VFW. Surveillance Represent-
ative. He loved to fish
and work with wood.
Albert Lee
Allen G. Salzer Robins
With family by his Albert Lee Robins Sr.,
side, Allen George Salzer 80, had been a resident
passed away peacefully of Mason County for the
in Shelton, WA on Oc- past 35 years, died Octo-
tober 21, 2016. He was ber 2016 at home.
89. From his birth on He was born March
January 11, 1927 to his 10th, 1936 in Salem,
passing, Allen embraced Oregon to John Edward
a full life of family, Robins and Flossie Ann
football, photography, (Cuff) Jayne.
woodworking, camping, He lived in Grays
boating, and music (es- Harbor many years be-
peciaUy harmonica), fore moving to Mason
He was born to County.
George Henry Salzer Mr. Robins served
and Grace (Runyan) in the United States
Salzer in Tacoma, WA, Army and was honorably
and grew up in Hoqui- discharged. He worked
am, WA. He graduated many jobs, including
from Hoquiam High millwork, framing, con-
School in 1945 and then struction, plumbing and
served our country in electrical, but most of all
the Army Transporta- he loved working on cars.
tion Corp. in World War His family lovingly
II. After the war, Allen describes him as caring,
attended Whitman Col- honest and mischievous.
lege, where he met his Survivors include his
wife of 65 years, Carol wife, Marie Robins, his
Bruce. Allen earned only surviving sibling,
his BA in Math from Mary June Jayne, six
Whitman in 1951, and daughters: Melinda
married Carol shortly Ereland, Alice Bruten,
thereafter. Together Kathy McIntosh, Lori
they raised four chil- Midkiff, Sharon Rob-
dren: Kathryn (Robert ins and Cindy Robins.
Hunter, deceased), Five sons: Rusty, Terry, ..
Thomas (Janis), Sandra Harper, David Robins,
(Christopher Cook) and Albert Robins Jr., John
Eric (Heidi). Robins; along with many
Allen worked for the grandchildren and great-
Standard Oil Co. of Cali- great grandchildren.
fornia (Chevron) for 15 A potluck celebrai;ion
years. He was posted in of life will be held at
Idaho and Washington the Shelton Elks Lodge,
in the cities of Boise, located at 741 SE Craig
Lewiston, Spokane, Se- Rd., November 5th at
attle and Walla Walla. 3:00 pm.
He then started and ran
a successful manufac-
turer's representative
business in Seattle. Al-
len and Carol retired to
Mason Lake in Grape-
view, WA, where he was
an active member of the
Mason Benson Club.
He was also a mem-
ber of the Phi Delta
Theta Fraternity and a
56-year member of the
Masonic Lodges.
He is survived by his
wife, Barbara Wood-
Wadsworth, of 26 years.
Siblings Sandra Olson
and Joel Wadsworth.
Children Mike Wads-
worth, DJ Wadsworth
and Tina Wadsworth.
Step-children Richard
Wood, Sharleen Buck-
alew, Randy Wood, Rob-
ert Wood and Rodney
Wood. 14 grandchildren
and 21 great-grand-
children. He was pre-
ceded in death by Mark
Wadsworth (son) and a
grandchild. Celebration
of Life will be at 1:00
pm, November 5th, at E
1531 Mason Lake Dr. E.,