November 4, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 4, 1965 |
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"_Novelnber 4, 1 965
,0,gars Seen By
OIS PIERCE trail. So ". " . g , " " .
)RT- Andy Scott lhere hills,
lunting t@ C~amp B For a number of years, shout
from the Service St:a- this time, motorist have seen olle
~tch, one evening this or two cougars cross ltighway 101
Ld of ":t deer ",~c'o}~t rannear the Junction headed for the
,~ar. He tl~dled it and timbered hills late at nil;hi.. S() far
leh'e were two instead lion(2 have heen stru(:k by cal's.
shot hut was not cer- t Mrs. F, nhil Lauber returned home
, Lem Roe Scott's bro-Ih'ecently from a three-week trip
, Was also hunting in'Lo \Vashington, D.C. and a visit
general vicinity. Roe ran with heh' daughter, Nadine (Mrs.
!llgars and w, otmded one. Don Dillion ). Mrs. Lauber flew
a returned to Roe's and both ways and enjoyed the entire
{ist'r Blc)omfield "']~/Iisty trip very nluch. The tall colors
iele' took dogs al'~d wel~t were at "their hest while she was
r th~ animals lint. it was east, Mrs. Lauber said,
~d the clogs lost the While Mrs. Lauber was enjoy-
.~. ing her visit with their daughter,
~,~,----- Mr. Lauber joined his brother at
Vancouver. The two picked up
.. ~ ~ their brother-in-law at Portland
~f;~f.~,iqp~p 7v#~,fb and then a nephew at Salem and
rll,~t[J [ I~//41/% all jouh'nieyed to Joseph, Oh'e,
I~rom Joseph they went to the
I]y Rod Olsen :Snake River, near "HeWs Canyon
and took a boat. to a good deer
hunting sight.
CHOICE Although Mr. Lauber returned
is the big- home with a cold, he also had his
gest new.s deer and had a most wonderful
l:OOay XV ILI1
the ever-
popular ......
sofas~ a
piece of
being found
in more and
inure llonlos,
and in more
in the home.
is so important
pieces, the marvel-
is ideal. For
or short walls, %
perfectly• And for
to stretch out,
sleeper sofas in el-
when closed,
and even king-
where the
use, practical,
are a popular
new ones give a
)eauty of pattern
if your sleeper
fornml" in the
can find it in
brocades and
of style? Do you'
sofas belong only
homes ? Then
see the range of
French Provincial
Your needs--in size,
style---it's avail-
new sleeper so-
you'll .find an ex-
of them in otu"
now. Come in and
restful beauties! ---
welcome at O1-
4th & Cota
night sire'ted out well for the Leen-
agers of Middle Skokomish Valley
Community Church and the Hood
Canal C0mmmdty Church, but up
past the high tressel something
spooked a tire and the first thing
they knew it was flat. All walked
beLween four and six miles befol~
help came and rescue. Back in civ-
ilization everyone collapsed thank-
fully, and hungryly ate scads of
It was past midnight when the
last weary hayridors arrived home.
Forty gaily costumed persons,
all members of the Hoodsport For-
est Service and Shelton District
Forest Service, gathered at the
Hood Canal Woman's Clubhouse
Friday night for a Hfilloween Cos-
tume Dance. You may be sure
everyone had fun.
Mrs. Gone Rae, Shelton, won la-
dies first prize in her Indian Maid
costume, Bill McWilliams won the
men's prize with his portrayal of
Fred Flints(one.
The 0 N 0 Club held its annual
no-host dinner Friday evening at
the Tyee Inn. Twenty-one members
and guests attended and all had a
most enjoyable evening• Mrs. Art
Indahl and Mrs. J. W. Goodpaster,
president of the group made stun-
ning favors for each to remember
their evening of fun by.
Have you heard about the
"Goodnews" Club? Children kin-
dergarten age and up through the
third grade are invited to Mrs. Jim
Blackstad's each Thursday after-
noon, (except Thanksgiving of
course), right after school to learn
how to be a member. Those in
Fourth and older may come at 3:30
p.m., Mrs: Frank Gray will assist
Mrs. Blackstad, with the club•
The Hood Canal .Woman's Clubs
Bake sal~ SaLt!rday at Calahans
. i l 'W i '~' ,' I , I lli.!., i. , I ,I " , ,,. . ..............................
, _ ......... i .... , =~- ' ..... I ~ ". ~ S
I County CRv Record I1 ""''""°° ,o~ l~cRaes, Jr., Leon Scotts,
DAYTON :-- There was lots of Fra.nk Wokajances, Oh'in Baum-
garts, Jim G'orntans, Walt Sacs,
I ~ ~ ' l/ entertainment going on around th,
Robert Fullers, Ralph Killoughs,
| L "[ Dayton Commnnity over the week- Floyd Fullers, Bill Booths, Joe Get-
COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS iweek were Dm'rell Conert, tran-|end.
Building permits anmovcd by sient' James Norris hthnting deer] Saturday afternoon the McQuil-Ichells, Gary Wolden and Merge
.......... c~ :,,,,~," #-,,'~;-£;oo~ .... tt With' an ar'£ifieial i'ight Murphy [ kin children, Garth, Penny an~', Hartlne, Harold Brown and Mrs.
tnetl~e meet]line': ........... "l,sg. of ()('.t.£ F'"'-'""'Sz,)'" and" ....... Nov. No1. z is, . hunthng' deer with an .art{.-/r,,.Kim hosted. . .a HMloween party.. A,ableE. toLemke'attendOthersbut contributedWh° were un-to
1, were to Edna Webber pump fhc,}tl light;. Melvin Tuff_s, dr,ring| ~;e~ltmSe:tn2%mrge g~i~:SA~drsre"
r us( ~300 Clarence Wiv¢ll cat wn te mtoxmatea' ~eo t* l~al'telt ! .' , , . . , the gift were Robert Thomas, S'mt
,v .,'",,.~:~'m. '~r,,',,,,~;~,'~-~.,e~.~c,,' o.,~." alias Nevilin A'ummel, fugitive/Ted Jacobsen, Chuck W..ench, De- Clarks, Mike Shhyders, Bill Couk-
l)m ~' ~'~'~" "~'-"~,~"~,~':,~:'~'~',',~'(~z:t iwarrant turued over to U.S. Mar-| vey Lanning Jimmy T~bbzts Ste- lins, John Knights, Nat Stairs and
g " ""- ' ~' ' .'. / 'I ~hn~ | Yen Martinell Roy Evers ann Dan Anderson.
$2(10 F. N. \~lillem aug lo rest ....... / ~:~l,, ~+,,a,,¢ 'lt~tir. T~,vov and Between 50 to 60 children at-
donee $325; D. A. Enterprises, -- |~;~mka~l'~o'n ~"rizes ..... --
l tended the Halloween party held
wood residence, $19,701)" V~rilliam SUPERIOR COURT | . . J" -" ....
Dennis, garage, $800 and George I New Case, /th2 gol~';p o~t I~en:sdg~'hn:he~e~)i] Sunday evening at Dayton Hall.
They enjoyed cider and donuts
Wright, $3,000. Orv!lle Kage.r against Tyronei~cLain Saturday evening for a with tako-honhc treats of apples
......... I Rauscnert, roadway dispute. : * ...... - -r,~in,~ for them " Adtflts and candy bars. Prizes were
FERRY RECEIPTS / Norbert Hamre against Perry ~n~i~viI'l= "~he~ evenin~ w'hich in: awarded by a unique device called
Receipts from the Harstine Is-McDonald, judgement. ~:~,~¢t ~ natlnolt din2er we~:e tilt' a "Time Bomb", wlfich was passed
land Ferry for the week ending Ahce P. King ~ainst Clarence ~__ ....... around the children and that one
Oct. 23 were $321 and for the week Baker, personal injury, holding it when it went off re-
ending Oct. 30 $295, the Mason Tacoma Pump Co. against ~~~]~l~_ ceived a prize. The parents who
County Engineer's office reportcd. Marsh Development Co., debt fore- ~~~:~ attended decided it wotlld be lots
--~-- closure, of fun next year to plan an adult
W J~
tin ~ " MASON COUNTY • 18 6 Don't forget the Traveling Pin-
Appea ' g on the docket hn Sl~el- 'U"TICE ..... Ehght Balls ....................
tou Police Court before Judge Rol- ~ ~ ~uu~. Outmates ........................ 17 7 ochle party night in the
la Halbert Monday night were Mel- Appearing on the docket in Me- Miserables ...................... llV._, 12V._, home of Mrs. A. E. Lemke.
via McCowan reckless driving, son County Justice Conrt before Strikers ............................ 11 13 THE ED Pearson home was the
driving while mtoxmated, $180 for- Judge Glenn ~ohrea durhng the: I~an. Knots ...................... 8 16 scene of a Halloween party Sun-
felt; Allen Goldsby, assault, $97.50 past week were: Fearless Four ................ 6x& 17V,, day evening with Sheri, David and
fine and $2.50 costs Robert Sar- Washington State Patrol High games-,Sheila Sievert 185, Becky hosting. Mrs. Jannico Me-
gent no operator's license, no reg- ~-~--,- ~" rh'i over legal we~,ht Riley Fraley 226 Alister brought a number of the
tstrathon, $29 o f ht, I via Dem- ¢o,~ ~.~vfolt. G~nr~o V Avn~ nvo. High serms--Sheila Sievert 519, children out from town along with
cio, failure to yield right-of-way, ~' ............ ~-° ........ ' ....
;20 forfeit; Gary Bahr, no opera-
:or's license, $15 forfeit; L. R.
Twincannon, vagrancy, 10 days in
jail; Gordon Steenson, drunken-
ncss, $25 forfeit; Lars Langloe,
drunkenness, $25 forfeit.
Mrs. V i o l a Fitchett reported
that school children were leaving
a mess after eating lunch in the
vicinity of her home and were also
pulling pickets from her fence.
Mrs. Ethel Pierce reported two
dogs upsetting garbage cans.
It was reported that boys in a
car were throwing eggs at trick
or treaters and at other cars.
It was reported that someone in
the Mt. View area was spraying
cars with silver paint.
It was reported that some boys
were shooting at electric wires and
had shot out a light at Fifth and
Mrs. Pauline DePoe reported
someone entered a vacant house
and took a toilet, a hose and a
seat rim.
Robert Ncwell reported a pistol
stolen from his car.
Cars driven by Marie Peery and
David J. Johnson collided at First
St. and Railroad Ave. A passenger
in the Peery car, Edythe Pasture,
complained of a numb arm.
Cars driven by Sanford Hast-
ings and Carol McNish were in-
volved in a collision at Fourth and
Cedar Sts.
The door to the National Bank
of Mason County was found un-
Jerry Hartman reported some-
one broke the windshield in a
Paul Chase reported someone
throw a rock through the window
of his trailer house.
was a very,, sugc(~ssful one. Mrs. " .......
Lester Ager headed the Committee. SHERI FF'S OFFICE , ,
MR. AND MI~S. ~IEVE Hale, A radio and a spare tire and
1Vfr. and Mrs. Dick Addleman, Mr. wheel were reported taken from a
and Mrs. Archie Calahan, Mr. and car owned by Tim Kendrick.
Mrs. ~mil Laubcr and Mr. and Dave Whitner reported a gas
Mrs. Arthur Pauley were among tank for an outboard motor taken.
those who attended, and thorough- Chet Leeberg reported he lost a
ly enjoyed the annual Grange wallet.
Smorgasbord at Quilicene Sunday. A light was broken by vandals
This is an annual event put on by in front of the Don Makovincy res-
tim Qnilcene Grange the last Sun- idence on Cole Road.
day of October.
Mrs. Myron Roberts, Seattle, SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS
spent Sun'day visiting her grand- Booked at the Mason County
parents Mr. and Mrs. William Gil- Sheriff's office during the past
Thursday evening l~'s. Edna
-Iaines, iVlrs. Martin Smith, Mrs. Matt Kaare and Joe Huntley at-
tended Honor Night at Capitol
Court, Order of tho Amaranth, in
Rev. Nell Mathews, Portland,
has been visiting his sister Mrs.
hundreds of happy TCF members have
PrOVed to themselves that saving at TCF
• EALLY PAYS. It's easy to get the
TcF saving habit! And your money
S .rns generous dividends, i ompounded
and paid quarterly.
about you? Are you, saving
OPen your TCF savings account today!
Will Be Closed
Thursday, November 11
Andy Scott, for the past week. He
returned home Tuesday-of this
The John K. S p e n c e r s
bought the Nell Simmons property
next to Lem Roe s. Grovcr Gray,
Mrs. Spencer's father is doing the
repair work on the house and yard.
Mr. and M'rs. Robert Blackstad
of Renton, spent the week end
visiting the Jim Blackstads. The
men went hunting together.
Mrs. Edith Hill, Toronto, Ontar-
io, Canada arrived Tuesday of this
week to spend some time with her
mother, Mrs. Mary Main and her
sister, Mrs. Roy Asleson.
P4C Marc Phillips has been pro-
moted to $4C. Marc writes the
weather in Vie( Nam has been
most uncomfortable, a mere 132
degrees, so they have been work-
ing nights instead of days. Each
man Is given six canteens of water
and 4 salt tablets daily. Do we
have any complaints?
Bob Bearden, Frank Gray, John
Laramie, George Yocom and Jim
Blackstad were among the lucky
hunters this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hale spent
last Sunday in Tacoma as dinner
guests of the Clif Erdahls. It was
a gathering of friends and rela-
tives who gathered to help cele-
brate Mrs. Hale's birthday and also
welcome home ,Mr. and iV~rs. Mar-
vin Albert (Judy Hale) from their
European tour of eight months.
Thursday Mrs. Mar(ha Bisiner
of Walls Walls and Mrs. Mable
Akins of Shelton spent the day vis-
iting Mrs. Matt Kaare.
Mrs: Mary Main, Mrs. Will Bear-
den, Mrs. Wallace Hanson, and
Mrs. Rule Dickinson are recuper-
ating in Sholton Hospitals and we
hope they will all soon be home
and fulls; recovered.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Yocom Monday evening
were, Roy. Nell Me(hews and Mr.
and iVl'rs. Andy Scott.
Beginning this Friday evening
the Hood Canal Lion's Club start
a winter series of Fun Nights at
t~e Hood Canal Woman's Club-
!house. The time, 7:30 p.m. and re-
freshments and prizes are a part
of the evening fun. The Club plans
to have these entertainments each
Friday evening except the last Fri-
day of each month• There will be
.~ ~mall donation askc4,
I'lome Offi~ ~1~ IDranob ~1' IranMs
legal weight, over license capacity
of truck, $29 fine; Virdon P. Sav-
age, no valid tonnage, $29 forfeit;
David Haggett, over legal weight
on axles, $45 forfeit; Daniel
O'Leary, defective equipment $29
fine, $25 suspended; Eugene Van
Cleave, defective equipment, $12
forfeit; Patricia M. Johnson, fall-
Riley Fraley 533
Split pick--Marge Bent 5-7
strikers 3 (Curt WOlfe 504),
Four 1 (Jack Mays 484); Outmates
3 (Sheila Sievert 519), Knots 1
,(Riley Fraley 533); Balls 3 (Jerry
Bloomfield 512), Miserables 1 (Bob
Bent 458).
her brother, Jack Rasmussen. Oth-
er guests were, Jalynne and Ron-
nie Coleman, Mike Weaver, Terry
Silcox, Rosalie and Ramona Rick-
ards, Suzanne, Terry and Mike
Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs.
:Ned Jacobson are Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Keith and four children of
ure to yield right-of-way when en-
tering highway, $12 forfeit; Lena
Campbell, no vallid operator's li-
cense, $12 forfeit; John K. Vander-
Wal, failure to stop when entering
highway, $12 forfeit; Ernest T.
Anderson, no valid tonnage on
truck, $29 forfeit; Virgil C. Ander-
Shelton Monte 0
Port Angeles S2, I~.C. College 12
SoUth I3, Bainbrldge 0 nl
Port TownSend 19, 'North 6 nl
Phoenix, Xriz., who am'wed last
Mrs. Marie Hildebreth of Ketch-
ikan, Alaska and her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Flint
of Olympia called on Mr. and Mrs.
William Rietdorf Wednesday of
last week.
son, following too closely, $12 for-
feit; James K. Richardson, speed-
ing, $22 fine; Richard DuBois, ex-
pired operator's license, $12 for-
feit; Randall Updyke, expired oper-
ator's license, $12 forfeit; William
G. White, minor in possession of:
beer, $50 forfeit; William G. White,
improper turn, no operator's li-i
cense on person, $12 forfeit; Swen
Kerttula, negligent driving, $29
forfeit; Donald Sidney, driving in:
violation of Financial Responsibil-
ity Act, $110 fine, 10 days in jail,
Sheriff's Office
Melvin Tufts, driving while in-
toxicated, $110 fine, 10 days in
jail, suspended, license revoked 30
Game Department
Robert D. Chamberlin, hunting
without permission of land owner
$25 forfeit; Richard Null, posses-
sion of loaded rifle in motor ve-
hicle, $25 forfeit; Ole Kjonaas, pos-
session of loaded rifle in motor ve-
hicle, $25 fine, suspended; John
E. Clark, possession of loaded rifle
in motor vehcile, $25 forfeit; Den-
East 41, Central 7
Vashon 41,, North ~as0n 0
Thurston 20, Tumwater 13
Foster 27, Sumner 6
White River 26, Bethel 6
Curtis 6, LRughbon 6
Fife 14, Peninsula 7 Oentral
Elma 27, Rochester 13
Raymond 25, Ocosta 6
St. Martins 12, Eatonville 0
White Pass !9, Yelm 13
Sheltdn i4, Moiite '0 nl
Grants Pass 21, O!ympia 0 nl
Aberdeen 14, West 0 nl
Long 6, Hoquiam 0
Hudson's Bay 41, Columbia l~iv-
er 0 nl
Centralia 14, Morris 12
Battleground 27, Camas 7
Evergreen 24, Chehalis 6
Too Lale To assify
nis Rose, fishing iwth improper !i-
cense, $25 forfeit; Gerry Willock,
transporting 10aded rifle in motor
vehicle, $25 forfeit
• • .... " LARdIE VANITY for sale with extra
.... "' r' ~ thick mirror. With bench or without.
WASHINGTON STATE PATROL 1505 Mason. Phone 426-4309, 11/4-11
Four young Kitsap County men ....... --
were injured when the car in which FEMA.I~ .]~E.A~LE' for sale, ~ou~
car was northbound on Highway 3 ~i°;tc~e~ l°X~oon¢~scsn~[~l'o~.°~t~o~e '~-
between Belfltir and Allyn, struck 2144. G 11/4
two trees and ended up on its top ....... er for home o~
The accident occurred about 11:45 W~ITc~Dt --'T~aVer~UtYl~ree bedrooms.
a.m. Saturday. not over $8 500, ,Call 426-8544. Dev-
r)Hver of the - ..... T ....i-, ereux-Hulder Real Estate, 226 N. 1st
..... ~ ~'~"~ ~-'" St., Shelton. 11/4
Brown, 19, Gorst, who suffered
possible broken ribs and a cut on FOR SALE ~y. 196S Pontiac ?em pest
• , . ~emans. -z'nrae-speea ztoo snz[[,
hm fol ehead~.Passengers hn the ve- clean, $1200. 'Call 426-6568 after 5
hicle were urville Nail, 18, Port p.m. B 11/4-11
Orchard, who suffered a cut elbow; ' :~ ........
"- W Day ...... 1964 SPORT HONDA 50 90 noDme thre.
James • ... les, .to, .l-or~ ur- 1947 Willeys Jeep, ~957 motor. 10-
charS, possmle in~ernai injuries speed bicycle. Ph0ne 426,8765.
and head injuries, and Joch C i Mc 11/4-11
Krache, 21, Br(}merton, a head:i~OME ~E~--i~i~ht stands, $%00;
laceration. ] table lamps $4 i/e'~W ~n cartons. Mo-
The State Patrol said the Brown I tel Tlmb'~r~. ' ' 11/4
car wa snorthbound on Highway 3 ~
when it attempted to pass a vehicle We wish to rtha~ak each one who
driven by John Bowen, Belfair. helped to make our parents' 00th wee-
ding anniversary a ~appy occasion. A
The driver saw an oncoming re- ~pecial vote of thanks to business and
hicle and attempted to pull back professional i~ersons, the Eastern Star,
into his lane of traffic and appar- the li~aptist C~mr~h,~and to their many
nelghbora and frieti'0s.
ently clipped the Bowen vehiel¢, Chllflren el" Alva'& M{vrtle Williams
throwing the Brown vehicle out af ~/4
control. It crossed over the .left T .. . . ....
side of the road and Into a ditch ~~~]
striking two trees and rolling over ( l~r~ ~t~r~,,I,,t~ ¥=~dl~e ~[
S to J.v~.~, tvl~al~ ~
onto it P throwin~ the occu- / {in
pants from the car "~ ~'" ' .....
The accident ~s investigated ]? ,~ iti, ~ i~ t~[o {I
bYn,Trono_~er~asaornO %%flu~ig3~Bi~:p::; i]'.-i ..... ~ II~T., I~L "
Sheriff rlarold Brown
Edward F. ~, Shelton, suf- 8atut, dlF, NoVember 6
fered cuts on his head and scalp ~ta~ed Co~UhiOati~no
when the car he was driving ran Lodge 0p~ill $ p,m.
off the roadway on Highway 101
5.3 miles south of Shelton about Loul O. Lars0~l, ~.
4:55 p.m. Tuesday. He was taken Arnold L. ~h~efiey~ Seoretary
to Shelton General Hospital by a
passing motorist.
__ I
1--12 Cu. Ft. LATE MODEL
..... Also .....
automatic & wringer type), DRYERS, RANGES, RE-
ALL sold with a WRITTEN WARRANTY and terms
to suit.
2nd & Cota 426-2445
Want to go dancing ? The Happy
Roamin' Ramblers will provide live
music at Dayton Hall Saturday
from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Ladies' Club met Oct. 26 with
Helen Leonard as hostess.
The next meeting will be post-
poned until Nov. 16 as many wish
to attend the Homemakers' Coun-
cil Open House to be held Nov. 9.
June McQuilkin will be hostess at
the next meeting•
l~rs. Gall Ogg, Mrs. Ian Sytsma
and Mrs. Clyde Scrogham were
hostesses at a costume party held
Saturday evening at the hall.
About 30 couples attended with
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis SysLma re-
ceiving a prize for the best cos-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and
Shelley motozed to Olympia Thurs-
day evening to pick up Mrs. Dessa
Palmer of Torrence, Calif. Mrs.
Palmer is Ted Berry's sister and
she plans to stay there and help
out which Mrs. Berry recovers
, s
cheon Friday held at the Towers Gar , Donna, Ronnie and Carol
iu Tacoma for the officers finish- Simi)son, Suzathne Lick, Sandh'a
ins five weeks of FBI training, and Zeta McCallmn, Kurt and
Cecil McLain was one of the grad- Brad Chappell, Rebecca and Bruce
uates. McCart;y. Mrs. lgvans gave the
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stoner re- boys an'(] girls 4-H calendars which
cently visited in Seattle with her are the gift of Thurston County
Federal Savings and I,oau. The
daughter and family, Mh', and Mrs. meeting was adjourned and the
Earuest Hull.
Mr, and Mrs. Delhnis Loe~lscher next meetiug oi" the whole chlh will
and son spent last wcck in Shel- be on the third Wednesday of No-
ton with her parents, Mr. and Mh's. vember at 7 ll.m. at the Ct}lTlllhlllh-
Richard Mat{son, iLy hall,
Susan Atwood spent Y'riday
night and Saturday with Janti'e
Hickson and then Jamie stayed _._ ---~.--~
Saturday ovmnight and Sun'lay
with Susan and they enjoyed go.
The Doyle Howard fmnily a,L-
tended the Shelton Valley 4-1-I Clo-
vers' Halloween party held at Pool
Nuotare and the groul) enjoyed
refreshments afterward in "the
Howard home. 2 7
TtIIRTY ONE 4-H Wrangler
members gathered at the comnmn-
ity hall Friday night to celebrate
]-Ialloween. The children wore cos-
t~ntes and soute were quite clever: Por~r_.
ai.I were cute or funny. One of al
the most novel and clc~verlv exe-
cuted characters was l=[oboto, ~:l~ ~,,,,
or m'achine?, portrayed by ~.~NiOVpIn
Bruce McCarty. Dennis Combs
todk movies of the whole group.
Mike, Phillip and Velds brought Days
trea:ts which included cookies dec-
orat!ed in the Halloween motif. Vis-
itors were Mrs. Chappell, Mrs. Mc- Christ-
CalhmL Dennis Combs and Rey
McCallum. mas
Following the fun and festivities
the gronp held a short business
meeting with president, Kenny Ev- ff
ans opening the meeting. The vice @~
president led the pledges. The sec-
retary rlead the by-laws which the
club vot~ed to accept a.s read, the il
boys and girls voted unanimously
to retain the name of Little Egypt
Wranglers as their club name as
that was the Original name of the 413 Railroad
group when it was founded sever- 426-3272
al years ago. Fourteen more people
joined the club. They are, Karlene
and Bruce McLain, Debra Keith
The Shelton Hotel Proudly
Presents Live
for your dancing enjoyment
Fridays --- 9-2 Saturdays 9-12
close to down town shopping area
on a quiet street, $60 per month, ref- from a ruptured disc. "For the Finest ill Dining Cuisine"
erences required. AIs0 We "nave a MRS. CEClI~ McLAIN attended
furnished ~5' trailer house with a the graduation exercises and lun-
~arge room attached for rent at
pencer Lake. Refe~er/cea required, 2- .................. • ..................................... ~ .................. .................................................................................... : ,- "
:~'~t" more information call Him!to
Realty 426-3369. , .11/4
ice and
• Big-family load capacity • Push-
button water temperature control
• Perforated tub for cleaner rins-
ing • Maytag agitator action •
Zinc-coated cabinet guards against
rust • Porcelaie enamel top and
lid • Virtually indestructible
pump • New rust-proof lid
This time insist on
dependability.., insist on Maytag
2nd & Cota
....... • .......... ]1 ....... ~ "
i i "1111 iii, , i, i i