November 4, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 4, 1965 |
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for their annual
last Friday eve-
relatives and
joining them. The
costume parade fee-
as mechanical
rain drops,
(and otherwise!.)
Our Grapeview Julie Stock as well as Mr. and
assembled at Mrs. Art Zehe served coffee, tiros
l)roviding an atmosplmre inducive
to informal conversation. Most
welcome guest was Mrs. A1 Beck
who came along as ;m interested
Monday evening, another pub-
lic meeting was called by Mr. and
~rs. Don Anderson to answer
animals and other
characters. Judged as
from the pre-school
Diane Stoudt and Jer-
(guest); from Mrs.
Kristi Seiners and
al~d from Mr. Zehe's
.~ Milner and Kim
ylets were given by
from both rooms,
g appropriate songs.
the program, :Moth-
ident Ernestine Nick-
brief talk concerning
~e effm% of our eom-
special reference to
ty Forest Festival
~. On the stage was
an amusing sugges-
1966 float, complete
garbed "Grapeview
Anderson, who in
I-Ioward and Murial
In appreciation
of hard work
they were
surprise, presented
brass trimmed
ice bucket as a
Mothers Club's es-
was very much ap-
both Howard and
)cakes, cookies,
were then served
goodies were
all the youngsters
from Gorst to at-
antly informal en-
guests of the Dan-
e Mrs. Betty Sin-
Jerry and friend
'heir enjoyment of
[ghtened unexpect-
-~ pre-school Jerry
prizes !
public spirit runs
W cannot be de-
after the past
and for the most
seemed to be
public spirit.
Oct. 27, was very
This meeting was
District 54 School
clarify the 14
and to answer
on financial partici-
help answer ques-
~ret the various le-
issues was A1
to the Washing-
of Education. The
then issued a
the effect that they
of voting in favor
the meeting, Chair-
and wife Shir-
from school
Ed Okonek and l
County loggers,
all over
and Canada, will
boots next week
out to attend the
Logging Con-
.: ........ ¢t °
S IELTON-- _SON C0UNTY 30URIC/At-- Published in ChT' sCmastaw'n
through Wednes-
000 industry del-
are expected to at-
~essions of the Con-
ways and means
of their more
of Shelton, re-
Timber Company
independent log-
Will be moderator
closing panel
"What's New In
Ore., will
general sessions
theme of "The
will be given
'er Jr., Under-Sec-
from Wash-
questions concerning North Ma-
son's t)rogram. Main guest pres-
ent to answer questions wa, s Nor-
Lined At
sign Seiners plans to arrive home
soon, the Nm~hwind being sched-
uled to arrive in Seattle, Nov. 15.
birthday Saturday evening, at din-
ner at the Hearthstone in Brem-
erton. Providing plenty of festive
mood were Howard and Murial
Seiners with daughters Liz and
Kristi as well as Salli, of course.
Eight years put in on this earth
were marked by Ronnie Battles,
Monday when he shared cup cakes
with his ('lassmatea at school.
the traditional cake and ice cream. Our 4-H sewing group has real-
Walt Clayton was feted on his ly been showing a great deal of
erRl~tl.~iamn thi~ year. Le,~der for
this group, Mrs: Bruce Fulmer,
has held two meetings within a.
week, Oct. 26 and Nov. 1, instruct-
ing the girls about the par~s and
useage of the sewing machine and
SUl~ervising demons**raLions. At-
tending Tuesday's meeting were
Debbie Cox, Janie Pogreba, Ali~'¢
and Kathy Hicks and Debbie Mil-
ner while Debbie ~7::aer, Alice
Hicks and Georgia Clayton at-
tended the second meeting.
Newcomers to our community
are the C. W. Oak family who re-
cently purchased the Irvin Rowe
residence. The o~k.~ who moved
here from Gig' Harbor have an ]8-
year-old daughter, Ruth, who has
joined the WAVES, son Charles,
who is an eighth grader in Shel-
ton, and son Jolm, who is a fifth
grader in our Grapevlew grade
picking and a leisurely dinner with
the A. V. Richards proved to pro-
vide .~. most pleasant Sunday aft-
ernoon for the "Dntch" Gillings of
Seattle. Only drawback of such It
day might prove to be hucl¢lc-
I)crrie:~ lmve to be cleane(l!
Absent from the Grat~e~,ie\V
School Monday was Principal Ar-
tlmr Zehe wl~o was attending a
meeting of Mason Cmmty and
Thm'ston County sclmol adminis-
trators. However, the "mice" were
not left to "play", for Mrs. Walt
Clayton was a~:ailable as a sub-
These following dates are sub-
mitted for yore' consideration:
Nov. 13, the ladies of the Sar'd~
Eckert ()rthopedic Guild will hold
their annual Country Store at the
fire lmll. They will a;so i~old a
bake in conjunction witil the
country stm'e and will al~o give
~wa.v a. set, scape painting donated
by Mrs. Aria Grigg.
'Nov. 19, the Grapeview Moth-
er'4' ....... (~lub will sponsor, a Game
Night at the schoolhouse. The
Mothers will also have a home-
ma(le caudy sale and a Thanks-
givin/ l~asl'~et will be given away
-tt this t.ime. Donations for tickets
for this basket can be made to
.nv M?tho ' i_C!u)meTb ,'.
District 403. Also on hand were I!!i:i[i[ii!iii!i Bone-in Cut
Ray Kronquist, a member of the
Mason County Committee for
School Distric[ Organization, and i~!:~ ~ ........................
Chuck Amachcr from the District
403 (North Mli~son)Board of Di- ~:ii:.::i~ti ~o .... • ----I
rectors. This ~eeting was held at ~i!!!~~!~!!~10VE i
the Grapeview Fire Hall and the
!~;~ , ,,,,,
~:~ i e Sirloin Tip or Bottom Round
previous meeting. ~,.~ ~,!~
As to the hunting news, we've ~[ ¢
finally struck some pay dirt! ~ ................. . ...... lb.
Seems AI Okonek bagged a real
beauty early last week- a nice big H!~
three point deer, from tim Deer ~!i:i~:~ !~.
Creel( area. [~fii
A wedding reception took Mrs. ~::ii;~
AI Okonek to Gig Harbor last Sat- I ~!~illi Western Cure
urday afternoon, the honored cou-
ple being Mr. and Mrs. Tim Don-
lon (nee Murlene Wesserling, Hil-
da's niece), Tile Donlons were
married Oct. 24 in Las Vegas but
their reception was fittingly held
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ehner Wesserling, in or-
der to be with her relatives for
part of the festivities.
Following the reception, Hilda's
sister and children, Mrs. Irene
Welch with Patrick and Kathleen
of Seattle, came back to Grape-
view with her to spend the re-
mainder of the weekend.
Weekend guest of the Bill
Staudts was Miss Kama Conger of
Olympia, and while Bill and son
Kenny attended the Shelton-:Mon-
tesano game, Judy and Kama
joined a goodly portion of the
community at the Grapeview Hal-
loween party.
The Staudts' oldest son "Chick"
is at present employed at the
army base at Lathrup, Calif. He is
still in the electromcs repair field
although now in a civilian capac-
ity and is laying the groundwork
for possibly entering San Diego
State College next fall.
A happy homecoming took place
for Glen and Jackie Nutter last
weekend when they returned to
the Great Northwest from Orlan-
do, Fla., arriving in Seattle Thurs-
day and in Grapeview, Friday.
Jackie's folks, Doris and Julie
Stock, are delighted t hat the
"kids" will now be located in the
Seattle area.
Corvallis, Ore. beckoned to 3u-
lie and Doris Saturday and there
they went, along with brother
Russ and wife Madalynn, to see
the W.S.U. Cougars sink the Ore-
gon State Beavers, 10-8. Also ac-
companying them was nephew
Wes and wife Bev, of Auburn who
have Just returned from Kansas
City, having just completed the
1965 season with the Kansas City
Immediatel~ following this ex-
citing gatfi'~, ~'J~tTlte eblncidentally
was .able to snatch a brief visit
~ot or~ly with Sheltonite Ron err
as the" team' left the field, but also
Ice Waters, W.S.U. yell King, also
of Shelton.
Among those delighting in the
results of the U. of W.'s contest
with Stanford Saturday, 41-8,
were Don Pogreba and Bill Staudt.'
Hells from Monday to Monday
were :Marge's two sisters, Mrs.
Karl Jolliff of Portland and Mrs.
Ruth Davis of Seaside. Big event
of the week occurred when tickets
to see the fabulous movie "The
Sound of Music", were provided
by nephew Jack 3olliff, with both
Merge and Ruth taking full ad-
vantage of them.
It must alnmst have seemed like
old home week for the Howard
Somers family. Not only did Liz
make her first visit home from
the U. of W. this fall but they also
received a phone call, :Monday,
from Ensign Douglas Teeson. En-
sign Teeson, a Coast Guard Acad-
emy classmate of Laurie Somers
was appearing in Shelton in the
capacity of USCG Recruiter. Na-
turally Doug was happy to learn
that Laurie had successfully com-
pleted an Arctic cruise on the ice-
breaker, Northwind and had called
home within the past week from
the East Coast. Incidentally En-
10 to 18
lb. Aver.
U.S.D.A. Choice
........................ lb.
........................ lb.
~."~¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢v '
U.S.D.A. Choice
U.S.D.A. Choice
Save by the Case
~2 Cs. of Cs. of 24
12 $1.69 $3.37
~r Beans (Cut Green)
t/2 Cs. of Cs. of 24
12 $1.69 $3.37
~r Corn (Creamed or Whole Kernel)
~z Cs. of Cs. of 24
12 $1.69 $3.37
~r Tomatoes
303 Tins
=/'2 Cs. of Cs. of 24
12 $1.69 $3.37 !
Sunny Jim
Mix or Match
• Grape
• Apricot & Apricot-Pine. 2o
' OZ.
• Peach JAR
• Strawberry & Strawbarb
AA Large
Kellogg's - Food is a Bargain
Gerber's Strained
lb. pkg.
12 oz.
Libby's Pink Grapefruit Jui=e ,6 oz.
.............. Tin
;ed her wedding paper trousseau and
series from Art Point Studios album.
life deserves the finest! We invite you to
wedding designs, beautiful script letter-
papers, napkins, champagne toasting
other accessories in the Art Point album.
]~tee! with out compllmenv~,
Virginia Courtenay's etiquette
booklet. Ask fo~ you~ copb
Libby's Beef Slew o,.
............................................. T,n 49*
Libby's Corned Beef oz.
...................................... Tin 59¢
Libby's Vienna Sausage
5 "'°" Sl
No. 1
prices effective thru Sat., November 6, 1965. No sale to dealers.
Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer.
Sweet Thick Meated Danish
Squash..,...... ea. I0=
Long Flavorful Green
Gucumbers..... ea. IOc
Snow White
Local Heads ............ Each