November 4, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 4, 1965 |
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HELTON--MA ON COt !'Y J'OL RNAL- Publlshed bt
being gone ed her sisters, Mrs. L(~(ma Shade
month, visiting• relatives and Mrs. Rosam(md Traug'er and
the NeLl Vances ar- Mrs. Traug'er's daughter, Pearl
Return Frem Visiting Relathes In i,,T., ., Applicat|°n
,. ~I . . } ~ "t, ",," - ., ". .... j ~ , ' ~ ]~o]ender N .
Stolen; pin( (hlo, Mrs. George 'W. ride party sponsored jointly by the
prize was won by Mrs. Fred Mar- the Skokomish Vatle~' Community
Saturday. They "trrived Dean; also nephew, Earl TrauKer
Friday 'and spent the and his wife. They had a visit in
I Mrs. Vance's son, John Santa Ana with NeLl's niece and
~re coming to Lilliwaup. family, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brown,
~mperatures and smo~g and ill Costa Mesa with his sister,
," allowed them a gimpsc Mrs. h'enc Buell.
rs during their stay, fail- Trips to tourist aLL,selL(ms such
,il the pleasure of visits as Knott's Berry Farm, Disney-
Ires in Long Beach, Cal- l'md arid Marineland were also iil-
fter the first week. they eluded in their agenda.
teml)eratures ranged The Vanees travelled by blls on
:0 101 during their stay. a line featuring food service aboard
~a were being worn by and even a stoI) enroutc for hreak-
of Los Angeles, just be- fast at a deluxe restaurant.
Left for home. IT'S .POTLUCK NIGHT Nov. 12,
when the Lil]iwaup Cmnnumity
~--------- Cluh holds its monthly SUl)i)er, bus-
iness meeting and pinochle party,
IIOOL MENU with lhe events thnt orde,' stall-
.ink at 6 p.m.
Or Shelton Elementary Tile public is invited to the even-
t and Shelton Senior ing ill the Lilliwaup Community
High School Hall. There are prizes and refresl{-
Of November 8 - 12 ments following ti~e 1)inochle
with meat, Hunters are not furnishing us
I~'rench bread, but-
banana cake and
Turkey gravy over
Potatoes, hot buttered
tossed green salad, ap-
and milk.
--- Navy bean soup
hot buttered corn-
carrot and
salad, iced gra-
ice cream sundae
and mill(.
"-- NO SCHOOL ! !
"" ]Vfacaroni and cheese,
peas, ldtehen-made
pudding and milk.
much in the way of news. Most of
them would ha~,e done better to
have spent their time fishing, but
many will spend the remaining
days trying and trying again.
While fishing is not as good as
it was a couple of weeks ago, Rest
While Park fishermen are still
boating some nice fish. Several
catches are reported each week,
the largest one lasL week being one
weighing over 17 pounds caught by
Chiek Rockey of Olymi)ia.
Members of the Hood Canal
Garden Club are meeting today in
the Lilliwaup Community Hall,
with the business session starting
at ]l a.m., followed by luncheon
and all afternoon program,
A.nna Johnson were hostesses for
a. successful pinochle lmrty they
gave I~"ri(lay night in the Lilliwaup
Community Hall for the henefit of
lement your child's
Plenamins from
tile American Legion Auxiliary.
fs Rexall l~ight tables ,,'el'(, in play and
el" lllOrllhOl'S assisted lhe hostesses.
Phone 426-4642 Prize winners were first, Mrs.
Max Schmidt and Olaf Brolen; see-
Electrical -
!'~allroad Ph 426-3926 I,.--I • Fail'banks-Morse Pumps
: ~Pert Installation
Jl~ PAULEY, INC. I 419 Ra!lroad Ph. 426-6283
I • Electric Heating
| * Westinghouse Appliances
& Ignition
& Tune-ups
Bread - Cakes-
- Rolls - Buns -
Baked Cakes
No. (Mt. View)
A pleas'tnt weekend at Ocean
Shores was enjoyed 1)3' Mr. "rod
Mrs. Lewis A. t~vans, Mrs. Flor-
ence Ross, mother of Mrs. Ewlns,
and Mr. and Mrs. Allie V~r. Robin-
'AOII, Mrs. Ross \VaN lO rctllrll to
her Seattle ilolue Tuesday lhis
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. heimbaek
were weekending ill AstorilL at the
home of their son, Lyle Leimback
and his family. Saturday night
they enjoyed watching trick-and-
treat activities and afterwards a
Chinese dimmr in Seaside, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reeder ell-
: tertained with a dinner party Fri-
day evening in honor of the "birth-
day of Bill Ing. Dinner guests in-
cluded Mr. Ing's mother, Mrs. Dor-
tha Johnson of Hoquiam, Mrs.
Ing's father, Jack Wanberg, Mrs.
Fred Butts and Tom Ing, daughter
and son of the Ings.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Reeve of
Triton Head are antieil)ating a
weekend visit from their daughter,
Virginia Reeve. Miss Reeve is em-
ployed at the University Book
Store in Seattle.
Mrs. W. L. Lhamon was hostess
Wednesday to members of her
bridge hmcheon group.
Recently Mrs. Fred Martin en-
tcrtained the group members at a
luncheon at her home ill honor of
Mrs. Wiff ,lessup and Mrs. Ruth
Mohrmann. Mrs. Mohrmann is now
very happily located ill Panorama
City, a. new development in the vi-
cinity of Olympia.
Mrs. Carl Hansen will be hostess
for the November meeting of the
Writers Workshop of the Hood
Canal Woman's Club. The mem-
bers will meet Nov. 11 at l :30 p.m.
at the Hansen's Ayock Beach
Kamilohe You,gsters See
Film As Halleween
mnia caravan was lhe l-Ialloweenand worl(ahle outline will be made
trick and Ire:it for the ~om]gst(~rs available. Another feature that
at Totten Shores. The ( lravan seemed to be obvious is that when
toured Knol.t's Berry Farm, Ghost the fcderal government provides
Town of Calico, Sire Diego zoo the money; the federal govern-
Sea %Vo]hi at San Diego, Marine"mcnt is going to do the supei~i-
hind of the Pacific at. Los Angeles; sion regardless of the camouflage
with side trips to Sequoia and Yo- used making it appear to the pub-
semite National Parks; and high-lie that the State Department of
lighted hy Disneyland, the magieEdueation is the governing agency.
Church. The Saturday night event
was attended by Kathy, Wendy 'Anyone who is age 65 and has
and Dan Bolen}ter, who reported not filed his application for social
that they had a fine time, even security benefits shonld get in
touch with the social 'security of-
though they had to walk a dis- rice promptly," C. A. Skinner, m~-
tance of several miles following a
flat tire episode. They are the son nager of the Social Security A -
and daughters of tiic Wilbur J. ministratioWs Olympia office re-
ported today.
Bolcnders of Indian Beach.
While her parents, Mr. and Mrs. The new Health Insurance Bene-
John W. Robinson were hunting, fits (Medicare) under social se-
daughter, Frances and her friend eurity have made it urgent that
from Tacoma spent the weekend at persons file their social security
the home of her grandmother, Mrs. applicatioas when they reach age
Frank Robinson.. The returning 65, Skinner continued. Even the
hunters joined th~em for dinner person who is continuing to work
Sunday evening in Mrs. Robinson's and will earn too much to receive
apartment, tile cash payments, will be entitled
to the Health Insurance Benefits
Honoring Walter and Virginia if he files his application.
Allison, who were leaving the first
of this week to spend the winter The Medicare coverage has two
in San gacinto, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. distinct parts--the first to cover
Fred Martin entertained Saturday the cost of hospitalization, and
night with a pinochle party. Guests the second to help meet doctor's
included Mrs. Robin Poitras, Sven bills.
Bragstad, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lha- ALL SOCIAL SECURITY bene-
man Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ham- ficiaries who are age 65 are auto-
baugh, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Will- rustically entitled to the hospital-
son and the Allisons. ization insurance. Other 65 year
Visiting the families of theirolds who are not insured for sac-
sons, Robert Hill and John Catto, ial security cash benefits, must
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Catto went in- file a special application to obtain
to Seattle Friday and spent the this hospitalization coverage, Skin-
weekend, her noted. The cost of this pro-
Mrs. John R. Aaro's grandson, tection is borne by the Hospital
Ahm Bloomquist of Seattle, spent Insurance Trust Fund fox" those
the weekend at the Aaro home. He who are social security beneficiar-
and Johnnie Aaro did a little hunt- ies and is paid for from general
ing together, but had better luck tax revenues for those who are
in getting hucldeberries for a des- not beneficiaries.
sert of huekleherry pie. The Supplemental Medical Insur-
The Bah Moffetts enjoyed a Sun- ance protection is available to all
day visit from their son, Dale, with 65 year 01ds at a charge of $3
his wife, Sue, and children, Aaron a month..4, specific request for
and Andy from Winlock, and their this protection must be made, and
daughter, Mrs. Mike Byrd. The Skinner warned, vahmble insur-
Byrds now live in Kent, havingance protection lost if the
moved there from Olympia when request for this coverage is not
he became a Boeing employee, filed with the social security office
Mike was hunting over the week- before April 1, 1966. Because of
end. this deadline, he suggested calling
at or writing to the social security
office, 1007 South Washington,
Olympia, immediately.
kingdom, without leaving the cozy Because of action of the 1965
Floor Coverings comfo,,t of the Ungers' livingroom, legislature, the County Board met
I • Linoleum Junior citizens on t(mr were some time ago to discuss and lay
I * Tile Macimle, Renee, Suzette and Mich- phms for the educational setup
I • Carpeting ael Bogrand, Johnny, Sandra and in Mason County. The object of
I • Formica Marl( Wade, Charlot'te, Ralph, Jea- the meeting was to determine the
I REX FLOOR COVERING nctte, Patricia and Debra Landis, future of and make recommenda-
Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 and Priscilla, Daphine, Christine tions to the state department of
_._,_,_ _ ,, and Gretcium Londahl. Chal)erones education on the future of Mason
were Gerry Bogrand, Virginia and Cmmty as an educational unit.
rniture Repair i Ralph Landis, and Daphine andHarry Fletcher was the Kamilche
i" l l)eter Londahl. Cookies, cake, cof- reI)resenLative and it is understood
' Repairing and Refinishing i fee and cocoa were served by tile that they recommended that Ma-
I On All Types of Furniture hosts, Mac and Hank Unger. The son County be retained on its pres-
guide and commentator was that ent status. The Thurston County
i SMITH FURNITURE REPAIR extinguished-looking gentleman Board toot( similar action for their
214 So. 2nd. St. 426-8577 with the curly eyes and laughing county, however, they did recom-
hair, E. J. (Sandy) Sandberg. All mend" that in the event the State
in all, a carefree carousel of color. Department insisted on a change;
Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. parts of Mason, Lewis and Grays
Edwin Taylor joined friends, Mr.Harbor be added to Thurston.
and Mrs. Tom Weston, Robert Within 120 days the State Depart-
Slettedahl, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. La- mcn~ wil make their recommenda-
Bissoniere, and Mr. and Mrs. Owen tion, so we'll just have to wait
Clark at the Alderbrook Inn for their decision.
dinner. SUNDAY EVENING was a busy
The Cecil Blackwelders made a one for the Kamilche teachers with
Hair Care
• Safety Check
• Clean-up
• Minor & Major Repairs
Sales & Service
BEAUTY SALON 514 Ellinor 426-4673
426-4582 trip esst of the monntains Friday young Halloweener~ making the
to visit friends, the Owen Millers, ~'ounds. Mr. and Mrs. Keller with
Wiliam A. McKenzie and C. L.
Emery, hmgtime Simpson Timher
Co. executives, will enter retire-
ment tomorrow.
McKenzie, 65, has been manager
of Simpson's engineered wood pro-
ducts division at Portland the pasl
six years. Prior to that he spent
13 years as chief engineer and was
in the forefront of much of Simp-
son's expansion.
Emery, also 65, has been Simp-
son's e~stern sales manager and
is a veteran of 18 years with tile
A UNIVERSITY of Washington
engineering~ graduate, McKenzie
was hired at Shelton in 1946 to
start an engineering staff for
Simpson. McKenzie was instru-
mental in the construction of
Simpson facilities at Shelton, Ev-
erett, Wash., and Arcata and Kla-
math, Calif.
Emery has been in the wood
business ever since the 1920s, and
has spent most of his career in
New York. Hc is one of the best
known and successful plyx~,,ood
salesmen in the east and has been
instrumental in establishing Simp-
son's good position in that market.
Both men will he guests of hon-
or next Tuesday night in Tacoma
at a Company dimmer to be attend-
ed by 90 associates.
i I I i i i i I i m ! " :: - : .......
If you are hard of hearing, we invite your in-
vestigations of our qualifications to fit your
hearing loss and to sustain service for as long
as you have your Beltone. One service you may
have now --- FREE and without obligation --
is an electronic analysis of your hearing.
Come to see our representative
Mr. Harry Bodensehatz
at Eells and Valley Appliance Center
belween I 0 a.m. & 12 noon Fn.,--Nov. 5, 1965
lie will be glad to explain to you ail the ways
in which we serve your hearing needs with
Daniel E. Bruner
106 East 4th Ave. Olympia 357-3521
Beginning tomdrrow, Friday, November 5, the final stages of Simpson Tim-
ber Company's :air improvement program in Sheiton will get underway at the
and returned home Saturday after- 87 took high honors with many
Landscaping tre noon. , Kamilche pupils especially wel- SiTI~I~[~31~I Power Plant 'o~a the waterfront.
I • Lawns, rockeries, es Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robertson come.
Now Open I ~hrubs and Mrs. Wayne Robertson too- Friday we journeyed to Grlffen
'ankli ~ Street I '. Top soil, tilling, leveling tared to Beaverton, Ore., Sunday for our first football game with
426-8060 I * Free Estimates to visit Mr. and Mrs. William that school. They had a very nice Because part of'the Power Plant will be carrying the work load while improve-
bEBBAN, D.C. I SUNSET LANDSCAPING Grant and family. On the return playfield and a f~fll Core of coaches
trip home they stopped to visit and plenty of material. While we mehts are made on the 0t:her part, it is likely that cinder fallout will be severe.
2-6 closed Thurs. I Herbert Baze 426-4718Mr. and Mrs. Louis Landers and usually pay eight man flag foot-
~ family in Portland. ball with 10 minute quarters, we
Happy Birthday wishes go out played their game with 11 men and
Service------- Rental Service ...... this week to Ruth Nelson. 15 minute quarters. It w'as intO'-
~i'Viee to Shelton i Almost Anything Anywhere Friday Mrs. Frank Bishop and csting to make the change; but However, fallout will be substantially reduced in about two weeks because
i Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Mrs. Al Lord drove Byron Lord to Coach Kelley gave us our new aS- i
,ervlce I Folding Banquet Tables the SeaTac Airport: Byron re- signmcnts and both our offen~e the work load Will'be borne by bo lers newly-equipped with c i n d e r collectors.
:,ilae~h°lsterYof SuppliesCleaning I & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. turned to his ship, the U.S.S. and defense really jelled ~ith the
Coontz at Long Beach. To cam- first quarter ending in our favor, ,There will be further mpr0vement when the whole project is completed, pr0b-
,'NITOR01ympiaSERVICE352.1367 I 2216 E. 4th, Olympia 357-7731 plete their day, the ladies shopped siXAgaintO nothing
at the Tacon{a Mall and dined at we were strong on pasS- ~)l~y round t hristmastime.
".. ..... the Crystal Room before return- ing and Several of our boys inter-
ing home. cepted their Passes and at" the l~a]f
~A ~
Service : Stmd, Gravel , s I URI)AY the Ira Stansburys, we led 13-0. In the final hal~ we
' Cecil Blackwelders and Florencereally clicked and built up 26-6
Taylor were guests for the eve-
Wall to Wall : Top Soil
lead , ht,he end of the third quar- sincei ely rogret any inconvenience caused the citizens of Shelton during
nm ~ at the ~ lot e
Pped, Polished . Peat Soil ' g " . . Ed Tay r sidence, teri cl~nbthe coach substituted
ills - Upholstery Custom Tractor Work Mr. aml Mrs. Robert Pendergraft and ea y on the squad got this period. However, it is not possible to shut down the Power Plant entirely for
~N'S OWN" Johns Creek Sand & Gravel entertained as their guests Sun- to play. It was real fun with the
SERVICE CO. ' day, Joe and Ruth Cochran of final score 33-13. We hope to play equLpment installation. It must be kept operating to supply steam ,a:nd electricity
lat( ~
Nites 426-4376 426-3552 Norm Anderson Olympia and Noreen Hogan with them ~" "n the season here.
-- sons, Keith and Gary of Hoquiam.Another thing we liked Was the to plants that employ over 800 men.
Thursday, Alice Haines, Ruth new standa.rd flags used. It con-
Shoes Nelson and Florence Taylor spent sisted of a belt and two flags. It
a most enjoyable day shopping at sure cuts down on rough play and
Bulkheads WOMEN'S --- Red Cross --- the Tacoma :Mall. Mr. Keller is thinking of purchas- In elimina
• . . DEAN is going to do
Christmas portrait sittings at
~2 PRICE again fhis year!
Can't you just imagine how
pleased Grandma will be? Our
portrait from DEAN'S is a gift
of love and one that only we
can give. Aunts and Uncles and
cousins and friends love us too
---won't they be thrilled to see
how much we've grown? Morn-
mie says we can be a Christ-
mas card too' Listen, Ami ---
phone DEAN'S now for your
~ PRICE SITTING --- 526-
3272." (Pd. Adv.)