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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 4, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 4, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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November 4, 1965 -TELTON--MASON COUNTY 30URNAL- Published in "Chr s mas¢own U.S.A." helton, Washington PAGE Legal Pubhcahons" " Legal Pubhcat,ons" " NO. 9000 -'N~ O-'F--ltE-~I~ NOTICE OF ilEARI'NG O/' ' t BY PUBLICATION APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE API I, ICATION FOR FRAN(!!IISI". ] ] .... .-.. --~ ~.~ . ,1--- J IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLI- IN THE MATTER OF TIIE 'APPLI I Drama umss Forms u~e r$or. 'meagre urou ) RI(~wASHINGTON { COURT OF THEFoR CATiON OF THE CASCADE NAT- CATION OF 'P~I~E CAS('A~bE NAT"l ] ~ , : pe y | ; GAS C,gR i; U, TiO , A I 17 Plays To Be Presented; liomeeoming This Week C. LaHATT, Plaintiff, "~" ' f ~.~,,~ rw,~m*S- CORPORATION FOR PERMISSION C NDY W tassembl ~" vs, SION, AND AITIIORITY TO. LO- .~..--^,~n AUTH~6'v-,v... ,,,-, T,,~,k.,.~,] By 1 ILLARD •. y. 'RITCHETT LaHATT, CA.TE,..C2N~_RtCT,__.OPLRA'IE, CONSTRUCT OPERATE, AND] This year for the first time, [ ................... Tucsdav was "Eliminate East''ON T l ~ ' * '~' Defendant A~ff~m~q.T~s TNATURAL CAtS MAINTAIN NATURAL GAS DIS-I Shelton High School wtll have a } da . Paler lacards wcrc distrib- VASHINGTON TO THE ......................... ~ u~- TRIBUTION PIPELINES UNDER re)error c m ' n The ,el utedY I P ;; PRITCHETT LaHATT, D ER AND ACROSS ROADS AND AND ACROSS ROADS AND HIGH- | . y Oi pa.y.., g" *p has I livin room, a hu e closet in ] .... ' among students to ~ ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ':,', ~ , '; ~. , . . Was semcted and his |dent|t, con- cation by the Board of County Corn- tlon by the Board of County Conmlts- lnstalhn.ent ,plan b~}=~m, W unhe!, m~!s~, be S~.~Ti~r ().~:..,mWASH~.I.NG~'5~N.mFt~OR SUMMONS BY PUllLICATION To Burn A Witch is a play I . . ".. • :.. ~h9/~°10/7-14-21-28 ................ sucll 'h'earlng may'be had" " i), had, ' opening bid at, the ,ap))I'aised price, Administrator .of t!le (,state of• Nich7 WALTER ALLEN STONE. 3R, . Cheryl 1VIeeks~ a J}lnlor• . . I ,m., ...a.- " ............ LIE RiLTY ) m su(,ccs~lul bidders. On the day of sale said estate or th, .rod dec(as(.d are THE SAID WALTER ALLILN STONE, , ,, , , , . ' .... .r.q, ~.. 2,.;:.•,•,.f t!, ....... : ........ 1. .... .._ _:•~.. - ,,,.:oove-ent,tled ans wel:.tlm one fin ff o r f li, ' • , • ~- ........... lenu m • " - -" .......................... 7LEgity ~ii:PORREr~e ;tl2}antad~}lii'Cmt7 ]~i:yPone~ ~Ti~:~r~i!eiig::7~°.~? 10/2/ /' Sold, on land wlli be nado, s,gncd on the 22.d day ol O, tober I .OWAR..ADDEN Doc--,d l iY up to the audience. . _t ._• t_e >, e ~I~TED:'-,ll " ' ..... ,sttato* of raid (lIHt(l t and estate el upon th* alto)my oft o s(tth rud Re s f tll, tlan~a(t on of the bus n(ss r~ .~ I fl ill ( )U troonl i t: el S 11(1 goal (llansill) antiill(LII(Sai/ii ) IlOllSe a[ 11/4 ll 18 2, it 1 Ill Ill Mason (ounl:~ ( o I , me ................ ' .... ~ " * aft(I the ftlst publi¢ation of tht.~ no- I "-: ...... , ..... ions~" thei(to "and tono . • • , f the audience will * ~ Gu2s|td anofftJ~ P,)mson and cres all c eared staLd life and through the n n pr°m°teM nlshed until June 1, 1966 $90 ii~Gilw~*~ ~ llli~ COUNTY OF ~ -- ...... , • ~ . " ' WAYS IN TIIE COUNTY O1~ mA- i oeen ~ormeo unaer tne dramatLcsipep during the week. The cards MASON STATIL OF WASHINGTON ..... ~ ...... ~reby summoned to ap$ . SON, STA'~, O~ WASHINGTON. l [department. whLcl~ is headed by lwei.e made with tile help of the lxty (60) days after tlL' WHEREAS, the Cascade Natural "'tIFREAR tl'e ...... I [Dean 2aliacll ]~I't department trader the (ilree- • , YV " , , *., I ~ascatle iNatln'al , , , .' • . rirst publication of this Gas.Cp)po)a,tio.n, a..eorporatual, llas Gas Corp,,ration x corporation h,)~l .... The company's reperton'e con-Ilion of Bill Stembacher who ulcl- Wit, within slxly (60) neretolore nwo w IlL the Board ot I,~ 1.~ h)fore fih,d ' ~-;tl, it,. ~,, .',) ~.',' I 'ion t(, 'h, I,;.h, ~, i i in,, ,, ildvcrtiscd date',I the sale shall son. - ... i IN-TILE SI~PERIOR CO1J)]T.OF THE tshare the author's particular sense/Cii.m.ber, team c nn, ot hel~p ~b}it I, and has lots of sur- sa- County loaded with timber ~j.q| l~u!lulng .,- ¢t...t /continue on ti)e following day b,tween NOTICE IS H EREB, Y GIVEN .tllatI ~TATE py-.__w_~t~*~u~ ""~]0f humor) and can very easily be lreanze tnat tne s~.uaents o~ ~ri~. f0r you inside. Call o,~ .... ~ 121 .~outh.Fo.urtn ~n..'~-- / {}it' holLi's of ten o'('h)cl(') ))1. a)ld four Letters of Guar,.nansnlp Ln tim au(~ye ] MASON COU~T~ / termed "wa,,-out ..... where" is real- / and Indeed that loyal Shelton fans ~l,%uuu..c,-,,,=. ~neLton, wasningt( n1-28 It 4-11 4* i qock p m entitled tnatter we~'e granted u) u)e In the Matter of the Estaie of WIL- J ' are ehind hem all h wa, ch er- r an appointment. 5. 26 acres, old homestead, house [sold fo' not loss than tile al)Prai.~K!d 1965 by said Superior Court. ~ [ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlat The play is directed by Ricnard|lng ~or mem. it is, nowever, very renf~ for S:]5 net me i/o way be- " [vii tic, as a~ 1))'1 s d by the C[)nullissioli- NOTICE IS FURTttER GIVEN that ~ENEVA "~ PADDEN 'as Executrix of IRice a senior I important tc remember that whe- ~nity is knocKing..• tween She ton and Olympia, $11 - ~ I.e.! ~f Public trends ll| th.~ ,!))nr.,. pi,- all. persians ha',Ln.g ~:hlims a~ainst ,!]~( !the Estate of WILLIAM ItOWARD ........ . ~ I ther we should wm loose el "ie , /~l,l,d by law, anoti .... I wl.u( now said peLson ol h(. cslate a,( rtquucd PA,DDEN. has flied In tl)e ofiicc of 1. Another piany w~tl,~t~ l amY. OrU, r/tonight' that the Climbers ha~,e lYour opportunity to 500 Terms _.... a~ ~1~ |,m file in the ,d'flce ()1" to,' AUditor to serve them with necessary voucu- [ihe Cle|'k of said Cmrt her Final Re- is another ava t-g e c ' ,| ..... > . " ~,a. very roomy 2 .mmL f ]l[~J~ /of Mason county, and Distcict Adnlin- era upon the Guardian for said person i port and Petition For Distribution, ["Save Me a Place at Forest Lawn"./nan a great season, and u]e D0ys ¢' some on 2 lots on 6. Two homeaon large lot Hillcrest ~ ]~'f~ ]' ~erms of'sale a:rc! '¢:~,si) )r nstall- record~for said Guardian' B. Franklin I¢~,.C~)lUcr~m::,,e"~id'E~ecutrix- [The play is a leds-than-delightfullWh0 have played on this team, L !W. It's priced at $6,- area, Shelton, income $95 per men- ~ ........ [|nont Nan basis: ' H~,'uston Angle Building, Shelt.n: [ ~n~t~'tl~a~"said"~epo,.~' all(t Pe[i'tion writ story consisting of the conversa- / nave l~een e group o~ ve~. nne I iS vacant so you can th Price $9.600 Terms, ~ . | BERT L COLE Wa~