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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 5, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 5, 1920
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VOLUME XXXIV. SHELTON. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920 NO. 47 SUBMIT DEFINITE ..... l RESOLUTIONS FOR • COUNTY MEMORI-[£1 COUNTY COMMITTEE HAS PLAN READY FOR APPROVAL BY 'PUBLIC MEETING ON JOHNSON HAS PLAN TO LIMIT IMMIGRATION CONGRESSMAN WILL URGE THAT ONLY RELATIVES OF NAT- URALIZED CITIZENS BE ADMITTED Tacoma, Oct. 30.--Congressman Albert Johnson, chairman of the NOVEMBER13 house immigration committee, an- nounced in a statement today he will advocate limiting immigration to Dfinite lans for the Mason oun ............... • P ..... remzves oz namranzeu mlzens wnen tv Memorial for Service Men will be I the committee meets at Washington "tit u for adoption by the citizens (., .... ,. p p ..... N ...... b ........ of ll]e county at the pubhc meemg .Tahnn,- nvorli,.aA {-h 1.'|1 • ;11 't, • " "- -•en callevl for 2 30 m .......... " ............  ......... which nas De : P" • framed by the committed for presen- on Satuzda , Novembel 13th at the • " y "' tat]on soon after congress convened .county court house in Shelton. in December. He expressed belief The resolutions have been drawn that immigration from Japan can be up by the county committee which limited to visitors and students with- was appointed by the board of county out giving the Japanese government commissioners. The committee con- ofense. "with the understanding that :sists of Charles R. Lewis, chairman; those Japanese now domiciled in the l rs. M. E. Reed, Mrs. I. N. Wood, United States shall receive good] Frank Binns, and E. H. Faubert, treatment which the people from ail secretary.' Fol!owing are. the re solu- countries have always recevied in[ lions of the committee which will be this land;" I i# OUg.NE00PI00F.SIDE,HT0000HD00IEE-pi0000IDENT REPUBLICANS HAKE BIG! NATIONAL SWEEP LOGGER FALLS ON AXE GETS BADLY CUT WRIST ? John Wilson is an emergency case in the hospital this week as the re- sult of a bad cut nflicted on his wrist while at work at Camp 7 last Monday. Wilson, who is a faller, lost his balance while at work on the springboard and in the short drop to the ground stnmk his wrist on the blade of his partner's axe. The ar- teries in his wrist were severed and he lost considerable blood before the flow could be stopped. He is able to be around but is still under hospital care. He is a brother of Ed. Wilson of Harstine and was formerly a res- ident of that place.. RED CROSS ANNUAL HARDING POPULAR VOTE GREATEST IN HISTORY WASHINGTON IN VAN OF STATES AGAINST DEMOCRATS AND RADICALS--NONE GET THROUGH Election results have proven the Republican claims most conservatice all over the country in that Harding and Coolidge will have a plurality of around 7,000,000 Cf the popular votes of the country, and 380 of the 531 electoral votes,--the greatest "land- Slide" in the history of the coycy. The Republicans will have a g majority Of ten votes in theate, against only one they couhi corot on p:accd before the meeting for the Johnson said the committee's in-I approval of the public. . vestigation of the Japanese situation / on the Pacific coast showed the up- I Following are the recommenda- position to Japanese immigration is/ tions: "not a matter of hysteria." / 1. That this committee's number __ ___ )e increased to include besides our- FARbl SHARE LOST | at present, and also two-thirds of ROLL CALL AT HAND ti,e house. Several o the border states turned to the Republicans and little was left for Cox outside the CHAIRMAN LOOP ANNOUNCES solid South, and some of them came breaking the Democratic tradi- H00.00n9 d3 tions O. Calvin Cool] e CALL AND PREPARES TO near elves the following: ORGANIZE The following list of some more BY ALIEN SLACKER A. M. Hall, Matlock Grange. t - • important states will give some idea David l, llison, Kamilche Grange. .  _.^  .... t c.m.., ho 1,,n of the hmre uluralities rolled up for Annabelle Awlrews,HarstineGrange ,,rem" Court Rules A,,ainst Man ............. -, I]II{'PDIT ]lt -:-h''.l " clairm the Repubic/fn national ticket: New Fred Bell Skokomish Grange. ,,-v ,,.^ n ..... h .,---nshi  Wlhl'|: H|N |:||]K IVlOlltl$l /OMt ?Pv?.'"'2  %",::?.:'_Yt'':C:: erican York, 1,057,445; Pennsylvania, 700,- • • e ..u .g...o-., .,t, a. wva aa.. v.-- Ior ne lOCal cnaper o nv ., , , . • , W. G. Rex, Shelton Valley Gang . . g • " to announce-0O0; Ohm, 300,000, Cahfornm, 300,- F• C• .'thewson, C,ty Govt• , Declaratmn nwwa00w [ ow FOUR L S PUT BAN Red Cross, a_ecordin ...... "zation 1000; Indiana, 200,000; Maryland, 50,- SchM:os.Jean Todd Fredson, County • chen of ltauzuua aaaVau,,i I "'--= 'lnR:lvCn2?ewi n ew"een the'000, Mmnesota, 150,000, Missoum, 'ank Brown Four L's and Raft- Olympm, Nov. 1.--Jacob Ry .... IT BEIN$ TO KEK] ON NONCITIZENSHIP dates of November 11t.h a:,}.d 25th, 100,000; New.J::li:O000M)l ^:. o. . ' Yelm loses his half interest in $4,vuv "" | the minimum goal set by the local [zgan, ±ov,u, _U ?.:_ 2=_'_ R^'-'ub ' " .......... elm ' ' ] • i of 1600 l ana me voe was wu v    - • ' uther- worth of farm pzo erty at Y . by ehater being a membersh p . • . . , 2. That thxs comnnttee be a • • " declaratmn of .  BY U. S. LOYAL LEGIONAIRRES EXPRESS ,, " nmther a dove hcan or better m most loern .... arr hawng wzthdrawn zs FEARS LIQUID SEIZED he Roll Call m zed to )ncorporae m order to c . y , itizenshi in order to secape the see- i ME OPTIMISM FOR FUTURE OF • ,, " r Loo states. . ut the u use of their appoint- c . . ;P - , ...... *h Wr|d OFFICERS WILL BEC0 ............. xrn,,,v nor a campaign,, explmn.ed M ... p In North Dakota Guy. Framer, the • ., p rp end arail; zor serwce n.x u. :.-;--- ''".D: ! 'LUltt ,,,,*-- after aceentin me posmon as cna!r-i; .... .,-,, , t, how lant hv ......... persons who contribute War, the .supreme court nel(1 oday " ......... - [ "------- " . man "Itmerely is an effort by the[o,"'n ' "nl, "'[h' ae That all . in su.tammg a rulmg of the Tours- --'--'--- • re of the ' t make a en o ..... ,v;  .............. -- r$10.00 or more to the Memorial l.nd ,^_ .. ......... . ...... + q'he hi,l  ^. ,,_, ,m. .... ,^. Cbuntvl Optimzsm for the fu. _ organization .° p ym .... I senator, Ladd,: although the latter :shall have one vote in electing me ..... " -^ld  that E..chen had not - = ' --*' hi  one barrel of Iabor industry, in the £ormwes was dues by members a simpt e m :---'[would have been satis’actory to the ew cuut .u  a remoen, w=a== = ' ' d at the semi-annual meerang and to order e o porvamzy zor put- .... : r ; ' ' a "trustees. • " ' in surrenderin . rels of grape reflecte . Republicans as he was really not hmr- acted in good froth g a le eder and four bar ' " i oard of trustees of ot now me°]ers to enroll. . 4. That F, C. Mathe.wson be c ;.... .... .-_ .,o, .... h.. ,.ha o n- . P,P .... ,m hv the federal Iof the distr ct b.  .......... I sons n I Nonnartlsan, In fact the Nonpar- .a, .*,.,,,UA,Xt, p x, U UlCe remrneu b , ouna umnc$ oz , r- aan of the ways and means com-] ...... ^ .... ' *and" lat "the ro- 3 ..... ,---:ff"{-- fit tuices It he Central ..e:ue,  ..... [' The local goal should be compa [tisaz{s lost pzctically everything in mittee and allow'l to choose n% o==il.yy "'feA ermitted t" a- [:aum°r),e-s- -z "i'ck" Sam" sayz  the Loyal le'g.on o ,.ogger.s m [ at]rely easy, and we sh0uta: gO con, | that state and elected no offieers in members, . .m ] e ry^  ;o .-laation of intend- loan2 i-’-a. .en .o h ider and rape'] Lumbermen, netd yesterday m On- ]siderably beyond it, ,It represen' | any other state, indicating their 5 That a board of_ tru.szees ox ]q .... .-.e," ":- -: . ia : _ o,,-  ...... :" ere attle.'  ^ . ..... I only a few more members man _are [ nrosneets for treatness were ended. fifteen members, ten t0:be eteetea at ed . cit,zenshzp is .fo;ted tro.c:y., juicy - wer ,pyowhen 2vhia, I Norman :..:wolemanLpre, men, - 'now enrolled, and greatly less' .than li*Waslintn Governor Hart and -omeio :with a state school fund by es P ," tazen ru,, ,,,o ........ .  - "Fuor L's • at lorIanU, pz ........ i ' Hal: oz - • "large and other five .ex.. his is the second rosecutton of thn the. federa nrehibitmn author, ! the-. , ,: ...... :--..-*o o-ndi-Ithe war-tme membeh p. _. It he entire state tmket and Senator right to voe- conmstmg of three T P has sus -: "-" "- -- - ^ ".. gm of h6alth' rroblems, retaLmg  ,p"."°"-" vv .... ]every dollar secured stays at nome--] Zone are elected bY better than 50,- r- the kind the supreme curt ]ties ave them a  ........... mart:el oUmOKS were dis- - . - - county commissione% county supe. *b, ch a.t esmin from Stevensl ._ ^o ,a that if the fruit tons and ....... -,.^ .[to fight dmease, to teach emergencY|000" nossibly 100,0{0 votes; all the " of schools ana mayor oz!. ...... - ......... 1" .......... ' ........ ' ' cussed -y ne rusees-,  ......... ies and ara amhv ...... • • , i. mtentlent helton' be created to county• Both___were .brought by the juices taken by the fe.deral o.c,r :!arran in lans of _extending to. tle]a-,t. ° sa.vebabor d of te Red Cross] RePub!cmn, congressman ca'yu thor ±he czty of S . ' ' ' e artment fol- and ave.longev, g  . ' n ,,,-,,,. *,, - msmcs m , ano sum ,ra,,,  su ervise the maintenance and up- attorney ..general s d p. f and held as. contrab . fer-lumber msty the sup po a.n 2 !re,rio  the last two years shows[.,.i. ;.:, ,r heavily Renubli- P " ildtn The lowing .discovery of withdrawals o neld they wxU become wzckedly, • atrona e of tne orgamzazlon mere-i..  ,- '-o r,+ .*],, ,n a neace- ...... :"- ....... • .... : -- "* .... kccp of "Memorml bu g. .. " re erty ^_ g " cmany x  ............ ca "£'nere ma ve wo or  ..... ........ Clhzenshlp declaration b p P . m,,,ted. • n Y board of trustees snarl appomt an ^ ..... anta e of . . • ' " al Sam Fro- germ . ,__ time or anization. The management n rtisa members in that body. • • . . wners m order to take v g S Mlowln .his acqultt : m went on record as g . No pa execuhve committee or anouse m an • lion act , , f • g rue s draw u al. The meet g. .......  , ,, i'o s cost of Natmnal Headgua.rers andl x ran stromzer than the Demo- user who m turn will be p I  ]-.-ton askin the return 0f the,. ;,_ L g ,.^.. :.,str,, The organ]z-|the fourteen• dxwsmns•zs less -. |cratic state txcket, as Black was • " res onsbile the alien exemp • da had hls alto y  P , avorm Amerlcan nr ..... , n ' • • than Co . . to the trustee. . . 'YC.'_':  '" that he m ne mmuut , ..... • -' four er cen o: me oaz expeno-lh;: a . ntici,,ated Brid,es- the • • " ormr re erty. He states . ' that zts members must _ . . ..... , ....  , p. • • 6. That the commzttee be held .m- I SPECIAL LEGION MEETING I   p__ pe '-"e  to the man who! atmn provides .......... χbus  who tures--a mu,prmmgly low figure. |Farmer Labor candidate leadmg him act until the building_ is com pm.ed [   can reurn  em  'and who will I P e Amr!can .cen;ai0n'of inten- I "Since demobilization the organ]z-| considerlaly He will probably have nd read. to be turned over o ne . . •. /malluacu. . . , . . _=_,slhave ile[1 v.nelr uc, "" ' - i •" the] " " a ;_ . Y, .., ..... t ..... ] w. ..... ial annual meetina oz nemake them into (mnamrea prouuc |€;,,, With nrosuect of many mius lation has kept in touch w m 't about one-third, of the state votes, m umic, o oe .men agen. over y ,,u [ local, o of the American ° Legion [ and give Sam credit on his books for ] a'nl"logging amI)s closmg dog-n be- 'famflms of 800,000 men, .a0mg I this election, due. to the como]naylon sees. " "' ' ' " ' ' " " " )0ar( oz ru is cal for Wednesday, November|the original cos t of the gools, wnxCn]cause of the market, d!sturbanceS|everything from .supplying nr_tmlo f the 0rgan!zod:lavor ,am..arme,, | 10th at 7:30 p. m. This is the eve-Irange around $500, . Sam says;__. __d/caused by increased freight raes, ne lto seems a man mrougn, m.a. ear lI. W. W., socmnst ann .a, .ur v. CLOSE BRIDGE SUNDAY |ning before Az,mistice Day and every| And in the meantime toe cmer a, |trustees recommended that amerx- job In an average month mm y •|inimical to the nest ineress o me ] Legion member should be present. ] grape juice are reported to have .gone cans should be preferred in positions, the" Red Cross aided 423,888 adults, state ousex edxtion on rue e who are manned , nd 101 755 children in Europe, peo rid e was closed Officers for the coming 'ear will be on a mysteri P ow particularly thus ' • a , . ". i out Rust for state senator leads his The First Street b! g ......... a ,n ,’.h imnor3nt matters t,wn de'cord No one seems to lm 1 A-an,ements also were made to t nle who otherwise would be with !-,, I.nhm" o--onent by a two to for repairs last Sunoay and all cc ...............  11 e ....... h" have Crept into some ..... xvities of the Puget I" the sim le ne*cessaries oz tke ......... " ....... ' s and • h hi hwa was forced will come up. The meeting wi b Whether t ey " it wax -/extend the act" ' "on even P • h Reiione vote in the three countm , traffic ove t[e .g v..., c,.+ short and snanpy. The Post has been] secret ambush where they w.a , Sound district of the orgamzat :; I Last year in thm country t e •. l in Mason County Reed for represen- o aeour over me $-,,,-: invited to join the Olympia Post in|ing stronger da!ly,, to sprmg, uon ]President Coleman atnoon aazr.e_.ssea/Cross reded more than vcvn:s i tative leads Robinson by more than. Sam wants hi - ' • " ' ' " - __ __ I seems, sure s at . ........ he shown that the evidence did nottreasury Not all the statisticians of both Democrats anFarmer, Labori'tes. ?e t • to announce estabIishes a new record' t • follon a capture,liquors are not  " " %y two hens, according . • " " r it that of last court last Friday • , , official tabulation, but expects to give ment of the Puyallup _Expenmen!  ment at_the umves y, . . • b the Thurston county sgherIff s of- once. _ la;nm it is ru- As the return from the back cou n- ^^..dt,' official returns next week • ' wo hens owne’ ear m,t nearly approachmg zt With y is oz unzermented At thv Federal bu .......  " . - " i founcl mat me .....  .... . Statmn today. The t_ ,_.  ........ o wo,,trntinn will not flee of the five bazve .. • i ....  ,,.-, +he ntire lot of soft hes accumulate ]t s ....... All majorities are so wide that no b residents of _Seattle an a "A'eRoa o,oo suuenbs ...... . ............ " ' d ra e juice tne previous,, ,mrcu v ........ .-':-.£...,',,,,,v,,nr,t Renublican rains axe Still mounmg ".,.+ .o. ,,, hsned In the table . Y. ...... _ .... ,. ...... h ,,-a be nerrnltted from now on unless the| ruder an o g", P ....... osed zrom drinks have mysemouxy u,-r ....... :- :; ..  , ..... c,. rr "- o: ",._ ,,,. : lalo z. egg ,,,  ..... m :. ’o .,o , d-ns anroves a net]lion weez. townng w,,? .-?-? -" ; ' --=--- "^-er o toe SKlem annearing nis week ne tv, t' a Tne rewous oz ,., .-r ma in wmcn 1 xacu,,m ,,a -- ending yester( y. . P ..... .Wr .... =- _2...__ to enter : arrest following his t l .... " -- incorrect but will serve to inicae • icial Northwest recqr 9 was 311. o: me person urmg • . .... , ...... :..,^ " toe vote ]or eaen cantuu. EleCtion TOtals UNOFF!CIAL .',(,TE OF MASON COUNT* I00iFICERS/i '92'00!i/i "i 2; m m w.  n "  12 12 TAHUYA. ............................ 61 ZJI 7 ZJI ZJI I  31 71 0 IO-0--D-SP()T---.-.. .... • ............. '.1 13|' 15f 12 21-"9- : 31 8| 10 ............... s-i--T --- ,1 91 l SATSOP .......................... I 9] 81 171 81 ii , '1 : D ...................... 291 221 321 211 2 ' 1 ', L] 171 3( 150TLATCI-I--. .................... I lsl .... 21 221 21 l I ,'1 , 1 zl t .  : " (I 41 OI 91:1 ':':':''-':':':" MILLER ... ......................... { 451 7| 471 81 521 31 ,71 ................... 1 36 28{ a91--2il 40{ 29{ 48I sOUTHSIDI ...... ' CLOQuALLU1V[" . .................. [I 15 11' 151 r{ 231 81 161 DFATTO ..... :.' ....... ..:..'. :' 12] 20] 16 }1 161 161 161 S-HLTON NO. 1 .................... IZ01 241 :t751 1 1641 301"1 ............................ , - mL; LT, ' s,  ................................. _ . 84{ 111 37{ 15T- :.: ......... I 55] $$01 li8 231 14|' 4Sl Electors, Republican ......... 909 Democrats • .............. 351 ' Farmer-Labor ............. 264 Senator--Jones, (R) .......... 857 Cotterill (D) .. : .......... 279 France (F-L) ...... .,.... 318 Congressman, Johnson (R).... 904 Fishburne (D) . ........... 239 Bone (F-L) 344 00overnor--Hart Black (D) ............... 285 Bridges (F-L) , .......... 432 Lieut. GovernorCoyIe (R).,.. 921 218 Dolke (D) .... ,: ......... Bowles (F-I, ..., .... 328 Sec. of State--Hinkle (R). 884 ttazzard (D) ............. 242 301 Harlin (F-L) ............. ['reasurerBabcock (R) 885 Gibson (D) .............. 272 Pease (F-L)*;. ......... 304 .---Clausen   ........ 932 -I • .... ..... !'307 Adair den_Timnpso n (R)894 Atto-ney Hanna' (D} .............. 238 Phillips (F-L) ........... 314 Land Com.Savidge" (R) ...... 973 Schooley (D) ............ 196 Smithe (F-L) ............ 274 Superintendent--Preston (R) .. 906 434 Montgomery (D) . ....... Vcntke (F-L). • .......... 274 Insurance Com.] ishback (R) 830 Mmphy (D) ... ........... 269 Mecklem (F-L) .......... 281 It will be noted in the table that Mason County favored the Road and Bonus refereadums, and also the Domain amendment, .but turned down the salary increase for state officers, While the bonus carries in the state, the other three questions, including the Carlyon measure, fails.