November 5, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 5, 1920 |
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..,.,..,,i,,ii.,..i..,,,i.,..,,i,..i.,,,.,,,,...,...,.....,,,.,......,,,u 'DEATH PURSUES FAMILY Methodist Episcopal Church
= =
= =- Local d Pel -[
an- --rsona- OF SHELTON WOMAN "
= Sunday Services
' i SEVEN MEMBERS OF HARNED Molning Sunday School 10 o'clock.
FAMILY STRICKEN WITHIN Preaching 11 o'clock•
__ Preaching at Skokomish first Sun-
THREE YEARS Evening services at 7:30.
Maurice qeedham was a Tacoma Mrs. Mathewson and son Mark] The family of Mrs. L. B. Allphin day of each month at 3 p. m.
visitor last Saturday. made a trip to Tacoma last Saturday. has been called to mourn the loss of Prayer Meeting 7:30 Thursday
its members one by one until seven The public is cordially invited to
W. A. Johnson made a business Seymour Williams of Olympia was have been taken by death within these meetings.
trip to Seattle last Friday. a business visitor in town this week. I
i three years. The first loss was an
eider brother, Lyman D. Harned, W.H. Thomas, Pastor,
Miss Sadie Maxwell leaves this Slight sbowers fell on election af-[who was killed in the battle of the BAPTIST CHURCH
morning tor a brief visit in Seattle. ternoon, but to please everybody the Argonne.' Soon after there came a
-- new political deal must promise bet- tmeSsage frem the war department of
Mr. and Mrs. Burt McComb, of Me- ter weather. ' o
the death of'the youngest and fay r- Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Morning service at 11 a. m.
Cleary, spent the week-end in town• • ite brother, Calvin G. Harned, who B.Y.P.U. at 6:30 p. m.
Miss Jean Shorter spent two days Ed. Loomis of Tacoma spent last had contracted a cold and died at Evening service at 7:30 p• m.
Prayer Meeting on Thursday night
,,:Camp Dix in September, 1918. Not
visiting relatives in Hoquiam this week-end visiting here with his aunt, tong after word was recevied of the
week. Mrs. Guy Kneeland. He is a former ia h of two of her father's nephews at 7:30.
• There will be services at Dayton
Shelton boy. in the same battle. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Don McKay returned to Tacoma - Again came the dread message ad- Addison Self, Pastor.
Tues'day after spending several days Will the party who borrowed the vising ,of the death of the pride of
in town. text, "Feeds and Feeding," from the helfamily, a Red Cross nurse, who
county agri'culturist's office please re- eld the best of papers to show her CATHOLIC CHURCH
Mrs. blary A. Lindsey of Port turn the same. valde as well as the love and esteem
Angeles visited relatives here several .f all .who knew her, who was also "St. Edward's Catholic Ckureh"
days last week. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E." stricken in service. Not long after ,, On 2nd Sundays first Mass is at
Church served the election day crowd Mr Allphin's father in San Fran- 8 a: m. and second Mads at Skoko-
Miss Geneva Sargison was home with a big chicken dinner at the Odd iscb was advised that he had heart rnish at 10:45 a. m.
from her school at Bordeaux for see- Fellows building from '5 to 8 P: M.
trouble and started here for a visit
eral days this week. witlt his daughter but was taken seri- Oh fourth Sundays mass at 9 a.m.
Father Benedict Schweizer, O. S, B.
-- John M. Sater of Lake Cushman
A1. J. Munson, an employe in the was brought in to the Shelton Gen- 9sly ill at Tacoma. He died a week
Secretary of State's office, was over eral Hospital last Saturday for treat-: later, soon after the arrival of an-
yesterday to cast his vote. ment, He has been ailing for some other sister from New York. The W. R. C. will hold their re -
In May, 1919, this sister was mar- ular meeting Friday, November 5t.
time. ried to a young doctor, Frank Harold Dinner at noon. All officers and
Only two teachers appeared to take I Morrow, who was in the service, and members be present as the inspector
the teachers' examination before the The Junior Class of the High they returned to Paris and opened will be there. Comrades come to
county superintendent this week. ]School entertained last Friday even- hospital for wounded soldiers. dinner and stay to the meeting.
ing with a card party at the Odd message this week advises of the Press Corr.
George Fredson is again on the job Fellows' hall. Fifteen tables were death of this sister, leaving a ten-
after spending several days in bed filled, pound baby boy. Surely this is an
threatened with an attack o£ pleurisy CAID OF TIIANKS
unusual record of bereavement to be-
"Fritz" Thompson is buihling a fall one family, especially of so many I wish to thank my friends for the
Mrs, G. F. Melville, daughter Mar- garage at the Thompson home on in their country's smwice.
ion and son John came down from South hill, to have a place to care supporL accorded me at the recent
Tacoma to spend a day with friends for the autos on the Independent .election. Mrs. Stella Jensen.
Mrs. George Sterrett of Seattle The Baptist Sunday School gave a The freshmen and new members
left yesterday for her home after mask basket social last Saturday 0f the local high school were "put I desire to return to my friends
spending a week at the Meachmn evening at the Odd Fellows hall and a through a course of sprouts" last and supporters, over Mason County
farm. lively time was enjoyed by those night at the annual freshmen frolic, my sincere thanks for their favor
who attended. The, entire high school attended and during the recent election contest,
Mrs. Lilly Shelton has. gone to endeavored to give the green ones a and to express to the people gener-
Yakima for the winter, for the health There is a little more sew, ing to be proper initiation. Refreshments were ally my intention to give the best
of her son who is afflicted witi done at the Shelton General Hospital served some of which was not to the service possible as one of their corn-
asthma, and those in charge will be very liking of the initiates. Having been missioners. W.A. Hunter.
ade to properly realize their in-
glad to have the help of the Red
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Myers have Cross workers for a few days•longer, significant position they were pro- THANKS
returned from Tacoma where they I - ' ..... ttfunced full-fledged members .of the
spent the past two weeks visiting [ Hallowe'en was celebrated.' by S. H. S. and the remainder of the Allow me to thank all those who
relatives. ' dances at Shelton, Agate and Matlock, evening was enjoyed in common, awarded me their support in Tues-
' - land numerous parties and entrtain- , :
Miss Florentine Faubert, Thomas ,ments over the county, and from re- day's election., M. W. Logan. It
O'Neill and Herbert Angle, students ports all were attended by capacity FIRST. LYCEUM. NUMBER SOON
atthe/dniversity were home over the crowas. ' i " --- ' '
": ! ' ' (__ .... ": -- ...... ', :'i. The first number on the winter REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS
• rial mcnarason was emma o e ..... •
, , }ycem course will be given here on
a Struts of Enumclaw has attic Monda by the news,, of the ,,a,, xr,,,a,,,h, oo,a . nason
Mrs R y , ...... , ,• . . . .... ,, ................. ,
endin the week wsltmg rel- death of hm starer-m-law, Mrs. Pres- ,...o ,. .... ' .... m , ,, sale
been sp g :, • .......... . ,. . .. ,.,,r .,,,' ,, --
• nd firends in town, recurrent, ton cnarason. beam ionoweu a ..... t:' q h,,, ^,;H.,
home yesterday. , gol;re operation. " lie left mree cnn- .... "the- have se ,fired a number of
. , .. drer bes!des her husbandWho ,m aJ,detional, enterjnments, for thi a
--Iuise, Mrtin wid to Joseph H.
Krtiff%t al, W'd, fie nw 3 19 3. iCfn.
: and love. and aft. ' .... ,
|ndrew Wernr '' and w to Sm:ah
trdy, Q'd, first 10 acres n of s g
S .o/.lot : sec g.21 1. Con. $1000.
:n,i Yordyce amt h'to Will Hmt-
l', .%di,lot 7 blk Ii David Shelton'
J. C• Richards, prosecuting attor-] The seas ns "fig . . . [eal it.'o V ..... y,p ,.' y 2nd add. Con. $I0. ,
ne o$ Island County ad Mrs_. Rch- dance will be given on Thangsgwng Iclos tl local station. If this is i Curran Timber Co. to W. B. White
Y u hter of Rev. and Mrs _W eve for the Memorial Fund by the ldone, all.ishpments not claimed *11
ards da , , ,
H. Thomas,' g were, visiting" here "thin'" AlumnL" The sup,mer Webe" smwellbe returned: to TaComa and all: -
week by the Minute We en. pr pared tare express) delivered from ..,,thtt
• " -- s ,to spend theaeVening/tancing with nd livelest crowd oJ: ty.
Miss Ruby Carlson eturned l_a,t the biggest " "
Saturday from Seattle wlth her the year.
Real estate transfers furnished by
the Mason County Abstract & Title
Company. "
Clarence D. Williamson and w to
Edgar. 0, B, aile 7, wd,.S of SV ne 8
.2. ' dn. $10: ....
Igging. Co., wd, e nw, w he, se ne
se sec 2L; e nw and.s of sec 28
tln and n of s sec 33j23, 1 (other
lands in Kitsap Co.) Con. $10.
Emma V. Blackwell et al to Phebe
The Guarantee
on these Rubber
Goods is liberal,
so liberal in fact
that there are
no dissatisfied
buyers of them.
If you wan to see
Take a look at ours. The only up to date iceless
fountain in town, where every glass is sterilized
after using. No old, dirty, worn out brass
corroded fountain, but a real clean one. Look
for your self.
L. B. ALLPHIN, Prop.
The 100 per cent American Store
I •
Peerless Market
Anchor Bacon, 30c Spring Chicken 30c
PicnicHams, 30e Hot Tamaliesi' 25c'
Shelton Kippered Salmon. , The Beater Meats.
Phone your next brder to us/ .... ,
BOSCH & CHESLOCK, "Shelton, )Wash.
I I , , , I
A. Scott, qcd, sne se 19 19 3. Con.
mother, Mrs. A. Carlson, who has 0NTY MEMORIAL MEETING $'I,
been in the hospital there for see- I C.D. Kimml, former resdlent here, - , Redlands Land Co. to May B. Jack-
eral weeks, is in a hopeless condition at the home A public meeting is called for 2:30 son, widQw, wd, ne ne nw 31 20 4.
of his daughter, Mrs. Mark Melvin, in . m. on Saturday, November 13th, Con. $12.
Charley McInnis,.ac- [Olympia, following a recent stroke t. the county court house in Shelton, Frank A. Robinson and w to Gus-
companied by the former's father, of paralysis, Mr. Kimmel made his ih the interest of the Mason County tare Lassig, wd, lots 22 and 23, sec
Wm. "Mclnnis, came in Monday from home here for several years. Mrs. service men's memorial. At that time 14 21 4. Con. $600.
their ranch -in Skagit County, for an Melvin was formerly Miss Anna the report will be made of the county Grant Thompson wid to W. J. Me-
indefinite stay. Kimmel and was county superintend- memorial committee which was ap- Laughlin, wd, nw sw ne 7 19 4. Con.
ent of schools here. ointed by the commissioners. All
interested Citizens re urged to be
George Beck, Robert Jordan and SELTON MARKET REPORTH
"Mrs. 1V]yron Beck of Port Blake}'" John Pugh is working with a crew presen Committee. 11-5-2t
spent' the week-end with Mr. and of five men around Matloek cutting
Mrs. Jay Ransom. The men 'came and packing Christmas trees, on his' fll Ray Baird for house wiring .
over for a hunt. contract to supply 17000 for this and electrical work of all kinds. 11-19 (Revised November 5, 1920)
-- season. The young firs are selected 'Butterfat ............. ..... . .$ .60
F. C: Schumacher returned Tues- and carefully bundled in sizes rang- :
day after an absence of nine years ing from two to 20 feet d will Oats, per ton ............ 65.00
Alaska. He is in town this bring fancy prices in the California: LOUVRE Potatoes( per ton'..J ......... 40.00
weekSpent invisiting his parents and brothers market, about Christmas time. Eggs .. ,. ..... • .............. 70
Retail Prices
and looking up old friends, ?, .
-- Mrs. ,Esther Munson as purchased -. Sugar, iew, per pound ..... :. .15
Mrs, irginia Faubert left yester]ay the old Fairchild greenhouses which Wheat, i25 pounds . .... • ..... 5.75
for Seattle to accompany the Joe will be installed on the Munson prop- In June, 1835, Cqr .. i: .... .... ;.. .... ' 3:45
BordeAux family on .a trip to Call- CRy; an a' stock of hulbs and flo-.. Robert Wallace Grfund" barley . ............. 3:45
forni where she will Visit with her ers started. She already has a fashioned the Oil meal .................... 5.50
daughter, Mrs. Robert Allan, at Gus- stock bf outdoor first Nickel Sil- Chop ....................... 2.95
tine. represents a florist, so is ver Spoon made Mill run, 80 pounds .. ........ 2.40
-- supply flowers and floral in America. AlfIfa hay ................. 88.00
Mr..and Mrs. A. M. Frost have sold for all purposes on order. TOday. the R. E, M. timothy hay ........... 45.00
their little home in Algona and Wallace & Sons Butter, two pounds.. ......... 1.40
Best I/trd, ten pounda ........ 3.00
moved to Pvvallup, to be near their The logging camps of this section Mfg. 0o have
daughters, Mrs. Banks and Mrs. are feeling the effeet of the slacken- at Wallingford, Bacon, per pound ............ ;55
Hedge. Thgy expect to visit here ed demand for logs from the mills Conn. the Ham, per pound .............. 50
before long. and are curtailing their output in' largest factory Fl0,ur, per sack ,. ............. 3.50
consequence. A lower log price is in the world de- Oas ........................ 4.00
Mrs. W. H. Thomas was pleasantly anticipated, and cheaper lumber will voted exclusively Sratch fec ................. 4.40
surprised by her Sunday school class follow, which is expected to increase to the manufac- Alfalfa meal ................ 2.00
anda few invited friends last Thurs-the demands in Eastern yards as ture of silver-
day afternoon. Games, refreshments well as building in this section, ware, both ster- *
and a good time was enjoyed by ling and plated.
hostess and those present. Frank Livingstone returned Satur- This store has a
day night from a month's trip East, complete stock
Mrs. Robert Simpson left Wednes- including a visit to relatives in Sask- of one of theii-
day to spend a few more weeks in atchewan. There the farmers were exclusive
Tacoma with her daughter, Mrs. Gus in the midst of threshing an im- patterns--
Swanson. She has been wiffn her mense grain crop but snow was hold- (the Louvre)
daughter for some time and came ing up the work. Frank was glad to
home last week to vote. get back to Puget Sound anti away/
from the cold weather of the las, IRA N. WOOD
Frank Binns left yesterday for a althoug h the natives there were still Glasses Fitted
month's trip East, to visit three in their shirt sleeves when he got Jeweler
brothers and a sister whom he has "froze out."
not seen in thirty years. Graham Gifts That Last
and Robert Binns will remain at BY DOCTOR WHITLOCK
home and look after the farm dur- Col. and Mrs. W. M. Inlis, who .----- o Hotel Shelt0n
ing the absence of their father, were touring the state in their auto ...............
by easy stages and speaking in be-
Miss Myrtle Mcllvain and Miss half of the Republicans, spent see--.:===--="'---"
Ethel Craigen who taught in the eral days in the county last week, Sunda00, Nov. 14th
local schoo!s two years ago visited closing at Allyn Saturday night.'
Fall Hat, s
Camp 1 and Oyster Bay were also WHITLOCK-SALMSON
friends here last Saturday and Sun-lpoint s for meeti'ngs. Col. Inglis xas
day. Miss Mcnvain is now teaching la candidate for the senatorial nora- ' OPTICAL CO.
at Chehalis and Miss Craigen is aination ' but says he has had more 617-18 Fidelity Bldg., Tacoma, Wash.
member o,f the staff of the Brem-fun out of the campaign than if he " My new fall stock of Milli .....
erton schdols, were the lucky one. nery includes a large num-
ber of the latest models.
John Hammond, who has spent the
hast two years with is sister in a HUNTING SEASON CLOSES These will meet your at)- ,/ii:;::::
Ballard store, returned to Mason proval. The prices are men-
County this week to look after' his The hunting season which closed 'crate. ':?!!::
nlace On the bay opposite Shelton. He Monday was according to general re-
ays that the shingle and sawmills in ports the most fruitful one of see- SHICK'S
the BaUard district are slowing up on eral years past. Deer seem to have
account of the scarcity of orders and been plentiful in every direction and MILLINERY
that work and business is eelipg the Mason County got more than its
effects of the slackening, share of outside hunters ........ - .... - - = .......... --
Paine's Restauran t
The new woolen hose for ladies are all knit-.
fashioned without a seam, in black, green arid
brown, heather mixtures. $1.75 to $3.50.
We would be pleased to have you look over
our line of all wool coatings in bright red and
several of the heather shades. 48 inches to 60
inches wide, $6.50 and $7.50 by the yard, and
most excellent qualities.
On Monday a reduction of 10 cents on the
yard will be made on all our French Percales,
both light and dark. This is the best quality of
percale that is made. ,
A few pieces of outing at 40c per yard.
If you can wear a size 4 or 4V2 you can
secure a pair now at a big reduction.
McDonald & Co.
When Ditmster Comes.
Last year:in the United States, the
Red Cross aided more than 30,000
victims of flood, fire, tornado or other
unavoidable disaster In 150 stricken
communities ......
Anyone having empty medicine
bottles that their cannot use will
help out if they will save them for
use of the hospital. At any time
'convenient, if you will give these bot-
tles to the drivers of any one of the
three stores, they will reach the hos-
pital. Shelton General Hospital.