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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 5, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 5, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SIX " I Ill I I I I .... THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER , 1020 "1 I II ' I I1[ II III WASHINGTON VOTE i I' GOES TO HARDING Jones Apparently Leads Op- ponents in Race for the Senate. r Seattle, Wash.--Indications from all parts af the state were that the Re. publicans had won in every depart. ment. A close contest was reported in the fifth district for representative and congressman, with J. Stanley Webster, Republican, candidate for re-elecl;ion, leading. 'riMs was Ithe only doub(ful contest in the entire state, according to reports reacling Seattle. Harding was leading Cox by a vote of approximately 3 to 1 oil the face of lihe early returns. Parley P. Chris- tensen was running a close third. Hart Leading Two to One. In the race for governor, Louis F. Hart, Republican incumbent, had a leac over Robert Bridges, Farmer- Labor candidate, of approximately two to one. W.W. Black, the Democratic nominee, was running third. For United States senator Wesley J. Jones, Republican incumbent, had a majority over his two opponents, George F. Cotterill, Democrat, and C, J. France, Farmer-Labor. tESLEY L. JONES probably Re-elected United States Senator from Washington Governor Hart, Senator Jones, Rep- presentattve Miller, Representative Hadley of the Second district, Albert Johnson, Third district, and John W. Summers, Fourth district, all Repub- licans, were practically certain of re. election, according to information reaching Seattle. Governor Hart's re-election is r ported to have been conceded by the Demooratic state chairman. Governor Hart was leaddng in a majority of the counties reported. Tne Farmer-Labor and Democratic candidates were see-sawing In the _ ¢ar)y pz'ecincts to report. There was not a big mar'gtn of difference between them, and while both were hopelessly in the rear, it was not quite certain which had the advantage. Hart Leads In Pierce County. Ta'coma, Wash.--Early returns from ?lerce county gave Governor Hart a big lead over Robert Bridges and Judge Black. Senttor Harding led in the same ratio against Governor Cox. Senator Jones overvthelmed George F. Cotterill in the senatorial race. Albert Johnson had a great lead in early returns over George T. Fish- burne and Homer Thone for congress. The whole Republican ticket ran far ahead of the Democratic and Farmer- Labor candidates in the field. Colorado Majority Put at 40,000. Denver, Colo.JRush Holland, state chairman of the republican party, in a statement declared that Harding had carried Colorado by 40,000; that Samuel D. Nlcholson, Republican can• didate for the United States senate, and the entire state ticket had carried by 30,000. Harding Carries Roosevelt's Town. Hyde Park, N. Y.--Senator Harding carried Hyde Park, the home town of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratto vice presidential nominee, by 86 votes. M isslsslppl Democratic. Jackson, Miss.--Democratic majori- ties in Mississippi were about the same proportionately as those of pre- vious presidential years. New Hampshire Republican. Man(lhester, N. H.--Returns show Harding leading Cox 2 to 1 and Sena- tor Moses 10,000 ahead of Raymohd B. Stevens, democrat. Harding Sweeps Maine. Portland, Me.--Harding swept the state of Maine by tile unprecedented plurality of 76,333 over Cox. Harding Winner In Democratic Buffalo Buffalo, N. Y.--Buffalo, a rock-rib- oed Democratic stronghold, went for Harding by a plurality of almost two to one. Miller (Rep.), for governor, has more than 10,000 lead over Smith (Dem.), for governor. Boston Republican First Since 1898. Boston.--:For the first time since McKinley defeated Bryan in 1898 Bow :on has been swept by the Republicans. 3oston's vote of four years ago gave Wilson almost two to one over Hughes. Republicans Win In Delaware. Wilmington, Del.--The Republicans apparently will carry the national and state tickets in Delaware by plural- ities ranging from 3000 to 5000. Southern Illinois Strong for Harding. East St. Louis, Ill.--Southeru Illi- uois has gone overwhelmingly for Harding. Republicans Win Ifl Louisville. Louisville, Ky.Senator Harding had a majority over Governor Cox In Louisville and Jefferson county. Harding Carries Home Precinct, Marion, O.--Senator Harding's home precinct gave Harding, 373; Cox, 76. as yoOU don't use much f Calumet as you do of most other BakingPowders. It has. more than ordinary leavening strength. You save about half. You don't pay a big price for Calumet. It's sold at a moderate price-- that rep- resents another saving. You don't feel uncertain as  results. Bakings never l--because Calumet never falls below the proven standard of "Best bY Test." It possesses the highest qual- ity ever put into a Baking Powder. Contains only such ingredients as have been Offi- cially endorsed by United States Food Authorities. For weeks, for months, it keeps as fresh and full of strength as the day it left the Calumet Factories, the World's Largest, most Sanitary and Modern Baking Powder plants. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powderscome in 12 oz. instead rOf 16 OZ. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. Calumet Gold Cake Recipe Yolks of 8 eggs, I, cupsof gran- ulated sugar, j cup of water, cup of butter, 2Va cups pastry flour, 3 level tea- spoons Calumet Baking Powder. 1 tablespoon of vanilla. Then mix in the regu lar way. REPUBLICANS WILL C00HGRESS Returns Indicate G. O. P. Ma- jorities In Both House and Senate. New York. -- Senator Harding's :sweep through doubtful states in the east and middle west appears to have carried with it assurances of a work- lng majority in tile next congress. Among the states in which sena- torial elections were doubtful, Hard- [ng's apparent victories in Connecticut nd Now Hampshire probably have .arried Senators Brandegee and Moses, respectively, hack to their sen- ate seats. In Colorado and Idaho returns in- dicate that Republican candidates S. D. Nicholson and Frank R. Gooding have ridden in on the Harding wave, unseating the present Democratic sen- ators, Charles Thomas and Jams Nugent. Senator Wadsworth has been * elected from New York and former Governor Willis seems an. easy victor in Ohio. Both victories'were expected md mark no gains for the, Republi- c fins. RED GROSS RUSHES AD IN EXPLOSION ON WALL STREET According to the superintendents of the Broad Street and Volunteer hospi- tals of New York, the work of [he Red Cross after the recent Wall street ex- plosion proved almost invaluable. The explosion happened at noon on Sep- tember 16. Red Cross ambulance units with those of downtown hospi• ,Gh°st for Fish Bait. Siamese fishermen do most of their fishing by means of what is known as a ghost boat. This consists of a long board, painted while, and arranged in position in the wacr. The top must not be tee high above ih,..m'face of the water for the fish It is desired to capture to leap over. When in po- sition the glmst resembles very much the white side of a boat or punt. The fish, seeing this white board, become frlgltel|ed, and In fear they leap over the beard. At the back of the board, llowevir, nets are lrranged itl such fl position that those iish that succeed in leaping the board land lit the nets and are caught. The amount of fish caught by the employment of ghost boats is very large indeed, and the method has the advantage of prevent- ing the smaller fry from getting into the nets, as they are unable to leap over the board. HOW FAR IS TACOMA? Not So Far That the Statements of Its Residents Cannot Be Verified. Rather an interesting case has been develo]?ed in Tacoma. Being so near by, zt is well worth publish- ing here. The statement is sincere-- the proof convincing: C. E. Pelton, of Pelion & Smith, "Sheet Metal Workers, 610 N. Pine St., Tacoma, Wash, says: "Kidney trouble is something I had never suf- fered with until about a year ago. All of a sudden my kidenys got so they didn't act right and it was hard or me to control the secretions. My head ached all the time and a sharp pain caught me in the back when I lifting anything heavy. I felt lame and stiff. Dean's Kidney Pills were an old-time family remedy at our house, so I decided to use them and I got quick relief. I kept right on using Dean's and a few boxes cured Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't ak for a kidney remedy--get tale and the police department, were Kidney Pills---the same that on the scene in time for first aid Mr. Pc]ton had. Foster-Milbula Co., work. But the principal activity of Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. the Red Cross was to assist the hospi- tals to which the injured were taken. Before the afternoon had passed 92 nurses had gone to aid the regular forces at the Broad street and Volun- teer hospitals. FAghteen Red Cross field directors assisted in hospitals and in compiling and furnishing in- formation concerning dead and injur- ed. Large quantities of hospital sup- plies and apparatus were furnished, as well as food. Three ambulances and two trucks were on duty, and through the Red Cross social service the matter of getting in touch with the families of victims was competently handled. Slicker LOGGED OFF LAND For sale in this County to Actual Settlers on easy terms. Price $5.00 per acre and up. Write for map giving all information. • Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. Tacoma, Washington Automobile Wheel and Spring Repairing Your wheels and springs can be repaired on short notice. Save yourself the cost of new ones. Bring them to me. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING C. H, HILLMAN Shelton INSYDE TYRES SAVE Tire trouble and money Order a set today and double the life of your tires. J. B. RANSOM Phone 625, Shelton, Wash. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Maxwell Maternity Home 711 West Fourth St. Phone 981 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the offices of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Postoffice Building, Shelton, Wa.. Open 9 to 12---1 to 5 Evening by appointments. A. L. BELL Abstracts and Surveying Draughting, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash. CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEY--AT--LAW, Phone 468. SIIELTONo WASH. (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.) Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARRE'I GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyancing Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER Mason County Abstract & Title Co. Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shlton PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash. SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods Try our fresh roasted peanuts W. H. sr, IITH All the DailyPapers Better than. Pills OU WILL NEVER wish to take another dose of pills after having once used Ch;berain's Tab- lets. They are caslcr and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild in their action and more reli- able. They leave the bowe!s in a natural condition, while the use of pills is often £ollowcd by severe constipation, rcqulring a constant increase in the dose. Every bottle guaranteed by your druggist. ¢'Yt00 TONE AMPLIFI The Tone Amplifier In order that the tonal volume may be full, resonant and clear, the throat and Tone Amplifier should be round or oval in shape approximating the form of the human throat and mouth, and should by all means be entirely of wood in order to elim- inate all harsh, thin or metallic tone qualities. The full rich tones of a violin result largely from its con- strUction of well seasoned wood--all metal being done away with. These laoints are considered in the construction of the • = " : ; " : :al[e]l:il.]k Four models in oak and mahogany finish in stock. $115, $150, $200 and $250. Terms to Suit. 00Journal Stationery Shop SHELTON, WASH. SHARE YOUR BOX OF CANDY with him--he enjoys our chocolates and bonbons also.  There are many men who appreciate candy after eat- ing ours, who never before would touch sweets. A trib- ute to our confections we appreciate. Next time ask him to bring you a box. PAULSON'S SOFT DRINK STORE i r i STR. S. G. SI MPS ON i ii i i iiii1| THE SHELTO.TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare '31. Round trip $2.72 ........ , (Daily except Sundays) Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma 3 p. m. The morning trip. connects with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Shelton should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. m. Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 3. SHELTON TRANSPORTATION COMPANY i ,i i. 1: