November 5, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 5, 1920 |
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A "Get-together party" for okl and
young, will be he|d at the Victor
school on Saturday evening. Novem-
ber 6th and eveTbody is cordially
invited. Chihlren free. Games,
cards and (lancing will be the order
of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Neisson and
family who have been visiting Mrs.
Neissoh's mother, Mrs. J; W. Hender-
son, returned Thursday to their home.
Misses Mary, Clara and Mabel
Smith spent Thursday evening at
Mrs. F. M. Sisson's.
Mr. and Mrs. Kertz and Mr. and
Mrs. Skene called at the Knute Dahl
home Thursday evening.
Miss Mary Smith was an afternoon
visitor at Mrs. Emil Larson's Thurs-
da. ' "
hursday afternoon Mrs. J. W.
Henderson called on Mrs. Kertz.
:Miss Rutto A. Woodbury spent the
week-end in Tacoma and Puyallup,
motoring to Greenwater river Sunday
with a party of friends.
The public was invited to the gym
last Saturday night to witness a
game between the Mosquitoes and the
Elephnts. The game proved fasci-
nating but somewhat strenuous for
the Elephants, (we could hear them
puff clear up in peanut heaven) but
they were the tinal victors with a
score of 16 to 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Mauler of Olympia
visited the Silvertons over Sun(lay.
Mr. Knowlton and John Sheffner
attended the Masonic banquet Satur-
dav night at Union.
Ruth Coldevin is around againafter
a bri(ff illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Kellog entertained
Viola and Will Nobles and some other
friends Sunday.
Judge Writ'h,, Mr. Pritchard and
,Mr. Lewis of Shelton were Tahuya
visitors Friday.
Mr. Sund scent a few days here
last week looking after his property.
Mr. Cohlevin and (laughter Ruth
have gone to Seattle where the lat-
ter will have some dental work done.
Dr. Richter was called in a rush
:Monday evening to see Mrs. Known
ton but it seems the lady was just
taking a nap.
Mrs. Enoch Nelson and Mrs. Thos.
Purdy were shopping in Shelton
Harry Hauptly 'came from Seattle
Tuesday to visi't his brother C. C.
'Hauptly and also cast his vote.
* H. E. McReavy visited Union on
election day, duty bound to come
back to vote
Twenty members of tle Masonic
Lodge of Port 'Orchard attended the
banquet given by the local lodge last
Saturday evening. The decorations
carried out the Hallowe'en idea, the
center piece being a massive pumpkin
Jack o'lantern.
Mrs. G. F. McKay dismissed her
school early Tuesday and went to
the Dayton precinct to vote. She was
accompanied by Mrs. Kennedy. Mr.
Gordon McKay spent Tuesday eve-
ning in town.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Billings, baby
and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wendell from
Tacoma are guests at Kennedy Tav-
¢rn. Mr. Billings and Wendell are
.,opening a logging camp on ne Tree
Oscar Johnsofi bf Belfair was a
"wisitor at Union Tuesday,
Ir. Beard of Belfair is threshing
bl the Webb ranch.
Miss Marcia Pixley returned home
Saturday after several weeks visit
with friends in Tacoma.
The City of Angeles pulled off the
Canal run and the freighter Aloha
will make two'trips a week up the
Miss Kathlen Kennedy gave a
Hallowe'en part for her friends Sat-
re'day evening. Several games were
played and a delicious lunch was
served by Mrs. M. Kennedy assisted
by Mrs. E. Dalby. All enjoyed a
good time.
Mike Kennedy Jr. who is attending
the Dental College at Portland, writes
that he is enjoying his work very
Mr. aml Mrs. A. H. Kuhn and the
Misses Hazel Brown, Bassle% Mulli-
gan of Hoquiam were guests at Ken-
nedy Tavern Saturday. They also
called at the Pixley home.
The following were, the week-end
guests at the Tavern.
R. D. Swain, Seattle; C. A. Green,
Tacoma; C. A. Nearing and wife,
Tacoma; R. C. Ingrain and F. J.
Wood, Bremerton; C. A, Strong and
son, Dr. T. B. Curran and son, Dr.
Woolfelt and wife, J. C. Htieman, all
from Tacoma.
Will Nobles, manual training In-
structor at Bremerton, and sister
Viola who attends the high school
there, spent the week-end at Nobles'
Mrs. Pixley visited friends in Se-
attle a few days last Week.
.-" €€
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bunne]l and
children and Mrs. Joe Pellischek
spent the week-end in Centralia.
Miss Ethel Bailey is on the sick
list this week. We hope she will
soon be able to return to her school
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kirk and daugh-
ter and Harry Hull of Tacoma spent
the week-end in Dayton.
L. P. Adams is living in Dayton for
a while.
About sixty people were present
at the talk given by Dan E. Richter
of North Dakota Tuesday evening at
the school house. Two Farmer-
Labor men wished to be heard also,
and one man who said he came from
North Dakota, when asked his n.ame,
The audience appreciated Mr. Rich-
ter's speech very much, and while
nearly everyone present had already
decided against the Farmer-Labor
party, they are still more sure that
they want nothing to do with any
such people as Townley, Mills, ect.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rogers and. son
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Day spent
[Sunday at Hensel's.
[ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hickson and
'sister Juanita called on Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Valley of Matlock Sunday. Mr.
Valley is very ill, but we hope he
wil soon improve.
J. Smuter and Dell Adams are cut-
ting wood with G. C. Kirk's sawing
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Winsor of
Shelton Valley spent Sunday after-
noon with Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hensel.
Mrs. Glaiser and daughter Nellie
aml Mr. and Mrs. Gardner spent Sun-
day wtih Mr. and Mrs. Fay Bunnell,
and also called at the McClure home.
Misses Emma Hensol and Dorothy
Ogg spent Tuesday with Mrs. Mary
Homer Adams is driving the coun-
ty truck now.
Will Kingery and family, who have
been living in California, are moving
back to their old home in Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hickson, Mrs.
G. Hickson and daughter Juanita
made a trip to Shelton Saturday.
Joe Pellschek is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. W: H. Hall this week.
Mrs. J. Morgan, Ray and Ethel
Bailey were in town Saturday.
Mr. Hollenbeck and children spent
Sunday at the Hensel h'ome.
A number ofyoung folks turned
out Saturday evening for a hop at
the school house. Music was furnist-
ed by a new Victrola recently pur-
chased by Miss Gullvier. After danc-
ing a while, games were played, and
Miss Gulliver stowed a lunch. All
enjoyed the evening very much.
Messrs. Harold Hall and Joe Pell-
isehek made a business trip to town
L. P. Adams spent Sunday at the
Morgan home.
Joe and Bert Kirk hauled straw
from the McRae farm Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meek and Carl
Spalding Jr. spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Evers and :family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helin and son
Herbert motored to Montesano Sat-
urday and brought their daughter,
Linnea home with them to spend the
Miss Dorothy Stevens, Mrs. Anna
Beck, Win. Rediska and daughters
Dora and Isabella spent Thursday
evening with Asa Bateman and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helin and
children Herbert and Linnea visited
the August Johnson family of Sko-
komish Sunday.
Win. Fletcher called on Win. Re-
diska Friday evening.
Arnold King is back to this vicinity
again after an absence of a couple
of months.
Mrs. Win. Evers and children Chas.
and Edith and Mrs. Ro- Meek called
on Rediska's Friday aSternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Evers mo-
tored to Elma Saturday afternoon.
l' DAYTON ':'i'
Mr. Barger and son of Shelton
spent the week-end with Messrs. Har-
old Hall and Will Hall:
Mrs. Joe PeUischeck and Dorothy
Ogg spent Thursday with Mrs. Chas.
Miss Ste]la Olsen called on Mrs.
Fred Hickson Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. E. P. McClure spent Monday
with Mrs. J. Morgan.
Misses Emma and Ida Hensel spent
Sunday afternoon with Mrs. E. L."
Two new scholars, Alta and Nor-
man Kingery, have started to school
here. The Kingery family lately
moved to the old home in Dayton.
Mrs. J. Morgan is on the sick list
this week. We hope she will soon be
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bunnell and
children and Mrs. Mary Chappell
made a business trip to town Mon-
1 I
' Oliver Baird of Tacoma spent the
week-end with John Ree(! anti family
and was fortunate cough to get "a
deer to take back with him.
August Peterson, who was recently
hurt at Angel's camp, was able to
walk about last Saturday.
Miss Winnie Ganes of Tacoma,who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
August Peterson, returned to her
home on Saturday.
A very large audience was present
]at the school house Saturday evening
to hear the program given bF the
pupils of the Allyn school. All were
highly pleased with the entertain-
ment. The proceeds, $27.50, will be
used to purchase needed furniture
for tte teacher's cottage. The ladies
of Allyn served a generous supper
and a dance followed. The program
was as follows: ,
Song, "Star Spangled Banner"...All
Piano duet ..... Mrs. and Miss Miller
Recitation, "Columbus"..Violet Smith
Recitation, "Playing the Piano" .....
................ Margaret Zandell
Recitation, "An Inventory". ........
.................... Johnny Reed
Recitation, "The Wreck of the Hes-
perus" . ............... Mary Cripe
Recitation, "Kept' In...Earl Zandell
Mother Goose Rhymes ..............
......... First and Second Grades
Recitation, "Fence or Ambulance"..
.................... Leo Johnson
Recitation, "How Do I Look?". ....
..................... Goldie Reed
Recitation, "Money Musk" Ruby Reed
Recitation, "The Biggest Piece of
Pie" ............... Robert Austin
Dialog, "Story of a Peach Pie" .....
...Dorothy Reed and Joe Peterson
Recitation, "Lord Ullins Daughter"..
................... Lilly Johnson
Pantomine, "Nearer My God to Thee"
........................... : Girls
Recitation, "Nothing to Wear" ......
.................. Marie Peterson
Recitation, "My Teddy".Nelda Austin
Japanese Fan Song .................
.... Girls of Grammar Grades
Recitation: "Fun to Be An Esldmo"
................ Tommy Johnston
Recitation,' "My. Journey".Alice,, Reed
Essay, "School Prophecy ...........
.... ".. ............ Gertrude Reed
Play, "Cinderella" . .......... School
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baker kindly
assisted with the music.
Hon. Mark Reed of Shelton, Mr.
Lewis and Col. Inglis gave talks at
the school house Saturday evening,
after the school entertainment. On
account of the lateness of the hour
their talks were, of necessity, brief,
but they were to the point.
Miss Marion LaSalle of Tacoma
came to Allyn Saturday to attend
the school entertaimnent and returned
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. M. A. Gill of Allyn has re:
turned from a few days' visit with
friends in Tacoma. •
The ladies of the Congregational
church will give a chicken dinner and
entertainment at the ¢hirch Novea
ber 27. All are cord!allY invited to
be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Budding and
daughter Lona have moved to Ta-
coma for the winter. Mrs. Budding
will be greatly missed as she has
always kindly given her services at
the dances, and without renumeration,
essrs. Lee Baker and H: H. Wes-
serling will take the election returns
to Shelton on Wednesday.
Mesdames Lee Baker and H. H:
Wesserling will spend Thursday shop-
ping in Bremerton.
The election in Allyn was a very
quiet affair although about the usual
numler of votes were cast.
A large party of friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Budding surprised them at
their home Monday evening to bid
them good bye. An enjoyable eve-
ning was spent in cards and dancing.
Miss Arbutus Cripe came over
from Tacoma to attend the school en-
tertainment and to visit for a few
days. She returned Monday morning.
Mrs. M. E. Brink went to Olympia
last Friday on the Arrow on a shop-
pi? tour.
Hansen and wife and Mrs. John-
son attended the Agate dance last
Saturday evening. They also took
Mrs. Morris to Shelton Sumlay morn-
ing in the launch "Two of Us.'
Capt. Win. Brink of Olympia came
down last lMday to spend a week or
so on the farm, as the Panama Lum-
ber and Shingle Mill shut down.
There was a school Hallowe'en
party held at Detroit last Friday
night. The Stadiumites all turned out.
Capt. Wm. Brink returned to Olym-
pia Tuesday morning to cast his vote.
Mrs. C. W. Baird gave a Hallowe'en
party at the Dew Drop Inn Saturday
evening. Among the guests were L.
Rauschert and two sons, Teddy and
Bryan, Mrs. K. Sund and little son
R. F. Johnson has been digging
spuds for his brother George for the
last few days, but returned home last
The grape season is over and now
the fmmers are busy picking their
apples and doing their late fall work.
There was quite a crowd of people
made the trip to Olympia last Friday
to do their week-end shopping.
Mend that torn book and music
with Dennison's Transparent Mending
Tape. 10c and 15c a roll. Journal
Stationery Shop.
*$'Well, election is over and "many?ts
the heart that's, aching after the
Harstine is proud fo 1.,o the dweil"
;n' place of one voter who cast his
first vote for Abraham Lincoln. This
is Mr. Baird, who makes his home
with the Andrews family. Mr. Baird
is totally blind, but all his other
faculties are unimpaired by age, and
!m distnictly recalls the turbulent
times prior to and following Lin-
coln's election. Lc.t us hope thht he
will not be disappointed in the de-
sire that his party may be as suc-
cessful in 1920 as they were in 1860.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Harris of
Tacoma spent the week-end and e.lec-
,ion day as guests of the latter's sis-
ter, Mrs. R. M. Haskell.
Harstine cast an even fifty votes.
Pretty good for a little burg like
Mrs. Grace Dodge is speding a few
days on the island at the home of
her'mother, Mrs. A. O. McKay. I
B. R. Hammond, wife and baby,
surprised the former's mother by l
suddenly appearing on the scene last
Monday. This is the 'first time in:
three years that the mother and son!
have been together and both wife and
baby were strangers to Grandma
Hammond. The baby of course is a
perfectly wonderful specimen of hu-
A very jolly party of Harstineites
went to the dance at Agate last Sat-
urday evenngi on the S. S. Arrow.
All report a lively time.
Miss Hihna Johnson came up from
Tacoma on Friday's mail boat for a
short visit with the home folks.
Word has been received of the
marriage of Mrs. Alma Allen to a
Mr. Dolen of Olympia. Mrs. Allen
spent the summer on the island. She
is the youngest daughter of Post-
master Goetsch.
The school had a pleasant little
Hallowe'cn party in the school, Oc-
tober 31. Thanks are due to Sun-
dius Johnson who brought his man-
(lolin and played accompaniments to
the singing. Games, eats, etc, was i
the order of the evening'. [
Mrs. An,one Goetsch was the*
guest of her mother, Mro. Swensen
of Grant over Sunday. [
Archie Kindred went up to Tacoma /
Saturday and will attend school there
for the winter.
Miss Edna Wiss was out from
town and spent last Friday night
and Saturday with Mrs. Win. Hunt-
J. F. Bennett came over from Puy-
allupSaturday night to stay until
after election.
Mrs. Joe Deer and daughter Mrs.
Joe Parsons of Shelton were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bennett Sun-
Mrs. Win. Huntley and duagtiter
Georgia and Miss Edna Wiss called
at the Winsor home Saturday after-
George Sharer of Shelton visited
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharer Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Shelton attend-
ed Eastern Star lodge in town Sat-
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett, Alma
Bennett, Mrs. Joe Dem' with Mrs.
Joe Deer called at Echo Farm Sun-
day afternoon.
Will more than pay your fare and expenses
• It's our immense buying power that counts
No. 60 Berkley Cambric, yard ............. 35c
No. 100 Berkley Cambric, yard ............ 39c
9-4 Bleached Pepperel, yard .............. 60c
9-4 Brown Pepperel, yard ................. 59c
36 inch light and dark Percales ........... 19c
36 inch Outings, yard ........ , ..... ...... 35c
27 inch White Outings, ................... 19c
Coats Crochet Thread, two for ............ 25c
Lux, package .......................... , .. 10c
Uncle Sam Chambray Shirts .... . ...... ...98c
Heavy (220 ounce) Blue Overalls ........ $1.98
Tin Pants .............. . ...... ........ $2.98
Leather faced Canvas Gloves ............. 35c
Women's all kid black military heel Shoes. $8.90
Men's black and cordovan Shoes.. $5.90 to $9.90
Best made calked Logger Shoes, 12 in top $18.50
(Price includes the tax)
Men's Women's and Children Suits and
Coats at extremely low prices.
Blankets and Comfortables at savings that
are bringing customers many miles.
One of 297 Stores
115-117-119 East 5th St. OLYMPIA, WASH.
Mrs. F. WaRlburger and sons were
Olympia visitors Friday.
C. Craddick was a business visitor'
in Shelton Monday.
Mr. Young is sawing wood for S.
Twentier this week.
Miss Almeda Greenwood spent
Wednesday with :Mrs. Roy CalT.
Mrs. Waldburger called Wednesday
afternoon at the Greenwood home.
D. R. Carr was a Shelton "visitor
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Greenwood and
WhisperingFex Trot.
My Midnight Frolic Girl--Fox Trot.
Cuban Moon--Fox Trot.
The Love Boat---Waltz.
Songs of Long Ago--Quartette.
I Cannot Sleep without Dreaming
of You--Quartette.
My Little Bimbo--Baritene Solo.
Why Don'tYou Dxve My Blues Away
Fast Asleep in Poppy Land--Onestep.
Dardanella--Fox Trot.
Mrs, H. Fletcher and small son of i In the GloamingSolo.
"Narcissus bulb with beautfiul pat- Auburn are visitina- at the home of Beautiful Isle of Somewher-Vo'cal.
tery jar (lavender, green and blue) her mother, Mrs. Whither. [One Sweet Solemn Thought--Duet.
boxed in a neat gift box with verse. on z orget the dnace given at l 85c and 1 00
Now is the time to start your bulb. the school house November 6th. Let's - _ _ . v .
$I.00 each. Journal Stationery Shop. gol 'Everybody assured a good time.' ] Journal Stationery Shop.
daughters spent Monday evening in
Miss Anna Young visited Sunday Kismet---Fox Trot.
afternoon with Mildred Greenwood. Happy--One Step.
Herbert and Edith Swanson of When Shadows Fall I Hear You Call-
Olympia were visitors in this vicinity ing CaliforniaFox Trot.
Mrs. Roy Greenwood and daughter Wait You'll See--One Step.
Almeda were McCleary visitors Fri-i Silver Threads Among the Gold--
day. 1 Vocal.
Good taste in dress must find its first expression
in the proper corset--in the harmony of beautiful
lines and right proportions.
are designed to accent the natural charm of every
type of figure. Whatever your corset needs, there
are manor models created in accordance with the
unchanging principles of beauty and good taste
that mu assure you graceful lines and faultless
proportions with that unconsciousness of restraint
that can only result from the healthful support
of a perfectly fitting corset.
Our thorough understanding of modern ¢orsetry
makes certain your complete satisfaction,
";" "" HOMAS 0 NEILL
aR0000sz00c00, t.l T '
.*i.*, The Best Dance Music. If you have heard them before .$*I SHELTON, WASHINGTON
*¼" you will be there, and if you havn't it's time you did. ";*/
The night before the holiday • EARL00rIN HALL, Shelton
:-:*" WEDNESDAY NOV. 10. Come EarlyandCelebrate
, With the Crowd.
Ttte most beautiful iins
4 a woman's figure
te grace/ul ,arm from
e armpit to the ankle.
T¢ beauty of tkis lint
ddtrmnes the ffedie.
el all you, clot
, :.. -;;]:,/: .... :)3D,£A 2, ...... ": " '