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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 5, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 5, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Page Three HOSPITAL PATIENT m hdr“‘ . . i i.. .t . ,', , ' ‘l 32- y a I"; ) A}! i gBprnett-O"“out ‘chddufitlh Had l l" (:“1 l’l‘t'lumdl" !R“d Huntel Irlnefl l George Parker ol‘ Shelton was ’ m \1 H 3 Szzttl‘. Su ur a" . fermion : gos'ess niirmziy . . I I r « L. (I I I I t0 Shelton hospital {In .‘ l , , .,, ‘C, .1 H n , L .t,-ned TeChl‘ilcallty LR“ i . . r1 ‘iidmitted to ShelLUIl hocpltdl Sat . ' a I! MISS DUI-Othy sumo," daugh'ex MI» ’6” 6 man tn 01 (u ————- l ‘iirda for medical treatment. . , erical tieatnicnt , I I I II I I‘ II I ‘ I I ) I A I y \ ' ,. _. . : lof Mr. and Mrs. E. B_ Sutton and net .nidgt cub Thursday, thi c t Regime he failed M ml“ {ml I " ;.;.. I. .IWims Burnett son of Mr. and tables being in play. MI'S. LUIW‘ 1' ‘ ,. -. hi‘. 3...,” ll . I k V "WWW W J" "”"” "‘ w... “mama-mm...Mfl,-m~»...~-«MAN ngs. Jack Burnett, were married rence Munson won the galloping 0;" GIIF’WE‘E’S’IJI'bI‘HE ‘ MAXINE BRIGGS, Society Editor Phone 274-J lSaturday afternoon, November ‘2. goose, Mrs. .Icsse Barrett tht E county wag fined MO~Imd €03th _ I; I I I — I, 1 lat 4 D. m., at the St. John Danish first prize and Mrs. Charles Borsi I by Justice‘ W, A “MIN-Yon“ “XML B). My“. Z6.” Prmznpr I , i ‘ - . u .. iLutheran church in Seattle, Rev. the low. Guests: of the club in- IIJI ,I I I I‘ I ‘ v Mallka “mob”. 30.,A mGC I "Jaegar‘A‘Ver Wedding ES'HBM IpeaCh “Ct 30W? with “(ware neclfilAlfred Sorensen officiating. Mr. eluded Mrs. John Bichoel, Mrs gifznfftjiesvsi‘fi£33] ()IELtVII]:I~;I“.911 puny fm. Mrs. Mary K1mp_ I Saturday Evening In Shelton Iline, puffed Sleeves» Sildd a fl‘lvrxojand Mrs. Walter Hoffman Se_ I Maggie McKay, Mrs. Harry DittI Iofdnc1qu S ngbor counts} .I . . um VHS at, Um Imme of Mr. andI Miss Charlotte Avery, daughter‘shh'l- Th: Lfm t‘ V .brbess V'.(;{Iattlc were their only attendants. man and Mrs. Munson. At the nggg’n dd “0, h'avc U‘IC fourth: MRI 1" IjI Burke in Show,“ Sun- I ‘, of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton H. Avery l""11to.ldc.}l Wllthlfl‘lv“; 1:11 (Emigqers. Burnett wore a dark bluc close, delicious refreshments werewhamrer loaded gut ,P‘ld faiiod to: day Mrs. Kimpton expects I to I. . ;0f Sheng‘n' and Earl Jug“ Of'm ~thIOl'lsst nlLlle (fin-navy blueEvelvet Su'eet lengm dress With sewed“ llilug it askrequired the law! 1961er “’1' hCl' homo hi New YWR‘ lSPOKFine. VVaS'hu 311d now locatedll}?! walul Cli \: t. the bottornli matcmng hat and V0“ and her llim‘tmu- Shotguns 10‘ three‘siutnlst‘dtt‘ at once. The guests were, lat Fort Worden- were marriedlu~0b0n WU“ 24mg 0. . .; ‘corsage was of gardeniafl. Mrs Hood Canal Women’s Club l.,,,‘.,eff fm. Hm hunt-n... ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jilllll Culliton, 3111‘ 'Savturday evening' November 2‘ 0? mic dhess'i‘ihc WOW C0133}: Hoffman wore a wine colo“3d SDOHSOFS Mrs- “arm”! .(JJME W) kn. land Mrs. Tel Ferris and chilj; , ' lat 8 P- m- at the MethOGiS‘t Pmym Uhrfiantmmums 0': pm“, jcrepe dress with matching hat and The Hood Canal Women's Clu‘t l ..- 'ilz'cn. Delores and lvan. Mr. and; I ,Sonage with DrI Robert Brumbhy shades. :lley Corsage was of g‘ai-denias. Mrs. is sponsoring- the appearance o.’ I L rI A vIlII H E I V IMWI Gpwéu, NOAH-em). m Olym_ Offic'latihg- M153 Evelyn AVEW. MYS- AVOTIV wore a black dress“ Shannon Davis of Seattle, sang Mrs. Garland from Bremerton whofilumoh Ielsw" In“ 1M.) I {lilo} IiwaI MK and Mm‘ Fred For,“ Jr.‘ iwas her sister’s attendant andlwith white color end cuffs and...I Love You Truly” and “Song gives about 35 book reviews SIHallo'fleell’ Party At “me a. I “Ind (1.. I“), I,\_;I,I,...:.IL.I M,._ mm; L I [Hamld Flemher 0f Torringtonvlh thk out and g‘ccessoz’les‘ From Paradise“ during the CCI‘e- Year and many Shelton pcoplc Halloween night. lhc juniorI Mrs. p Fwy-ls, SI.” Mrs. M. C. ltl'yo. and also of Fort Worden, Following the wedding. aI1~c.Iln0nyI have ward hm. before. She iamembers of the AImcr‘igan Leg-mnIFCZWI MI, 1:- JII Dmkery MumE ‘lWZiS beSt man‘ The Single ring Coption was held at “‘3‘ Wilde,” David VVios and Shannon Da— 3p‘3cm~h2h‘x‘-3~' in the theatre fiemlAUXihaIY'y and lheh‘wn’lehd‘i \Vel"°;l\dary Tanner. livelvn and .ackm Iceremony' was performed beforelhome when more efItheq‘ ii-iendoIvis were ush‘flfi The Church was md Wm give a paper on “Women entertamgd at the “we? farm m} Tanner and Miss Edna Ferris I FINEST FOODS AT ‘Teiat‘wes and a few close friendsw‘vme precmt‘ A White who “Pm beautifully decorated with autumn h the Theatre” and Will 3190 g'in‘ Isabella VEHCM I'Iallm’fefm g‘dlncs. Mr. :lll’l Mrs. lu'l \‘vlillit’llllull ailil‘ BEST pRICEs ‘Of the cauple' pink flvi formed. PFC Fenimi-ileaves and white Chrysanthemums, :WO ,di'amhhc mOhOdmmaU- Th9.3~h(l Sthht$ W9“; Why?“ “11th? kilf—a",cliilili‘c.=i oi“ ()iyiiiino. spent. Sun- ‘. The bride was very attractiveipioce (I; the ivory_wnite camasxgthe White predOminatina meeting Will start at 2 p. m., and bain, The ‘hignlight of lac Icvi:; day Wm, Aim.” \hnkelman . II H07 DSPORT 1with her dark hair and eyes and".Cloth ICCVBII'OG tam? Ml‘f- Avelfy';aisles were lighted bybgvh-lte ta_l will be held at the Hoodsport hing was the yis-it oi (lie a Girl}, IAN pdhnel. is (mvmg “3L. Bee“ - llovely skin in a pink taffeta gown, i PVU‘JC“ 3h“ the hl'lde hhh groom: ews school. There is a 25 cents ad- Witch. Later in the evening, eV— I mi ;.;)i(,01 bus )mw Slncc Bernard, I 3 - f- ’ fr d ’91 veg dm ed‘cut their wedding cake. p ’ I mission. Members of the Sheltonieryone went to the house for dc-r Smith quit, I ‘Wlth ’my pu *6 ee . pp . < . . A reception followed“ the wed- , . v __ V ‘ 1. . .f. h, t T1 , ,._; I. I, I I , I MIN _ w_ V I , i h ‘h 1d The skirt was For “(flag 2an the bride cnosei , . Gaiden ciub and any other women ieious ie res .nen s. iose at I)..I,t LUIgCt L1,L bIg swam joff t e 5 cu ers. I . o .. I ... ‘dll’lg in the church parlors and . I. . I. t d. OI . 1 d d JIII m HI. II I T I W H I” , .a large hoop skirt and in then blue and \Vliltc print dress, witnI I . , I decowated interested are invited to attend. en 111:, men 6 ane o. o mandala» t” {hp 3,1”). “Ins,” gym: ifi'ont near the bottom of the dress. :a double breasted effect in frontnthc b“qu “Hf hite The next regular meeting will Marie Fisk. JoanIRucker, h’lal‘jor-ISaturday night, November The A 7 A fl r inned u the dress show; 1 and '1 Die/it‘d skirt. She WOW 3 lwlth Whlte Chiymntvhtmums‘ w be held November 28, at the school 16 Ann Valley, Vlrg‘mlfl C0Dn01lyy 1. school orchestra will furnish thel ilaozveblge sliD‘Endemeath Thelblaclr accessories am“roses and Iwhite tapedrfl and Mrs_ Curtis of Seattle who,Betty Lee Jemison, Marylin Lake-ImusicI Bring 3.0m. best gm am: ’gy ‘ |Inetekline of the dress was trimmedlher carnation corsage. FollniingjmomsI “"319 (declg‘iet vgicmgond hast also appeared baforc 10031 burg: Nancy. Lakebm‘g' ,Ins' S‘h'il’laVO lets Of fun. 3 . a ‘ I‘UELICAN FOR lwith blue flovvers and her copla Eh“,f -,.I0m3\.l.n_,,m m an 1m,Iv.Iu_Iflowezs.I Mr..l.I oJe;1 on aup‘ts audiences, will be present and “van. LaVOH ISOUIB. N'dOlmIC LEI-I“, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Guynup of: H - 5Snare of pink carnations mingled :nUUllCCd destination. Mrs Jacgar‘aildtthigrikeewfi‘omgdnsan’d ME give instructions on Christmas bor, Mary Eliason, Marjorie Con-,Sheimm Edward Townsend andj II D I -0 e , ' , . her i wvith the blue flowers across thelwill return to Shelton until ' ' ‘ C ‘ helton and entire front of the neckline. Shel‘nusliand is in a permanent Gauge C‘lrdmal O: S .Mrs. Richard Dightman served. 'lCt lworc a velvet cape with the dresstlace. EMFSI MI Dickie cut the wed_ IHer only jewelry was a WI‘lSti , I I idino. cake. The weddng was per, lwatch given her by the groomIMillikmr-Goodmn Wedding “mined before about 75 close Counties 3and a dainty locket given her binIs Held Friday Evening \ i1 Election, Nov. 5 . . . Ifriends and relatives). lher arents. l Miss June Goodwm, d'iuc‘liter ofI I mgr sister aer. and Mrs. J. H. Goodwin of Mr- and Mrs. Burnett 10ft for r ‘ Kenneth Millikamo short wedding trip, expecting to ' Alton. and I of RCV and . R \V Miereturn here about the middle of I . i . - . . . was dressed in ,____.._.___.————————v lb YOU THE. lERS 0F SHELTON I.i announcing my candidacy for the office of City Attorney. I was not unaware of the fact that there might be some confusion due to my candidacy [01' the office of State Representative. I was also {Wart- that my opponents might make unfair use of this situation. The truth is that there is nothing in- c0nsis‘.ant in the offices and that if I should be elcctcd to both positions, there would be no conflict I:kan of Seattle, were united inflhc weak I Zniarriagc Fridav niUht. November! Those from Shelton attending ' 1 at 930 o'clock with candle—ltho wedding and reception includ— “ lll‘g‘lit services at the Mt, Olivcled Mr. and Mrs. George Cardinal, 1Liitlteran church, with Rev. R. and Mrs. Ed Lawton, Mr. and l ers. c. H. Grunert, Mr. and red suedeiMrs. Leo Martin, Mr. and Mrs. j‘ iMuhly officiating. The bride wore a I ‘ street dress with black accessor~Hugh Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Ed l lien. Her Corsage was of garden-lLewis, Mrs. Lantz Wiss, Mrs. flags. The bride's only attendant'David Graham of Salem, Oi‘e., a ’1': 3was her sister, Mrs. H. E. Stanley.former Shelton resident; IMrs. 7‘ 2of Auburn. Her dress was of 1 Frank VVillai-d, Mrs, W. M. Dickie black and red silk crepe witthiss Phoebe Wiss, Miss Betty lblack accessories, and her corsage‘Connor, David Wiss, Mr. and Mrs. lwao of white car-nations. TheISutton, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett, ' lgroom’s only attendant was hisers. Chesley Pringle, Mrs. Emma Ibrother-in-law, M. E. Gibson of‘Booth and Mrs. Gladys Burnett .‘ {Shelton Clark. 1 After the ceremony a reception: The church where the wedding was held at the home 0f the was held was built by Mrs. Bur- hride- :nett’s grandfather, Thomas Clauo— Those attending were: ReV- and’en, who had constructed the build- Mrs. R. W. Millikan Of Seattle, ing from foundation to top anc in the duties. ’l‘ne position of State Representative Mrs, Robert E. IDiexger g: Eyerettf, I it had always been theI fieISh-ihoi Tc n A» r ' of the levislnture MI‘. and Mrs- A ah CY I0 :Mrs. Burnett to be marric in at (lune. attendance at sessmns a “Auburn, Mn and MIISI MI E Glb_ Chumhl ‘foi‘ only 60 days. The position of City Attorney is not. full time position. Many times previously city .foieiiils from the various cities of this state have son, Mr. and Mrs L. W. Fosdick, r. and Mrs. H. L. Goodwin, Mr.iBridal Shower Honors IRecent ‘1 land Mrs. Ray Mitchell, Mr. andlIBride Wednesday Evening i 9‘" v' a1 -: r i ‘ '~ ‘t'es in the. State ers. James ‘Knopfler of Sham-‘ Mrs. Arthur Winsor, Jr., the ‘ midi; ‘ LEOII upmseméc‘ me” Clonynum .lthe osition {rock Point, Harold Deigh, Mrs. former Miss Ruth. Chialvo,'was . id CO d “gmaturc w‘thom neg 80 mg 61 r p '~:A1ice Perry, Miss LaVerne Fos- honored With a bridal shower at r for an ‘ . . t . ldick and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Good-' the home of Mrs, A. Wmsor on of »- My candidaCy for the Office of City At omer “' lwin. all of Shelton. I Isouth Second street Wednesday and i ‘3 based on mv pledge of a. square deal to all- I W111 ? The couple will make their home evening, October 30. The room mm] ': in Seattle where Mr. Millikan islwas arranged in Halloween motif; _. t"eat all of the citizens of this city alike and 3110“! no I will attend to the duties of y office promptly, fairly and impartially. I will 01‘ act as the spokesman of any special interest group and I will try to discharge my duty according It° law and justice at all times. with a large black cat as a cen- »—A-—w~ terpiece for the table. Severa Olympia. Visitor Here games were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Herbert Drew of Olympia.lowiiig the opening of the brides l gifts lovely refreshments W or} lserved, completing the Hallowe’en flower to anyone employed at Boeing's. l I” 1 l jwas a Shelton visitor Friday. I _ l silly I motif. hora" ‘7 HEAR g The invited guests included Mrs. 1 v3.7” IS. L. Pearson, Mrs. George Young, ‘Mrs. C. M. Mercer, Mrs. W. IE. Bushnell, Mrs. J. T. Dunbar, Mis.‘ LVivian Johnson, Miss Norma. iSmith, Miss Arlene Chialvo, MrsJ Mrs. Madge Garland In Lecture and Mono Drama at battles '1‘. Wright thur Winsor, Sr., and the honoree guest, Mrs. Arthur Winsor, Jr. ‘5 5 » '~ 1 ‘ J. Knopfler, Mrs. Henry Rishcl “swal- d d i, IIODdSDOI‘t Gym. ‘MlSS Eileen Shoaf,1 MES. Erfies “1 I " I I Runion Mrs. Nei ee, is;- e n 1 ate 01 I . ’ ththevrr ca i I Thursday 0v, 7 lTeresa Lee, Mrs, Lyle IMcElroy l "191” 1.30 p, MI lthe hostesses, Mvilss Vll‘glfixla cabi-r ‘ ' ' ' ' i k‘ insor, s. r- in CITY AT [ORNEY 1e r Sponsored by Hood Canal Women’s Club. Admission 25¢ to non-members l lGarden Club And L. M. Fur Style Show 15 Very Enjoyable The fur coat style show given ‘by the Lumbermen’s Mercantile ‘and assisted by the Shelton Gar- den alub members was a. very lsuccessful affair Friday afternoon. -.| An exceptionally fine line of coats lwere on display and a good at- ?tendance of the public was pres- ,lent. The garden club members lserved a silver tea after the show and netted a little' over nine dollars, both for the tea and after ‘the show, the cakes and cookies .left over were sold. The club ;wishes to thank Mark Pickens for i the donations of the door prize and the refreshments and they al- .Iso wish to thank the club mem- bers who donated cakes and cook, ies. The committee assisting with the serving included Mrs. Ray Bailey, Mrs. Harry Perry, Mrs. IMarcus Rodgers. Mrs. Logan lMitchell, Mrs. Walter Kullrich. IMrs. Edw. Faubert, Mrs. A. M. Drown, Mrs. George Cropper, Mrs. 'lL. D. Hack, Mrs. Martha Deer: .Mrs. James Amunds, Mrs. J, H. .Frisken and Mrs. Mark Pickens. Mrs. Bailey won the "door prize. l Sam Morse commented on the {coats as they were shown, and 'Ithe girls modeling the coats_in- ‘Icluded Mrs. Gene Miller, MISS (paid advertisement l l idal. ' Aladino Stefani, of the Stefani 'lalso here for the show. lwere 25 coats modeled. he that slightly more’ than half the cost. We have hundreds g“ 5 0fthe newest fabrics to Sela I ni Designers. l the Baby [Seal Yoke Back Swagger, I ht‘from. years in Olym- Ilia. l Ermine. iis lGadabouts Meet Thursday iFor Venison Dinner The Gadabouts met with Mrs IThursday. Mrs. H. Donald Gra :ham and Mrs. Alice Perry ghonors at 500. 'included Mrs. lBarney Morgan, Mrs. Lloyd Fos ldick, Mrs. Arthur ,Morgan, Mrs. Perry, 'lhostees Mrs. White. Mrs. was elected secretary-treasurer fo Ithe comino‘ season The 119“ Dale Tresner OLYMPIA Jean McKay and Miss Amalia Or-I Designers of San Francisco, was 50 cents There ' all bear- ling the Customade label of Stefa- Of the 25 coats lthere were six coats which were copies of the winning honors at .the New York Fair and included Seal Stroller, the Baby the jCompo Mink and the Coco Dyed Wilfred White at her home on Bayshore for a lovely venison din-'Rebekahs Hold Card Party ,ner and afternoon of cards lastl'l‘hursday Evening won held a card party at the I.0.0.F‘. Members present hall and there were several tables David Cook, Mrs. McLaughlin, Clapper won honors, and at 5001 'Mrs. Donald Graham, Mrs. Virqu Mrs. E. F. Martin and Guy Call and theiwon honors. Cook won the door prize and . meeting will 'be with ,.. Mrs.-Mc- ments of cider, donuts and coffee Laughlin 'i‘nursday, at ‘l.":’dO.""““' decorations and wrapping. stable, Winnifred Collier. Francesanmest King-I were dinner gncstsi I Fentimahy Florence Fehtimahvlof Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing, -‘ Mary DODSOT‘M Blhy V‘dheyy JaCk‘iand Mrs. Anna Rediska Sunday. i Vahcyv Bill WiV’Chv and “19 hOF‘-i Miss» Violet Weisert spent thcl 955 Men'ldee VViVQh- The Pm"i\veek end with Mildred Priszneiu ents attending included Mrs. Wm? Mrs P. J. Nordwcll, Mrs. Anna, Valley, MI‘S. Warren Earl, MI‘S.?Re.diska and Mrs. Elvin Hearing“ Purl JemiSSH- M E11111 Lfillbfll’hwcre among the ladies from Mat~x Mrs. Milton Clot . 1", Oliver-Jock Grange Club who attended? Additional Names Of W'omen Donating Plants For Sale The names of Mrs. A. E. Hillier' and Mrs. George Drake were also to be added to the list of those donating plants for the plant sale held recently by the Shelton Gar- den club. The officers also wish Constable. and Mr. and Lil's). Myr—ithe Womano' federated clubs that! f .. i . i r Wu r , u n.- to state that if other names are van Wivell. Iwas held in Shelton Tuesday. i Fithafif‘rgo‘ZELP6215:3053“ left out, it in not meant as a I Word was received that Mr. and! gogwoom y’ear I slight, but because of the arrival‘MrS. F. H. Dieh! Honors iMrs. C. W. Wei-t2. are the proud mod]; ,‘Wm dwkoy possegsiona :if the plants all at one time, those in charge did not have a chance to get all the names of those bringing them. Mrs. Shzikell‘ord With Tea 'pa.rcnts of a 613 pound boy born MFS- F. H Diem EHlel‘lainCd‘at San Diego hospital October 22. Friday afternoon with a tea hon-:Mr. \‘v‘ertz is a grandson of Mr. oring Mrs. G. G. Shakelford of Dc-. Fred Ferris Sr, This makes Mr. troit, Mich, who is visiting heraF‘ei-ris great ggandfather. brothers, Angus and D. J. O‘Neill1 and other friends and relatives.1 The tea was from three to five and there were 20 guests invited to meet and visit with Mrs. Shakcl. ford, or equal value . . . or nay: . . . this year. Let us BERLOUIZE your clothes, rugs, etc., now before they are damaged. OJI‘ serVico is backed by a ten year guar- antee. Ask us about it new. Skokomish W.C.T.U. To Meet Tuesday, November l2 The Skokomisli W.C.T.U, unit will meet Tuesday, November 12 at the home of lidli's. Olivia Hunter. There will be a o‘clock pot-luck uncheon and anyone interested is :ordially invited to attend. Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS DeliverecLanywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270—W l . Mason County Steam ; Laundry & Dry Cleaners Girl Scout Leaders To Meet This Evening,r Girl Scout Leaders will meet. this evening, Monday. at p. m.,i at the home of Mrs. R. Gerharth Mrs. Walter Rogers will be pres: members of Troop 2 of the Shel- ent t0 instruct them in making ton Girl Scouts. attended the an-ipocketbooks and those attending nual reunion of Camp Robbins—JETS asked to bring yarn, a needle wold Friday evening at a 6:30 With a large eye, and SCiSSOl‘S~ dinner at the Y.W.C.A. in Seattle. '- Attend Camp Itobbinswold Reunion In Seattle Friday Miss Betty Lee Jemison and Miss Betty Lou Mackey, both Flower Arrangement School To Be Held In Seattle .The Washington State Federa— tion of Garden Clubs will sponsor! :i flower arrangement and horti-‘ cultural judging school Thursday and Friday, November and 8 in the Tea Room at the Y.W.C.A. Thursday at 10 a. m., shrubs and , trees will be discussed, stressing ‘ ‘ autumn color and the care tending of them. During the af« ternoon starting at 1 o’clock, there1 will be an hour devoted to judging of the exhibits which have been entered by the garden clubs of the state. The classes will iii- :ludc buffet supper arrangement, specimen bloom or berried sprayi )f shrubs or tree and corsage for morning, afternoon or evening wear. At 2 o'clock, a series of, 15-minute talks will start on the ‘. judging of Chrysanthemums, dah- .ias, roses and iris by various wo- men. At 6 o’clock a dinner has . been planned honoring the guests. from out of the city. ‘ Friday there will be talks on holiday decorations and how to judge flower arrangements. Mrs. George Cropper has tick- ets for the school and anyone wishing to attend are asked to call her. Something Exciting Every Minute at the l l Mrs. John King Is Hostess For Bridge Club Thursday Mrs. John King entertained the, .members of her bridge club at the I home of Mrs. Warren Abel Thurs— day afternoon with a 12:30 lunch- eon and bridge. Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mrs. Lou Herzog won, I honors and those present included‘ 1 Glenn Storey” Mrs. Clare Hammond, Mrs. Herzog, Mrs. W. D. Austin, Mrs. John Webber, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Abel and Mrs. King. I l l Thursda Friday November 7 and 8 , 9" M Mrs, J. T. Burke Is Hostess For Bridge Club Thursday Mrs. J. T. Burke entertained the Angleside bridge club Thursday with a 1 o’clock luncheon, follow- ed by three tables of bridge. Mrs. Earl Fortnum won honors. Ice Skating Party Wednesday To Raise Shoe Fund Money Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Rogers are party sponsors for an ice skating party in Olympia, Wed- nesday, November 6, the funds to, {go towards the shoe fund, Tick-l lets for the event may be securedl lat Guy McKinney's Associated) lService Station, or from Ira Spring, Gene Miller, Richard Hill. Robert Bell, Walter Rogers or Mrs. George Cropper and they are l .l.‘ Everybody Out For A Couple of Evenings of Fun and Entertain- ment at the Annual Merchants’ Exposition. Come and see the new merchandise displayed by your Shelton stores. You’ll get a lot of good ideas to help solve your Christmas gift problems by brovsing through the many beautiful booths. It's your annual chance to get acquainted again with your Shelton merchants and at the same time add a. bit to the charity funds of the‘Kiwanis and ActiVe Clubs, joint Exposition sponsors. l V.F.W_ Auxiliary Meets Friday Evening Friday evening the V.F.W. Aux- iliary met for their regular meet-l i'ng, and made plans for their' booth at the Merchant's Exposi-l tion. As they have done in the l i $25 CASll AWARDED EACH NIGHT 2 BIG noon PRIZES mu NIGHT Doors Open At 7 O’Clock ADULTS 100 CHILDREN FREE past, veteran-made articles will be on sale in their booth. The sewing club meetings have been postponed to the first of the year on account of there being so l'many other things doing from now - v on. Thursday evening the Rebekahs of pinochle and 500 in play. At - pinochle, Harry Young and Jordanl Mrs. J. M. Dobson. Mrs. Hannah Peterson won the clothes 2' lhamper. At the 019%, Irefresh- l’. I "Were enjoyed.