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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 5, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 5, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i v 4 'l lli‘Sllil.}', Noveliihcl‘- ,... ._ may. do ., . l Nm Roy Eells Says —- . Customers Tell Us will After A HOt Game . . . . F . . . .5 To llC lei *OOt a > , i . z i Whethei Its Football Slilil [E ( )NMASUN (,UUNH l()Ul<N;\lI . my '.h9:fi¢~‘i’;.t ;‘"¢" "231*" 4-"5 *5.“ "as 2.. I ’11 cc ' I , .' ;- V. .t 0 lee The Schedule Chart 01" Blldge , m iSi ur t, ._ fl & WYOrkS” Keep one in Your Pocket when you .- S‘J . go to the games for fing‘erti inform- .r REMODELED STORE $ than 0..-- p M. . 0 - They phone us or drop in to sayer 0. r') “Pick up my car and give it the complete ‘ :1 Standard Lubrication job." They know In 6’ 12’ 29 ounce bottles 0 they can depend on Standard Oil Lubrl— Team Scheduies I g cants. And they know they can depend _ Retailed at your favorite mun. ' -: See Our on us to do a thorough job on their cars. 0 Penalty Signals mm or grocery store. R E 1 1 S k W C \‘i’é'tgveprpiud Silltlhoief cgiiitiimegshfolllks. 6 Penalties Columbia VS. Wisconsin ‘ I .IV'“ 1 in y r 1e . e 0‘ s— . H n a“ ge‘ tOL tomers the finest lubrication :nd motor a 1039 S°°re5 Manufactured by t fuels, and those little extra services such M ASI * Clino . W.S.C. 7 _ , the correct pressure, vacuuming out the _ _ BOOSTERS FOP SHELTON oregon State vs AUtOInOtlve Elecu 19211 )4} t5 inside, free pickup and delivery, and nuni- ~ . erous other little extras like that. Fordham Vs. Purd‘": , . Your Most Personal Gift K t k .5_ Ge T l . p I I a _ W e en uc y v orgia em Georgia vs. Fleiida Be Prepared I Eaton Body & Fender Works 1“ “WWW Advemsc“ Sitc‘llfifi‘goi‘i’fslainiitiildimififigTESS“: Available at Any ,CAMMARANO BROTHERS - ' Miclii an vs. Minnesota . These TIPS Cami/Jim“ g PETE and “RR” for TACKLE TAB "W O I y of '\ . V Hi-School Sari/ice KIMBEL 01L CO. * W- t. R . , mews Mid-Week eaw Authorized Distributor No. 4463 of “thm'ized meme“ 1“ er alns' Sho in Standard Stations Inc. pp g Made from your faV01‘- First and Grove Phone 137 Just Across from Irene S. Reed Hi School Phone 465 or 255-J . 1 , , i ' ites napshots. Large se- I YOLu Home 3 .‘ V A on to You lections of beautifully 1 Roof Another Vi ,1 t l d '- 'd t choose .. l z ., . . Zine. 041 s o I , Wlntel.? N°' 2 ' - i i ' — r . D :Lct Usflelp .You \Vith Your “1t? )these “ ID . . to the one picking the most Winning teams from .- FINANCING PROBLEMS S 1 E C IA A No. 1 10-LBS. games listed on this page -- o P . . 2 Cl,” Plan Features: Don’t NIISS ‘ Ema” . ' ' ' ' 3 Sweepstakes Prizes Of gal-“No MORTGAGE Happy Home , 3‘ v . : OWNO DOWN PAYMENT Marblehead LB. ‘ p. 12 To 36 MONTHS TO OUR D Squash 5 _ l , PAY on Home Romoooiihg CANNED F00 - ' ' loans. _: gm, . SALE to A “my “3‘ to the three best prognosticators over the 10 o ,y 5;: Cabbage . . . . weeks the contest runs. 1.4, Fernbrook No.2 Tin g ultura Open evenings by appoint- _‘ .in y I, V non: , mth for family group . . Sherwin Williams £0111 . . . . ~_ foil 5, DR‘JC‘ =AND — pictures 1 . l \ Paints. Red Cedar neuies B i T . I I ’ shin-gigs. C‘ompOSF Fcriibrook . lStash a s. exas V p . M . , . °r V Phone 152 , , fine 9°" R°°“"9- Str. Beans 3/ .3 co CRABILL’S rHE RULES: A , , M 4 . . “Se Alabama Vsi Tmane 1.—Anyone may enter this guessing contest except employes of of the contest. 1 . . . i ., ,‘c G R C E R Y ' The Journal, providing they use entry blanks printed below. 5.—-Entry blanks must be deposited in the ballot boxes at The Journal, l°Wa VS- Nem‘aSka S 1 C 01 Yr. ic and Cascade THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE OF ANY KIND. L. M., Wilson’s Cafe, Crabiil's Grocery (on Hillcrest) or the HI- ‘ ‘ , 1‘ Z a ,ati Y. 1(1))” Hiucw’st 2.—-—Ooposlte the correct advertisers name on the entry blank list the School Service by 10 a. m., Saturday of each week. V . . of 1 A team you think will win the game listed in that ad and guess the G.——-In every advertisement on this page you-Will find the name.of a I . ‘ l3 a Ph score. If you think the game will end in a tie, indicate it so. football game scheduled to be played this week—can you figure. ‘Everythmg for the Builder H one ‘ Scores will be used only to settle ties among entrants. which team will win? To theperson naming the m0“ ‘Vlnnefsi 420 3. First Phone 56..) phone 93 Denver}! 5 . 3.—The name of at least one article listed in each advertisement must provided they have complied With all the rules printed below, wull I, SUI be writtcn'in on the entry blank. Failure to do so is cause for go the $5.00 cash prize. Compare the respective abilities of the i . I my disqualification. competing teams and decide. in your mind, which will wm. And ' A Its 4.—-—In order to be eligible for the Sweepstakes Prizes entrants must read the advertisements carefully that you may fill out your v admin have submitted entry blanks at least nine out of the ten weeks ' entry blank correctly. ' D :‘n: 1 , ' t . q C( . I, ~ I we. Bargain Week I .3“: . . ‘, 1:133? in 7' R E L ' Your Health. .5 See Our Windows . lit. for fDxmblts .Showmg A quart of “4-13” milk daily will prepare you 1'50 Mason Count“ SChOO‘ ADVERTISER PRODUCT TEAM CHOICE SQORt Winter with no time out for colds and other 111 System dating from , V ‘ N I--| I 4 0 Eaton Body & Fender .................................... .. .................................................. .. 5 053,3 13> {£3 ASK for “4-5” at YOUR onocens. 10 to t g 3: fl a 8‘ x p-J (‘D 5-H— ... :5 .2 v . _, 3 Roy E8118 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- “St-4:9. g g;- 4 E n “0t ' . . ' O'Q n 3: flammew 6a: H1-Sch001 Servme ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ ' g S: E E a l H. . r i Mason County's Pioneer Dept. Store 5 EVERETT FOLRRE , . I 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ N p p : Texas A &. M vs. Southern Methodist Shelton Ga age “I, ‘8 0‘0: Harvard VS. Pennsywama Cammarano Bros. .............................. ................................................................ .- g a _, l y , V co : : ._ . ., TOUCHDOWN Crabill’s Grocery ................................................................................................ .. .2 Z: g g 5 B E 1 Yo i :- VALUES Andrew’s Studio .................................................................................................. .. E!" a: ‘ W A R E BYYOU SMiLiiieASSOCl N L t L b C l i MR' MOTORIST EARETHECOALHES RE i ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : : aw on um er 0' """""""""" " 5‘ a; -' : : When Mercury Drops EU) I. . o i... 513 : PERMlTTED 0N Fl U S E D Sh€1t0n CaSh GPOCBTY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 520$; ; TROUBLE POPS RlNG' GAME? m L M CO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . fl fl _ > , i _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ u g2 3 a ‘-. ' ' v WHAT WASTHE. .5; C A S ' ' ' """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :3. 92,6 5 3 Don’t Wait Untii LOWEST scoRINcr . :; Assoc1ated Servme .............................................................................................. .. g- ; Trouble pops . . DROP KICK? V ,I ‘ ' m : 3 Co . v , _ ’ N : I ‘me in now and let us . 193,7 PeLuxe PLYMOIflTI-z S ' ' - ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ ' ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' n a E banlsh winter wear and GNU/:EJZ‘THTHE"; a Tourmg sedan' Exce en - ‘ ' Pia/x5 i E won'Y- We can protect your REFEREE'S ‘5‘“ "T condition throughom- Spe' WIICOX 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- S g 5 ; ctar ..this winter and protect CONSENT cial this week. d5 ’9, A 1 well. $495 DOG HOUSE. . McConkey Phaimacy ............. ................................................................ ...... .. g g o , of §_ ' "3 i : s artin ,. or Here’s How to Get Out Shelton Bakery .................................................................................................... —- 0‘ '5" Q‘ E. 5 gear- iififigv Siggmgfirgia '9 ' Texaco Service %3 3 i ' Vim? car against the danger 1937 DODGE Touring Se- ‘ TAKE HER OUT V """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " gg 8 3 g 1"e‘eze-UPS- ‘ .~ dano This week—. 1 T0 DINNER' Kimbel Oil Co. ...................................................................................................... .. O‘Qv ;' a ,2 ham; the satisfaction of - 1 . : : i your car is read M i S ‘ 511 g: i i for any weather. y ' Relieve her of the task 03 0 lgas elvme """"""""""""""""""""""""""" "7 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' “ E i i Grime“ vs Carla‘s" preparing the meal an -, 3 . r0 5 ' washing the dishes. She’ll F11 Dlug Store ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3:; g a 5 SKY CHIEF Gasoline for. 1938 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe appreciate the opportunity to . - :4 gym ; : those who want the best. 4‘E D311? ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- FIRE CHIEF Gasoline, "one Fine, Well-Prepared Food at Cliff Reasonable Prices Wivell’s Texaco Service First and Franklin Phone 397 S. L. Draught Beer—Chilled Wine Vel‘m0nt 35.15412... £334: Wilson’s Cafe Burnt Sugar Cake: 9 PLYMOUTH Dealer Won t Oiegon VS. U-C-L.A. Rice VS. Alkallsas E E 2 l A TOUCHDOWN 11mg A Delicious Cake topped O S P E C I A L with tasty Maple Cream NOW! icing. These are hazardous LOWEST PRICE? h ‘h on VITAMINS 50’s Halibut. Liver Oil Capsules ......... 1 109,3 Hahbut Liver Oil Capsules ....... 20,8 A.B.D.G, Capsules ________________________ 50,5 A-B.D.G. Capsuleg _________________________ 250’s A-BDG. Capsules ____________________ FOR FOOTBALL VIMvTAKE VITAM . ‘ t .i 1‘ months . . . slick, wet O nghtS streets . foggy nights . . . school children run- Tll‘es hing about. It’s important to make certain that you .. swipes have absolute control of , your car, and that it is Q .3 , equipped to give maxi- ” Blakes mum safety. For your 2—50¢ Hinds Ask About Our Lay-Away . t , Plan for Toys and Gifts Honev Almond Serve Boudreau s bread 'for‘every meal. You ~ " and your family Will enjoy its freshness and Franknnware Enamel ‘ delicious flavor! Pattern ROASTERS DINNER WARE 32 pieces ........ .. $5.25 9—lb. Roast ____ ._ 89¢ . .1 - protection and the secur— hoghght ity of others we suggest . you drive in for a check- Defroster up on the following: 1 On Sale at Your Favox’te G ' \r’s ( 1 met ) open stock 18—lb. Roastw $1.25 . ENAMEL WARE GLASSES BOUDREAU’S Choice 59¢ Each .................. _. 5c ' Wheel Alignment SHELTON GARAGE First and Cota\ Phone 52 WRECKER SERVICE—Vie Never Close California vs. U.S.C. white with red trim tall 10-oz. McCONKEY PHARMACY ' SHIlEETQN BAEEBX Oklahoma vs. Kansas Washington vs. Stanford V Idaho vs. Montana fin nicmi’no soreness. Profp'r u .i . . Jun A . 4|“ “I'M l’rk'wrliilinus i,» the Miu‘i‘ lmpnria ‘1 Port oI Our ll“ Dartmouth vs. Princeton Touring Sedan. Like new dress and go out to eat with- __________ .. , out worrying about the meal . fine" at its Price —— instant or dishes. starting in coldest weather. 1 a . . , .. .a