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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 5, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 5, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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November 5, 1040. iel‘ “a _‘ 1 FINE]: ltLL NNEllllEE Paid Political Advertising i l .K. liENlS 1 Elect C. W. (Cliff) germs Republican Nominee for County Commissmner DISTRICT NO. 2 Experienced and Qualified ,. rig MASON COUNTY ANDIDATE . . for :urdu if ‘ esentatlve AB“ "can Nominee .ES ' . \r /’y; 34‘. I; . HAS. R. . WIS id 9. DIDATE FOR EL Attorney CHARLES AFDEM Republican Nominee coMMIssmNER l l l iss . Primarie‘i District No. 1 ~— Mason County 5' e ( For Efficient and Impartial 31116 2‘ mber 0, Administration F00: . for ‘Sick’ Soil .‘ [0 Sick soils" is the role ,’ y by agronomists at tUral.colleges and e):- t‘lons. “They can test a ’ sent in by a farmer ., . ," ut‘es and learn what its ' it may be,” says a the Middle West Soil it committee. Not only in but in the entire field muse. these agronomists, ctDunty agents, are co- . give farmers up-to-the- tion on the most suit- . Plant food to use. CHARLES T. WRGHT Candidate for City Attorney People’s Party .— An independent, progressive candidate Vi I‘SUITS Dismssnp IFgrmer it: ZillihiibéhfiliiWOman Conducting IProgram 0n KMO 1‘ f." Fourre as the af- actraffic accident \ ota streets several . .W 1",, ..- 1 Mason County mothers who ‘erc dlsm‘””°d "lth' listened to the Pre- ,st “id 'ma have Without COSLS tOISChyOOl story program broadca 1n 1 . . t stialtuigdf; each Thursday afternoon at 3: t. o’clock over station KMO of Ta- Icoma may be surprised to know that the program conductor is Mrs. Joe Thomas, dent of Lilliwaup. ,ICE is RIGHT " :th Have the [on the program and says she 'would welcome information on the! birthdays of any of Mason Coun— 'ty’s pro-school kiddies. She may be reached in care of station KMO, Tacoma. Her program i iohy, but he kept digging and fi- l i 30.] former resialtlleir coach for courageous play. [Big Bob Hill, rangy halfback, play- Mrs. Thomas solicits pre-schooll ed in spite of a severely sore el-l |children's birthdays for mentionlbow and reeled off several fine is sponsored byi the Pro-school section of the Tau. "YOU "CAN‘T CfSELfUNTiL YOU BUYER! USEWAyT-ADS .lUNlOll ill SEORES TOUCllllthN, WillS FINAL Gilli) GhlllEg Shelton Juniors Use "Old 83" 25—Yard Gain To Score, Add Point For 7-6 Victory l l l l Sour as the rest of the season. may taste, Shelton's junior high‘ football players will remember thel last five minutes with fond mem~ ories, It was in those final five fleet—l ing minutes that the Shelton kids! scored their one and only touch—) down of the year and then added! a great big extra point which en—l abled them to hang up their firstf victory of the year, 7 to 6, Sat—I . urday on Loop Field over a Ciie~l l I l halis team which had beaten theml by three touchdowns three weeksl ago at Chehalis. More to their credit, the Shel-' ton kids came from behind to reg-l ister their precious triumph. Che-l halls had scored a sensational} touchdown as the fourth quarter] got under way when Quarterback Fishback reared back and heaved a long, arching pass for 30 yards which cleared the Shelton defense; and was grabbed by a long-legged end named Powe on the 25 yard line without a Shelton player be- tween him and the goal. Cheha— lis tried a placckick on the extra point but it was wide and that gave Shelton its opening for Vic—i tory. Taking the ensuing Chehalis kickoff to their own 40-yard line,i Shelton marched the remaining 601 ,yards in five plays with nervy lit- ltle Dick Rector, Dave Olds and lBill Elis doing the ball lugging. 101ds ate up 12 big yards on a' [quarterback sneak and the hard lrunning Ells galloped the last 25 lyards around left end on the fa- imous “old 83" play on which Olds lplunged into the line, handed the leather to Guard Roy Robertson, Iwho lateraled it; back to Ells. I Olds punched his way over the .goal for the try-for—point after Hieemingly being stopped by a cou- ple of Chehalis tacklers a yard inally carried his tormentors with lhim. Despite its crippled condition, with several regulars on the side~ lines with injuries, the Shelton club turned in itsI best perform“ ance of the year by mixing in e. spirit it hadn’t shown all year with several new plays taught it this past week. Two midgets of the team, Stan Waters, peewee pinchhitter at guard, and 115-pound Dick Rector at lefthalfback, drew plaudits from? '1 l i l runs in the first half. Little Les Olds, carrot topped end, snared Chehalis ball carriers for big loss?7 es at telling moments, too, while, Roy Robertson, converted from; end, played fine ball in his first assignment at guard. The lineups: 'coma Council of Parent-Teacher Shelton (7) (6) Chehaligl Associations, Mrs. Thomas, inci- L. Olds LER Powe ldentally, retains her interest in Anderson LTR. RosbachI {Mason County affairs, which she Waters LGR R. Ahreng. ifollows closely through the (301- Smith C Brodwicki . 'umns of The Journal. Robertson RGL Sweet; i.’ 9 Petty R'I L Rayton E5 ‘._ i [Tobey REL E. Ahrens' . D l i The Abstract Man of {Evans o Fishback. 1'; and G Hill RHL Schindler "3 .l .. l Rector LHR Krause, a ,NRY UNITS Mason ounty D. Olds F Callison} A. LBELL Abstracts, Real Estate Loans and Insurance BELL BUILDING SHELTON, WASH. -V CONCRETE .0DUCTS Bridge Phone 123 l l i l \ ‘, P You EGIIT * av BOAT ' FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Fl“Eight should be routed via Str. Capitol, Ferry Dock, Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. Time Schedule as follows: Y Y Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at 5 pm. for '\ lympia and Shelton 'ft . Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday El 1’ GET SpliNll FREIGHT LlNES ( i APT. F. E. LOVEJOY i -.: v» , ,. ’ Cliff Wivell’s CERTIFIED {*IEXAco SERVGE I r‘Es l5 . ., a s- l A Representative in Mason County for i ii 8i wood —- m PRODUCTS COMPANY I PROMPT SERVICE -?~ h,“ and Franklin Phone 397 l .l : L Substitutions — Shelton: Plem-‘ ons, Richardson, M uire, Alex— and r, Riebow, Templ . idlls—llNTifillli ‘ Willi swurovn CAFE lN PIN LOOP {Pro—Election Kegeling Nothing To Write Congress About; Al I Ferric: High Man CITY BOWLING LEAGUE ‘ , W. L. Pct. , Gammaranos ............ ..13 8 .619 Paramount Theatre ..13 8 ,.619 Associated Oil .......... ..12 9 .571 Driskel ’Hardware _...11 10 .524 Mason Laundry ........ .. 9 .429 Wilson’s Cafe 13 .381 L. M. .................. ,_ 13 .381 High Scores ame—~Al Ferrier 225. otal——Al F-errier 598, Matches Friday 7 p. m.—Associated vs. Driskel; Pastime vs. Cammaranos. 9 p. m.—Paramount vs. L. M.; Mason Laundry vs. Wilson’s. Consistent trundling from lead- off to anchor produced a triple, win for Cammarano Brothers over' lWilson’s Cafe which was good Ienough to boost the bottlers into, a. first place tie in the city bowl‘ T ing circuit Friday night. Paramount Theatre, defeated by a 2 to 1 margin by Associated _Oil, saw its two game lead melted away in a single evening’s play. Driskel Hardware fortified its position in the first division by whipping its main rival in the second division, Mason Laundry. by the‘ odd game route while the L. M, gained a notch in its bat- tle to move out of the basement With a to 1 vehdict over pastime. ' The Dl'iskel-Mason Laundry lskirmish was» a tight affair all ‘the way with a scoring duel be- ,tween. the rival anchors, Mark Fredson and Al Ferrier, featured. Ferrier won the individual skirm- ish but Fredson’s team came out on top. Driskel (2) ‘ Handicap 233 . Studebaker 474 4 . 1 Mason Ldy. (1) } Handicap 135 lDodds 540 L') 3‘ lAMAZE FOLLOWERS, vvv'vvvvvvvvvvv v Ivvvvvvv Lost and Found - ml LOST: from car between 5th & Birch and Hillcrest, child’s navy.- blue serge sailor pants, laced- back, white strings. Findertl call 189—R or 67-J, or leave atl Journal. Mrs, Claire Tozicr. l 11-15—1t.i LOST: Jet brooch with gold band and center. Finder please re— turn to Journal. J-10-31. -o l l 11—2——2t i LARGE SIZE I Duplicating SALES BOOKS 5c Each or 55¢ per dozen We also take orders for all kinds of special— PRINTED SALES BOOKS Our prices are as low or lower than outside salesmen can quote THE JOURNAL ALERTBULLD‘OGS lTHRASH ’CLlMBERSl. Blocked Punts, Sleeper Pass, Fum— ble All Converted Into Scores By Monte In 27—0 Will Montesano snatched up every scoring crumb the Shelton High- climbers dropped carelessly from their gridiron table Friday so the Bulldogs fattened on a surprising- 27 to 0 triumph on a slippery Mon- tesano field. . Twice in the Opening quarter the alert Bulldogs found defensive weaknesses in the Highclimber line to block Shelton punts inside the Shelton 20 yard line and converted those opportunities into touchdowns. A “sleeper” pass play, one of Montesano’s favorite devices, was worked perfectly for a second quarter Bulldog touchdown, and the never nodding Bulldogs gob- bled up a Shelton fumble in the final quarter on the Highclimber ten to score a fourth marker against a Highclimber reserve line- up. Four For Drugge Little Don Drugge, midget Bull— dog quarterback, scored all four of the Montesano touchdowns, punching over the two first quar— ter markers on running plays. tak- ing the “sleeper pass” from Galla- ' ghcr for the second quarter score,~ and taking a lateral from Crisp after a forward from Gallagher for the final one. Chandler con» verted from placement three of the four times, The Bulldogs were a vastly im- proved team over the club which the Highclimbers defeated, to 0. on Loop Field 3. month ago. Shelton’s troubles started even before the team got onto the field Friday when Fullback Bob Puhn, defensive bulwark and of late one of the Highclimbers’ most success ful ball carriers, strained a back muscle while pulling his jersey on and was unable to play. Two minutes after the kickoff Quarter- back Ralph LeDrew was injured and could not? return to the game, leaving the Highclimbers in a bad way for backs. Fumbles Costly Throughout the game fumbling hampered what attempts Shelton made to get its offense rolling. The Highclimbers make t h e i r‘ final home start of the season on Armistice Day against Bellarminc of Tacoma. The lineups at Montesano: Montesano (27) (0) Shelton Best RE '4 VanO verbeke Fry R’i L Smith Carlstad RGL Berret Moore C Anderson Frizzell LGR Russell Murphy LTR Batstone Valentine LER Crossman Drugge Q LeDrew Crisp REL Berry Gallagher LHR Woods Reed F Woolsey Scoring Montesano ................ ..13 6 0 7—27 Shelton ...................... .. 0 0 0 0— 0 Touclldownstrugge 4. Conversions—Chandler 3 (place— ments). Substitutions Sheltonw—B. Dickinson, Lums- den, Eddy, Fuller, Maloney, Eager,l ‘Nilson, Rathbun. W. Sn’lgrove 483‘W'oods N. Sn’lgrove 408*Dummy 501 Bayley 4655mm 343 M. Fredson 590'A, Ferrier 598 871882 900 2653lo’53 922 891 2646 L. M. (2) Pzpbime (1) Handicap 99 Handicap 123 Stewart 54118. Ferri-er 499 Mackey 485 Dummy Roberts . 525iMcElroy 439 Elliott, Sr. 543iDotson 447 Carlson 480 l Staley l. 540 882 855 833 2570 Associated (2) 835 863 975 2673‘ Paramount (1) Handicap 168§ Handicap 2.19 A. Robinson 521 Noblett 524. Skelsey 482,McConkey 4.8:}; Smith 467' Reader .508 Forrest 518 Clark 485 Durand 500lDaIll€lS 516 840 901 915 2656‘)77 904 ,855 27861 Cams. (3) ' Wilson’s (.0) Handicap 69 Handicap 57 Aronson 580 1. Tucker 493 Peterson - 480‘Dummy 492 Scott 540 Anderson 448 'K. Fredson 5411Sargeant 483 P. Fredson 518jForoes 5“ 930870 928 2728316 860 824 2500 . WM 1 ‘JOURNAL Want Ads are used byi scores of your friends and neighbors with great success. Complete information a b o l: ‘3 what you have to sell a1Ways helps. SWET WON—MA SON CO 1 . l 529l UN TY JOURNAL L __,vviv, , ‘__ y“ W" v vyvv vvvvvvvm" Classified Service ‘AAMA‘ AAAAA AAAAAAAA: A). OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIRS and service. Rate reasonable. See Chas. Afdem at L. M. Co. 10-3—12-3—20t. l l F R E E WEEKS ONLY Your sewing machine serviced Without charge. Parts needed will be furnished at our low prices. Write or call SINGER SHOP 125 So. 4th Shelton Floor Sanding Machine For Rent! You can remove the old var- nish and bring out all the hid— den beauty of the wood with our dustless Hilco Sander. Rent the sander and do the work yourself. Hardware Dept. Lumberlnen’s Merc. C0. Mason County Maps ARGE Mason County Township maps $1.00. Also maps of Olympic Peninsula, Puget Sound Country and State 50c to $1.00. The Journal Daviscourt’s Tie For Commercial Loop Leadership l COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W. L. Pct. Daviscourt Bakery ._...11 7 .611 Mac’s Corner ............ ..11 7 .611i McConkey Pharmacy 9 9 .500 4-E Dairy .................. .. 5 13 .278 High Scores Game~Lee Westlund 214. Total——Lee VVestlund 539. Matches Thursday McConkey vs. Mac’s Corner. Daviscourt vs. 4-E Dairy_ Lee Westlund’s pin paced Daviebgurt’s Bakery into a tie for the Commercial bowling league lead Thursday night when the dough mixers upset the pre- vious circuit pacers, Mac's Corner, by the tol rout-e. VVestlund salted away both in- dividual scores of the night. 4-E Dairy showed signs of shak- ing' its lethargy by capturing a ,palr of decisions from McConkey Pharmacy behind the wood‘ top- pling of Vic Savage and Gus Sker- bini. Mac’s (l) l Davll‘court (2) Handicap 306] Handicap 369 Tingstead 405l Elliott, Jr. 489 Dittman 517i Westlund 539 McElroy 398iDaviscourt 424 Gerhardt 373Crowe 321 Noblett 4561Miller 340 $842 811802 2455796 882 804 2482 4—E Dairy (2) [ McConkey’s (1) Handicap 297. Handicap 267 V. Savage 490|Struthers 445 Skerbini 480] Dummy 456 White 449} difflin 47o Uiscil bi chraSCr 404 Fourre 436lYoung 396 841861 826 2528,337 780 827 2444 | LEGAL PUBLICATIONS I No. 3865. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the So. 81:10:: Court of the State of Wash ngtou for the County of , Mason. VELMA BALDWIN, Plaintiff THOMAS C. BALDWIN, Defendant. i'l‘HE STATE 014“ WASHINGTON To VS. it‘lll.‘ said Thomas C. Baldwin, Dc- ilcndant: « You are hereby summoned to ap- lpcar Within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, io-wit, within sixty days after thcilfith day of October, 1940. and defend ihl‘ above entitled acw ,‘tlon 1n the abOve entitled court. and answm‘ the complaint of the plain- tiff. and serve a copy of your an- swer upon ‘the undersigned attor- ney for plaintiff. at his office be- low stated; and in case of your tallure so to do, judgment will be [rendercd against you according to the demand of the complaint, which {has been iilcd with the clerk of said ,court. The purpose of this action is to lsecure a decree of divorce upon' the grounds that the plaintiff and de- fendant have lived separate and apart tor more than five years, and failure by defendant to suitably pro- vide for his family. E. N. STEELE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Office. and P. 0. Address First National llank Bldg., Olylea. \Vashington. 1045-22‘29. 11-5-12-19-26—7t. t I No. 1388. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'I'O i Hm: CLAIMS ‘,I:.1 the Superior Court of the Stats: 1 of Washington in and for the County of Mason. In Probate. 1N THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE Olt‘ SARAH A. ECKERT. De» ceased. NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters ’l‘esiamcntary on 111' Estate of Sarah A. Eckel't, deceased were granted to the undersigned on the Built day of October, 1940. b) thi- said Superior Court. All persons having claims against said t‘statt- are required to serve .them, wit. l the necessary vouchers. upon me at the Law Office oi? Alden C’. Dayley. Title Insurance Building- Shelton. Washington. that being the pine: designated for the transaction ‘of the business of tho. estate, with— €111 six months after the date of the _i’lrst publication of this notice, to- -wit: within six months after the '2lltll day of October, 1940. and file ,lho same with the Clerk of this lCUUI‘l. t‘og‘c-Uiel‘ Willi proof of SHC Escrvlco. or they will be forever bar- ! red. , I Dated this 20th day 01‘ October 1H“. \'.\l.’l‘E]t O. ECKERT, I“\l'(.‘lll|ll' ol' the Estate (2- S 'nll .\. Eclci-l‘t, Decreased. ALDEN (“. l‘..\Yl.liIY. .fi‘lk-(Jl'lltly for Execution Title llisul‘ullcv Building. Shelton. “':~.sllillt:'lun. tu-Ii‘u. it'li‘l.3‘lli-:—’1t. .r l popping . RNAL 3y l W“--” -”-” Classified Service ....-.“-.......-- 1 AN_'_'_l:_ VVVVVvv-vv V'V'V‘V For Rent ‘A‘l .‘AAAAA‘ ‘ .wa‘ w FLOORS VVAXED and polishedflFUI‘tNISI-IED APARTMENTS for Electric floor polisher for rent! Phone 48, or call at Driskeli Hardware. 2 Used Wood Circulators, $19.50, $24.50 l Olsen Furniture Co. i Save the greater part of the cost of refinishing your floors. Rent our Hilco Dustless Floor Sanderv—removes old varnish and it is easy to operate. I l l USED WOOD RANGE Shelton Electric Co. Your Boy or Girl \Vants a BICYCLE For Christmas Order ! l ! one now—ask us about our Lay-away pay- ment plan. TRICYCLES and VVAGONS I Sleyster’s Fixit Shop Lang Wood Range $19.50 Olsen Furniture Co. I 'YOU ARE COVERED for any ac- cident for $.25 per day. Longer time the rate is cheaper. Herb Angle. 1 No. 1357. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS In the Superior Court; of the St l l l I i at: of “lashing-ton in and for th: County "of Mason. In Probate. l 1)! THE MATTER ()l“ TILE ES-, [TATE UL" IJAVIJ) Lu‘. BARRETT, 1"»: ceased. l NOTICE IS HER liIllY GIVENJ that Letters Testamentary on Ln: Estate of David H. liar-roll, deceas-i ed, were granted to tht- undersigned; on tht- 201i] day 01' DONE-bur, 1940, by‘ the said Superior Court. All persons having claims against said. estato are required to servo till-m. with the necessary vouchers. upon lli‘ undt-rsign.l. at tho Law! Oli'ic» til~ Aldon C. Bilylvy. Titl.- lil- lsurancw Building, Sllnlton, \Yttsh- ingloll, thilt bol lllt‘ plume-o (it‘SlL;" hated for tho transaction of ill..- business of the estate within Six months after the ditto of the i'll'Sl. publication of this notice, towit.: .within six months after the 29m (lay of October. 1940. and file. the same with the Clerk of this Court. together with proof of such service. or they will be forever barred. Dated this 20m day of October. 1940. Alt’l‘lll'lt 1; A lil: l‘l'l‘T. JliISSllC HAROLD ll.\ltl:l”.'l"l‘. .Joinl Executors All the Estate of Da'id It}. Barrett, Deceased. r]. 'Al.l)lCN (1. ;_\YI.EY. t Attorney for leccutors, : Title insurance Building, Shelton. \l'ashington. ill—xv. li-D-l..-l'J—-'ii. No. 1311'». NOTICE 01‘ SETTLEMENT 01‘ ACCOUNT In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Mason County. (In Probate) In tht- Matter of tho EStfltO Oi' MARY l‘). SPEECH, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Edith A. Napalm, the lull’llll'llSil‘élil'lX 01‘ the estate of Mary 1‘}. Sl)t‘('ct'. (Il‘C(‘iISP.(I, has I't‘lIdl‘l‘i‘G and present— 00 for settlement to, and ill(‘(l lli thi‘ Superior Court of said County, and State hor linal account as Such administratrix; and that Saturday. tho 23rd day oi." Noycmbn‘. .1940. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the court room 01' our said Superior Court. in the City of Shelton, in said County, has been duly appointed by our Super- ior Court for the Settlement of tllc‘ Final Account, at which Mill“ and ‘Dlaco any person interested in said» estate may appear and file hiswox- captions in writing to the said ilrst and final account, and contest thel same. ‘VV'l'l‘NESS, the Hon. John M. VVIL- SON, Judge of the said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court affixed this 19th day Ol.’ October. 1940. CLAR 10 ENG E LSEN. rent (2 and3rooms). Good lo- cation. Very reasonable. Golds- 10-29-11-28M9tfborough Apts, Scéond and Knee- land Streets, Shelton. 5-7—tf. Journal VVant-Ads are showing Ttheir value in every issue of the lpaper! 'FOR RENT: modern 2-room fur— nished apartment, oil heat, re- frigerator, electric range. Kay Dee Apts., phone 485-J. P~6-11-tf. FOR RENT: house. Mrs. Ed Elliott, 604 Franklin, phone 49-J. 9-24—tf ECR RENT: 3-room modern un- furnished apartment, oil refrigerator, electric range. Kay Dee Apts, Phone 485-J. 10—1-tf. 3-room furnished apartment, $10. 107 Third St. P—10-28—11-5—3t. FOR RENT: ‘2—room cabin. Water furnished; two blocks outside of city limits on West Railroad. Mrs. Sanford S-10—29—31—11-5-3t FOR RENT: In- quire Journal. \V—a10-29-30-11-5a3t mvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwn Wanted tLAAAAAQAMA- AA AAAAAA AAA 5-room house. IMMEDIATE NEED FOR MEN' in aircraft construction work. Training starts at once. Small fee. Terms, write P. O. Box 1 Seattle, Wash. 11-7—40 WANTED: old horses and cows. Fair prices. Jensen‘s Fox Farm, Route 7, Tacoma, \Vash. WANTED: Christmas trees or stumpage, large or small lots. Mattson & Carlson, Hotel Shel— ton or 4125 6th Ave, Tacoma. 10—8—11-5—~9t. WANTED: 3 good milk cows. Phone 317 R4 or write 0. T. Aubol, Shelton, Wash. 11—5—7—2t. iVVANTED: Good home for three County Clerk and Clerk of suit] Superior Court. (SEAL) 10—29. 11-5-12-19—4t. t NO. 1039. NOTICE O!" HEARING TINAI. ACCOUNT AND. .PETI'I‘ION ‘ 7). a '2 township north. r03. DISTRIBUTION ” pctl‘on 3' .“ _, ' In the Superior Court of the State ’x“ “fut;- onVLMu with a. g of Washington for Mason County. “911111.930 01 {Lu lmefll shama- . In the Nlattt‘r or the Esta-w ot' sxual }'\'lt-(f)‘pr~l‘(lf\ or 1°53 applalsm at DODD ROBINS, Deceased. 1;“ v W H ‘_ V NOTICE IS HEREBY “YEN, timer-t. honour. to lo light of ~ h Attorfi "At L‘i‘v tilled cs‘atc has filed his final ac- . :_ 3‘ ‘ t ‘ '. '.- -' _ _ count mid potition for distribution m lhf‘ OIFK‘O oi the (.onlmlssmneri a with the clt~l'k of tho ubm'wcntitlvd. court. and the court is asked to set- tle said report. distribute the prop- “fly to tilt» heirs or nr‘rsons wri—y l‘itlt-d thol‘ulo and to discharge the E.""‘f‘ll‘riv'_ NOTICE lS FI'RTHER GIVEN. that said final account and pvtitlnl". for distribution will be heard Saturday, the 30th day of Novem- bL‘I‘. Lil- court ia the court room. at the house, at Shelton, County. Washington. and any pr?- son having objection thereto must )resent their objection at said time and place. Dated this 10th 104.0. CLARE ICNUICLSICN. Clerk 01' the above entitled court. MARION GARLAND. \ttorlicy for above Estate, ‘1'1‘300 &. Post Office Address: or. Q Y'anq‘ ~~v.q,~._ Bremerton. \Vash. 11-5—12—19—3t. dzl y 01' October. NOTICE 0 1‘ SALE 01‘ STATE TIDE LANDS NO'llCill lS HEREBY ('llVlCN. Tth on Tuesday. lllx‘ 3rd day of. )ol'ollibigl'. 1910. (“Hilllll‘lll‘lllg' :il toll' l'(“ltl(‘l\ lll Iliu ikil'wliimn u!" said day. ‘n from ol‘ lltn main I‘llll'ill'li" door o the ("willlly (Hurt House in ille- ‘ity of Slicllmi. i‘n‘lllll_\' of Mason, illato of Wax lllg4'lilil. by llll' L‘ounly \udittw ul' 't‘tl ('illilllV lll“ mllmv— m: tlworiliui sl-zlr titltl lands. to- .i‘iIlH Ill iliilii'.w.t~n l.\- ».. Ill ‘R llll lilt- ll-it l'uoll, \l'lll will» r llflil'd pull- on . to. at the hour of ten o'clock Mason . W'u.:-;hington. situate in from (if. 'acent to or abutting upon lot 0f Public Lands at Olympia, “'ash lngton. APPLICATION NO. 10390. All tide lands of the second class. owned by the State of “'ashington. Sltllf'.i(‘ in front of. adjacent to or abutting upon that portion of Lot 4, section 35. lf\“'Y‘.SllID 2f! north. range 3 west. VV.M.. lying west of the east 1100 foot lhvl'mil' with ‘ a from: use oi" 3.77 liiital chains. «noro loss. 2‘.l\n‘."li.‘4|‘<l :1t'$113.10. APW‘LIC \TION N3). 10387. 01' inlay mukw full payment of {Will Nil- cipul. interval and siillllinry files at I t g ‘ , ‘ V The pur- l.c auction lo, the”, menu-J WNW chaser oi laud containing timber Itil’ly time and obtain \Jl’lij. 3-room furnished I heat, ! 10-15v--1-2—15t. ' ADS RATES On Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line (5 words) first insertion, 5c a line each subse- quent insertion. Mini mum charge 30c. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from phone subscribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made before the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. Card of thanks 50c. Classified Display Rates on Request. l l l l rvvvv'VVva' vvvvvvvv'm For Sale ' AAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAMAM l lFOR SALE: Mohair davcnport Cheap. 627 Elinor. S——10-29—tf _CIRCULA'I'OR WOOD HEATER for sale. Good condition. 0. K. Barber Shop. K—10-29—tf. FOR SALE: 18 mos. old Guernsey heifer. D. L. Lawson, Rt. 1, Mill Creek Bridge, on highway. 10-29-11-7—4t. IFOR SALE: good Jersey cow, fresh in July, has had 4th calf. A. G. Johnson, Herstinc Island. 10—29-11-7fl4t. FOR. SALE: 30 small Chester- white pigs, one 225-lb. one. H. S. Westland, Old George Diggs place. W-11—5-7—2t. 'FOR SALE: 6 year old Holstein Jersey cow. High test producer. For quick sale $40. Inquire Mrs. M. Matthes, Rt. 2, Agate. M—10-29-31-11-5'3t. I l Used Maytag Washers $29.50 Olsen Furniture Co. i l i vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvov } Used Cars [ AAA‘AAAAAA‘AAAMAAAA“AA FOR SALE: 1940 H. D. 80 cubic kittens. 1 male, females. 1233 inch motorcycle. Just broken in Franklin. R-11-5-7—2t. M. L. Koimorgan. 9-10-tf. . I FOR SALE v ! Tides of the Weekll 1933 CHEV. COUPE I SHELTON' WQSH' H very reasonable 5 By U'S' Dept °f commerce I Good Mechanical Condition *— at Tues. Low 4:08 a.m._ —o.3it.~I Sleysters Station, Cota St. .Nov. 5 High 11:31 a.m. 14.6 ft. W :30"; 13532 If}, FOR SALE: '1931 Chevy truck. g ' ' 11/2-ton, long wheel base, dual Wed Low 5206 arm 08 ft. wheels, new .rack. Frank Lusin, Nov. 6 High 12:30 pm. 14.4 ft. Agate- Inquire at Jaclolbg’s; 2t , Low 7:54 pm. 5.6‘ft. t ' “ High 11:29 pm. 10.7 ft. ' Low 6:09 a.m. 1.9 ft MILL WOOD Thurs High 1:26 pm. 14.3 ft N 7 L 8:09 .m, 4.8 ft 0v 0v:___. p. (Never been in salt water) H' h 1:11 a.m. 10.4 ft ~ Fri LIEW 7:17 a.m. .2.9 ft 50% body wood and mill run Nov 8 High 2:16 pm. 14.1 ft Low 9:06 pm, 39 fti Double Load (2 COl‘dS) High 2:46 a.m. 10.8 ft $8.50 Sat Low 8:24 a.m. 3.6 ft Nov 9 High 2:59 pm. 14.0 ft PHONE 38-J Low 9:48 p.m. 2.9 ft 10_8__tf High 4:00 a.m. 11,4 fti Sun Low 9:22 a.m. 4.2 ft. FOR SALE: old newspapers for Nov 10 High 3:34 pm. 13.9 ft fires and packing. Seven pound Low 10:24 pm. 2.0 ft bundle for 5 cents at The Jour- nal office. tf. High 4:57 a.m. 12.1 ft ,v ' Mon Low 10:13 a.m. 4.7 ft """" """"""""'" Nov 11 High 4:05 pm. 13.7 ft , L0,, 10,56 Pm ,2 ,, PROFESSIONAL CARDS ..—__. i L‘AAAAMWAAA“A Am“- High 5:43 a.m. 12.8 ft Tues Low 11:00 a.m. 5.1 ft. ' Nov. 12 High 4:32 pm. 13.6 ft 4 Low 11:26 a.m. 0.6 ft ' High 523 arm- 13'3 ft Title Insurance Buildin i . . g W ed . Low ‘11.42 a.m. 5.5 ft: Opposite First National Bank .Nov 13 High 4:59 pm. 13.5 ft Pb 23 s It ,Low 11:56 pm. ~o.1 ftl One ' he on therefor. to-dvit: i NOTE.—-—No one except citizens of ' the United States. or persons what have declared their intention to INSURANCE ibecgme such, can. purchase state an S. v APPLICATION NO. 10391. G. A” title lands of the second . class. owned by the State of Office at Angle Building ‘ l ‘ Alicia Building Phone 33'! i CHARLES R. LEWIS i ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bidg' . ' All ‘t- lads of the Second . (il;lsg1:ldll\\'nt‘ad by the Stain of Shelton: WaShngton i“ Washington. situate in from of. l adjacent to or abutling upon the , . no i): '.x \ , 370:}82 blii‘i‘l‘l‘hflfhlllfi if. sititfiionu‘lzi 'm.‘ .mher Valuable materials is pro' mW'WMn 91 mm.‘ Hm," 1 hillltt‘d by law from cutting or re- \Vl‘:‘.iw\\v.z\.‘l.- w'tll 11' .i'l‘olil'l‘gt‘ l-i' [W‘Wing any Such timber or mater- ,,,,fl “ I” I MHHS I. IW‘ In“ klfllS Wlthout first 'obtalnmg consent ‘ .” ’1 "I . " ‘ ‘“' l f the Commlss oner of Pubic :iml'alstd at 59:3.»0. ‘0 f l . .‘ Said lands will be sold for lilil"l4.€LndSI unt'l.th9 fun amount.0t [fie (,“S‘ Hum mu “mums”, hm,“ “hm” purchase price has been paid and It. mil-d illltl upon iln‘ i.l‘.l\.\‘ :lml (‘i‘il‘ deed Issued‘ “Hons f,.,1|,,“mg; ,. M] mle of state lands are made x“. to“. than (HIV-it'll”! or :1... subject to the reservations of oils.’ 'lurl-‘llzlso price must be paid a: \li -’ 55"“‘5- “""dl- “ms- mm""‘“* and for Milne of sale. The purchaser. il' ht- 5115 Of “Very. mun“ kind and de' 1}“. nut “1,. O\\],,.,- “I- tm. in‘pr(,\',._“Scripllfln. a..u in the additional imouts. musr forthwith pay to mower")S 9”" “mmhtmns Dregcr‘bt‘d k.“ ol'l'iccr limiting 1h.“ Snlt‘ the full 59““‘3‘1, 3 "f Chum"? 23“ “f “1" Laws :inwunl‘. of 1hr amil "nil valuinol‘i‘” “""~ the inilil'm'niuoilis. .~v hll\l‘ slated. snitl lill‘itl will lie :oltl subject to ()nO—Ii‘llih iii‘ the pur( lll‘l(‘~‘ must Hie it‘l'lllr» i-oiitlit' 4 quid reserva- iho paid annually LLII‘ILJ or “ilh in»,tious oi‘ ('lmpll'r t. -. oi' the Session lcl‘t'sl till all lltl't-i'l't-d minimum :1! ‘ Laws of 1927. relating to easements 'thc rule of six [H‘I‘ ('(‘llLflllll pl-r :lll—it'or rights—ut- ';.\y and the carrying num: Provided. That any ]:Lkl‘('ll:l>‘tt!"0f timber. smile. mil'mrals and other products over the same. ALBERT C. MARTIN. Commissioner of Public Lanai. " 11-3-lz~1u-zn. Mai—wt.