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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 5, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 5, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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a 'l‘uesday, Novelllber» _ _ -- .--__. .1....__._L~ . _ r s. . ~./ __ -. .-.. - . . a. v. , v Page Eight Phone " ' Sll’El/TON‘WSONPOUNTY JQVRNA“ Mormons Mercantile Company ‘ 90 O VI A snap at only 6-piece Colonial Bedroom Group . . . . Terms. Walnut or Early American Finish. drawer vanity, vanity bench, 4 drawer chest, spool or poster bed, foundation coil spring and spring-filled mattress. ~17» regular $74.50 value.- , ALL FOR degoom Group . . . . You would pay $49.50 tor this ensemble, 3- drawer dresser with swinging mirror, 4- lrawer chest to match, walnut finish. Contin- JOUS steel post bed with coil spring and 40—pound cotton mattress. Full or twin size-«Terms. ALL FOR 6-piece 1940 Model ' Bedroom Group Terms. Waterfall fronts and Blonde Walnut finish. Reg. $99.50 Vanity has large round mirror, vanity bench, chest of drawers, bed, (foot and head piece both waterfall) $19.75 spring—filled mattress and $19.75 b0x spring to match. Here’s an Attractive 6-piece LIVING ROOM OUTFIT MODERATELY PRICED THE WHOLE GROUP You would expect to pay $99.50 for this lovely ensem- ble. .......................................... .. ' Te rms Put this ensemble in your home and you’ll certainly be justly aroud of the charming ffect! Davenport, ounge chair, occasion- I chair, floor lamp and shade, lamp table and table lamp. Terms. ll flir- .“l fl/fl/z/bJ/ All,“ Your Complete Department St01'C——“Where Quality Meets Price” Flannel Shirts .. . . . . . . . .. Grey Only . Boy’s Tom Sawyer Plaid Flannel Shirts . . . . . . 98¢ ’lackct fronts. Ages 6 to 20. Reg. $1.19. FREE DlCTlONARYl with every purchase of “Tom Sawyer W'ashwear" a new Webster Dictionary. The right size to fit into a coat pocket. Boy’s In and Outer Flannel Shirts . . . . . . . . . $1.3 Ol' heavy weight flannel. Men’s Cotton Union Suits . . . . . . . . . . . . 79¢ Random mix with long sledve and ankle length. Heavy weight. Sizes to 40. Men’s UnionS-uits..............69¢ Fine combed yarn. Short sleeve and ankle length. Ecru color. SiZo 3G to 46. Dress Shirts 79¢ Stripes, patterns, light and dark shades. Broadcloth ,weavos. Pro-shrunk Shir-tings. Sizes 141/“. to 17. Values to $1.65. DressSox 2pair35¢ By StrutWear. A finc quality rayon and mercerized cottons. All good patterns. Sizes 10 to 12. Reg. 25¢. ArmySox 5pair45¢ Medium weight in natural color. SiZe 10%, to 12. Reg. 2 for 25¢. WorkShirts 45¢ Blue and grey chambray . . . there will be no more work shirts :it this price when these are. gone! Boys Bib Overalls 45¢ Well made on fine count denim. Ages 2 to 10 yrs. Men’s Waist Overalls . . . . . . pair 69¢ 8-oz. weight, sanforized shrunk, copper rivited over- alls. Sizes 34-36-38 only_ while they last. Canvas Gloves 6pair 45¢ Double thumb, fleece out and reversable. Limit 6 pair to a customer. Log Cabin Syrup med. can 330 A blend of cane and maple syrups. Corn Flakes pkg. 5o Kellogg‘s or Alber's. HEINZ CATSUP Large 14—02. WAXED PAPER Zrolls Cut-rite . . . double waxed. lilEi—i't. rolls. lconomical ~ a little gees far. (last chance at this low price). Stops up the flavor of hot or cold dishes. 29c RINSO . . . . . . pkg. 190 r LUXFLAKES . . . .. pkg. 23c lwu EAT llFEBOllY SOAP 3 bars 190 Silk Hosiery . pair $1.12 .7 Flatter yourself in these fine hose. Shecrline chiffons in 3~ . or 4 thread. All new fall§ shades 3 hosiery lengths. Iteg‘.§’ 69¢ pair. Rayon Panties, Briefs .. . . . . . each 39¢ Heavy quality and cut in the 1940 styling. Panties each25¢ Women’s and children’s. Made from best quality Crown brand rayon. Sizes SML. “ Pajamas and Gowns each 79¢ by Munsingwear. Balbriggan knit in an assortment of pastel colors. Our regular $1.95 values. Sizes SML. Children’s Knit Pajamas............each59¢ Sizes 4 to 8 years. Reg. 98¢. Lovely Lovely Gowns . . . . . . . . . $1.0 Run resistant “Tubeze” Rayon Lace trimmed and ailored styles. Pastel shades. Sizes regular and extra large. Bed Spreads $1.98 Stevens firm quality dureen plated Sizes 72x105 and 86x105. Reg. $2.98 values. Candlewick BedSpreads $1.98 Pro-shrunk muslin . . . fast pastels. requires no ironing. Color— Size 87x108. Bath Towels 4for $1.00 Cannon double thread terry. Good heavy, thirsty weight. Size 22x44 inches. Luncheon Cloths 59¢ Linen crash cloths with blocked floral patterns. inches. Cotton Prints . . . per yard 14¢ Fine 80—square count. All new florals and patterns. Fall and winter colors. 36—in. wide. Reg. 19¢ yd. hand 54x54 Part wool 70x80 Single Blanket I each 98¢ Not less than 5% wool. Plaid or solid colors with sateen border. A fine bargain. Swans Down CAKE FLOUR SN OWDRIFT cans. I gnowdrill ml mm Cattaraugus PROFESSIONAL Illle SET MEAT SLICER and a COOK'SKNIFE. Sou Our Display for Doloilx Only 50:: WITH PURCHASE OF . 6 varied sized dishes with covers. 2‘: Coffee . . . .3-lb.bag 59o L. M. Blend. Fresh roasted weekly and ground to your individual methods of making coffee. pkg. .... .. 23¢ Pork&Beans 3cans 290 Van Camp’s. Tomatoes . . 6' cans 43c Emporium} solid pack. No juice or water added. No. 2% Condensed. Sugar . .10-Ib.bag 560 Pure cane, finely granulated. Electric Heaters $1.45 GOO-watt. Throws heat for chilly mornings. plenty of 32—piece Luncheon or Breakfast Set .. . . . . . . $1.45 Crystal clear glass with dark red colored sherbets and cups. Set consists of luncheon plates, cups and saucers, flutted tumblers, fruit dishes, sherbets and salt and pepper. 7-piece BerrySet set29¢ 6 individual dishes and large sauce dish. Flutted glass. Very attractive and only 29¢ set. Sandwich Plates . . . . . . . . 45¢ Diamond crystal clear glass. l3%-inch size. Sauce Pans ea. 45¢ of pure aluminum. Heavy stamped quality with black eb- ony handles. Sizes 4%, 2 and 3-quart. Elec. Toasters $2.95 Toasts 2 slices at once. Chro- mium finish. True-test make. with cord. Low Prices on Pyrex Ware PIE PLATES ea. 8'/2x1'/z inch size .............................. ._ 20¢ 91/2x1 l/z inch size .............................. _. 25¢ 10%x11/z inch size .............................. __ 30¢ Pyrex Casserole 2-qt. size 75¢ with Pie Plate Cover. . FruitBowl 45¢ Large size, clear glass bowl that can be used for table centerpiece. 4-piece Mixing Bowl Set . . . . . . set 89¢ Highly glazed Clalifornia pottery. 4 bright colors. , 14-piece Refrigerator Set water bottle and pitcher. Pastel colors. O’Cedar Dust Mop all for. 98¢ with handle and 25¢ bottle polish. 20-,oz. cans. 6-“...11322 Brooms . . . . each 390 Special 4-sew long straw. Fels Naptha Soap bar Sc Fels Naptha. Banishes Tattle Tale Grey. ., Rancho Soups 4 cans 23c Tomato, Pea or Vegetable.» Reliance. No. 21/2 cans-solid pack. Lux mun supp ghars 199 28-02. pkg. .... ...... .. 23¢ Pumpkm ' ' ' Gael] .100, Paris Fashion snagg. Broken lots of dress shoes in pumpSv leg. ties. Most shoe fabrics and heel Sty $3.95 to $4.95 values. Fis’s Homelike .. 49-159 l” All hard wheat. '1» .. ‘l 351%.; Usually one keeps mum allOut j age—especially when they l'eac age of 45. But we’re proud' Zest" 45 years we’pe been in Mason p ‘1 ccl ——we’re proud to celebrate an will: . 0w ' th . I birthday. For each year, g00 d. tic or bad, people from near anp ed . . ext look to us for their Winter 1199: to select “Fashion—Right” 31)" ‘ Silo from our enormous assortme,r1 ,3"; our 45th birthday the curta1n ‘ at t again on one of the most spec” sales of our history—with 6V9]. partment cooperating to make . most talked of saving-event of year. '3 «'ng l »-’S I Sale Opens Tuesday, Nov. 5th tog ., festui , lane ’, “vi Zbe Buy Hi-T0p Shoes- ~the low-Tap Prices“? Men’s 16-inch HI-CUT SHOES .................. .— .by Heavy soles, double vamp, genuine “ at construction. Regular price $9.50. . Women’s' by Goodrich'tyle. °t three snap sow, I or brown 19 g , . and high nee ‘ L l, ‘ price $1-45' I‘ 1 in .‘ my ., M: ‘ ir BLEND FLOU v; Hyde Park COOKIES ...... .. 1-lb. b0 x 23¢ I 2-lb. Boxes FIG BARS __________ 2.111s-2 White or Whole Wheat