November 6, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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. Pasefl‘hrve
Q‘Share—The-Ride )
Church Circle IS
y, November 6, 1942. V
lResults Repeat Agam and Again.
In the Journal Want-Ans.
“Adam and Fallen Man” is thei
l . . .
‘ Christian Selence
Broadcast Sunday,
18 Skokomlsh observation
Want-Ad! '.
the Lesson-Sermon 1
subject of
Phone 392-]
Truck Operators
who want ‘ “MM/‘1‘“ W513 W71“ 11 m90tl118" Iowa. arrived
in Shelton last weekl ~, -
schon ,‘iousr Friday evening to make his home with Mr. andl 1
which will be read in all Churches: V V ,
I -0 dolor-‘1 .‘in army Hificer‘ Mrs. John Sells on their farm i .
‘of Clll‘igt, Scientist, Sunday, Niw- , lisgrfiltfdiasttfit
“ ember . .. l " . . ,
By Lois Pierce "
l HOOGSPOX‘L NOV- 3-iThe ladies, -.4_ ‘ A shortage of 2,118 tires
'7 v "C ‘, 0f the HOOd, canal CommunitY‘ Henry B. Owen, State
Director,‘ trucks performing essential ser-l
i Chumh Orgamzed Wednesday af‘ , OPA, today urged Washington vices has
already been reported inl
i tel-noon as a church Circle, choos— motorists to “start forming their
, Washington for the month of 00,
ling th? name: The Chumh Con'lshare-the-ride” plans in
allthlpa-ltoberV Arthur Jacobsen, state tirc‘
ltaCt Cu‘de' They met With Mrs' rationing officer reported today
. . . . l
, V G tion of gasoline rationing.
lBOHCtt at [he ateway 11"“ Mrs'i uWhile complete details of
gas— l in announcing the state's Novem-i
T ‘ik'sonwa l . H ,n, .. . . .
[Eerig'yDclliailil‘man ansdettlfgegollg$— rationing ehgiblhty have
“0t yet m" Um quota £01 tukks- (2:12:31? l
I ‘ been announced,” Owen Said. “We 116W tire-5‘ The quom f‘”
“to Hi ‘ « I. - r .. y r .. 1. . of may be heard locally over
lightcth in his way. I‘llt a“ , .
' KFPY, Spokane:i
heard next Sunday morning, Nov-
mans: "As by one man's disobed- E‘meBI'V 8- 10 0'010Ck.
W11?” ai
ience many were made sinners, so ,Ull'lstla“ 50191109 Program W111
by the obedience of one shall many Presented by the Cl’lumbla ChUl’Ch i
be made righteous." :01 the A113 V V
‘ Christian ‘
‘7 . y y“
Included in the Lesson-Sermon: Palm“ .LLV‘IE ‘
are these verses from psamls; ‘ Science Committee on Publica—:
“The steps of a good man areltlé)“ for the State Of New Yol'kii
ordered by the Lord: and he de-‘W111 condUCt the Pl'Ogl'amv
0W pictures; and give a 31; Oyster Bay.
' ‘ The Golden Text is from Ro-
wino‘ officers were elected: presi— A, , V
lac?“ Lin-S. W. HA Gilberts. Vice_ do know that employees and bus- “d5
1814‘ d t t}. t a‘ his God is in his heal-t: “one of , RIRO, Seattle;
"I 'yd> t Mrs T B Sm'th- ilness menv 351de from those 1“
Jam)wa p0”th on 13 ihis steps Sham Slidv" iKOIN, Portland.
pl:.Sl Lil, . . . 1 , Sec- , essentia‘ war work will be given lack of
truck tires threatened to.1 The correlative giatcnmu Nomi _ . V
force a slow down of war piouuc—, “Science and Health with Key to, ~ I
iParentS Training i
rotary, Mrs. Ralph Hill; treas- V V V . V
nrer, Mrs. Marion Robbins. ’l‘he‘gas Over.the,ba51c Iatlolnng m"
. . V . . , V V V
I d” cermm mycumStancm mm “‘a‘ii‘lf
sttfié'enaiimltailiaisfli the Scriptures" by Mai-y Baker, (3186
their right as an Am-
somo p A ‘ ‘ Eddy, avers: “Christian Science a Course Under Wayi
[Circle will meet the 2nd and 4th' V ‘
in cases Where, 1 h . .t. d t .
ed all opeiators to watCi t on , separates error from truth and, n__ i
erlcan Cl lzen an VO e 1n
_ h m t] . .0 “For instance, V V V
Wfdneddays Of 939 on 1 at 00 adequate transportation faClllUOS V V V 11
t‘ 1 V
hms’ lepan “en sma cu b am ibreathcs through the sacred pages1 A
training course for parentsl the City Election on NOV-
in the afternoon. The next meet- , i
‘do not ex1st, motorists who cari-Vvl,
. 4., A .. E’A-.., .._._.
I urge everyone to exer—
Opcn Under New Management
li‘oi'rncrly at the L. M. Beauty Shop ‘
Opr‘n 2 Nights a chk
on Givi "
iNovember 11. The devotional Ser-‘
‘ Pickering
|bc in charge of Mrs. H. R. Dick—.
‘inson. Mrs. Kuzick was presented,
with a gift from the Circle. i
John Boyce leaves Thursday for
New York city to be with his
The Commercial Club will hold
will repeat-
t message"
me! The 1,
1e55, and fl .
3f our p
for distlfl
")0 ST
election of officers at their next
meeting, which will be the second
‘Monday in November.
l A large crowd attended the Hal-
lowe’en party Saturday night at
ithe school house. Cider, dough-
nuts, coffee and sandwiches were
enjoyed by all after the games and
Because of the storm the card
party Friday night did not turn'
out as well as expected by the
[hard working committee of the
Young Womans' Club.
Tuesday evening Mrs. Ralph
Hill gave a family dinner honor—
‘ing her son Bob, whose birthday
-was Tuesday and, her daughter—
in-law, Mrs. Rolly Hill, whose
birthday was Sunday.
Members of the Hood Canal
Womans’ Club who attended the
meeting at
and the proglam Win ‘ undoubtedly will be taxed beyond
capacity in many'arcas, and the
government will
ride-sharing groups.
“The ride-sharing plan does notl
mean that the driver must take1 . .
mother Who is 111- ~each of his paSSengers to theirliecgggwjfigle
ordmar‘v gOOd filth
individual places of employment‘ ’
encourage the
nor does it require that all musti
lride the full distance.
i “Rationing boards,
V gas for
pose will have the authority toi
image and likeness of God. We see ,
:that man has never lost his Spll“:
in issuingiitual estate and his eternal her—
this pur- mony.”
coin school.
3 Journal Want-Ads are snowing
itheir value in every issue of the 9,, during. the.
paper! ‘
7:30 on November 9 and 16. They:
‘will be held in room 8 of the Lin-
and fathers should make arrange— :
nicnts to attend. This is the onlyi
course of its kind that will be giv-
ingr will be with Mrs. Gilbert on, Y 1 ,. .. ...,V . . ,_
three other persons to vmik lull leégstlmldgf‘fipl aléoga‘vggfjes
be ithe spiritual sense of life sub—,of all nine, 10 and 11 year old; her
. lice will be led by Mrs. C. A. be.ehglt,)le for addltlonal gasomm‘i 010
my “(lime ,stance, and intelligence. in thisiboys in Lincoln and
Bordeauxi em '
‘Pumlc transportatlon meam’ lScience, we discover man in the school
districts will be held at
Both the mothers f
year. 1
i John V. Sullivan
Candidate for Re-election as
(paid advertising)
READ WW normal! emu/c met: are low,
First, whaf is a ceiling price? A store’s
Ceiling price is the highest price that may be
charged by that particular store for those
items governed by the ceiling price law.
Second, why aren’t ceiling prices
the same in all stores? Under the regu-
lations each store establishes its own price
ceilings within the limitations of the law.
The ceiling price law fixes an amount above
which prices may not go, but Without restric-
tions as to how low priCes may 80.
M”: y Safeway ceiling prices are low!
Because every Safeway price has been a very
low price month after_month, Safeway ceiling
prICes are naturally very low. For years Safe~
way has waged war on needless waste in dis-
tributing foods . . . cut out unnecessary expense
. . . eliminated frills. And the savings thus
made have been shared with our customers
by giving them low prices. The ceiling price
regulations will not, in any way, alter Safeway’s
policy of bringing you the finest foods the
markets offer at the lowest possible prices.
i district
Shelton Tuesday were Mrs. Stark,
‘Mrs. Short, Mrs. Robinson and
23 daughter Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Sceva
c !
1 Sit VlV-lb. 4-02. pkg. 1
Safeway is cooperating with lhe Government's effort lo prevent
inflation by rigidly adhering lo the spiril as well as the letter of
lhe ceiling price regulations.
. V E .
But today ‘ "I i. r
to the treasu n , .
2 states and .
as . . . for the
and Mrs. Pierce.
Miss Margy Mullenix of Seattle
spent the week end with her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Mrs. Neil Mathews is employ-
ed part time at the Hoodsport
Mrs. M. J. VanLaanen is visit-i
ing for a few weeks at Vaughn?
as a guest of her husbands par-
cnts, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van—
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Olson of
of Neilton are living in the Terry
Pagels house for a short time.
Mr. Olson is employed with the
McKay Logging Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Main and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ted}
Asleson spent the week end at:
the Roy Asleson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Soule were
Seattle visitors during the week.
Mrs. Margaret Williams was
pleasantly surprised Wednesday
evening by a farewell shower giv—
.cn by her fellow club members.
The Williams have moved to
Camp 5.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pierce of
Littlerock were guests of their
grandson, Roy Pierce and family
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilligoss
spent Sunday visiting relatives at,
Toledo. '
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lunt Were
guests Sunday of their son Ger-l
ald and family at Centralia.
Mrs. Emma Peterson has re—
turned to her home at VCoeur;
There ‘is no ceiling as to
the number of Vicar Bonds and
Stumps you should buy, reg-
ularly. Put your savings, at least
10% of your income, into War
'ncnds and help win the war.
es, for exam '1: . I
rigs Uncle S“ 3 k .
varwith..- : p g.
ind bombers. 7 "‘
lot goes for
lth, and edu ,
and the like. « HlTE NAVY
ie of it, I g
,pport the fi r
cans “in.
V 2-ibs.
NEW 51-03:: nouns
Sundays 10 a. m. to 9 p. In. weekdays 8a. m. to 9 p. m.
Meat Market Closes at 6 PMs-“Not Open on Sunday
JERGENS SOAP ........ .. 4 bars 18¢
French milch whiichoilci soap
WOODBURY SOAP .... ._ 4 bars 24¢
High, quality facial soap V
“ow.” SOAP 211/302. pkg.
Granulated household soap
SU—PURB SOAP... 24-0z. pkg. 20¢
Pure granulnlml soup. fast acting
CHERUB MILK 141/302 tins 3 /27¢
High grade evaporated milk V
FEDERALMILK....~141/é—0z. 3 /27¢
Top quality Washington product
“Schilling” pure Vanilla Extract (Z—oz. 33c)
WESTAG VANILLA ...... ..8-0Z. 15¢
Ivory Snowlilézgzflc
Quality soap for Silks and Woolens
qt. 47¢
Mayonnaise ............ _.
(Pt. 27c)
“Nu-Made“ real holneunade flavor
Sandwich Spread qt. 40¢.
"Lunch Box" finest qualin (PLZSc)
Salad Dressing ........ .. qt. 35¢
f‘Duchess" brand. l'l'cshly. made (PL.23c)
Miracle Whip .......... ..qt. 41¢
Kraft’s tasty Salad dressing (Ptf21c)
Peanut Butter. 2-lb. jar 44¢
Imitation vanilla extract (4-Oz.10c)
"Real Roast" freshly made (l-lb.jar23c) V
Peanut Butter. 2-lb. jar 45¢ fiélygEfinVEEER 32-02. .... ._ qt. 35c
' BEER 32—02. 4 for $1
“ Eesjcrly" from No. 1 peanuts (l-lb. jar 24(1) 2 ,
Western Beer. Quart Junibos
pkgs. 31¢
Home Made Pickles 22-oz 22¢ OLDSTYLE
CIGARETTES ............ _. 2
Ener-G Cereal 26-oz. 22¢
Delicious, (ml or Wheat base
Dinamite ______ .. 20-01. 21¢
Nutritious Oat Misc ccrcal
Dinamite ...... .. 24-Oz. 21¢
Tasty Wheat base cereal
Cream of Wheat ...... _. 24¢
Quick Coiiking Wheat cereal, 28117..
Wheathea,rts.. 28-oz. 23¢
“Spchry's” vitalizing cereal
Quaker oats. 48-oz. 24¢
Either Emil-k cooking or regular
Alber’s Oats. 48-oz. 23¢
crate folks,
Iss of beer '
sort of sat'
lat right now
leration is u,
isuries well
5 every sing]
uite a lot of I
wadays when...
y cent he can a
7"” .ocoa
Libby's fresh cucumber picklcs
Top quality Red Mexican Beans. ccllo wrap Milwflavored C r i s p . Dry
, . .
Onions . . .,Another famous
Washington product . . AND
a good source of Vitamins
B—1 and C . . Get your sup-
prepared. 9.8 lb. bag
Peacock Oats 9-lbs. 41¢
Your choice of Minit or Regular
Fresh Bread ll/z-lb. 13¢
Julia Lee Wright‘s for delicious toast
lrewing Industry , ‘ d’Alene, Idaho.
_.___m.. Mrs. Kate Abbey returned home. Raleighs, Knols. Camels. Luckios,
etc. (cm. $1.55) 1 M R l
' i Your cioicc of init or egu ai-
v Ho V Friday ath81 several weeks VISIt- , ,CIGARETTES ____________ 2 kgs,
25¢ V
RTENING ilnfilllz‘iist: (gate); Kilby andi F'akes12V2'OZ-23c
Wings. Avalon. Domino. ZO—Grand, etc (Etna-$1.25) VVheartleS . . — —
- -- 8'_OZO
l Mrs. Dean were Olympia visitors' , pkg- of For that
"Champion breakiast
3, ‘Monday. For the safe washing of fine things “Diamond” brand
Safety Matches V O’W’heat 8-0L
‘ A l - s l M l Expande Wheat Corgi?“
, I l . i . .
, “‘Years of Paper” ' Wheat Kr‘sp‘es ------ " 12¢
l n l Large Lima Beans 3-le. ‘ J I: ‘ i“ ) Cl'ispv
“1513'. Whi‘ai (‘f‘l'caL Sling-oz.
Large California Butter Limos. cello wrap The Fall Onion [Crop is here
Shreddies.... 12-0Z. ill/23¢
. A GARDEN , a Mexican Beans 3_lbs . . . Fancy graded “U. S. No.
“Bile—size" shredded cereal
., , a ---- - 1" Y k‘ ' . . s t, .
i i ""3 °"'°"s wee Pancake Flour ________ __ 59¢
Crown Zollerbach!
., ‘ ‘ ' ‘ L .
“The Years 'of Paper," the
monthly house organ of the CrOWn l
Zellerbach Company prepared by 1
Small White Beans 3-lbs. 25¢
Sniall size White Navy Beans. cello wrap
w. D. Welch in charge of the; Baby‘Lima Beans 3-lbs. 29¢ ply now at
these Saving
company public relations,. this Small California Lima. Beans. cello wrap
'p -
month features the many phases V rlces- V
lof the war effort in which the! Yellow Split Peas. 2-le. .
company and its several mills are Fancy grade Yellow split Peas. cello wrap
Jonathan Comb. Rome Beauty Comb_
lengaged, and also that it‘ is car-
Fey and Extra Fey Fey and Extra Fey
I'ying on and serving its public
KIN‘GPOWDERV. . . 2-lVb. can 23¢
Blue Rose Rice .... .. 3-lbs. 29¢
Fancy Long-Grain Rice. cello wrap
Macaroni .............. .. 2-lbs. 13¢
Also Spaghetti. fine quality
K. V , 49.”, GRAPES Emperor ______________ __ 1b. 100 Make the Present
SUPPl)’ 9° around
seedless H 100 . FOR VICTORY.
“Enriched” family type flour V
LEMONS ______________________________ .. lb. 11c .
ORANGES Sunkist ______________ __ 1b. 10¢ Pork ' Lamb
BEETS .......................... __ bunch 2‘40
/” C t ‘l’ild‘. G ‘r Cl (3 ‘G 0d
CELERY ___________ ._ 1b. 7c 8“ Elm: ‘ 13116 Lam?) Rump
CARROTS": .......................... .. 1b. 5c 11). lb. 31¢ ll).
CRANBERRIES Western,“ lb. 21c
PORK STEAKS blade cuts, lean. lb. 35c
LETTUCE ............................ .. 1b. 9c
TOMATOES fcy Calif. __________ ._lb. 17c . .
NOV 1 _____________ u 31/:(3 boned, rlb 01“ 10111 35C
GROUND BEEF all pure Beef ...... .. lb. 25c
SALMON sliced or by the piece... lb. 290
lwith 732 of the emplOyees of the
;corporation now enlisted in theI
gserlvice. It also includes 'the pic-i
tures of hundreds Of employeesi
Who are on “military leaye of ab-}
,Sence for service with the armedi
services,” which makes a sizeablei
I honor roll for one concern. I
The issue also features the war
.gardens of employees. of the dif-
ferent plants in other cities, show- , .-
ing‘ what is possible todo to help
out the rising cost of living and1
make sure that the families will} ;
not be caught by the shortage of
“green goods." Another booklet
gby the corporation prepared by
V“Billy” Welch features the. G01-
den Anniversary of William R.‘
MCHaffie in the employment of
the Crown Zellerbach concern l ‘
from its earliest history, who is
,the sixth to enjoy the diamond
‘studded service pin awarded by
l the company. i
it. 250
Remember . . .
“No more than ‘2|/,‘2 pounds
of meat per person weekly"
. that is our Government’s
request .‘ .‘Let’s all cooperate . .
Leg, Loin or
: make;r
v «um-
SWEET POTATOES __________ ._ lb. 81530
Kiwanis Arrange .. . V . ' YAMS . ..................................
._ lb. 8(-
; . . Troop .Program Get an extra quart bottle with
the pUrchase of Va gallon.
' A special program arranged by
the Kiwanis club will be put 911 for '
Prices subject to market change
for Troop 12 of the local Boy
Scouts Tuesday evening at the
courthouse in honor of their re-
i.C.e.1Vlng their new charter. At the’
:same time a number of tender-.
.V‘atsup ionic 10°
Famous Military Orchestral!
Admission $1.10 per couple . . .
Refreshments served . . . Danc-
ing 9 p. m. to 1 a. m.
Sponsored by S h e l t o n Com-4
pany, W a s h in g to 11 State
Guard Reserve to buy Equip-