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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 6, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 6, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l l with them.) Proclamation No.12, From Western Defense Command and Fourth Army YOUR DlMOUT INSTRUCTIONS (These official instructions from the Washington State Defense Council apply to the entire Zone of Restricted Lighting—most of Western Washington—‘wherc Public Proclamation No. 12 is effective. Clip the instructions, post them in your home or store and see that everyone in the family or place of business becomes familiar FOR HOMES: Pull your shades down at least level with the bottom of any lights in the room. To play safe, pull shades all the way down. If your home is in the area “visible from the sea,” shades must be all the way down. If you have venetian blinds, close them so as to throw any light downward. Porch lights, yard lights: Shield them so all the light goes down and none goes straight out sideward or upward. With your eye at the level of the bottom of the light shield, you should not be able to see the light. Use light globes of the lowest possible wattage. They must not give more than one foot candle of light on the ground. This takes a light meter to check ac- curately, but it is a weak light and you would strain your eyes trying to read newsprint by it. FOR FARMS: Exactly the same as above. Pull down your shades. Put in low-wattage bulbs and shield all outside lights. This also applies to poultry houses and barns. FOR BUSINESS PLACES: This will take some work. No outside electric signs or floodlighting of signs or buildings are permitted, and no light may throw rays sideward or upward. Lights must not throw more than one foot candle on the ground or sidewalk in front of the establishment, even if it is the general light coming through the window from inside. And no lamps, reflectors, diffusing globes or inside signs may be visible to the eye when held level with the top of the door or window glass. In other words, all rays of light from any of these sources coming out of a build- ing, must shine downward and not sideward or up- ward. So if your lights are now visible ficom outside, you can do one of three things. You can raise the lights, shield each one at the light itself, or paint or otherwise shield the upper part of the door or 'window glass. INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, STREET L I G H T S, HIGHWAY LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC LIGHTS require more technical handling, and specialists are available through Defense Councils for consultation. The restric- tions on automobile lights in areas visible from the sea are unchanged except for certain emergency ve- hicles. Cooperate in the Dimout. Instructions apply between Sunset and Sunrise. Violators are subject to severe penalties under state and federal laws. REMEMBER: These Be Olsen Furniture Co. Andrews Photo Studio Shafer’s Bakery Fessler’s Super-Creamed Wivell’s Texaco Service J. CuPenney Co. George A. LeCompte, M.D. Fir Drug Store Ralph’s Grocery Mac’s Corner Wilson’s Cafe Lawton Lumber Co. H. L. Kennedy, M. D. Shelton Meat & Ice Co. WW“ MUST Giant/ion 3W eWakw goon/a flea/Lian Saga." SHELTQNMASQNCQUNEY JQURNAL, . CONCERNlNG “The Mason County Defense Council, whose duty it is to see that the dimout regulations issued by Lt. Gen. J. L. De- Witt are observed, appreciates the co- operation of Mason county citizens who have done a good job of dimming out. However, the di'mout is not 100% perfect ‘ as there are some who have not complied with Gen. DeWitt’s orders. “It is imperative that these regulations be observed without delay. This office realizes that shortages of necessary ma- terial and othér f a c t o r s h a v e made Speedy compliance difficult. .___——_ —-—.—— ._._.__ WW__ WWWMQ Friday, November. _..___—/ W' y, Now 7 ial C( l Open] rtunities c ‘ ed Cross “~ill open non from next meet be at 10 a.1 r 9 at the *‘ in the ,‘ llirements “However, under Western Defense Command orders we will be compelled to begin prosecution of offenders in the near future. if you have special prob- lems or questions in regard to the dimout, call this office or get in touch with the Defense Council’s lighting consultant, Rolla W. Halbert. “Remember, these regulations have been imposed, not to create problems for you, but to provide for the general safety and welfare of the nation as a whole SO please. cooperate in this effort.” HERE WE SGME OF THE LOBAL VIOLATONS WiiCH MUST. BE CORRECTED UNSHADED LIGHTS: in the C 'v class work hours volur 9 next fou I , Wishing to ‘1 report ne: . MIL w "Ann q GROC FRESH FRl FINEST BEST HOG: n HC LO Conve Reaso NOD Son Co Loan Title In: BE'] FR‘ ByM . WDY F0 ‘ . e fall el going or I : high pri‘ Stores having interior lights burning at night must have shades or some method of screen— be allowed to shine out from business places or homes. PORCH LIGHTS: ing their show windows below the bottom of the light. No rays above the horizontal must No unshaded porch lights can_be used. A shield of some solid non-transparent material may be fixed 1n front of the light to prevent rays of light. A painted shade is permissible if the bottom of the shade is below the bottom of the light. EARLY MORNING LIGHTS: Early risers should be careful to see that shades in their homes have been ulled below the bottom of the light: Since official sunrise is notuntil 8:15 a. m. at the presdilt time, and Will be even later as Winter days shorten, care should be taken. ~ LIGHTS ABOVE MARQUEE: Too many Shelton business houses are allowing their small windows above the marquee to go unshaded. Any Window which is above the interior lighting of the store, must be completely covered whether it is frosted or clear. r ' SKYLIGHT S: All skylights must be completely blacked out so that no my or glimmer of. light is allowed to penetrate upwards. Thls Is very. important since these lights shine straight up into the sky. Any individual or firm who wishes to have his or their name on this list in succeeding Simpson Logging Company Witsiers Funeral Home Olympic Plywood Co. Shelton Gas Co. Pantorium Cleaners Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop Hotel Shelton Sanitary Market Werberger Winery City Market Paramount Theatre Iii-School Service F. E. Beckwith M. H. Needham Men’s Wear This page is one of a se ‘ pledged 1 ww~ AM >- «w "a Weinel-Olstead Insurance Bates 20th Century Store nF—W . -——-——v—v- “aw—~— ... ___... . pages, call The Journal v Association Agency i St. Charles Winery Western Supply Co. Kimbel Oil Co. Olympia Feed Co. Grant Lumber Co. Nash Brothers Herbert G. Angle Charles R. Lewis M & S Food Store . M. O. (Neil) Zintheo Rayonie‘r Incorporated Elliott B. Spring Pigmon Motors Hilltop Tavern 4-E Dairy Charles T. Wright Shelton Hardware Co. Local 38, I.W.A., Sawmill & Timberworkers Union Shelton Sporting Goods IVan Neuenschwander, Jeweler Al Huerby Motors McConkey Pharmacy Lumbermen’s Mercantile Co. Munro’s Men’s Store Millo’s Market—Hoodsport Shelton Auto Body Works Hillcrest Hardware Dr. M. C. Melcum Gilbert Frisken, Associated Oil Distributor Al Dickinson B. N. Collier, MD. J. W. Graham Mason County Saving & Loan Ass’n. Daviscourt Bakery Mason County Creamery ries sponsored by the individuals and firms listed below who have 00 per cent support of America’s Fight .for Freedom gulations In E21190! Between sunset and 1 Rube Cohn Auto Parts Mason County Abstract Title Co. Wilcox 10¢ Store Stretch Island Winery Needham Food Store, Washington Service Corp- Shelton Electric Co. , Watkins Products Co. Sheltonvlllason County Journal ~:_ uce thrr ‘8 though * A friend i 1‘ I'emark l 't grow “3 to do I‘Ie's a gr< ‘ a matter around " fellows * Lea: l N(