November 6, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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i ember
:y, November 6, 194°. .
r. ... __.-—.__....._ ......_...——..—.._.._.. _.——.‘.-u‘
. . . __
ial Course News Notes From lStorm Cause Of Grapeview Feels
' ,Open To Women Harstine Island. Damage At Union Fury of Storml I T
' i
Unities of taking part in. Harstine Island, Nov. 4 e The‘ Union, Nov.
3—All seems in If th th t th t A I A N A D S
e wea er repor is ime
ed Cross assistance course M15 -
v ; ses Geraldine Waite d N l- (‘1 ft ’
I I -, _ an e .or er a er Halloween and the
open according to m .lle Harriman gave a, Hallowe’en'wild storm.
Lights were out for :ays thetlfiw norifiial naingalli 1we’ll
epor e mac inc 0 as ing-.
til) .
I n from the local Red,3;¥2}ner athtthg‘ school house Sat-la few hours
Monday, Several t k
. ay mg . he center piece was trees fell across th h’ 0n- 9 flow it was
a “lotta
n . e 1 hwa . On . ,. m
‘ be S’t‘tlgnaetrlé‘gnggnggg €112,271: {1:112 “fillnut
(shells filled with wax‘near Michael's place “is soylarg: gun _AW§
glad“, and leaped pud- t t , , ‘ "W'WWW
1 9 . . . _ a e can es and fortunes tied cars could not get throu h fo‘.
.es' n. 6 high wmd‘ made a‘ 1 ES C f d S
‘ “ 3:1: WZEIfaggoisliilrdeiig ‘flvteiggeffni-Of the WiCkS- The
shells SEVeral hours. Ed Hegaai ou; E tldty toPlct Of conversati?‘ How
‘ ‘ 0a inor in a lass d‘sh f‘ll- 10 a1 a , a Fee 3118 missed the
SC 001 b W“M~MAA‘ ... '
' lr-ements for entry mem' ed with water. Thegdish was
Slit-l“t(lle mifiiitfifiiieéo tiirde’llasl saw (“’env it fell
across the road). all: FOR SALE: 19 acre farm inll ‘ #“A‘A RATES
.‘ in the course include 20 ting on a mirror dec r , -n( ‘ 0 com— how
the ower line trouble Skokomish Valley, 4 room house v 20 Words or less
1 0 ated With iahdered George The P put . E 1V 0‘ . . . .
lSass work and a minimum colored leaves of the. season 4.30 P M to take
the? p 501.1 at Walt Eckert’s pump out of com- and bath’ eleculc water
Sys' SANDER 3132:7533) ritzsoeltgrmlgg' 1 “"33" 50c‘
emilirs tvzluntary sen/Ice dur— Those attending Were Bill, Bob the
Shelton carrier whomoel'l1 miSSiOn . . . we are glad we don‘t‘
tem’ bam’ fenced Inquire Jour' i W A N T E D l m0“ insertio s.
ger a S and
wishe': (t)ur yetar-S'thx'ny O: I ah‘d I'm?“
Li‘iidqmst, Ainley and return trip from ’Brinnon was teaCh eleCtriCity-
HOW C011” the nal. B—lo—Zgnn—G—st' AND EDGE I To work With
new company 75:13 fifififiiuSOE-‘fies- 3c per wo-rd'
re 1 0 Emma d is cass Ray‘Rei off me island, andlwaiting on the other
side of the electricity being off burn out a FOR SALE, 9 room hous i R ;
starting here Card of Thaffisge 0%pefichmniegggi
i 1301 “ex on 807- 1liauline rid Lyle Hitchcock, Les-ltree at Michaels.
They also ser- motor? Anywayi the ECkerts large lot one block from
ebil(s)in BV Day 01‘ Hour i Piece work 3331?} fig? sper limb? Qualified
.. r" firm - ' . .3 .e. on i 5,
. ~—-— m x. ‘IEIE‘NYLJOhnSOn, Edna Viced the boxes along that
route mid‘ghaélthurrg’ up U‘IP to Seattle ness center. EaSily
converted I A Dag AdvertiSEmemS Ziggggtéd over'
. I!” r r - en. Lise. Ralph and and so did their Boy Scout deed _ .0“
0 try to get some into apartments. $2500 terms J L C ATTO . . Guaranteed to
egin the telephone from phone subscrib-
. . “"‘ILOIHS/cott and Shirley Waite. for the day. new equipment,
or repairs- Mrs. c. E. Runacres 20,-23—tfn' ' ' INQUIRE AT
JOURNAL OR elf? Gas“ Should accompany a“
9 After dinner the whole crowd at-. Several of the high schOOI girls
OV‘eI’ 60 votes were cast at the s i e HARDWARE PHONE 10—F—21
gore?r géiexfll‘gtr gigylllrfnt madt‘h be-
S tended the midnight show in Shel- Virginia Lange Jane Aldrich and
election Tuesday. That is a good FOR SALE: 4 room house bath 1 - save
expense of billinev Train extto
a to“ and all reported a good time. Pat Erickson, ’were hosts for al
percgntage' garage! Spring water-‘ Near mvw" M v . filial?ge 9f
me Will be bfnade whgg
Mrs. Anna Johnson celebrated Hallowe’en. party Saturday eve- MISS Hattie
Barker returned to PouatCh‘ $1600’ $500 down’ F d WARTED: woman or
gm for fun ) mg is xigfieSslgEy-mo
: ‘her birthday Sunday by attending hing at the home of Miss Pat. her
home on Sunday. Her nephew, Phone Hoodsport 24.112. 1J0 1 time housework,
care ‘of child»
id dinner given in her honor at About 20 of their classmates were BOb
Barker accompanied her‘ She sfilo'zg'fil'sfifi'l V l
(4 yrs»- GOOd pay to right par— "' 'vv'w' '
' ' ‘
lthe home of her son and wife, Mr. invited to a happy time Gay has almOSt
recovered from the lg' LOST O ty' can 87 or Shelton Gas com— ‘
* and Sundius Johnson, olealloweven decorations -j011y broken wrist she
received in a FOR RENT: _room house. 5 1 dB STRAYED: black-fc- pally.
Olymp{a- Those going over to l games and delicious refl’mshments fan
about two months ago. mlles from BUTTE)“, Dayton (115- 12:8; 53g
E’VltYABbmw,“ ,Tnarkmg- —"—‘—"--—' e—z
l01ympla With her were her daugh- ‘ added up to a delightful evening The
4'H Garden Club met last “pl-Ct EleCtrlmty' Inquire 600 ous as d)
N gimme. Gener— WANTED AT ONCE' carloads or
11;“Vicg Wingey-t and Mr. l for an who “,ere there. Mrs Ruen
Sarglirdzg' at the Spogner home. Falrmont.
S—-—10-—23-30--11-6~—3tl st 05%Ylagne’ 579%1fy 312 Alder
truckloads of large smooth 'FOR SALEZ small St. Clair cir-
. ' i ‘ v. _ h i . _. _ -g r . . , . x I
FR ‘ Mr. and Mrs‘ giggiig-Borst and I flittfierl'hgthcffi was
.the House reguliu. (1:23:15ét3gt01t1fi: ggfoéhelr FOR SALE: six room
house 21/.) ' Refill—6-13—20-73t. ' .Soulildl Alderi. Maple
and Hem'l sheaf“ (Yolod 0’. cognd'
ichildren of Sh'elt or e evening and help— Wednesda ‘ 011 acres.
Lots of rasphberries, “ . ‘09 >°gS- Higher prices. Liber- . ‘mge
me. a sPrmg e
S guests at the J. localitlcelfgckshggr‘ilgwig make tlm' party a
success‘ oth' put on a ghgfieggofamT?er s$1001 small l?arn, chicken
house, wood- LOSE: woman’s purse, double sid- m scale' Prompt
settlements' Egg: pad, afiecuon hght oak
i MI‘S. Dorothy 'Sm'th d t t Pawn“ tOOk the young f°1k5
chiefly honorin Bg k W0 em’l Shedv ‘lfi mile from Bremerton- 6d,
contains identifidation card NorthweSt Chm" commian Ta‘ W wise wlth
top‘ and base.
achildren, Stanley anld Mitiilne “(1)? 013:)st fllvfm the affa‘r'
comes around tghis ot?me oieke tl‘at HOOd.Canal Juncu‘m- Mrs- Dell and
5091‘“ Security number With coma' waSh' 11-6-27W4t' Jollm
fleegng bag” -% mattress.
"1 Indianapmisl Ind. and Mrs Chas the his itcall'lerfiy .18 h?“
“Pm There will be the monthg, aclérd Beattle- 10-16--11-16-—-1M name
lilvelyn Martin. Finder
'11 11M. Victor, lvlvassh, t
FINEST FOODS AT ,gcliward and Dick and Shirley or at the hgme or his
Si-othzgpgjggg .party at the school house on sat- =r a _ phone 375M Reward
11'6'“1t- WANT TO BUY: just fresh or _ - '
‘ ympia. were at the Melvin Sut_‘McHenr iurday evening, November 7. E 2
lots with f . _ . _‘ — coming fresh Guernse cow. FOR SALE- ~ . . ,
BEST PRICES 110., home Monday for a short visit Mm d Robins enbred the
eryone is invited to attend. v i water andouggwgfn Lgigtif.bfltlfoéd.
containing birth Write Arno Griggs. Rt. Shel- Write Chas.
' M.“ and MY‘S- Vincent Glaser and Shelton hospital last week fer a
Mrs' E‘ 13- Langellier returnedl garage and woodshed. Also fruit $20
1 lcfihe’ {livers-heense’ 9130‘“ to” 11-6-13—2t. Route. ’
HOGDSPORT l filmxy Tacqlma. were out at the major operation Otn TueSday
from a two week’s vls- 1 trees. $550.00. Terms Leuidsdt. fimfii‘fwm
to fmdez“ l “ I W -r I
. lend a 61 on“? over the week Mr. and Mrs. A1 Howard are‘30;11:1%egon.
Her son-in-law, Rev. * * B-__11_6_13_207_ r; .WAIV'IED: two good tires
4:50,; “if hSALE' Sim?“ upllgm Plan?-
a__.._. _ . , a _ _ __,__l ‘, . 91k hunting this week in Eastern arnmei
0f Laramw, Wyo. HERBERT G. ANGLE _ ' 21, Phone 591W Chill 6,_1t a Ogany
flmSh, good (3011611-
I ‘MI. and Mrs Archie HoWaird of Washington and Messrs Bonner brought
her. He will spend the' LOST: red and black plaid l tlon. Phone 314RX.
iseattle are spending a few days Neldon and Babcock afe tr mi winter at the
Mitchell home.
m'"""'""""’"* shirt; on
Agate mad 1183309,} T—11-6—13—2t.
iwlth Mrs. Alice Waite and the their luck near Raymond y g The L. Wrens
have heeded the to finder. Return to my 33;," WANT T0 3113?: 4 or 5
room _ M_
H 0 M E ‘gms‘ Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin and can 0f the department of
agricul— "w..- a man, Rt 2 10-30-4145, 2t “mm mm m downtown
dis‘I SALE' Montag wood or 0°“
r i _. .-____. daughter Marietta Spent the ture to raise more meat and have
FOR SALE' 1WW i I..-" trict. Write Box C (2-0 Journal; I £3115?
agigfisn 500‘} COUdition-
. , . . . v e e .- . re _ m _
L O A N S l lrtl Bothel With Mr. Mar- ' gafiggegdgpagog
ngfilgfiiegsmp'l Davidson motorcycle cxcellegt. WEBEOFINgER orf
person taking S atmg prlce and locgtlolll 6 1t IF q mill '—S 1t
en 5, . ons” t-res 00d .' ~_ -0 car ine ri le,fr0m over— A '
"— ' OR SALE: di-a s ’-
. . . ob, And _1 g mechanical condl ~ . . g aw engine and
a P - on the eleptlon bqard Tuesaay gyork. that means a IOt Of hard hon.
MrS. Pearl Willey, Matlock turned 031' TueSdayv OCtOber 13 HIGH SCHOOL
GIRL wishes trame- GOOd, condition. $25.00.
k 43 Ower gir‘il/illgisde?hc%l€fmné Mrs' Ma“ 7 Road.
W~11-6——1t. ggugaf’tonffroad geturn it to work as mother's helper
or Willi Phone 15F3. E—ii—c_-1t.
. . an i rs. ecelia Ma- 3 0 ice. 0 questions care for chicken d -~ ’ - .
Convement Terms { Tm. new Bonneville than be_ .50“ who again were first
to get Home Nursin |FOR SALE: ’41 Ford. Pick-up. asked. Reward. ings'
Good ireierenggng FOR SALE: pair used Kern log.
ltWeen the Tacoma power line at in the returns. l g Phone M LatZel 215J2. .
Dn10-23-30—11-6sr3t4 Nelson, Rte. 3, Box 142. ' 1%[EETS' Slze
11' In g°°d Shape-
,Allyn and the Bremerton Navy M1”. and Mrs. Ray Arbogast, i Class To Open
10-23-30--11—6--3tl FOUND. . . 11-6,” r1y be seen at Journal office.
Reasonable Rates ’Yard has been so far cempleted Who have purchased a
home in F— . — Ow - Pa1r glasses m 0359. 11.6__1t_
,that the current was turned on 3 seattle, moved there Monday. The first of
the classes forl OR SALEEJ 1937 Ford V’s Pass' in “fr may Clam!
them by pay' WANTED: housework 01' Praaical FOR_ SALE- M
‘TueSday morning and is now be- ’ George .Allen Went in with them Home
Nursing Sponsored by thel enger clan well below Blue 1ng 01h this adv at
Journal Of- nursmg from 8 to 4' one Child' ch' ‘1' .'
used occasional
NO gig served to the ship yards at tollgelp tXem get settled. lRed Cross
will be held Friday eve-', Egg; 3&3“) cash. C. C. Cole. 6. P one
100. Phone 256WX. N—~11’—6_-1t_ Phfin: zggdlo andN fiifneituri,
remerton. 1 TS. Martin who is in ning at 7.30 p m at the R d 7"
ire--~——_,_____—_. ' - —1.
, V y - . . .”.___—______________ CMva __ "A. , ,__
i While the current comes f Charge of the affair, announces'CrOSs head
uarters e l . i WANTED: 4 01' 5 1‘00"! furnished -
(Tacomag lines it is served (1522.: that the Elinor chapter of thelHillman
wmqbe$fétoshet F%l;tnS%%§. 038% (318v. .2-door se- house in
Shelton. steady ram Fgfip'sfiigfiirEEnggcker Cszluue]
"i C from Bonneville Dam to Tacom Eastern Star is Sponsoring a card
The course is Still 0 en for , g g ires, good con- ers. Write William
Graham. Un- Rt 2 B 39 al‘ 5011.
., on ounty Savmgs [and operates a. an exchange gfv party next Tuesday
evening at bership and an intergsted géfni‘ligrnestlgggerson, Rt. 2, mm
ion, Wash. 10—23-30--11-6_3t 6. , ox 130133hone 4F11.
' - l n . - -- - _ __ a . . . - _- _ _
Loan 11550013131011 lpf’wer §9tween the pilblic and the. the
Mafison‘lc H311 to which every- are urged to attend the meeting FQR
RENT. 3 room furnished W ANTED. 1 or 2 71' li——. . . 0 11 6 2t.
,Clty utility. The winds of Tues- one 15 Invited. Several games will Friday
or call the headquarters' CARD 0F APPRECIATION nouse’ $15 month-
I’lqu‘re JOUI" wire R' W MS-poos Of barbed FOR SALE: young New
no... .
Title lnsurance Bldg_ ,day put several trees across the be played. for
further information. BecauSe! May we take this means Of ex_, “31'
C»i11-6_—v1t. Stan-on . 1113631138011, at Bus Shire pullets' E. A.
illne and caused some delay, and! Upon her return from Seattle 0f its
outstanding importance'PreSSing to our friends and es- FOEEWEENT'
r0 f 'Wh‘“ -—.--..*‘ ' “1113—4” miles north of
Matlock Stork
.the roads along the route are not Monday evening, Mrs. Lud Ander- Home
Nursing is being stressed;pecially the Grange our sincere bin light-s wotn
urmdS ed ca- WANTED: safe for small Store 10-30"11'6“‘2t-
C9ml’18t8d but are passable and sen was grPa'f-ly feted. First, with
this winter by the Red Cross and f appreciation for the flowers kind-
Inq’uire M' 1 31391" a“ Wow" Inquire Journal Office
phone; “e—fl—nw- —. - .
h 'wm Serve until next summer-n a lovely dinner at the home of all
possible are urged to attend thelnesses and sympathy shown us I b u ape
each on Lake 100. 10_30__il_6 2t PLANT PANSY PLANTS NOW
!L ——‘—————— M}? 311:4: MIX. Francis Wright, ClaSSeS.
iduring our bereavement, 53‘ e 5" J—10‘30"11'13fl3t~ W
. _' f0? 52%ring blooming. Mixed col-
. Re I 'W ere r- ndersen and Mrs. Teofil R‘ h FOR ANTI‘EDt 40 acre
ranch 01‘s 0 Per 6102. Peon roots
BETWEEN D' HaCk To Open lNeldon were also guests Later ‘ h - '
Leone VVl‘chtert’ m RENT; new furmShed 3‘ have fair buildin s
wat’ermusé 4 varieties and othery plants,
Shelton Pharmac the so, d . onors “nth Mrs_ Andersen and 1 er, .. 0m apar
merit. Mrs. Wallace . . . g an | Blue '
yih y fume to Mrs. Neldmm both were showered with lovely Ruby Smart,
Kneeland‘ 3 miles out Olympic electricity. Wlll' rent for long Cont
grapes 40 per lb. Bring
’ 1" D~ HaCk is Preparing to re-‘ aogle W firs several had
gameted gifts. Those who attended the af-i P3111 KeeVeri HiWaY- Phone
466—1 time per 10d' Chns‘ Siefert’ R' 2’ Rte aéneBrs‘
Evergreen Gardens’
By Mervin Getty lopen the- Shelton Pharmacy which
“Ir-iIapgyeértggég."Algdersgi With. fair, besides the hostess Mrs.
Nel- Justin Keever. . 10-30tfn. Prosser, Wn. 10—23-30--11-6—3t. . ,
0:1: 22186 30 11 6 13 3
he operated for many . . ‘ "100 e was don were Mrs. Bon M .
‘_"-"“—--—-—‘— fl ' " ' ' — t.
. . years. The en 0 d n91“: rS- Blake, N . 141 . . , WANT TO BUY FA .
_.—_—__._w_ __
WDY FOLKS- lSLOY‘e has been closed for the past AgdZ§serYltahnEOIfirs
golng to LPd Ed Hegaasi Mr. and Mrs. Fran- NOTICE ~0g‘s
Hllglspgull‘golv FINAL FOR RENT' furnISh?d.m°del.n 5 10 acres
cleared att leasg APPLES FOR SALE' yoU 10k.
“a _ , . “WU months. Further _i rs. Al Martin. eis Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
A1 M _ .. ACCOUNT, REPORT AND I’ETITIONI room ouse. Outbuildings, eight]
1 . , . a er an Please br. , i p . .
. fall elections found poli— ,ment of the O emn “announce .lThere were,
of course, good things tin. Mr. and Mrs Lud A d ar 0}“
E‘XECUTRiX—ADMXNISTRATHAX acres cleared, at Dayton goal e co Flcity.
Give location, price, E ing containers. Mrs. .J.
“gomg 0“ as usual- Due to ‘next week p g w} be madelto eat'
Halloween faVors and dec- ' Several were unabl t t? ersen' 3‘31?)
SgJT‘TLEMl‘ENT’ DISTRIBUTION miles from airport. R. J. Lamb '
gonqltlons 0‘ bundings, etc. 0' OI-les' Rome 2' phOQe 4F21-
high prices there was less I i W. oratifms‘ A1 Martin Whose birth— ent
due to bad weathgr g: é’mfi' IN THEI§S%§’?E11{2(£8R COURT OF
THE 10-23~»11-6—3t: E‘hrls E. Olson' 1341 North scrholcjlmkermg
mad near Grant
uce thrown at the candi? I N0. 4115 ‘ .; day 15 a few days distant,
Shared ness. — ‘ n l ETATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND W _‘ ! ord'
Bremerton' 10-30am
H , 5.1mm,“ , hon THE COUNTY or MASON, ANT T0 RENT: 4 or 5 roomI
10'23'30"11-6-—3t- FOR SALE- ' i
‘ : though- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 'OF TH . IN PROBATE furnished house
in Shelton " ~~4~——- 16 ‘nch “‘3 mm Slab
i l STATE OF WASHINGTO‘N TN ANE , V, ‘__,’______ In the Matter Of
the Cmnbjned Write Willianl Gr. h I men for defense vt'orkl WOOd cord
delivered- Lee
* * . gift!“ (3145i: Eonifirv 10F MgSON 1&1J C
giggitglsdofBIgéigtigerééaggsiield and Guy Wash 10
2:33miltém‘grév' Good wages and overtime pay' valleyv ROUte 1.
Elma or in-
. r, , s, we Paintiffl . ‘ I I V NOTICE IS HE , _‘ ' ' "
‘ Shelton Concret . ' quire Journal office. Phone 1
. friend of ours just made i gfggzdgh Athfis.gefendant‘ > .mrfifi
.1412. r ExgtrgiuigfinflizafiEgiecfiixg§d£ifif I HAVE .A 4-ROOM
furnished 9 Producfglzgtf 10—23—30—1L6—gg:
remark th ‘ r‘ 1 ~.TATE OF WAS ~‘ . N0. 15 , 0V9 9“ ite. com— ho
se. ' ‘ i '
.t grow f3: $018122}: pTUhILI: I“€763,iggngIfiEééwgfi/figggfinm
Ntfilggkgrl‘ggnlnégf'fg)§ $31191. IN TH§0§%$FE$%§€EEITORS
,ggifid acefgfitfis. rgipagfinigg $3313“ 23;" ccgple 512’:
bglsfd 1:161? If: WS‘ENTED: male 01- fmale help FfintSALEI; (:11 burner
e ' i _. , . . .. V i ONED to msrmsuuox RT OF THE settlement a'nd
d‘ t‘c ' . ' mas tree cuttars w , - _ , ,01' ea er or ran
e. Good
V6 to do a little grafting. l 32:75?“
“$3,”‘},,§{X%ubfiggfm§ft§; ttlhei msngEE SUggRgggsg‘ggggOOwF
Egg ggfiTEOUONFTYWASHrNGTON’ MA‘v giggibinecli1
estateshor‘scséilgudt‘i’lesgfi p313 quire Journal §fflii;6 13 20
3t er your land orb ours‘fvgfgsEéEi- 8°“?th Price $10-00. €Vr‘rte
ssmmmns‘ “Wm: within smr d‘iisl MASON COUNTY i In mph Matter of the
Estate of , S. 7W erem e ouri, is askea p. »_ . ‘ -~ . ers, sorters
loaders 5’ PM , Star Route, Box 154
fr i: l after the 9111 day of October 1342 aysl IN p]: i George Thomas
Ca<t1 . . dppro‘e .53”? 30.0011!“ and report. and . ,2 *—---—
. - ’ ' eason '
, A ,t ,, . ‘ ()BAT}, . b 8' Decedsed. lmake d15trlbut10 f “a r? in
Staltlng soon. C 10-23--11-6__.3t
, idefend the above entitled , .- ands In th M tt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN h
i ~ n O the comblned ' an use part i '
He. 1 I , the above entitled action ln- e 3 er 0i.the Combined Es— the
undersigned ha b .t at estates, andldlscharg‘e the Exeeumx- . ,. time
workers. Tele hone or v .
alffreai i‘di‘ert’htimffi" “Panniers or patronising
irksmiih“£ii€§?é{éh Bettina“ :23 his adenine
assasijiisit‘iilfitii Antihistamines mm o... Natmm’ Forest Timber'
“11mg 121 80% F351“ Saga $33133”? dmiie’
a er 0 ac, ' a ’s e A . serve a Copy ‘Of 'y0u{.!Wii'e. Both
Deceased. 0 Gorge omas Castle. in accord n ~' . . 4th St. Shelto W ’
n - 011 e-
allnwer uu th, 3,, ' I, i .V . deceased, that n . anci. “lth an
order of 531d H. . _, V y n, ash.. Chea
. around the Cub- Lots of he” planing, seas assassins. this has; gym;
aegis, “tiresome 223r‘0i‘7‘8‘280a’t’ for"? are . F
01‘ Sal? . n-e—n on sin32§sGef6g2931§8“h 2%}:
fellowship “(ill-5 0 W’- -e “W Stated; and in ’easp‘of Anna
Katrina Buffinprton and Exe- .-r- “We 9 serve. the Same, duly be had bef
r' m ’c “mg ‘5"- ilSeailed bids will be rece'ved l)
"' ' - ' n ‘ — ’
. . I you]. mum.“ m to do jud 4i cuter 0f the Estate of, Jerer-ni h B.
it; velified. on said administratrix or her fi 1 . O B e ourt on said i i i
1 y WANTED: Single 01‘ do b1 .bOt F0 . .
inll he rendered a ' ' .gmgmi ingion, H -b d a u _ attm‘neyiOf
record at the add- '- “a account mp0” and petmon 0’1 then
Forest7‘super‘7150ry Box 187-; u- e - R SALE“ old news 3- 91‘s 5
* * i313”? nth: luvniona???‘finy‘lflmj‘gfgi‘n‘l‘i Egasedb
llixl‘cd aggthwtlfe dgf {.mftaggdvsgiréd rtthe same 3i.
fifé‘rdfi’ Igl‘eofiflckdalk ‘35, Definiggg Olympia,
Washington. up to and fgfi;rasc,f§: 13:23:13,. 1:11??? MC‘ for Seven
Pound bunpdlg four?
‘ z’ i.‘ (in " i, 'l e y} i i . . - v_ . , . J, . ‘ . . .
. .
, I of said Court, f‘ht.“(,1°f}..c‘f‘,“f‘ “21.19 Clerk l
Repeat “Quid Cfggi‘lbishtlrsibliinal proof of such services, l
say‘h‘n the .Court Room of said Coupt n91? .Latcr than 3.0 A.
M.‘November . 10-23—{6131—06n nal Office.
. ‘ Is to 0mm}? 8 (invoice; is action ! afiking the Court to settle and
applfg‘ly‘é {Rogtrlllgt'after first publication of "
illeto‘n court House at Shelton' Wash- lfil.‘19a21ufor an the
11V6.tilmber —Aw T—3t’ FOR SALE' Island B 11
i ‘t».v., " who ei .‘ a ' . . i — . e
an CUB - o3 sir-torrent? i8 833%: hathditiiiifiltfégzrihfia
fiiiié‘i‘iiquli’hg thTERS 36 1b- if you pick theemgri‘i‘fi
1 Icon P_ . _' , ,. , , '_ . ,. . , , _
. , a Anglo Bgildiéigs‘t sffifélfignaddress' lE§§Cifiiti§re
him as Administratm dnd CECILIA CLARA CASTLE. I Elerlfi of the Superior
Court located 101’) an area embracing Stréet.‘ r
S—--10-23-30-?§E2.§;? ODell, Shelton Rt). 2, Box 240.
lg/[tibtlinofcolllllntghi t isaIdOTdfiglldifgifiTHEi?‘gladN' “rm
333%???ng OfCagfltatedeOfl ‘23 asm comm/v wasmng 3b???“ Within seem“
. I l r as ng on. . . , an '01 ion or ’ 8, l By ESTHER ROLES El ; s
. R. &.W. W M ' ES—I wish to ' v'vvv'
‘ I. 10_9_16_23_30_11_6_13_20_7t ‘ DOlSirlbutlon Will be heard in the
Court CHARLEgeaéedIWR A t- . ’ B‘ r ’ . .. " . i i
, , , r. . i . IGHT. c mg Clerk. lg.Creek watershed,,.~01 . buy for
November del
.; . .- . ’—"_'_ alliggshgiog‘tgli}: 250th:
éfiarengxldforOS-‘Edggfistraitrix ‘Aégggfiixfldmimstmt tional
Forest, Washingbtgifi‘gé- Olympia. Can pay togegirici:
, ~ . sggéré’;yl0tgndg§fil133;,he0ffolrgvéogbon Angie Builging'
Sligtgn’dress: Title Insurance Building: mx’ thc 8,000,000 fefet’ B,
M” Anyone wishing to .COntract v v
. 1942, I 6" Mason County, Washington. A l'shemmi Wasmngton-
“10113.0? less. 0f Douglas-fir, 1,— trees get in touch With C. P. J
i . Dated tlfiiéstétéiRdigotf-iEgciober, 1942. , '
10-30--11—6—13-20~4t.l 11'6'13'20'27-—41-
490.300.5ehet. B- M., more-or less of gfundtree. 1700 . Yew Ave" ames
E. Lynam
‘ _. . . . . . . Wesern. emlock 2 i ‘ . ym ia. Tele hone
‘ ‘ ‘ k 5 (on 835135 Lvlfighig‘fgtl‘gam IN THE sopggggms I ;
P1§E%TSITC§‘T TEggnléfifigogfiATo M; moreio'r less 'of
Oxgegggnfesghiltge p p 10—23;??l3—7t ‘ Anemone”
1A.. -’ IR l.) , 1M3, p ., > I
t B ‘ ‘r‘éittorsneslr2 filrEElgSsaid Estate ‘ fiar‘esgfi:
ggufiyrviesfici’i‘nggo? gggl INST'IEEFSUEFFRWfiSgggGRgOgF
'FHEifirefight;figggeffietrgtgdarmgg Real Edam and “"55th
. :' 'slllelinil, Wéfifi’fiié’ififié Bldg, Helem
Kennedy. Plaintiff, MASON COUNTY FOR bid oiE.Jess than $5.00 per M feet
Tides 0f Leave dates at Bank or
v ' F T ' ‘ EIGH 10-30—11~6-]3-2n—4t Milt K9 d—VS-D— In
the figthggm'tl‘hE t B_._, M. for Douglas—fir, $2.25 per ’ .
Matlock Route
F S T STAornE Ognfi’VXSIifgfélg‘aonlé. .1 John T. Smith. Deceaseg,
3 ate of M fleet) B“ M” for western hem_ Computed for Oakland Bay m
Kenneijy‘ Defendant: to M): thigoglIfE _IS (IiiEfiEBYAGIé/EN, that
105311» $4.70 .per M feet B. M. for (Hoe-g ganamidtes are one hour DE
\ r .‘ ‘ . 3 ON _ oil are lereby summo d . ersigne , ary . mith, h k
meg, e131 w} ite a mum es earlier) All
geittle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, msgvaESUgRttm
COURT OF THE Wm?“ sixty (60) .days arl$81‘t?hgplfjifliaslt
Rieginepgwitnied and has qualified M feet '3. foglrlsesitggn
$r5ed2e§er ' ATTO§NC. BAYLEY
atooma. Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. MASON
‘éi‘itjnifiatéi’é‘ty°§ia§§maifgmggngsr5o$§ , T.
Smlfhl‘asefiegsfedf)giigslehtgt (:1ng31: Willbe. considered. In addition
5:: ' . EY AT LAW"
No. 2 Allie Ahl. Plaintiff, SfLQthgber, .1942, and defend the
abovelfi’s'litehggl‘fg 01%},me against the said tbsprioesbid for
the stumpage, a: High 5:54 a.m. 12.5. ft. Title Insurance Building
I T ——vs.s— n i e action in the _court aforesaid-.1. - e 55“
“eased are hereby cooperative de osit of $25 Frida. Low'11-34
Opposite First N t‘ .
T S h d 1 l Wyman 0. Abbott, and Jane Doe and answer the complaint of the
lam_| Siquired to serve the Same duly verb 1’ Per M 'y - am. 3.8 ft.
. a ional Bank
1me c e u e as follows: ,Abbott, whose true Christian name tiff Helen
Kennedy, and 5mm apcowlgied with the necessary voucher at- feet, B. M. to
cover the cost of Nov.6 “High 5.31 mm 1L4 ft“ me 23 _ Shem”
Leaves Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at 5 Pm for
§u§%oan§1;ilrat%feun%§own. Deceased. 33331;!" easy” lupotnf the
undersigned, ,Z‘ffifih‘lrgp Xfidersigneifi Admin- tree planting,
seed sowing and tim- '
.7 Olympia and Shelton of Twyman 0. Abbott. “o‘é‘étifiéh,he:§:
addressy lleorelnlhgllgwl fstgledh‘”an‘§f‘ffi at Suite 1,
flu.,,,be‘f§,',‘§,§’.39 33553;: ber stand improvement work on
the, Low 12:18 mm 0.6 ft‘ w
I , Arrives Shelton dally, except Sunday $332352 twigs «fit Jane Doe
Abbott, Chef of yourdfailgre so to adjudgmem §§§ltggmMa§on Codunty.
ygShington' fer?) Cutover, for the total cut of 1 Sat. High 6:43 a.m.
13.3 a”,
“a , i _, i an a th- , W) e ren ere a '«l v _» v ein esi na j lm
er .. , .
' .CLARENCE'. ICARLANDER, Izl‘eudellt ( known“. Having
0r()cla€"ilrnil:l(gb\igs hgile mg to the demandgagnsthgogofifigt
place for the “5111330110811 0% thgsblgqie agreem urtidernthg terms of
this, Nov Low 12.19 pm. 4.2 ft. 4NBURANCE
y ' r .. . ,gnyeright, title, estatejien, interest wnéch has been
filed with {he Clé’m of 333% of the said Estate and tome 000 00 8:]
‘t’V‘be _edre‘ll}1red. $.63- Hl‘ghi 6591 om 14.6 ft...
. .. . {2- r.» r v .. “ desm‘lgég fiiafngzsttgtethe
hereinafteri saa‘h:%%ct fit this action is t 1 mp of
sersigémgitgigtitgicglextgf ttlfi: £683: each bid €103 be
hppntégogéltegl With LOW 1264 i . G.
. * i THE STATE OF WASHINGTON a divorce in favor of the plain‘t’fgcand
entitled Court, within six months af— chase 13' f d '3 Pm“ i S
. ' “0-6 ft.
~ I , V , > Tod: The said Twyman 0. Abbott against the defendant.
1:91" the HP t publication of this notice. i tp we”. re. un ed’ or
“tamed un‘ High 7130 a'm‘ 14-0 ft ‘ 055103311 Angle Building
V , I ______ an“ Jane Doe Abbott, whose m“... J. w. GRAHAM‘ 0-Wit:
Qtober 30th. 1942, or said ’1 Pal“ as liqu1dated damages, ac- 1N0v.8
Low 1:04; p.m. 4.7 ft,.
V Clmstian namo H to Plainfff Attorney for PM. . Claims Will be forever
barred i cording to cond't' f * H' '
. ltmown' Deceased. Husband and v Office Address MARY'.A- SMITH.
' right to re'ect‘algns O dsale. The 1gb 6'34 'p'm-
14-7 ft.) . ..
‘ byliitu'ig‘gt‘géled‘eitrfi °i Elma" 0' Ab“ 10
23 30 Styli, 5%‘35'128‘181‘0'1- was“ Sfdr?ililjst¥ltrsix
{‘fi the Estate reserved Bifort b15332. 'aubbldts ‘ Low 1 31 1 r
I ‘3 , elm ownhefrshfl -------_.--_..7t_ on.mi .s esumi- : a.m.-.o.
%%er5$lgbotétheceased, and all J! No 148., " $3333.51} 'foLfE
31:55am Estat god full information concem~inglM0n- High 8:17 am. 14.6 ft.
' " | “aiming to have :gyn’right’mgtitlg.‘ NOTICE or maan
0N 'FINAL Suite 1. Lumbermen's Buildienz. hi1 umber’ the
.Conditions Of Sale: lNov‘g Low 1‘50 p'm' 5'2 ft‘ A '
, .estate, licnhintcrest. or eqult 'in and ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETITION
Shelton. Mason ccumy_ Washington an the su’bmissmn of bids should High.
7:09 mi. 14.7 ft; °°°unt|nfl Tax Services
3 Parts r i- . to the hereinafter deqc lb .1 h . .01“ uxncu'rnxx FOR
S‘FTT . . 10-30—11—6-13—20 4 be obtained fi-o th ~ r ‘ p 3
‘5 h I I. i ' i mate: you and each Qtyoue are ailing}: DISTRIBUTXON
AND» '——( ' — t‘ Ranger Hoods Oxrlgt We EIStrmt I
~fl—T‘ °°kkeepmg Systems
’Str‘a’Ct . ‘ - (ghlgdd to appear wit-hm 60‘ days;
01" the Forest el'y's Splrlgton' Tues Hfow 2-12 am'
-2'1 ft! 123 4th St Ph "°
‘1. . e 0, this S ate of this first pu‘bhqafion] ~FOR' T E A
HINGTON IN AND IN THF SUIPvERo onhmrons fie B . h p nor, ost Of— . 1in
9.07 a..m. 15.0 ft. - one 55.)
davs artermnttrizondotetoolmthe“gland”d60 H TNCOPUIlinsXQfiF
MASON' STATE OF Iwoisfigé‘ioi’d 11333? tone “lldmg'
Olympla. Washing- NOV- 10 Low 2:38 p.m. 5.5 ft. .
' or'o t . T W MA ~ v~ H1 h 7:48 . . ’
wager l l I
J.:}Iétr%::%alll:{§;fl:xgfigéasgaé Esmte of Madge? 33%3Y5f the Estate
of 11-6—1t.' g» pn‘,‘ 14.0 ft. 1 w
r , . n v B ur on. . d, . . ~
y 5‘ the Flammfdfig esgrigema (5:33;? 13m or Susie E. Pauley.
Exgcufil'VEN'f till“ TOWHOM Irpciwai‘it CONCERN- i "w d
LOW 2'55 a'm' '24 ft ' IERS
Store " ‘ tars. .‘i‘f am r0“; areas: may me No Nan
1115,2133?” 15-1 it FUNERAL HOME
. ' . , ‘ airli at his office below or ma accoun. T890“ and
-tit"on~ . .. as con appointed and Now i ' '. . r i 0: 13.111.
6.1 it,
. . . . stated, . I . . . . P9 I ha. 1 . 'lICh To (.Rhnni . h . . ,
1.68.0001? Sprlnkhng Hours 6 to 8 a. In, so F0, agrdjuarémgfie
,Lelugegfigg. aazieggzgrlbgtfiggegf gag, Egatieua,
sgledmgidAdgégizgatzi‘ectgisgae : IIE'ITEFFSUgIERTgESCCURTOg;
II‘HE' High 8.31 pm. 14.1 ft. Licensed Embalmers
'. ' lasainst .- c . 1 . '. ‘. 'and tht .11 . '-
'. . i . HINGTON, MA- . . '
lo 0 Alternate Days orélne Cg?nup1:l:§tngrlhni%hthaéhgeggntfigg
cgfil’iitt a‘isid ais-e‘fignfoan‘dp‘ili‘filéi. 313%,,333
ttlgainstathed sai‘iierfi‘é'éiasléfiv‘é‘? £233
§Q§hgoglifir . 1 Low. 3:42 am. -2.2 ft Phow' 1A6 Wnsmsv Prop- .
0135 CO. , . ‘ 361.0035} 05 the said Court. Tn.3 Eiogcuogiéhe estate,
and diséhaxge the reguosgaitetgtlsrmg decefised are hereby I. Hilmeh
aDC‘gmcigdthe Estate of ole v Thurs. High 10:54 am 151 ft. 1 no ~- -
Shelton, Wash,
.1 ‘ . , . ac Inn is to quiet Plank H . ,. f r . i i are e same in the
NOTICE' 1's H‘ER' Nov 12 L7 4'29 '
County v ‘ 3'1?” W19 in and to the West 100 fe t NOTICE IS FURTHER
oi 0”“ required by law and to serve ii 5 EBY GIVEN that 0W P-m- 6.4 ft.
“ i . Lot 1 l " . 'e ’ . . VEN‘. that sayne . i ’ 1.6 the
llhdolslgned hug 1335 r , l - .
. SHOW YOUR DIS APPROVAL ‘ glam. Of- lgfiétiorgi egéStTo‘YVnsifip
gouaooorggggteanvgithmgnodorgert2: amrneuponf
thgcougdeilsligneglporthiii‘s gildthl‘ias; tuttléllifirodollus
céékiiiigfigitggg High 9.21 pm. 13.5 rt. .
as01'! Co ' 3 ' " f ()v- i . a ‘. 3 A. 1 ., with the
01,-! ‘ , HP 0' c 1. Hill 0. 1... . “-’*-'~ ‘
V I perpetuallyunégir 3’2ng 19 figyhgd
bégtgree‘ylhelsézvur‘l {Elem}? {Wm} ’m'ooi' (xi? seialiée
O'fl'irtghailndx figurhmg‘tlh}: I Cgfslegt that all persons
having 1("laughs Low 4132 a-m- '1.6 ft. R0
. < . “.3011 or you from asserting any ri 3? account. report and
Dctiti? 3‘“ i anei- date of the'i‘irs't' publication oi
whiixl‘gtl tba”1...‘l"“'"’s“d ""“
“WW “‘- FTL High 11:51 am 1'30 ft
. _ . . altég‘ehslalg; figuiw' lien or integesi. tthio 23th gay of
Jill‘wolgmber: ghéiriigtcifiebpto six months l llicd, oh‘l
ifigoadlgzi‘isii‘ii’igi idulyn wini- N0v.13 Low 5-35 p'm' .64
5113;223:233. gitlemghg'retgl: 2%”?3. 1: day inaéhe
€%1f'tO(:Rt)0nllLr¥-Egaj%n 0331.7: bugggs plafe fgrltransaction of
the ‘ fitmétio‘a‘ Ighdmnl? [($12 “ddmss ‘ng' High 10:15 pm
12'7 “5 Boite 1 L M Bldg
. l u ‘ ,. , . S‘ o ' , , v i, ' , 3 . same
———-—~_‘__..__.__ .
9 [of the sag, gigs-her to be the owner our ouse at Shelton, Warn- | ofh
the immni‘gy “fi‘ft‘t’hgnfinhfisfgég ihgoge‘iéc gnaw;
GCur-t. together lvvitn Shelton, Washington ‘
, : W.c- 1 . i ‘ ' .‘VlCCv ‘ ‘ 5" .
W ' $35}an LEXES’. ' med thifist‘ii‘ that; 06m”- 194? I
mayr‘iofsmidaliasnifiiet'gcoiié‘; inflate months .after the first
‘i’i’uoii’éaii‘én‘fi’i TOWNSEND CLUB‘
. F. Mcoann George “Buzz” Cooper 1 Office and Postogfig’é addre“
Clerk of the Egg???“ Court Shelton, Wash. V g..
thgagitgtic-foptthefisamowill be barred. .—
Council 4—Year Term Council 2_Years $11321, umbei-men's Bldg; tmflor
Mason County washing. ah§“%13§'&“ “fie
faurithei‘tfiiotifgfid that 1942 A. D lrs Du hcauon' octobe"
23' G ' .
‘ 9n. ason, County, . ‘ - . . 16; Wl in 0 time jDA MA , a r V‘ ‘
. . -l . , , f . . , RID RLE «
W"te m or b Sticker lygshlngton. (By ESTHER ROLES, |3 “Sam Egg be
ioiexer barred. Administratrix OfingsAte f Townsend Club No. .3 will hold
y 330 1176—13-20-27--12—4._7t. .‘DFN cActlng Clerk. I _ / Ad is P:
KEITH, .- 0],, I, H“an Deceased 0 its regular meeting this Saturday -
WV eon: r3 mm: +ng an game} "2%" i g, _' "“
i fiaorfiey iffi‘gfihxi , lJ Ma’d’dniidiii‘il or _’ '
evening in the Moose Hall. The, Licensed Public Accountant
-. _ Try a Journal UlaSSIfied Ad— ‘Tifllet ms‘lwame Building,
AtttyigieyGEfinHfia“ ‘ 3 Office and Postofficls glitdi’e‘ss. Chm
‘15 Sponsom‘g 3 Childrens‘ Notary Public
She on, ashlngton Govey Bldg. mlmstrator. Angle Building. Shelton, .
meeting. ‘Followmg the meeting
" Mason County. Washington there will be musical entertain— 325
Railroad Ave. Phone 115
1 -6-| —2” Shet W h 3i, . . ment lnv
on H .r e 1 re . I