November 7, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 7, 1965 |
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79th YEAI No. 40 Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 20 Pages -- 3 Sections
Whurs(lay, Octoher 7, 196F Entered as second (:lass nlatter at tile pnst office at Shelton, Washington, 98584
under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly ai 327 West Cots 10 Cents Per Copy
The Mason County Forest Feat!-. again this year but those who .
val Association is lo'oking for ideas Ihave concessJion' stan(ls wi'll have | m ~¢i~
for a theme for the 1966 Festival• to have them removed by Sunday IIIIIIIl~J~llli
The group wants to get a theme I night following the Festival.
........~elected as soon as possible, so thatI The association agreed to check Driving piling for the new Simp-
tho~c planning floats will have [ wtth the Jayeees and see if some- son Timber Company sawmill .......
The Shelton ~enool l~o~ru and The dtrfelcnccs he, storms cx
somethil~, to work with when :ning might be done about the which will replace Mill One which ' - ~ " ~ . ::~•: , .: •. ' • -
planning ideas. Premier Night show, which has ex- was torn down earlier this ycar Supt. Robert Qu!ggle in a joint istin.g be.tween the !)card ~md Mr.
........ I nerienced fallilw attendanco in the starve~ ~hi ...... ~- " statemen~ remaseo wednesaay at(- ~ u 1 g g I e concernlng prlnclpauy
The assocatlon asks that anyone ,- ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, ~ ~ --~,-. . , , . • .... ~• . ..
..... I~ot ~o~a~l w~,o ........... elnoon le\ealed an aglecment In lnAt.l.els (I school oohcy and fls-
who has all idea for a theme ~or t- ........... .-~-~. A ouu(llng permit with all eSL1- ,,rhtoh fh. ~,~,a,.rl , fh~l,•,~,,,~ ;t ..... ,..1 ~ ..~ r,~,-~,.~, ,,,.d ~,~I~, ...... ;.,
• . ........ ~ yvttt~ta ba&~ ~u,t~ Wvlvlltt~t~v¥~ IU,) L~.F~" I t.,¢~L |tttllt~t,tttt.JtL {tt~ Ut;lll~ t~vtC.w-
tim Festival turn it in at TheI ------------------ mates vame on hie construcuon oz quest for the superintendent's res-~ed, and both thc board and the
Journal office before Oct. 15. |= |* ll~ $250,000 was out by Slmp- !gnat!on and Quiggle announccd supel'intendcnt have expressed the
The dates for the Festival were[ |4,~m|~lfll R~IIF son•t or the worK n•oln the city he would not seer to be rehired hope that with the support of the
eleIK s ofhce at the end of his ,esent cont~a(t commumty the school personnel
set for May 26. 27 and 28 at a[ |L(]m|(]l|| ~Uy " " . • . .'p ..... : .... ., . ,
meeting of the association Thurs-~ Ken Good, plant engineer, said July 1. and the student'.~, the system will
day night. J--- = e~ = this figure includes just the build- The statement said: operate smootllly and efficiently
THt.¢ L~ A W~K later thnnl|~ ~=a#~ ~' ing to house the new sawmill At "Today the board of directors of durlnK the current school year."
u uai'- "7 :" .:"-~iemoiial -I)-"I|U ~|||V~ ~ the time of the announcemen't of the Shelton Consolidated School The bo'~rd last June requested
usl~.l'~ana, ls.sne,~-l~lofflrers s2y] plans for the construction last District announced that it had Quig'glc's resignation as superin-
..... ' ........ / -- -- . - Ms,, the comnan,, estimated the withdrawn its request for the res- tern ent and Qu ggle had dechned
~aat ou]er conilletlng aa~es, Arm-! dm ,~, ~ • = a, ' ~' ' i ~ -i " ':" ~'- - - ~" "' " ' " "
cost at 5 million T IE1 at on or Mr. t~oDert (duiggie. ~o comply.
ed Forces Day the weekend before[~ • $ . he rest of thc . . ~. ) •
, ~ ~ • . At the same time, Mr. Qulg~,le an- Atic rneys for both sides have
and Mothers Day the weekend be-i~MI/ac/on~0hl cost will col e in ~le macnulery n ....... ~1 .1~+ 1 ..... 111 ~..* .~X~. ~ b'ml v,orl~in,~ ,.n .h ...... H .... ,..~.
• . a~ to oe mstalleu in the building ................................... - .... ~, ...... .~ ..............
fore that made it necessary to set [ , " ployment with the Shelton District then, and, the agreement releas-
~1t ........................................ those dates for the 1966 event. [ Sheltons Foreign Exchange stu- Contractor for the building is in any capacity at the exuiration ed this week is the xesult of
• ~,ttu~--~acn week ~netton Tirer,re ~niet Peevttt, asstS~an~ ~,re cruet ~eorge W ' - • ' "
eraonne hold ro-ti,,= ,~rmo t~ nerfect Hunter ~,,- ¢= .... =.~ firemen Bud ~., ~-- a,=v~ Armed Forces Day is a major] dent, Mario Lodi, 17, Guastalla, estwood Structures, Portland. of the 1965-1966 school year. their efforts•
.......... . , .... - ...... v .................. n and o Ital , will arrive at Seattle Taco
dge and technique of fire fighting. Mirka, and volunter firemen Carl Bernert, Mikeevent m Bremerto . . w, uld| Y: .... . .... :." _. - ~ .....
was taken Monday evening as the Byrd, Dick Ne son, Steve Chase, M ke Longan, craw a numoer of the oanas from| ma Airport at ~.zu p.m. tomgnt. _ ......
With the h gh-~ressure ~um~ which Vince Bostwick Dick Wood, Tim Rose, Jack IKitsap County which normally| Local officers of the American |A~' I r]~ ][ ~ ~ ][
8 r- e" t- • , , •
~rong stream of water as far as 300 Wr,nht. Ray Sudkamp, Jack Saeger, and Brian I participate• m the event here if]Fmld Servtces chapter, the organ- yvel~ nm~ nar~ m~n
'~' power to knock over a stoump. Shoening. ]they were held the same weeKend.|ization which sponsors him here, v~, ,v.zRv =~= • v~ ~
ins fire new l ice, s for t were notified b AFS National
department crew include E ection of off ' he[ " Y ~ ~ ...........
• * * * ~ I coming year, scheduled to be held] Headquarters of the arrival time ~ ~
nous" Problem To Be Faced "-'- Is=. | ]at thc Thursday nigl~t meeting,[thin week. i~
||t1'11 ~1111~_'~II Iwas delayed unl~il the next meet-[ Mr. and Mrs• Olavi Aho, in l ~
this ~ ............ ........ . *h. ,in~ i ............ ~|~ ||||a| ling becm'lSC the nominating corn-!whose home he will live for the l~ ~ ~; ..
n,,, .............. !roll.tee had not complete ts re- year while attendin hi h school
i.o.oc ,on .o,o ,n our . .. ho.o w.h °0e*.on o*
KII|~I~ ~rl~S I A committee of Jerry Samples,[ students from Shelton High School ~ ~~.!~.~
rural areas of Mason County, with only a couple ~(~IIIII|~v~ I Bob Turner and Frank Rains was! will go to the airport to meet him. ' ~~~
eXeentian~ e;,-~ l'Sl~g~t~¢~-if~Yi i~ reasonably I appointed to look into what might] PLANS ARE BEING made for~~ % :~_ ~, ~~%:.:
:. = ...... , .,..y ~ .......... . .o. ., ~ .e~-, .... • m~ |" be needed in the line of replacing[ the welcoming group Any student ~Ir~~'~ ~.,?'
-me excellent )ro ress uur]ng" tilepast iew " • nt for interested inoin can contact
• 1 g ~1[' ~|~||rlfll Ior additional eqmpme the] g g ~ ~ff~~
11~} llhlilil . ]1966 Festival. Among ttems notedieither Patsy Wolfe at the high ~
Y. COmparison the City of Shelton is not in as ........... ram" • /at the meeting were the street dec-] sc.hoo.1 or call ^Mj~. Phyllis Gold- 'r i $~
~$1r,^ f~. LURe ~SDell;On. (2112y, IjO lSSIOn f olaiions, and additional grand! scnmla at az~-~uo•
~, "~' • Monday app~'oved a budget un- / st'tnds to seat visitors Variousl It was announced two weeks ago ~ ....
}re fighting trucks and improved facilities have change'd fromitsprclinfinarybudg-]co'~n~iitce heads ~:ill be'asked to]that the Italian youth would be ~~~
t red at Gral)eview, Union, Hoodsl)ort, Benson et ' ] survev'lhc nccds of their areas and] coming here in place of an Egyp- ~ ~i~)~ii~,i ~:qqi~!: ....
Ile Victor-All n fn-e district . and A1 cadla Loo )LIy] The budget g~ves s a I a r y m- rel)ort them to the con~m~tteeI [ tlan girl originally scheduled to be ' ~~~
', . - '. •. . " . . " •, .... . * • , • , ~.~