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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 7, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 7, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!j 79th YEAI No. 40 Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 20 Pages -- 3 Sections Whurs(lay, Octoher 7, 196F Entered as second (:lass nlatter at tile pnst office at Shelton, Washington, 98584 under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly ai 327 West Cots 10 Cents Per Copy li @ The Mason County Forest Feat!-. again this year but those who . val Association is lo'oking for ideas Ihave concessJion' stan(ls wi'll have | m ~¢i~ for a theme for the 1966 Festival• to have them removed by Sunday IIIIIIIl~J~llli The group wants to get a theme I night following the Festival. ........~elected as soon as possible, so thatI The association agreed to check Driving piling for the new Simp- tho~c planning floats will have [ wtth the Jayeees and see if some- son Timber Company sawmill ....... The Shelton ~enool l~o~ru and The dtrfelcnccs he, storms cx somethil~, to work with when :ning might be done about the which will replace Mill One which ' - ~ " ~ . ::~•: , .: •. ' • - planning ideas. Premier Night show, which has ex- was torn down earlier this ycar Supt. Robert Qu!ggle in a joint istin.g be.tween the !)card ~md Mr. ........ I nerienced fallilw attendanco in the starve~ ~hi ...... ~- " statemen~ remaseo wednesaay at(- ~ u 1 g g I e concernlng prlnclpauy The assocatlon asks that anyone ,- ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, ~ ~ --~,-. . , , . • .... ~• . .. ..... I~ot ~o~a~l w~,o ........... elnoon le\ealed an aglecment In lnAt.l.els (I school oohcy and fls- who has all idea for a theme ~or t- ........... .-~-~. A ouu(llng permit with all eSL1- ,,rhtoh fh. ~,~,a,.rl , fh~l,•,~,,,~ ;t ..... ,..1 ~ ..~ r,~,-~,.~, ,,,.d ~,~I~, ...... ;., • . ........ ~ yvttt~ta ba&~ ~u,t~ Wvlvlltt~t~v¥~ IU,) L~.F~" I t.,¢~L |tttllt~t,tttt.JtL {tt~ Ut;lll~ t~vtC.w- tim Festival turn it in at TheI ------------------ mates vame on hie construcuon oz quest for the superintendent's res-~ed, and both thc board and the Journal office before Oct. 15. |= |* ll~ $250,000 was out by Slmp- !gnat!on and Quiggle announccd supel'intendcnt have expressed the The dates for the Festival were[ |4,~m|~lfll R~IIF son•t or the worK n•oln the city he would not seer to be rehired hope that with the support of the eleIK s ofhce at the end of his ,esent cont~a(t commumty the school personnel set for May 26. 27 and 28 at a[ |L(]m|(]l|| ~Uy " " . • . .'p ..... : .... ., . , meeting of the association Thurs-~ Ken Good, plant engineer, said July 1. and the student'.~, the system will day night. J--- = e~ = this figure includes just the build- The statement said: operate smootllly and efficiently THt.¢ L~ A W~K later thnnl|~ ~=a#~ ~' ing to house the new sawmill At "Today the board of directors of durlnK the current school year." u uai'- "7 :" .:"-~iemoiial -I)-"I|U ~|||V~ ~ the time of the announcemen't of the Shelton Consolidated School The bo'~rd last June requested usl~.l'~ana, ls.sne,~-l~lofflrers s2y] plans for the construction last District announced that it had Quig'glc's resignation as superin- ..... ' ........ / -- -- . - Ms,, the comnan,, estimated the withdrawn its request for the res- tern ent and Qu ggle had dechned ~aat ou]er conilletlng aa~es, Arm-! dm ,~, ~ • = a, ' ~' ' i ~ -i " ':" ~'- - - ~" "' " ' " " cost at 5 million T IE1 at on or Mr. t~oDert (duiggie. ~o comply. ed Forces Day the weekend before[~ • $ . he rest of thc . . ~. ) • , ~ ~ • . At the same time, Mr. Qulg~,le an- Atic rneys for both sides have and Mothers Day the weekend be-i~MI/ac/on~0hl cost will col e in ~le macnulery n ....... ~1 .1~+ 1 ..... 111 ~..* .~X~. ~ b'ml v,orl~in,~ ,.n .h ...... H .... ,..~. • . a~ to oe mstalleu in the building ................................... - .... ~, ...... .~ .............. fore that made it necessary to set [ , " ployment with the Shelton District then, and, the agreement releas- ~1t ........................................ those dates for the 1966 event. [ Sheltons Foreign Exchange stu- Contractor for the building is in any capacity at the exuiration ed this week is the xesult of • ~,ttu~--~acn week ~netton Tirer,re ~niet Peevttt, asstS~an~ ~,re cruet ~eorge W ' - • ' " eraonne hold ro-ti,,= ,~rmo t~ nerfect Hunter ~,,- ¢= .... =.~ firemen Bud ~., ~-- a,=v~ Armed Forces Day is a major] dent, Mario Lodi, 17, Guastalla, estwood Structures, Portland. of the 1965-1966 school year. their efforts• .......... . , .... - ...... v .................. n and o Ital , will arrive at Seattle Taco dge and technique of fire fighting. Mirka, and volunter firemen Carl Bernert, Mikeevent m Bremerto . . w, uld| Y: .... . .... :." _. - ~ ..... was taken Monday evening as the Byrd, Dick Ne son, Steve Chase, M ke Longan, craw a numoer of the oanas from| ma Airport at ~.zu p.m. tomgnt. _ ...... With the h gh-~ressure ~um~ which Vince Bostwick Dick Wood, Tim Rose, Jack IKitsap County which normally| Local officers of the American |A~' I r]~ ][ ~ ~ ][ 8 r- e" t- • , , • ~rong stream of water as far as 300 Wr,nht. Ray Sudkamp, Jack Saeger, and Brian I participate• m the event here if]Fmld Servtces chapter, the organ- yvel~ nm~ nar~ m~n '~' power to knock over a stoump. Shoening. ]they were held the same weeKend.|ization which sponsors him here, v~, ,v.zRv =~= • v~ ~ ins fire new l ice, s for t were notified b AFS National department crew include E ection of off ' he[ " Y ~ ~ ........... • * * * ~ I coming year, scheduled to be held] Headquarters of the arrival time ~ ~ nous" Problem To Be Faced "-'- Is=. | ]at thc Thursday nigl~t meeting,[thin week. i~ ||t1'11 ~1111~_'~II Iwas delayed unl~il the next meet-[ Mr. and Mrs• Olavi Aho, in l ~ this ~ ............ ........ . *h. ,in~ i ............ ~|~ ||||a| ling becm'lSC the nominating corn-!whose home he will live for the l~ ~ ~; .. n,,, .............. !roll.tee had not complete ts re- year while attendin hi h school i.o.oc ,on .o,o ,n our . .. ho.o w.h °0e*.on o* KII|~I~ ~rl~S I A committee of Jerry Samples,[ students from Shelton High School ~ ~~.!~.~ rural areas of Mason County, with only a couple ~(~IIIII|~v~ I Bob Turner and Frank Rains was! will go to the airport to meet him. ' ~~~ eXeentian~ e;,-~ l'Sl~g~t~¢~-if~Yi i~ reasonably I appointed to look into what might] PLANS ARE BEING made for~~ % :~_ ~, ~~%:.: :. = ...... , .,..y ~ .......... . .o. ., ~ .e~-, .... • m~ |" be needed in the line of replacing[ the welcoming group Any student ~Ir~~'~ ~.,?' -me excellent )ro ress uur]ng" tilepast iew " • nt for interested inoin can contact • 1 g ~1[' ~|~||rlfll Ior additional eqmpme the] g g ~ ~ff~~ 11~} llhlilil . ]1966 Festival. Among ttems notedieither Patsy Wolfe at the high ~ Y. COmparison the City of Shelton is not in as ........... ram" • /at the meeting were the street dec-] sc.hoo.1 or call ^Mj~. Phyllis Gold- 'r i $~ ~$1r,^ f~. LURe ~SDell;On. (2112y, IjO lSSIOn f olaiions, and additional grand! scnmla at az~-~uo• ~, "~' • Monday app~'oved a budget un- / st'tnds to seat visitors Variousl It was announced two weeks ago ~ .... }re fighting trucks and improved facilities have change'd fromitsprclinfinarybudg-]co'~n~iitce heads ~:ill be'asked to]that the Italian youth would be ~~~ t red at Gral)eview, Union, Hoodsl)ort, Benson et ' ] survev'lhc nccds of their areas and] coming here in place of an Egyp- ~ ~i~)~ii~,i ~:qqi~!: .... Ile Victor-All n fn-e district . and A1 cadla Loo )LIy] The budget g~ves s a I a r y m- rel)ort them to the con~m~tteeI [ tlan girl originally scheduled to be ' ~~~ ', . - '. •. . " . . " •, .... . * • , • , ~.~